Commanding Her Trust (11 page)

Read Commanding Her Trust Online

Authors: Lili Valente

Tags: #Romance, #General Fiction

Slowly, drawing out the bliss of that first thrust into where she was so tight, so wet, Blake pushed forward until he was buried to the hilt, his balls pressed tightly against her clit. “Jesus, Erin. My pussy is so wet.”

Erin wiggled her hips, taking him in even deeper. “You make me that way, I can’t help it,” she said, a shudder of desire working through her body as her pussy tightened around where he lay buried inside her. “Fuck me now, Blake. Please fuck me.”

Blake grunted, delivering a sharp smack on the cheek of her ass, his cock swelling inside her as she cried out in excitement. “Do you want me to spank you while I fuck you?”

“Yes,” she said, another cry escaping her lips as he swatted her other cheek. “Yes, sir. Please. Please!”

Blake brought his hands back to her hips, digging his fingers into the full flesh with enough force to make her moan as pain and pleasure fused together. The tension in the muscles trembling beneath his hands made it clear Erin wouldn’t last much longer. A few more cracks of his hand and she was going to come before he had a chance to thrust inside her a second time.

Normally he’d be glad to feel her come at least once before he did himself, but not now. Not even thinking of dead puppies or his grandmother’s underpants was going to help him maintain control if Erin’s pussy started pulsing around his aching cock. He was too close to his own release.

“I’m going to give you what you want, beautiful, but don’t come until you get permission,” Blake said, beginning to pump in and out, slowly at first, but with enough force that Erin’s ass rippled every time he thrust home. “If you come before, I’m going to use those clothespins on your pussy.”

“Yes, God, yes.” She gasped and her breath came faster as his rhythm increased.

The desire in her voice was nearly enough to make Blake laugh, no matter how close he was to the edge. He should have known Erin wouldn’t consider clamps on her pussy lips a punishment. She was into a little bit of pain. He could understand the kink completely. He enjoyed pain himself. He couldn’t wait to feel her teeth on him again, raking across his lips, digging into his bicep as she writhed beneath him.

“Don’t come, Erin.” Blake punctuated his words with a sharp smack on her white ass and then another and another. He began to spank her in earnest, reddening her beautiful ass until her flesh was swollen and every thrust of his cock into her pussy made her moan.

“Please, Blake,” she begged, her breath coming so fast he feared she might hyperventilate. “Please, I can’t hold back.”

“You can. You will,” he said, abandoning the last of his control, holding nothing back as he drove into her slick sheath. “Wait for me, baby. Wait.”

Faster and faster he moved, ramming inside Erin even as he reddened her ass until his hand itched and stung. She cried out and shoved back into his strokes, her fingernails digging into the carpet, desperate little grunts sounding at the back of her throat as she got closer and closer, until finally he knew she couldn’t hold back a second longer.

“Come, baby, come on my cock.” He groaned as Erin screamed his name and her pussy squeezed his dick.

Seconds later, he lost himself inside her, thick jets pulsing from his aching sac with a bliss that was almost painful. This time, he didn’t pull out, but spent himself deep inside her welcoming heat, the sensation of marking her insides with his cum making the orgasm hotter than any he could remember. Blake’s entire body shook with the force of his release, turning his bones to jelly by the time the waves of pleasure finally began to abate.

“Fuck, baby,” he panted as he fell forward, palms landing on either side of Erin’s. He buried his face in the sweat-dampened hair at her neck and inhaled the intoxicating scent of aroused woman. “I love fucking you.”

“I love getting fucked,” she said, her voice breathy with laughter. “That was perfect. Just what I needed.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t make you come twice.” Blake wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her closer, relishing the feel of his cock softening inside her. “I knew I wouldn’t last through more than one, you felt too amazing.”

“But what a one it was.” She sighed as she twined the fingers of her left hand with his. “I’m not greedy, one can be plenty. Though, next time, let’s skip the next to the fire thing. It’s romantic, but I’m a little dizzy from the heat.”

“I thought it was my superior fucking skills.”

She laughed. “That probably has something to do with it, too.” She shifted beneath him, dropping her forehead to the carpet. “I actually don’t mind the dizziness, but the dripping sweat I could do without.”

“I don’t know, I like a little sweat.” He ran his tongue along her shoulder, catching the lightly salty taste of her with his tongue.

“Me too, until it dries and starts to feel sticky and gross.”

“Hint taken.” Blake pulled out of Erin and sat back on his heels, watching her as she rolled over to face him. “What would you say to a shower?”

“I’d love one.” She met his eyes with an almost shy look that absolutely slayed him. “I’m assuming this shower will be coed?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t want you to have to clean your own back…or my pussy.” He stood and reached down to help Erin to her feet, marveling that even something as simple as taking her hand sent a shock of electricity through his body. “Besides, someone has to show you how to work the shower nozzle.”

“Oh, I know how,” she said with a soft laugh. “In fact, I think I could show you a few things, mister.” She reached her hand between his legs, cupping his sac and rolling his balls in her fingers. “I could do some nice things to these in massage mode.”

“I bet you could.” He groaned and bent down to capture her lips.

She met his tongue with her own, sighing as they explored each other with a sweetness that surprised him. No matter how intense the fucking had been, the tender mood they’d established before hadn’t been destroyed. In fact, if anything, he loved her more than he had a few minutes ago.

“I love you,” he mumbled against her lips. “And I’m not going to stop saying it. If it scares you, you’ll have to get over it.”

“I’ll try.” She wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him, pressing her breasts and the clothespins still attached to them against his chest.

“Are you ready for those to come off?” he asked, cupping the underside of her breast in one hand. “They must be stinging by now.”

“I like stinging, but, yeah. They need to come off if you’re going to soap my nipples.” She pulled away from him wincing as he removed the pins. “And once you’ve done my nipples, you should get my breasts all slick and soapy and fuck them in the shower. I heard something about a man wanting to fuck some tits a while back. That
you, right?”

Blake lunged for her and Erin squealed and made a run for the stairs, her squeals turning to laughter as he chased her straight into the shower.

They stepped inside and turned on the water without waiting for it to get hot, clinging to each other for the first few chilly minutes. Then, when the cool stream had warmed, Erin reached for the soap and turned back to him with a smile. A smile that promised everything naughty and nice, and everything Blake hadn’t dared to hope for.

His deepest, most secret wish was coming true. Erin was going to be his, and this time he was never going to let her go.

No matter what he had to do to keep her.


Erin indulged in a full body stretch, luxuriating in the softness of Blake’s featherbed. Her body ached in all sorts of forgotten places, but it was the soreness along her jaw muscles that shocked her the most.

When was the last time she’d smiled so much it made her face hurt? Had that

But then why shouldn’t she be smiling?

A few feet away, a gorgeous man who had made her come twice in the shower and two more times once they’d stumbled into his bedroom was digging through his suitcase and making noises about cooking tortellini for dinner. Every once in a while, he turned around to smile at her as he plucked jeans and a tight brown sweater from the neatly folded clothes in his bag and pulled them on, the look in his eyes leaving no doubt that he loved her.

He loved her.

Blake still
her and wanted them to have a future together.

The thought was exhilarating…and completely terrifying. She felt the same way about him and he seemed to be everything she’d ever wanted in a partner, but there was still that shred of doubt.

What would he do when he found out the mess she’d gotten herself into with her ex? No matter how much he loved her, she knew it would be hard for Blake to respect her once he realized she’d willingly turned her entire life over to a man she’d barely known for six months before they were married. He would think she was a fool. Hell,
thought she was a fool, so she couldn’t really blame him.

And even if he could look past her poor decisions, what would Blake do when he found out she wasn’t flying solo anymore? That she came with extra baggage in the form of a nearly one-year-old little girl?

Would he still want her when he found out the truth?

And even if he did, would he be able to really
another man’s child? Erin couldn’t imagine building a life with a man who couldn’t love her little girl as much as she did. She wanted Abby to grow up feeling treasured by everyone around her. And if that meant Erin was destined to be alone for the rest of her life, so be it. When she finally got her daughter back, she was going to make whatever sacrifices were necessary to ensure Abby had the happy, healthy childhood she and Blake hadn’t.

Even if that meant giving up her second chance with the man of her dreams.

“I’m going down to start supper,” Blake said, turning back to her with a pile of clothes in his large hands.

Erin forced a smile, not wanting him to see the direction her thoughts had been taking. “What’s this?”

“I brought you jeans, a sweater, and a long-sleeved tee shirt for underneath,” he said. “In case the sweater’s itchy. Size two on the jeans and small on everything else. Is that about right?”

“That’s perfect.” She took the clothes from his hands, marveling at the softness of the pale blue sweater. It was obviously expensive, which made her sad. She’d been with Scott for years and he’d never spent money on clothes for her. Pricey lingerie, yes, but that had been more for his pleasure than her own.

“Just about perfect.” Blake reached out and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear with a smile. “A little skinny, but I can help you take care of that. I’m a decent cook.”

“You’re an amazing cook, but you can’t fatten me up until I get some modeling work,” she said with a sigh. “I’ve got bills to pay, and people prefer their models bony.”

“What people?” he scoffed. “Real men like women who look healthy, curvy, and happy.” He smiled as he moved toward the stairs. “Besides, I’ve got enough money to take care of your bills, don’t worry about it.”

“Blake,” Erin said, waiting until he stopped and turned back to her before continuing. “I don’t want you to pay my bills. I care about you and I love submitting to you, but I’ve learned there are aspects of my life that I need to be in control of myself.”

He nodded. “All right. But let me know if you change your mind. I’d love to help you if you decide to let me,” he said, the matter clearly dismissed. “Now hurry up and get dressed. I’m going to put you to work chopping vegetables. Can’t have you thinking you’ll be waited on every meal.”

“Yes, sir.” Erin smiled and made a show of leaping out of the bed and scrambling into her jeans, making Blake laugh before he headed down the stairs.

As soon as he was gone, however, she felt her spirits deflate and sank back down onto the bed.

The fact that he’d so easily understood what had been a huge point of contention early in her marriage to Scott only made her more anxious. Blake really was the man she’d been dreaming about, the type of Dom who understood that being in control of a submissive didn’t mean taking charge of every aspect of her life. She knew he’d never try to make her sign the kind of contract Scott had, the one that gave the Dominant partner control over his submissive’s finances as well as everything else.

Men like Blake didn’t need that kind of stranglehold on another person to feel powerful.

“Right, and how stupid is he going to think you are for signing something like that in the first place?” Erin dropped her face into her hands.

When had this weekend become so complicated? She certainly had a gift for getting herself into impossible situations.

This isn’t impossible, just impractical and crazy and doomed from the start.

Damned inner voice. No sense in sitting around listening to it prophesy certain disaster.

Erin stood and shrugged on the long-sleeved tee and sweater—which was one hundred percent angora from Neiman Marcus, so her expensive vibes had been right on the money—and headed into the bathroom to try to do something with her hair. She worked a little of Blake’s gel through the still damp curls and then dug through her purse for lipstick and mascara. She wanted to look pretty for Blake, to relax and enjoy the rest of their time at the cabin together, but she knew she had to come clean sooner or later.

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