Committed (Book 2) (30 Days) (11 page)


The epic gala we’re about to hit up is attended by over twelve hundred guests and includes four individually themed rooms, three dance floors, sixteen bars, a Champagne Ball countdown and more. How Jenna scored six tickets is beyond me but I’m pretty pumped.
“Elle you almost ready?” I call to the bathroom while straightening my jacket.
“I just need five more minutes!” She says popping her head through the doorway.
I perch on the kitchen stool not wanting to get too comfortable and wait. The swish of her dress and click of her heels in the hall lets me know she’s ready as I stand from the stool. As she rounds the corner my jaw drops and I struggle to breathe. Her champagne colored beaded slip dress has spaghetti straps and a billowy top. It clings to her and moves with her body. Her hair is piled high on her head in loose curls with a few loose strands. She has more make-up than normal on but it’s still light and her emerald green eyes shine and sparkle like the diamond studs in her ears. The way the dress shimmers in the light makes it impossible to tear your eyes from her and the way it molds to her bust, waist and hips. I don't want to take her out in public. I want to take her out of that dress and do other things to her. I mentally chastise myself before pulling it together and responding. “You look stunning babe.” I tell her still unable to comprehend that she’s mine.
Her eyes dart down her body then back to me. “Yeah?” She asks. Closing the distance between us I grab her hand and pull her to me. “I don't even have words for what you in that dress does to me but if we don't leave now we won't be leaving at all.” Her expression is heated and lustful momentarily before changing back to excited and flirty.
“Well then handsome, we’d better go.” Running her palms down my chest she smoothed my shirt before kissing me. She tastes minty and sweet. I help her with her coat and escort her to the car.
The Champagne Ball was located in the lower ballroom level of the Wyngate hotel which took two escalator rides down to making our grand entrance to the fun. There are lights twinkling everywhere, balloon arches and the decorations are festive. I’ve never attended anything so lively and formal.
We start our night there with a six-course New Year's Eve gala dinner, with dishes such as beef consommé with truffle-celery ravioli and turbot with lobster jelly I knew Elle was in heaven. Jenna and Sarah look amazing in their get ups and I’m thankful that the girls suggested tuxedos for us. We’d be severely undressed otherwise. The dance floor was like a planetary motion of all couples spinning and revolving around the floor. Everyone graceful and elegant. Elle and I joined in when they played a tango. We did well considering we’d only had the one lesson together. I dipped her at the end making her squeal with delight.
We enjoyed taking pictures at the complementary photo booth. There was a table off to the side with funny props to add character to the photo booth shots. Each couple or group stood in front of the self-administered photo session which automatically took your picture every seven seconds so you had to be quick with changing props. After taking 5 poses a printed picture pops out and is free for you to take home. We did this a couple of times getting some good ones of just Elle and I and then some with the six of us crushed together laughing.
I felt like I was stepping into classy Vegas for the night. In the main ballroom a live local band performed top 80′s hits. Between performances by the band, the DJ played popular club music which kept the dance floor packed and interactive. The second largest room had an additional dance floor with a DJ playing popular current music which also had a packed dance floor. Scattered between both rooms were mini tables and multiple bars that served an array of alcoholic beverages.
“This is crazy.” John says as he sips his beer.
“I know right?! My girl is the bomb for scoring tickets!” Ben gushes.
“Where are the girls?”
“I think they went to check out the other dance floors and the silent auction.” John informs me. I pull out my phone, touch the gps app I had installed on Elle’s phone and mine and pull up the map. Zooming in I see that she’s a hundred feet to the left of me since that’s the other ballroom I assume the ladies are dancing.
“You still have that?” Ben asks.
“Yeah.” I shrug.
“Did you ever tell Elle?”
“No.” I answer.
“Dude, you are gonna be in so much shit when she finds out.”
“What? It was your idea Ben.”
“Yeah but that was like months ago!” He shouts.
“Nothing’s changed though.”
“Well I think it’s safe to say that since what’s-his-nuts hasn't tried anything since her release and divorce, he’s given up.” I look incredulously at Ben.
“How can you say that?”
“Colin, she seems so good right now. That loser ex-husband hasn’t caused any issues. I think it’s time to put operation babysit Elle on the back burner.” John offers.
“Seriously? I mean, I get it but what if she’s still not safe.”
“What if she finds that app and flips her shit at you?” Ben retorts. I know he’s right. Elle made such a stink about me being overbearing when she first came home that she’d definitely hate the idea that I can find her anywhere, anytime without her knowing. It’s not that I’m controlling I just fear for her safety.
“Alright.” I close the app and tuck my phone into my jacket pocket. “I get it. No more GPS.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Jenna asks slipping an arm around Ben. I feel Elle’s arm wrap around my waist, looking down her green eyes shine brilliantly with happiness. I lean down and brush a soft kiss across her lips.
“Colin and his strange obsession with Elle.” Ben answers. I glare at him over Elle’s head. Jenna catches the look and cocks an eyebrow at me.
“What exactly are you obsessed with?”
“Nothing any normal man wouldn't be. Look at her, she’s gorgeous.” Elle’s arm squeezes my waist a little tighter.
“It’s almost midnight we should head into the main ballroom.” She suggests. Five heads nod their agreement and we all shuffle into the giant ballroom. I grab us each a flute of champagne from a passing tray. As the countdown begins I look down into Elle’s gleaming eyes and wonder how we managed to get here. There have been so many obstacles to hurdle. She should be worn down and beaten but she's not. Somehow she’s better than ever, well better than I’ve ever seen her. The MC yells “ONE! Happy New Year!”
We toss back our heads letting the champagne slide down our throats. Elle smiles that radiant smile as her arms snake around my neck pulling me down to her. When our mouths meet our tongues dance together in exploration. She nips my bottom lip, drawing it out before pushing back in and deepening the kiss. The crowd around us suddenly disappears and the only sounds I can hear are her soft moans and the beat of my heart in my ears. I press the small of her back firmly pushing her torso into mine and weave my fingers in the hair at the nape of her neck. The electric shock that passes between us elicits a strangled cry of pleasure from Elle. We slowly break apart staring into each other’s eyes grinning. She rests her head on my chest and sighs, “Happy New Year Handsome.”
“Happy New Year babe.”
At one we slither into coats, collect purses and pictures and make our way to the exit to head home. Elle has a dreamy far off look on her face that makes it impossible for me to feel anything less than ten feet tall.


“Night guys! Jenna thank you so much, this was the most fun!” I pull Jenna into a hug and squeeze with all the energy I have left. Colin and I make our escape to the car to head home. The evening was absolutely magical. Colin might be the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on dressed in his tux. The way it fits his broad shoulders then tapers defining his muscular midsection all but sets me on fire. I saw the way other women looked at him. He was all man candy. I also saw the way he didn't notice other women. Every time I stole a glance at him his eyes were trained on me.
“I had so much fun tonight.” I say taking his hand in mine while he navigates the snowy street.
“That was one hell of a party.”
“So, any resolutions?” I ask. His eyes cloud temporarily before clearing and I wonder what he could be thinking.
“To be honest.” He says hesitantly. My heart rate spikes instantly. What is talking about? Colin is nothing but honest.
“Care to elaborate?” I hate that my voice shakes as I ask. He pulls the car into his spot at our apartment, puts it in park and turns to me.
“Elle, I want to tell you something but I don’t want to ruin our night.”
“Just say it.” I all but bark at him. He looks upset at my tone.
“I installed a GPS app on your phone before giving it to you. From my phone I can see where you are at any time.” He bows his head in guilt. A swirl of emotions rush me. Happiness that he’s so concerned with my safety, irritation, betrayal of trust, understanding, violation. I can’t decide which emotion screams the loudest so I remain silent.
“Elle? Say something.”
“I don't know what to say. I feel violated and upset but...I understand too.” I look out the window staring vacantly. “I’m not even sure if I should be angry with you or Ryan. You’d never behave this way if it wasn’t for him. I’m confused. I know it’s not right, you should have told me, but I don’t know what to feel. Let’s go inside, I’m tired.” And I am. I suddenly feel like the only thing I need or want is a long uninterrupted sleep. Colin nods his head and shuts the car off. He gets my door for me and escorts me inside and up the stairs. Shrugging off my coat and setting my purse down I make a beeline for the bathroom. I’d wanted Colin to strip this dress off me tonight. I had grand ideas for the
party but now all I want are pj pants and bed. I slip out of my dress and lingerie, pull up my flannel pj pants, tug a camisole on and head to the bedroom. Colin is changing into his pj pants as I sit and start pulling the bobby pins from my hair. It tumbles down hitting my shoulders as the pins come out. I set them all on the nightstand and crawl under the covers.
“Are you mad?” He asks pulling the blankets over him.
“I honestly don't know Colin. I just want to sleep.” I roll away from him and close my eyes willing the tornado of emotions to calm long enough for me to find sleep. He sighs, switches off his lamp and makes no move to snuggle me. Sometimes when I turn my back I really want to be held, but I’m not even sure of that right now. I listen to his labored breathing knowing that he’s struggling to give me the space he thinks I want.
“Love you babe.” He whispers. I kick my leg back until it touches his leg lightly. It’s enough contact to calm me without giving in, in case I am mad. My thoughts slow eventually and I drift to sleep still unsure how I feel about his admission.
I wake early. Rolling over I look over Colin’s sleeping form and sigh to myself. I am mad but I’m not too. I push back the covers, hop out of bed and start a pot of coffee. Colin strolls into the kitchen half an hour later looking sheepish and unsure as to whether or not he should say good morning. I hate this whole unsure feeling. I don’t want to be upset with him and I don’t want him to shy away from me.
“Morning.” I offer.
“I have a few things I need to take care of before work so I need to skip the gym this morning.”
“Oh.” He stares into his coffee. I walk over and sling my arms around his waist.
“Colin, I don't want to be mad. What’s done is done. Can you disable or delete the app?”
His hazel eyes light ever so slightly.
“I can...” He admits.
“I’m not trying to sound like an ass ... but it’s comforting knowing that it’s there if it’s ever needed. I don’t check it routinely or anything. Just when I get nervous or haven't heard from you in a while.”
“So you’re going with-it gives you peace of mind?” I stare at him.
“It does though.” He looks frustrated with himself and sad. I blow out a breath sending my bangs flying.
“Fine. Leave it as is.” I offer.
“Elle.” He pushes.
“No. Just leave it. You’re right, it could prove useful. Can I check it to see where
are?” I ask curiously.
“Yes, it works both ways.” He nods. I chuckle because it’s sort of amusing. He looks horrified that I’ve let this go and can't seem to make out whether this is a test or trick.
“Ok then, I want you to show me how to use the app, tonight after work.”
“Seriously?” He questions.
“Yes. Now, if you don't mind mister, I need to get in the shower so I’m not late.” He kisses the top of my head, my temple and my mouth before letting me go and blowing out a breath. I have to admit, it’s kind of funny watching him squirm because of me.



I hate her brown hair, her clothes and the smile on her face. She’s put me in an impossible situation. The control she took away makes me furious and I can't stop the cyclical thoughts that I’ll do anything to take that control back. Elle will not get the best of me. I will not let her win. She deserves no happiness in her life. I have three days. Alister’s peons follow me around watching my every move. It leaves me frazzled and paranoid.
The wind blows and her hair flies wildly around her face. I watch as she zips her coat up to her neck and shivers. When she reaches the shop door her gloved hands fumble with the key and lock. I could do it now but there’s too much risk. People mill about the streets and it’s day time. She pushes through the door disappearing into the shop. I’ll wait. I have nowhere to be today anyways. The smile that lights up her face makes her green eyes sparkle. Bitch. She walks unaffected by life out the door with a chalkboard, sets it up on the sidewalk and hurries back into the shop. I’d like the smack the smile off of her. She thinks she knows what I’m capable of but I’ll stop at nothing to get what I want. At one time there seemed to be a threshold I wouldn't surpass but that invisible line is long gone. I endured her for years and I want what I’m owed.
I inch the car forward a few spots giving me a better view through the picture window of her shop. She moves gracefully around preparing things for her day. As she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear she stares out the window and I think she’s made me but her emerald eyes look lost in thought. The money I made from the sale of the furnishings from our house did little to alleviate the debt to Alister. I need more. She wipes down the counter, wiggling her hips to an unknown melody and for a moment I feel a pang of want. Her body, always soft and pliant moves before my eyes. I remember the feel of her skin and the way she moved under me doing whatever I demanded of her. Maybe we can have a little fun for old time’s sake before I take what I need from her.
It surprises me that no one else works at the shop with her. She’s all alone in there making my job so much easier. I’m sure she thought my threat was a false one, she never was the brightest bulb in the box. I finish my coffee, pull around the block and park. Reclining my seat I shut my eyes for a little nap to kill time.

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