Complete Works of Wilkie Collins (1678 page)

“Shall we say friendship, Mr. Vendale?”

“Say love — and we shall be nearer to the truth.”

Obenreizer started out of his chair.  The faintly discernible beat, which was his nearest approach to a change of colour, showed itself suddenly in his cheeks.

“You are Miss Obenreizer’s guardian,” pursued Vendale.  “I ask you to confer upon me the greatest of all favours — I ask you to give me her hand in marriage.”

Obenreizer dropped back into his chair.  “Mr. Vendale,” he said, “you petrify me.”

“I will wait,” rejoined Vendale, “until you have recovered yourself.”

“One word before I recover myself.  You have said nothing about this to my niece?”

“I have opened my whole heart to your niece.  And I have reason to hope — ”

“What!” interposed Obenreizer.  “You have made a proposal to my niece, without first asking for my authority to pay your addresses to her?”  He struck his hand on the table, and lost his hold over himself for the first time in Vendale’s experience of him.  “Sir!” he exclaimed, indignantly, “what sort of conduct is this?  As a man of honour, speaking to a man of honour, how can you justify it?”

“I can only justify it as one of our English institutions,” said Vendale quietly.  “You admire our English institutions.  I can’t honestly tell you, Mr. Obenreizer, that I regret what I have done.  I can only assure you that I have not acted in the matter with any intentional disrespect towards yourself.  This said, may I ask you to tell me plainly what objection you see to favouring my suit?”

“I see this immense objection,” answered Obenreizer, “that my niece and you are not on a social equality together.  My niece is the daughter of a poor peasant; and you are the son of a gentleman.  You do us an honour,” he added, lowering himself again gradually to his customary polite level, “which deserves, and has, our most grateful acknowledgments.  But the inequality is too glaring; the sacrifice is too great.  You English are a proud people, Mr. Vendale.  I have observed enough of this country to see that such a marriage as you propose would be a scandal here.  Not a hand would be held out to your peasant-wife; and all your best friends would desert you.”

“One moment,” said Vendale, interposing on his side.  “I may claim, without any great arrogance, to know more of my country people in general, and of my own friends in particular, than you do.  In the estimation of everybody whose opinion is worth having, my wife herself would be the one sufficient justification of my marriage.  If I did not feel certain — observe, I say certain — that I am offering her a position which she can accept without so much as the shadow of a humiliation — I would never (cost me what it might) have asked her to be my wife.  Is there any other obstacle that you see?  Have you any personal objection to me?”

Obenreizer spread out both his hands in courteous protest.  “Personal objection!” he exclaimed.  “Dear sir, the bare question is painful to me.”

“We are both men of business,” pursued Vendale, “and you naturally expect me to satisfy you that I have the means of supporting a wife.  I can explain my pecuniary position in two words.  I inherit from my parents a fortune of twenty thousand pounds.  In half of that sum I have only a life-interest, to which, if I die, leaving a widow, my widow succeeds.  If I die, leaving children, the money itself is divided among them, as they come of age.  The other half of my fortune is at my own disposal, and is invested in the wine-business.  I see my way to greatly improving that business.  As it stands at present, I cannot state my return from my capital embarked at more than twelve hundred a year.  Add the yearly value of my life-interest — and the total reaches a present annual income of fifteen hundred pounds.  I have the fairest prospect of soon making it more.  In the meantime, do you object to me on pecuniary grounds?”

Driven back to his last entrenchment, Obenreizer rose, and took a turn backwards and forwards in the room.  For the moment, he was plainly at a loss what to say or do next.

“Before I answer that last question,” he said, after a little close consideration with himself, “I beg leave to revert for a moment to Miss Marguerite.  You said something just now which seemed to imply that she returns the sentiment with which you are pleased to regard her?”

“I have the inestimable happiness,” said Vendale, “of knowing that she loves me.”

Obenreizer stood silent for a moment, with the film over his eyes, and the faintly perceptible beat becoming visible again in his cheeks.

“If you will excuse me for a few minutes,” he said, with ceremonious politeness, “I should like to have the opportunity of speaking to my niece.”  With those words, he bowed, and quitted the room.

Left by himself, Vendale’s thoughts (as a necessary result of the interview, thus far) turned instinctively to the consideration of Obenreizer’s motives.  He had put obstacles in the way of the courtship; he was now putting obstacles in the way of the marriage — a marriage offering advantages which even his ingenuity could not dispute.  On the face of it, his conduct was incomprehensible.  What did it mean?

Seeking, under the surface, for the answer to that question — and remembering that Obenreizer was a man of about his own age; also, that Marguerite was, strictly speaking, his half-niece only — Vendale asked himself, with a lover’s ready jealousy, whether he had a rival to fear, as well as a guardian to conciliate.  The thought just crossed his mind, and no more.  The sense of Marguerite’s kiss still lingering on his cheek reminded him gently that even the jealousy of a moment was now a treason to

On reflection, it seemed most likely that a personal motive of another kind might suggest the true explanation of Obenreizer’s conduct.  Marguerite’s grace and beauty were precious ornaments in that little household.  They gave it a special social attraction and a special social importance.  They armed Obenreizer with a certain influence in reserve, which he could always depend upon to make his house attractive, and which he might always bring more or less to bear on the forwarding of his own private ends.  Was he the sort of man to resign such advantages as were here implied, without obtaining the fullest possible compensation for the loss?  A connection by marriage with Vendale offered him solid advantages, beyond all doubt.  But there were hundreds of men in London with far greater power and far wider influence than Vendale possessed.  Was it possible that this man’s ambition secretly looked higher than the highest prospects that could be offered to him by the alliance now proposed for his niece?  As the question passed through Vendale’s mind, the man himself reappeared — to answer it, or not to answer it, as the event might prove.

A marked change was visible in Obenreizer when he resumed his place.  His manner was less assured, and there were plain traces about his mouth of recent agitation which had not been successfully composed.  Had he said something, referring either to Vendale or to himself, which had raised Marguerite’s spirit, and which had placed him, for the first time, face to face with a resolute assertion of his niece’s will?  It might or might not be.  This only was certain — he looked like a man who had met with a repulse.

“I have spoken to my niece,” he began.  “I find, Mr. Vendale, that even your influence has not entirely blinded her to the social objections to your proposal.”

“May I ask,” returned Vendale, “if that is the only result of your interview with Miss Obenreizer?”

A momentary flash leapt out through the Obenreizer film.

“You are master of the situation,” he answered, in a tone of sardonic submission.  “If you insist on my admitting it, I do admit it in those words.  My niece’s will and mine used to be one, Mr. Vendale.  You have come between us, and her will is now yours.  In my country, we know when we are beaten, and we submit with our best grace.  I submit, with my best grace, on certain conditions.  Let us revert to the statement of your pecuniary position.  I have an objection to you, my dear sir — a most amazing, a most audacious objection, from a man in my position to a man in yours.”

“What is it?”

“You have honoured me by making a proposal for my niece’s hand.  For the present (with best thanks and respects), I beg to decline it.”


“Because you are not rich enough.”

The objection, as the speaker had foreseen, took Vendale completely by surprise.  For the moment he was speechless.

“Your income is fifteen hundred a year,” pursued Obenreizer.  “In my miserable country I should fall on my knees before your income, and say, ‘What a princely fortune!’  In wealthy England, I sit as I am, and say, ‘A modest independence, dear sir; nothing more.  Enough, perhaps, for a wife in your own rank of life who has no social prejudices to conquer.  Not more than half enough for a wife who is a meanly born foreigner, and who has all your social prejudices against her.’  Sir! if my niece is ever to marry you, she will have what you call uphill work of it in taking her place at starting.  Yes, yes; this is not your view, but it remains, immovably remains, my view for all that.  For my niece’s sake, I claim that this uphill work shall be made as smooth as possible.  Whatever material advantages she can have to help her, ought, in common justice, to be hers.  Now, tell me, Mr. Vendale, on your fifteen hundred a year can your wife have a house in a fashionable quarter, a footman to open her door, a butler to wait at her table, and a carriage and horses to drive about in?  I see the answer in your face — your face says, No.  Very good.  Tell me one more thing, and I have done.  Take the mass of your educated, accomplished, and lovely country-women, is it, or is it not, the fact that a lady who has a house in a fashionable quarter, a footman to open her door, a butler to wait at her table, and a carriage and horses to drive about in, is a lady who has gained four steps, in female estimation, at starting?  Yes? or No?”

“Come to the point,” said Vendale.  “You view this question as a question of terms.  What are your terms?”

“The lowest terms, dear sir, on which you can provide your wife with those four steps at starting.  Double your present income — the most rigid economy cannot do it in England on less.  You said just now that you expected greatly to increase the value of your business.  To work — and increase it!  I am a good devil after all!  On the day when you satisfy me, by plain proofs, that your income has risen to three thousand a year, ask me for my niece’s hand, and it is yours.”

“May I inquire if you have mentioned this arrangement to Miss Obenreizer?”

“Certainly.  She has a last little morsel of regard still left for me, Mr. Vendale, which is not yours yet; and she accepts my terms.  In other words, she submits to be guided by her guardian’s regard for her welfare, and by her guardian’s superior knowledge of the world.”  He threw himself back in his chair, in firm reliance on his position, and in full possession of his excellent temper.

Any open assertion of his own interests, in the situation in which Vendale was now placed, seemed to be (for the present at least) hopeless.  He found himself literally left with no ground to stand on.  Whether Obenreizer’s objections were the genuine product of Obenreizer’s own view of the case, or whether he was simply delaying the marriage in the hope of ultimately breaking it off altogether — in either of these events, any present resistance on Vendale’s part would be equally useless.  There was no help for it but to yield, making the best terms that he could on his own side.

“I protest against the conditions you impose on me,” he began.

“Naturally,” said Obenreizer; “I dare say I should protest, myself, in your place.”

“Say, however,” pursued Vendale, “that I accept your terms.  In that case, I must be permitted to make two stipulations on my part.  In the first place, I shall expect to be allowed to see your niece.”

“Aha! to see my niece? and to make her in as great a hurry to be married as you are yourself?  Suppose I say, No? you would see her perhaps without my permission?”


“How delightfully frank!  How exquisitely English!  You shall see her, Mr. Vendale, on certain days, which we will appoint together.  What next?”

“Your objection to my income,” proceeded Vendale, “has taken me completely by surprise.  I wish to be assured against any repetition of that surprise.  Your present views of my qualification for marriage require me to have an income of three thousand a year.  Can I be certain, in the future, as your experience of England enlarges, that your estimate will rise no higher?”

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