Connected by the Tide (27 page)

Read Connected by the Tide Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary

She still didn’t say anything.

Tears bubbled from his eyes. He turned around and hid his face, then marched out of the building, moving into the closest bathroom he could find. He locked himself in a stall and leaned against the wall, crying his heart out over Ren. All he wanted was her. He would do anything to have her.



didn’t go to school for the rest of the week. He had Nancy cover for him, saying he was busy with Ren and homework. Sydney was so stressed and preoccupied with the upcoming nuptials, she didn’t seem to be concerned about Henry.

Bryce came over every day. Henry didn’t feel like entertaining him, so Bryce p
layed video games, played on his laptop, or just read a book. He didn’t say much, but Henry appreciated him being there anyway. It was so unexpected.

Bryce went out and got food
, and brought it back to his room. He always set Henry’s food on the nightstand but never pushed him to eat it. Sometimes he ate it and sometimes he didn’t. Bryce didn’t mention Ren.

was all he ever thought about; Ren. He missed her so much. His dreams featured her beautiful face. She was smiling at him, lying on the beach. His dreams would change to the nights they made love. Those brought tears to his eyes. When he felt Bryce shake him, he woke up, and the dream disappeared. Bryce didn’t speak and just lay on the floor, acting like he hadn’t just woken him up.

Nancy came by the house and brought everything Henry needed for the wedding.

“Here’s your suit,” she said as she hung it in the closet. “It should fit because it’s the measurements you gave me.”

Henry nodded.

Nancy looked Bryce, who was playing a game. “Who’s this?”

Henry stared at the ceiling.

Bryce stood up and shook her hand. “I’m his brother.”

“You have a brother?” she asked Henry. “I didn’t know that.”

Henry turned over, staring at the wall.

“I go
t him. Don’t worry about it,” Bryce whispered.

“You’ve been here the whole time?” she whispered back.



“He’s my brother. I’d do anything for him.”

“How’s he doing?”

“No improvement.”

“I can hear you,” Henry said. “There’s no point in keeping your voice down.”

Nancy came to Henry. “You’re coming to the wedding, right?”

“Yes,” he snapped. “I’ll be there.”

“Is Henry going to be there, or this Henry?”

“I’ll be what Sydney wants me to be. Don’t worry about it.”

She leaned down and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Henry.”

He stared at the wall before he found his voice. “I love you
, too.”

She rubbed his back then left the room.


In the middle of the night, Henry woke from a dream he was having about Ren. He blinked his eyes before he got up and grabbed his car keys.


“Sorry,” Henry said.

“You stepped on my face, asshole.”

“I said I was sorry.” Henry pulled on his jeans then turned on the lights.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m leaving.”

“It’s three in the morning.”

“I have to see her.”

“You’re only going to scare her. She’ll call the cops, you’ll get a restraining order. Just don’t do it.”

“I’m going crazy! I have to get her back.”

Bryce stood up then pushed the door closed. “No.”

“Let me go.”

“Henry, it’s been a week. She’s isn’t coming back. It’s over.”

Henry leaned against the door and slid to the floor. “I love her. I love her.”

“I know, man.”

“I don’t love Sydney.”

“I know.”

Henry covered his face and cried, sobbing hysterically.

Bryce sat next to him then rubbed his back, staying silent as his brother cried his heart out. “I know you feel like shit right now, but it’ll get better. You’ll get through this.”

Henry continued to cry, not caring that his roommate
s probably heard him or that his brother was watching him. “I’ll never be okay without her.”

“You will. We’ve been through worse.”

“Then why does this hurt so much?”

“Because you didn’t do anything wrong. She’s just too stupid to see that.”

“Don’t talk about her like that.”

“Sorry.” He patted his shoulder. “Let’s get back to bed. The wedding is tomorrow.”

“I don’t give a shit about the wedding.”

, you do.”

“I don’t give a shit about anything.”

“Just get through it, and you’ll be home free.”

, I won’t. I’ll never escape this.”

glanced at him then looked away. He waited for Henry to stop crying before he helped him back to bed.


Henry showered and put on his suit. Bryce helped him with the tie and made sure he looked presentable.

“You look like a stud.”

“Now I know I must be in really bad shape if you’re being this nice to me.”

“Just take the compliment, asshole.”

“That sounds more realistic.”

He clapped him on the shoulder.
“Sarcasm, good. That’s the most progress we’ve made all week.”

Henry looked at himself in the mirror. “I think I’m ready to go.”

“You need a ride?”

“I can manage.”

“You got your speech?”


“Okay. Just push through it.”

“I know.”

They left the house then went into their separate cars. Henry drove down the road, then parked down the street from Sydney’s house. He walked across the dirt yard and saw people running back and forth, setting up chairs and decorations.

He walked to the beach and saw the white chairs
lining the sand, facing the ocean. There was a white carpet in the sand that marked the aisle. Flowers were hung along the seats, and white lights were placed in the palm trees. The sun was starting to set, making everything more beautiful than it normally was.

“Henry!” Nancy said.

Henry turned around. “Hey.”

“You look so handsome.”

“Thanks,” he said with a smile.

She kissed him on the cheek. “I’m glad you’re here.”


“I have to run. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay.” He helped the ushers set up the rest of the chairs and the tables for the dinner afterward. It was plain and simple, but elegant at the same time. It definitely reminded him of Sydney, natural and beautiful. The center pieces were a bouquet of white and yellow flowers, and the plates were made of china.

started to arrive, and Henry directed everyone to their seats. It was a small guest list. A hundred people. He recognized most of the people. A lot of them were classmates. The older people he didn’t recognize were Coen’s family, he was certain. They sat in the front row.

Coen came down the aisle with his groomsmen. “Hey, man.”

Henry hugged him. “Congratulations.”



“Not at all,” he said with a serious face.

“I’m happy for you.”

He nodded.

“You need anything?”

“Just make sure my lady marries me. That’s all I care about.”

“That won’t be a problem.”

He rubbed his hands together. “How does she look?”

“I haven’t seen her yet. I’ve been seating everyone and making sure everything goes well.”

“I’ll just be surprised
, then.”

“I don’t think you will be.”

Coen turned away. “We’re starting soon. I gotta take my cue.”

l right. See you soon.”

Henry turned away and walked into the house. It was a mess. Flowers and dresses were everywhere. He almost stepped on a case of lipstick.

Nancy came to the front. “Is everyone here?”

“Everyone is waiting for the bride.”


Laura came out and hugged Henry. “You look great.”

“Not as beautiful as you.”

Sydney came into the room, wearing a strapless dress that hugged her body. Her hair was curly and cascaded around her shoulders. Her face was plastered with makeup
, but it wasn’t too heavy. She looked perfect. Coen would definitely be pleased when he saw her.

The girls clapped their hands, giddy with her appearance.

Henry stepped toward her. “You look beautiful.”

Thank you,” she said as she smiled at him. “I’m so nervous. How’s Coen?”

“He’s not nervous at all.”

“He said that? That cocky asshole.”

Henry laughed.
“How romantic.”

“Don’t let me trip on the sand.”

“I would never.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “I trust you.” Sh
e touched her hair, and then her eyes widened. “My veil! Where is it?”

Laura stepped up. “It’s in the bedroom. I’m sure it is.”

Sydney turned around and followed Laura, practically running.

looked at Henry. “You’re doing great.” She hugged him.

“Then why do I feel like shit?”

“It doesn’t show.”

He held her tightly. “You look beautiful
, too.”

“Thank you. I’m glad someone noticed.”

“Derek still being a dick?”


“Guys can be stupid.”

“I’m picking up on that.” She pulled away. “She hasn’t called?”

He sighed. “No.”

“I’m sorry, Henry.”

He took a deep breath. “I miss her so much.”

“I miss her
, too.”

“She was the one
, and I lost her.”

“This isn’t my place to say anything, but Ren’s being stupid. Just because Sydney slept over there doesn’t mean you have feelings for her. You were honest and loyal to begin with. It’s her loss, Henry.”

“If that’s true, then why do I feel like I’ve died a thousand times?”

“You’ll get through this, Henry.”

“That’s what everyone keeps saying.” He closed his eyes and steadied his breathing for a moment before he looked up, opening his eyes.

Sydney had a horrified look on her face. “Henry?”

Nancy turned around. “Did you find it?”

ignored her and stepped closer to Henry. “She broke up with you?”

“What are you talking about?”
he lied.

“I heard you. She broke up with you because of me?”

He sighed. “Sydney, this is your day. We can talk about this later.”

“Why did
n’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t want to ruin this week for you. I know you. You would have called off the wedding. You already did it once.”

“I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

“Let’s forget about it.
I’m fine.”

, you aren’t. I’m so sorry. I never would have come over if I had known that would happen.”

“I know, Sydney. You don’t need to justify yourself to me.”

She sighed then paced the room. “Henry, this is all my fault.”

“This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you.”

She looked like she might cry. She said nothing for a long time, continuing to pace the room.

“Sydney, get
yourself together. You are getting married in, like, five minutes.”

She stopped and looked at him.
“Get Coen.”


“Get Coen and bring him to me.”

“You aren’t supposed to see him before the wedding.”

“Just do it!”


“Henry, do what I say. I need to talk to him.”

He stood there, rooted to the spot.

“I need to talk to him. Please get him, Henry.”

He still didn’t move.

“Get my fiancé or I will!”

He turned around and left the house, walking up the aisle. The music was starting to play over the speakers. Everyone sat in the aisles, looking at the pamphlets. He marched up to Coen. “Sydney needs to talk to you,” he whispered in his ear.

Coen looked at him. “Why?”

“I have no idea. She just asked me to get you.”

He looked frightened, like his world had just ended. He turned and jogged up the aisle, then headed to the house. Henry followed close behind him. He burst through the door and got on his knees in in front of her, grabbing her hand. “Please marry me, baby. Please don’t go. I’ll do whatever you want.”

Her eyes softened
, and she pulled him up. “I need you to do something for me.”

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