Connected Hearts - Four Lesbian Romance Stories (13 page)

Read Connected Hearts - Four Lesbian Romance Stories Online

Authors: Joan Arling,Rj Nolan,Jae

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Lesbian, #Short Stories, #Single Author, #Genre Fiction, #Single Authors

“Research?” A smile dimpled Drew’s cheeks. She leaned down and kissed Annie’s brow. “You’re such a geek.”

Annie returned her smile. “Yes, but I’m your geek.”

“Yes, you are,” Drew murmured. She lay down half next to, half on top of Annie, with one leg nestled between Annie’s thighs.

Annie gasped as Drew’s heated skin slid against hers. As different from each other as they were, their bodies fit together perfectly.

Drew picked up one of Annie’s trembling hands. She stroked her palm, then kissed each of the fingers. “Just trust me and relax, okay? You don’t need any research for this.”

Goose bumps prickled along Annie’s skin as Drew followed the throbbing vein in her wrist down and pressed kisses to the sensitive spot in the bend of her elbow.

When Drew looked up, their gazes met. Drew smiled and repeated the gentle treatment on Annie’s other arm. She trailed kisses down the side of Annie’s neck and across first one shoulder, then the other before she caressed Annie’s collarbones with her lips. With tender fingers, Drew moved the moonstone pendant aside and kissed the hollow at the base of Annie’s throat. She slid on top of Annie and nestled between her thighs, propping herself up on her elbows. “Close your eyes,” Drew whispered.

Handing over total control had never been Annie’s strong suit, but she trusted Drew, so she let her eyelids flutter shut. She leaned her head back and arched into Drew’s touch.

A kiss landed on the slope of Annie’s left breast, just over her heart. Drew licked a hot trail down the center of Annie’s chest. Her tongue drifted along the outer curve of her breast, then circled closer and closer.

Moaning helplessly, Annie raked her nails up and down the tight muscles on either side of Drew’s spine. She opened her eyes.

Drew looked up and smiled. “Good?”

Annie nodded wildly, too overwhelmed to speak.

Drew trailed her hands down the sides of Annie’s breasts, dipped her head, and flicked her tongue across one of Annie’s nipples, sending ripples of sensation through Annie.

Her hands came up and clutched Drew’s head.

Humming, Drew nuzzled her breast, then wrapped her lips around one nipple and sucked.

Dear God.
Annie couldn’t lie still. She writhed beneath Drew and gulped air into her oxygen-starved lungs.

Drew caressed Annie’s other breast. The calluses on Drew’s fingers made Annie tingle all over. One last lick, then Drew’s lips moved lower, kissing down her belly. Her wet hair left a damp trail across Annie’s overheated skin.

Wha-what is she doing?
Every muscle in Annie’s body tensed.

Immediately, Drew stopped her downward movement and looked up. “Are you uncomfortable with this? I’d really like to taste you. But if you don’t want me to, it’s okay.”

Annie struggled to make sense of everything that was going on. With Patrick, her former boyfriend, she hadn’t liked it, too tense to enjoy the experience, but maybe with Drew, it would be different. Trying to relax, she gave Drew an encouraging nod.

“If it’s too much for you, I’ll stop, okay?” Drew moved up and tenderly kissed her lips before she slowly started to trail kisses down her breastbone, over every inch of Annie’s breasts and sides, and finally down her belly.

Annie’s stomach fluttered. Would she really be able to enjoy this? Would Drew really like it? What if ...? Annie gasped and couldn’t hold on to her thoughts as Drew slid her hand over the curve of her hip and rolled down the thong. Annie had forgotten that she was still wearing it. When Drew tugged, she lifted her hips and let Drew slip it down her legs. It landed on the floor next to the bed, and Annie stared down at it, very aware that she was now completely naked.

“Are you really okay with this?” Drew asked.

Rain drummed against the window, the storm outside as intense as the one raging inside of Annie. She nodded.

Drew leaned down and caressed Annie’s lower abdomen with her lips, taking her time. Her chin brushed Annie’s curls. When she looked up, her eyes were hazy. Her nostrils flared. “Mmm, you smell so good.”

Annie flushed. Did Drew really think so? The passion in Drew’s eyes didn’t leave any doubts.
She really thinks I’m desirable.

Drew crawled farther down the bed. Resting her hands against the outside of Annie’s thighs, she kissed the hollow where Annie’s belly met her thighs.

Annie shuddered. Her stomach tightened, and goose bumps formed all over her body. Her whole body felt as if electricity were running through it.

The kisses wandered lower. Drew slid her hands down and nudged Annie’s legs farther apart. Her damp hair tickled Annie’s thighs. Warm breath whispered against her skin as Drew pressed a kiss to the inside of Annie’s thigh.

Annie sucked in a shaky breath and clutched at Drew’s shoulders, unsure whether she should pull her back up or press her down.

Before she could decide, Drew spread her open and flicked her tongue over Annie’s clit.

Oh, God.
Annie’s body arched up. Heat rushed through her. She caught her lower lip between her teeth and tried to control her erratic breathing.

Drew reached up and entwined her fingers with Annie’s, grounding her. With her other hand, she gripped Annie’s hip and gently held her in place. She circled Annie’s clit with her tongue, then closed her lips over Annie and suckled.

Annie’s mouth fell open. Her body took on a life of its own. Her hips surged upward. She wound her fingers into Drew’s short hair and watched Drew move between her legs until her eyes fell closed.
Oh, yes.
A long groan escaped Annie. Drew’s answering moan vibrated through Annie. Her fingers flexed in Drew’s hair.

Drew moved with her, sucking, thrusting, flicking. Her hands reached under Annie to cup her ass and pull her closer.

More, more, more.
The world spun around Annie. Her heartbeat hammered in her ears, echoing the pounding between her legs. She panted through a dry mouth.

A slight tremor started in her legs. She dug her heels into the mattress. Her hips rose off the bed. “Drew!” Frantically, she let go of Drew’s hair and grabbed fistfuls of sheet to anchor herself. Her thighs clenched around Drew’s head. A deep pounding started in her belly, then pulsed outward. Her body arched, stiffened, and collapsed back against the bed.

Time and sound ceased to exist, and she was only hazily aware of Drew crawling up her body. Finally, when her muscles started to work again, she reached up with one hand and covered her eyes.
Oh my God.

“Look at me,” Drew whispered against her neck. She pulled Annie’s hand down and kissed her eyelids, then her cheek.

Annie blinked her eyes open and stared up into Drew’s flushed face. “Drew ...” Her voice sounded hoarse. Had she been screaming?

“I love you,” Drew said. She caressed every inch of Annie’s face.

Weakly, Annie lifted her arms and clutched Drew to her. “God, Drew. I love you too.”
More than words can say.
Annie hoped she would be able to show Drew.

Drew cuddled closer and wrapped one arm and one leg around Annie’s overheated body. Her head on Annie’s shoulder, she gazed up at her. “I hope this was everything your research promised.” One corner of her mouth curled up into a smile.

Annie’s brain still didn’t work properly, so she barely remembered the books she’d read or the movies she’d watched. She knew, though, that the cold facts of her research couldn’t compare to what she’d shared with Drew. How could she find words to describe what she was feeling? The sensations and emotions were still too overwhelming, and she couldn’t process them all.

“Annie?” Drew asked when Annie remained silent. “It was okay, right?”

“It was ...” Annie paused to catch her breath and find the right words. “Intense and wonderful.”

“Yes, it was,” Drew said, her voice lowered as if she were in church and didn’t want to interrupt worship. “But you still look a little ... worried. What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?” She trailed her finger over the spot between Annie’s eyebrows as if smoothing out a worry line.

Annie gnawed on her lip. “I don’t know how to say this.”

Drew tenderly stroked her cheek. “Just say it. Whatever it is, we’ll deal with it together, okay?”

No longer able to hold eye contact, Annie glanced at Drew’s muscular leg that was still wrapped around her. “In all the books I read, even the inexperienced partner is always able to make her lover ... you know. But I’m not sure I ... I don’t know how to ...”

Drew’s smile brought out her dimples. “Is that what has you so worried? God, Annie, believe me, you won’t have any problems either. I’m so turned on right now that you could finish me off with two strokes.”

“Really?” Hearing what effect she was having on Drew was beyond exciting, but Annie didn’t want it to be over that fast. “I don’t want that.”

Drew’s smile faltered. “You don’t?”

“No. I want to do to you what you did to me.” Annie flushed at the memory. “I mean ... not exactly that, but I ... I want to kiss you and caress you all over.”

A moan rumbled up Drew’s chest. She rolled onto her back and took Annie with her. “Well, for the sake of research, I guess I’ll sacrifice myself.”

Annie smiled despite her nervousness. Pushing herself up on one arm, she lay next to Drew and let her gaze slide over her body. Where should she begin? She took in the athletic arms and legs. Drew’s strong hands rested palm-down on the bed, fingers spread as if she needed to brace herself. The elegant arch of Drew’s collarbones caught her attention, and she lifted her free hand to trace it with her index finger.

Goose bumps formed beneath her fingertips.

Annie followed their path to one shoulder, then down to Drew’s upper chest. She tilted her head and marveled at the contrast of her tanned arms and legs to the lighter tones of her chest and belly. Her gaze flickered down to Drew’s breasts, then back up to her face.

The hungry look on Drew’s face sent a surge of arousal through her. Drawn in by Drew’s eyes, she bent to kiss her.

Drew surged against her but still kept her hands on the bed.

Breathing heavily, Annie finally broke the kiss. She pressed her lips to Drew’s chiseled jaw and kissed down her neck. A rapid pulse thudded beneath her lips. She tasted the saltiness of Drew’s skin, nearly feeling dizzy with the sight, sound, smell, and taste of her. After exploring every dip of her shoulders and upper chest with her lips, she moved back so she could see more of her. Again, Drew’s breasts, lighter than the rest of her body, caught her attention. She ran her fingertips up and down Drew’s sides, enjoying the smoothness of her skin. On each pass, her fingers ventured a little closer to the tempting breasts until she grazed their outer curve but stopped just shy of touching them.

Drew groaned.

Annie stroked the silky skin beneath Drew’s breasts and let her palms slide over the curve of her belly. “So soft,” she whispered. She trailed one fingertip up Drew’s breastbone, then back down, stroking just a little to the left and right. Finally, she reached out to touch Drew’s left breast. Just an inch from it, she hesitated and looked at Drew.

“Yes,” Drew whispered. “Please.”

Annie cradled the breast in her palm, gently testing its weight. She trailed her thumb over the inner curve and finally brushed across the nipple. It hardened beneath her touch. Her gaze flickered back to Drew’s face.

Drew’s eyes were closed, but now they fluttered open. “Feels so good.”

Encouraged by Drew’s words, Annie leaned down and, with her hand still covering Drew’s breast, kissed her upper chest.

A frantic heartbeat thudded beneath her lips.

Annie kissed along the slope of Drew’s breast, then toward the center. After one last glance at Drew’s flushed face, she carefully touched one nipple with the tip of her tongue.

Drew sucked in a breath. One of her hands came up and cupped the back of Annie’s neck, not urging her on or guiding her, just establishing contact.

How amazing the contrast of the hardened nipple and the silky skin surrounding it felt. Annie explored Drew’s breasts with her hands and lips and tongue until Drew started to writhe beneath her.

Drew groaned deep in her throat. “Christ, you’re killing me.” Heat radiated off her skin.

Was she doing anything wrong? Annie looked up. “Show me what to do, please.”

Wordlessly, Drew entwined her fingers with Annie’s and guided her hand down her belly. When their hands reached Drew’s lower abdomen, she let go and pressed Annie’s hand to her skin.

Annie swallowed. Experimentally, she combed her fingers through the curls at the base of Drew’s belly. The curly hairs tickled her palm.

Drew’s body beneath hers went still as if Drew was holding her breath. Her pulse beat rapidly in her neck.

Answering the wild beat, Annie’s heart hammered out a frantic rhythm. She pulled her hand back and stroked the outside of Drew’s thighs instead, not yet ready to touch her more intimately.

The muscles beneath her hands quivered.

She trailed her fingers over the soft skin on the inside of Drew’s thigh. A light sheen of perspiration covered Drew’s skin, making each touch feel like the sliding of satin over satin. Slowly, Annie moved her hand higher.

Drew parted her legs even farther and pressed against Annie’s palm.

Annie’s fingers slid through warm wetness. She gasped.
Oh, wow.
A deep pulsing started between her own thighs, amazing her. How could she be aroused again so soon? She brushed one fingertip against Drew’s clit. A breathless moan from Drew sent shivers of excitement down Annie’s spine. “Is this okay?”

“More than ... okay.” Drew arched against Annie. Her eyes were half-closed, but she kept watching Annie from beneath lowered lids.

Annie started to explore with a bit more confidence, eager to find out what kind of touch would make Drew moan again. She moved her fingers in circular motions, then dipped lower. Biting her lip, she paused. Should she ...? “Drew? Do you want me to ...?”

“Oh, God, yes!”

Watching Drew’s expression, Annie slipped one finger inside. Their moans mingled in the otherwise quiet room. “Oh. This is so ... incredible.” She held very, very still, but Drew’s hips surged up and rocked against her hand. Heat rushed through her, and for a moment, she felt dizzy, drunk on the power of being able to arouse a woman as wonderful as Drew. She began a gentle stroking.

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