Convenient Fall (Players of Marycliff University Book 2) (11 page)

He'd been in such a hurry to get inside her last night that he hadn't taken his time to enjoy the feel of her skin like he was now. He trailed kisses up the inside of her right thigh, stopping at the crease where leg joined torso, and repeated the action on the other side.

When he stopped again, just letting his breath fan over her pussy spread before him, she squirmed and whimpered. “Chris …” His name was a plea on her lips.

He smiled widely, even though she couldn't see it. He was driving her as crazy as she drove him. If the wetness gathering at the opening of her shiny pink lips wasn’t proof enough, her other reactions were. He reached out with his tongue and licked firmly from bottom to top. He paused before he did it again, increasing the pace, then circled around her inner labia and clit with his pointed tongue. He alternated those until she was squirming against his mouth, pleading for more. Sucking her clit into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue, he stopped teasing her and gave her what she was begging for. She came moments later, bucking and shuddering with her release.

Chris crawled up her body, kissed her deeply once, and settled next to her, pulling her against him. Megan lay still in his arms for a moment before her hand glided down the front of his shirt and up under the hem to run her hand over his bare chest. She caressed his flat stomach, then up to play with each of his nipples. He shivered under her touch.

She sat up. His skin felt chilled by the sudden removal of her warmth. She reached behind her with both hands, momentarily pressing her breasts forward, and her bra was off, her breasts still perky without it, but hanging more naturally now that they weren't squished together and up by the out of place cups.

Throwing one leg over him, she straddled him again, settling herself over where his straining cock was still imprisoned in his shorts. She reached for his shirt again and started to push it up his torso. “My turn.”

* * *

Megan pushed Chris's shirt up and out of the way, leaning forward to trace one nipple with her tongue like he'd done to her the night before. She enjoyed the way he shivered and squirmed beneath her.

“Fuck, Megan. You're killing me.”

She sat up again with a self-satisfied smile and pulled on his shirt some more to indicate she wanted it off. He sat up a little and yanked it over his head before he settled back against the pillow. She leaned down again, this time kissing him on the mouth, sliding her tongue inside, tasting the tang of her own juices there. She sat back up and ran her hands down his chest, over his abs, until she got to the button of his shorts. With a flick of her fingers she undid it and looked him in the eye while she scooted back just enough to undo his zipper. She reached in the opening she'd made and tugged down his boxers so she could wrap her fingers around his cock.

Chris groaned, closing his eyes, and his cock twitched in her palm. She let him go and got up. Chris's eyes flew open, but he relaxed when she started to tug down his shorts and boxers, lifting his hips to help get them off. Now it was her turn to admire him. She hadn't taken in more than the barest of details last night between the low lighting and their hurried coupling.

She'd seen him shirtless before, but it was different now that she got to touch him, and she planned to take her time looking and touching to her heart's content. His upper body was tan all over, though his arms, muscular and defined, were slightly darker than his chest. It was obvious that he’d spent a lot of time shirtless over the summer. There was a clear delineation between his torso and the skin below his waistband, the golden brown stopped short and became a paler version over his hips. His cock stood out, long and thick and firm, nestled in a thicket of darker hair. His muscular thighs were the same pale shade as his hips, and they faded to the same golden tan as his chest as they approached his knees. Mmm. Football players were hot.

Megan ran her hands up his legs, starting at his ankles. She massaged his thighs with her fingers, settling herself on the bed between them, then ran her hands up over his hips, bypassing his cock, causing him to suck in a breath when she acted like she was going to touch it again, but circled around to caress his lower stomach and ran her hands over the happy trail that ran from navel to groin. She gave him a wicked smile and he let out a pained groan.

“Touch me. Please.” His voice was hoarse, his muscles tense from holding himself still while she explored his body.

She smiled her wicked smile again. “I am touching you.” She tweaked a nipple to emphasize her point.

He growled and bucked his hips a little, trying to make contact with any part of her he could. “That's not what I fucking meant.”

Megan's smile grew wider, but she ran her hands back down his torso and framed his cock between her thumbs and index fingers for just a moment before she slid one hand down to his balls while the other circled his cock. She pumped him slowly and he groaned, thrusting against her hand. She worked him with her hand for a moment before she leaned down and swirled her tongue around the crown. He shuddered in reaction, his balls tightening up a little in her other hand. She smiled and held him steady so she could lick from the base to the head before she swirled her tongue around again. Enjoying his reactions, she did it a few more times, keeping just far enough away that he couldn't thrust into her mouth when she reached the crown each time. And he tried.

She waited to take him all the way in her mouth, teasing him like he'd teased her. She decided to take his incoherent moans and whimpers as begging, and with one more swirl of her tongue, closed her lips over the head of his cock. Sucking and running her tongue around the underside, he bucked against her, but she was expecting it at this point, and took him further into her mouth. She kept ahold of him, now working her hand in tandem with her mouth. He was getting close. It was obvious from the way he bucked his hips and the way his balls had pulled tight against his body. All the muscles in his body were tight, his hands clutching her comforter in tight fists.

He groaned again. “I’m gonna—” She held still, allowing him to thrust into her mouth, sucking hard, until she felt him erupt. He shuddered on the bed, and she smiled again as well as she could with him still in her mouth. She loved being able to reduce a man to this, especially one as built and sexy as this one. After he finished she released him, sitting up to survey her handiwork.

His hands caught her under the armpits, and he pulled her up to lay full length on his body so he could kiss her again. He broke away and settled her against him, both of them barely fitting on her small bed. “Holy shit.” His voice was still husky and strained. Megan's lips curved in a smug smile. He dropped a kiss on her head. “If your bed were bigger, I'd take a nap. Instead, we'll lay here until we're uncomfortable or one of us falls off, and then we'll go to lunch.”


Chris held the restaurant door open for Megan. It was after two on a Sunday and the usual lunch crowd had cleared, so they got a table right away. He'd opted for Fire, the fancy pizza place. He didn't know what was expected for a date on a Sunday afternoon. Megan was in jeans and he wore shorts, so a really upscale place didn't seem like a good choice. He'd been here a couple of times and the food was good.

Once they’d ordered their pizza and the waitress had gone, Chris fidgeted a little, tapping his fingers on the table.

Megan studied him over the top of her glass. “Nervous?”

He stopped his hands through sheer force of will. “Nope. Why?” He managed to keep his voice casual. Good.

A grin spread across Megan's face. “You're bouncing your leg like crazy.”

Shit. He stopped that too. “I don't know what you're talking about.” That casual tone he'd managed before? Nope, gone now. He was such a bad liar sometimes. Megan just laughed at him and he smiled. “Fine. I don't take girls out very often.”

“How often is not very often?” Megan's tone was dry, and her lips twitched with suppressed laughter. He appreciated that she was trying not to laugh in his face, even though part of him was kind of annoyed that she found it so amusing that he was flustered. He didn't get flustered with girls, dammit. But he didn't date girls either.

He screwed up his face like he was deep in thought. “Hmm. About never.”

Megan lost her fight with her laughter and let it out. She didn't hold back when she laughed—no simpering giggles like so many girls used when they flirted with him.

Her laughter died down and she studied him again, the humor now gone from her face. “So, this is a date.”

He nodded and took a drink of his soda, wondering where she was going with this. Hadn't they established this morning that this was a date?

“Does that mean we're dating?”

He shrugged. “What would that mean, exactly?”

“Don't worry, you don't have to take me out to eat all the time or anything.” She flashed him a big grin and he smiled back. “But no fucking anyone else while we're together. If you want to end it, have the balls to end it with me before you hook up with another chick.”

It was his turn to study her face. The waitress showed up then with their food. What impeccable timing. He waited for her to leave before he returned his attention to Megan. “Sounds fair. And it goes both ways.”

“Of course.” She maintained eye contact, her brown eyes holding his like she was trying to see inside him without giving anything away. Finally she flashed her smile again and got a slice of pizza.

Their conversation relaxed after that. She seemed satisfied with his answers about their relationship, such as it was. Relationship. That was a loaded word. Their … shit. He couldn't come up with anything better than relationship. In any case, he was happy she didn’t push for more than he was able to give. Exclusivity didn't seem like too big of a deal. Especially since he hadn't wanted anyone else since he'd met her.

* * *

Chris ran into Megan's back when she stopped in the open door to their house. He dropped his hands to her hips to steady both of them and looked over her head to see Matt sitting on the couch, a Playstation controller in his hand. His eyes flicked to them and back at the screen before he paused the game and tossed the controller on the coffee table in front of him. He grabbed an open beer from the table and sat back, taking a pull and letting his eyes wander over both of them, pausing on Chris's hands on Megan's hips.

Matt was a master at keeping his thoughts to himself, so his face didn't give anything away as he looked them over. He gestured to them with the beer as he swallowed. “So you two are a thing now?”

Megan tilted her head back to look up at Chris, her eyes large and uncertain, and he dropped a kiss on her mouth before he nudged her so she would go the rest of the way inside. Chris closed the door behind him and let his hands drop away from Megan. “Yup.”

He went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer for himself, poking his head back out to hold one up to Megan, wordlessly asking if she wanted one. She still stood in the living room, arms crossed, looking from him to Matt and back again. She shook her head at him, and he popped the top off his beer and came back in the living room.

Sitting on the couch, he pulled Megan down into his lap. She sat stiffly, but he wouldn't let her push away from him. This was how things were going to be. No sense wasting time being awkward about it. Matt watched them, his face impassive.

Chris pointed with the neck of his bottle at the game frozen on the TV. “Wanna play me or finish your game against the computer?”

Matt shrugged and set his beer back down. “Sure, we can play. It's been awhile, you sure you're still any good?”

Chris grinned and got up to get the other controller, shoving Matt's shoulder while he exited the game and got a new one started. “Don't worry. I can still take you.”

Matt looked across him to where Megan now sat curled into the corner of the couch. “Don't worry. You can play next game.”

She just nodded, still looking like she wasn't quite sure what to make of everything. Chris sat back and kissed her again. She responded slowly, like she was shocked he'd kiss her so casually in front of Matt. He pulled back and grinned at her. “Relax. It's all good,” he whispered next to her ear. A trail of goosebumps raised on her neck, and he couldn't suppress his smug smile at how he affected her. But she relaxed and settled into her usual position on the couch, with her legs curled under her. After a while she ended up with her feet in his lap, leaning against the arm of the couch, watching him and Matt blow things up on their video game.

Chris smiled to himself, feeling like he could relax in his house again. Things were going better than he could've ever expected. Hopefully it would last for longer than the weekend.

* * *

Megan woke up the next morning to a warm body pressing her into the bed and light kisses on her mouth. She cracked her eyelids open to see Chris's face hovering above hers in the dim light.

He pressed one more kiss to her lips. “Sorry, I didn't want to wake you, but I don't know what time you usually get up. I have to get to the gym before breakfast and classes and didn't want you to oversleep.”

She stretched and adjusted underneath him so that he settled more firmly between her legs. She arched into him and confirmed the erection she thought she'd felt through the fabric of his boxers. They'd slept in their underwear since she still hadn't felt up for actual sex. Chris hadn't pushed it, but he had insisted that she sleep in his room.

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