Corporate Fire: Corporate Romance Book 1 (19 page)

Read Corporate Fire: Corporate Romance Book 1 Online

Authors: Evelyn Aster

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

“What about Royce?”

“He's a big boy; he'll live. Besides he needs a little competition.”


She laughed and said, “Okay, okay. No men. Just us tonight. Get dressed.”

Grace rode in Jill's car, dressed in a black and white cocktail dress she'd never worn before. She'd been saving the dress for a special occasion, but Jill hadn't liked any of the other dresses Grace had gotten out. When Jill spied it in the back of the closet she'd said, “You want to wear that one, trust me.”

It had a black shoulder strap over only the right side and was tight around the chest and hips. Black sequins divided the two colors and made the dress pop. She wore one black flat on her good foot, which clashed with her white cast, but she'd thrown her white flats out at the end of summer. Still, she wished for the hundredth time that Royce was there to see her. Had he really gone back to Maryland without telling her?

She also wished the car heater would warm up faster. Even she had her limits for cold.

“Why didn't you let me get my coat? It's freezing tonight.”

“You keep your apartment colder than anyone I know. I want all eyes on us when we enter. You can stand to be chilly for a little bit.”

Grace looked out at the clear night. It was always colder when the clouds left. “The Ritz Carlton?” she asked as they pulled into the parking lot.

“Elway's is the best in the city.”

“I just lost my job. I really shouldn't be spending money on a dinner like this.”

“Relax, okay? I'm buying.” Jill stopped at the curb for valet parking.

Grace grabbed her hand and said, “You don't need to do this. I really don't deserve a friend like you.”

Jill gave her a soft smile. “Yes you do. You got me through, what, three break ups now? You always keep everything to yourself while helping me with my problems. Let me do this for you.”

“All I did was listen.”

“You might be surprised to know that not everyone does that.”

Grace squeezed her hand. “Thanks.” A valet helped her out of the car. She didn't feel exactly sexy walking in on the crutches, but she felt good—like the whole world was an opportunity waiting for her. When they stepped into the restaurant with it's soft lighting and light wood paneling, Grace saw heads turn to stare at them, just as Jill had wanted. She had to admit to enjoying the feeling.

Jill leaned over and said, “We don't have to wait to be seated. Just follow the curve of the restaurant around a bit.”

Grace started in that direction but stopped about four tables in, gaping in amazement.

Royce stood up dressed in a black suit and a blue tie that matched his eyes. “You look gorgeous, Grace.”

“I could kill you for that note you left this morning.”

“I felt bad leaving it, but I swear I'll make it up to you tonight.” He winked at her.

She turned to Jill and said, “And you, I can't believe you didn't tell me he was going to be here.”

“I can't believe you thought I could afford this place.”

The two women laughed. Jill leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Have fun. I think I'll go over to the bar. No sense wasting all the time I spent getting dressed up.”

“Thanks, Jill,” said Royce. “I owe you.”

“I'll remember.” Jill took off, leaving Grace speechless.

Royce stepped over, took her face in his hands and gently kissed her lips. “I hope you didn't think I ran off.”

“Jill had me thinking you'd gone to Maryland to get some things. I couldn't believe you'd leave Denver without waking me up.”

“I wouldn't, but I did have a lot of phone calls to make about terminating my job. And then I didn't want you to hear me planning tonight, so I was a bastard and took off. I promise that's the last time.”

She smiled. “It better be.”

Royce walked behind her, keeping a hand on her arm, and pulled the chair out for her. He leaned in and kissed her cheek and then her ear, “You really do look incredible.”

“Now I know why Jill insisted on this dress.”

He took her crutches, and she sat down. A waiter came by right away and took the crutches to the coatroom. Royce sat down across from her and pulled a gift wrapped in a red bow from under his chair. “I heard the police are holding onto your laptop and phone for a while. I thought this might get you through.”

Curious, Grace took the package that was about the size of a book. She pulled out a cocktail napkin from beneath the bow that said, “I love you.” She held it up and said, “I think a man from the ski lodge is following me. I recognize this handwriting. Can you help me pick out who it is?”

He grinned across from her. “Ted told me not to send you those notes, but I still think it helped.”

She smiled, “I love you.”

“That's just a napkin. Open the present!”

She untied the red bow and then pulled each piece of tape free from the wrapping paper. As the last piece of tape came loose, she opened the wrapping to reveal a tablet computer. Unbelievable.

“I know it's not the traditional roses and candy, but--”

“It's perfect. Thank you so much.” She gripped the box in her hands, wanting to open it and turn it on. She'd wanted one of these forever but hadn't been able to justify the purchase.

“Go ahead and open it.”

“No.” She set it aside. “I want to focus on you. Why did you quit your job? You were so set against it.”

He took her hand across the table. “I couldn't rationalize it anymore. You called me on all my bullshit. Even my routine of long distance relationships, with Sunday being hard and Wednesday excitedly planning our weekend together. I don't want that. I want a real relationship with you.”

Royce took her breath away with his sincerity. She wanted to lean across the table and kiss him, but it was too wide and her leg made her too awkward. Thankfully the waiter came by, opened a bottle of champagne that was on ice next to the table and took their order.

When the waiter left again, Royce raised his glass and said, “To the most intriguing and most beautiful woman I've ever met.”

Grace knew her face flushed as she clinked glasses with him and thanked him. She took a sip of the champagne, enjoying the sound of the bubbles popping in the glass. He held her hand across the table, and she couldn't stop gazing into his deep blue eyes.

They shared an appetizer of fondue. Mellow jazz music underscored the romantic atmosphere of dim lighting and hushed voices. Cheese oozed off the bread and vegetables as they dipped them, feeding each other now and then accompanied by a caress of the cheek.

Over the second course of filet mignon wrapped with bacon and sweet potato fries, they spoke of his brief time in jail. He made her laugh with stories of the odd people in there with him. She tried to bring up his future plans, but he didn't seem to want to discuss them. Whenever she brought it up, he'd find her knee with his hand under the table and distract her by complimenting her appearance or her wit. There was no reason to press him about it—she just wanted to float along in the magic of the evening.

The best part of the meal was the chocolate mousse at the end, which almost had the consistency of a cloud. They held hands across the table as they shared it, still laughing and talking.

She didn't want the dinner to end, but she could hardly wait for the rest of the evening.

The waiter placed the bill next to Royce. He signed for it without using a card and said, “I hope I haven't made too many assumptions, but I booked us a hotel room tonight.”

“Here?” It was one thing to eat at Elway's, but Grace had never stayed at a hotel as fancy as the Ritz.

Royce laughed. “Yes, here. I'm not going to wine and dine you here and then take you back to the Motel Six. Are you ready to go?”

Grace nodded. The waiter immediately appeared with her crutches like he’d bugged their table. She stood up, thanked him and felt Royce's hand on the small of her back as the waiter disappeared. Royce reached down and took the tablet to put in his suit pocket. “Don't forget the napkin,” said Grace.

As they left, Grace saw Jill at the bar talking intently to a man in a suit. They seemed to know each other. The man glanced up, and Grace was startled by how much his eyes looked like Royce's. But at that moment Royce whispered in her ear, “I can't wait to get you out of this dress,” and Jill and the man were forgotten.

In the elevator Royce pressed her back against the wall and said, “I know you're not into sex at the bar, but how about sex in the elevator?” Instead of waiting for an answer, he covered her mouth with his and ran his hands down her body.

To Grace's surprise the elevator stopped right away. Royce stepped aside, wiping her lipstick off his lips with the back of his hand as he gave her a sheepish grin. The conference floor. A group of colleagues wearing badges and suits stepped in, laughing. They ignored Grace and Royce and turned around to face the elevator door.

Grace hoisted herself back up on her crutches and felt Royce's hand move over her ass and down to the hem of her skirt. Somebody made a joke, but all of Grace's attention was on Royce's hand, which was below her skirt and running along the edge of her panties. The fingers of his other hand ran up and down her arm, goose bumps flaring as they glided by.

She held her breath. She knew she could nudge Royce and he'd stop, but she felt daring allowing him to continue. He slipped a finger beneath her panties just as the elevator chimed to let them know they were stopping again. When he pushed his finger up further, all her muscles tensed. It must not be their floor. But then he pulled out and rested his hand on the small of her back.

“Excuse us,” he said.

Grace's face burned as they pushed past the crowd and out the elevator. When they were down the hall Royce said, “I don't believe you didn't stop me.”

“I think you're a bad influence on me.”

“I think I'm a good influence on you.”

He unlocked the door to their room and held it open for her. Darkness greeted them and deepened when the door shut behind them. While her eyes adjusted Royce led her to the bed, took her crutches and dropped them far to the side.

Royce cupped her face in his smooth hands. She shivered in anticipation of the lovemaking to come. He kissed her, and her lips parted to let their tongues play. His fingers skimmed over the skin on her arms, making passion surge within her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and held him against her.

To her surprise, he slowed the kiss and gently released her. “I need to know you're okay with something before we go any further.”

Grace kissed his cheek and worked on undoing his tie. “I'm not changing my mind about three ways.”

He laughed and said, “Nothing like that.”

Grace leaned back. He held her waist to prevent her from falling on the bed.

He took a deep breath and said, “I'm planning on moving to Denver. I know changes are hard for you, and I don't want you to worry about me invading your space all the time. I'm getting my own apartment. But I hope in the future, we can consider moving in together...”

Grace cut him off by kissing him. Happiness pulsed through her: he was moving to Denver. He lowered her down so she could sit on the bed, but he kept kissing her and moved his hand to her thigh. It slipped further and further up her skirt, but she didn't separate her legs right away. She broke off the kiss and said, “I can't believe this is happening. We were just fighting yesterday over your job.”

“I know,” he whispered, kissing her lips, her cheek, her neck. “It's a new start for both of us.” She finally parted her legs enough to give his thumb room to rub gently at her womanhood. She knew her panties were damp, and he moaned at the same time she did.

He kissed the tops of her breasts, holding one with his free hand. She was ready for him to thrust deep inside her, but she also didn't want the anticipation to end. Her hand ran down his chest and to his erection. She pressed into him, even more aroused at how hard he was.

He caught his breath and slipped down to kneel on the floor. He removed her shoe and let it fall with a thud. He rubbed up her thighs until one of his thumbs pushed up against her panties. He slipped his thumb beneath and pressed into her folds. She needed him in her now. She slid her body towards him, making it easy for his thumb to go inside her. While she kissed him, her bare foot massaged his erection. She needed to show him in any way possible how much she desired him. He pulled his hands back and made quick work of his tie. She helped him out of his shirts, and he stood to remove his pants. She whipped off his belt and unfastened his pants while he kicked off his shoes. She wanted to see his cock and take it into her mouth. She tugged down his pants and boxers, and she soon had her hands on his balls and shaft and her mouth around his tip.

For a moment he pushed at the back of her head so his dick was further in her mouth. He swelled even more within her. “You're incredible,” he said. But then he pulled back until he was outside of her mouth. “Move unto the bed, Grace.” His voice sounded gruff and commanding.

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