Cougar Needs [Cougarlicious 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) (3 page)

Chapter 2


Dawn was breaking by the time the other man finished printing the door and glove box and took his leave. Stacy had gone through the papers and found the only things missing were the Jeep’s registration, a roll of quarters she kept for emergencies, and the emergency bag that she kept on the floorboard behind the passenger’s seat.

Sergeant Katz filled out a report and had her sign it on his computer. Once it had been filed, he wrote down the case number on a business card before turning it over and writing something on the back of the card.

“Here’s the case number for your insurance company. I also put my cell phone number on the back. Call if you need anything,” he said, giving her a warm smile that sent tingles through her body to settle in her womb. “And I mean anything.”

Stacy swallowed and nodded without speaking. She was not sure what she could say. After all, she was a forty-year-old divorcee with intimacy issues and he was a hot, hot, hot police officer who probably used to having every woman he crossed paths with fall at his feet or offer to spread their legs for him. Turning over the card, she found he had also written his name, KJ Katz.

He did not seem offended at her extended silence, which was new experience. Most men would get upset when she held her tongue for too long. “Weather report says it’s supposed to rain for the next couple of days. What are you going to do about your window?” he asked.

Stacy shrugged. “I’ll tape a plastic bag over it or something. I have appointments with clients all day today and need my car. What does the KJ stand for?”

The question was out of the blue and probably inappropriate, but she did not care. She needed to think of something other than the fact that she did not have time and energy to waste getting her Jeep fixed or that this was the hottest man of any age she had been this close to in a long time.

He smiled at her, and she caught him winking before he replied. “It’s a secret, but I’ll tell you after our first date. What time’s your first appointment this morning?”

“Nine o’clock.”

“Good. I get off”—he paused as he checked his watch—“in fifteen minutes. I’ve got a friend in the auto glass business. I’ll give him a call and see if he can fix your window today.”

Stacy was stunned. First he appeared to be flirting with her, had probably broken some obscure department rule by giving her his cell phone number, and now he wanted to help get her car fixed?

Her skeptical side demanded, “Why are you putting yourself out like this for me?”

KJ’s expression grew solemn, but he did not answer for a few seconds as he stared deep into her eyes. She saw heat and something she had not seen in a man’s eyes in a long time, attraction on more than just a physical level.

Finally he said, “I always help a friend when I can, and you are going to be more than just a friend.”

Then he reached across the front seat, slid one big hand around the back of her neck under her hair, and guided her upper body toward the center of the car. He met her over the center console and brushed a quick kiss across her lips. The swift brushing of their lips was like throwing gasoline on the red-hot embers that her need for sex had become.

She gasped with surprise, which gave him the opportunity to return and take the kiss several layers deeper, thoroughly exploring her mouth. She was so stunned by the feel of his lips on hers and the arousal that was growing to a fever pitch low in her belly that her mind went blank. As she reached for him to hold him still while they continued the kiss, he pulled back, releasing her and turning to place both hands on the steering wheel.

His voice was low and deep and sent another streak of need through her as he said, “Go inside and get ready for your day. I’ll be back in an hour and a half, if not before.”

Unable to speak, Stacy nodded. She climbed from the car and walked to the house, her mind not on her day, but on the man who had just kissed her like no one else ever had. It had been gentle, yet masterful, and made her want to drag KJ into the house with her and her busy day could go to hell.


* * * *


Neither of them saw the man standing two doors down across the street. Between the overgrown bushes and the early morning shadows, he was well hidden. He watched, and his anger grew until he finally turned around and smashed his fist into the wall behind him. The pain did little to temper the fire that someone else had just kissed his woman.


* * * *


As Stacy walked away, KJ turned only his head to watch until she entered the house and closed the door behind her. Not once had she turned back, thank the Gods. If she had, he would have been tempted to say screw the rest of his shift. He would have followed her inside and claimed his mate right now.

But he had seen the fear in her eyes as well as the desire. Something in her past made it difficult for her to trust men no matter how much she might want to. He would need to take his time and woo her, winning her heart before he could claim her body.

Fighting the urge to give in to his cougar’s demands, KJ started the car and headed back to the station. All he had planned for the day was to sleep, so helping Stacy get her car fixed would be no problem.

Pulling to a stop at the entrance to the development, he shifted in his seat, trying to find a more comfortable position for his erection. He hissed as he straightened his cock.

Though he was tempted to pull over and relieve the tension in his lower body, it would have to wait until he had clocked out and returned home. His cat, having scented, met, and tasted its mate, needed to run. And rubbing out a quick orgasm would have no effect on his stress level in the big scheme of things.

Nothing would help except claiming his mate.


* * * *


Stacy entered the house, but did not stop walking until she reached the bathroom in the first floor master suite. She needed a long shower and a stern talking-to in order to keep herself from reading too much into KJ’s actions. Looking at herself in the mirror, she gasped at her appearance.

She looked like a wild woman. Her hair was wavy, and strands stuck out, giving her a just-fucked, wanton appearance. Her cheeks were rosy, and her eyes seemed to be sparkling, something she had never seen, even in the early years of her marriage when things had not been so bad.

Stripping off her clothes, she could not help but run the fingers of one hand between her legs, feeling the wetness that had spread to the outside of her pussy lips. That gentle touch was enough to have her stomach muscles clenching and her body demanding more. For the first time in ages, she needed a long, hard orgasm.

Stepping into the tub, she turned on the water and adjusted it to a steamy temperature before stepping under the stream. The water flowing over her head and down her back made her sigh. Turning, she could not help herself. She needed to come. Her hands slid up her body, cupping her breasts and lifting them before her palms stroked circles over the mounds. Contact with the erect, super-sensitive tips weakened her knees.

Leaning against the wall of the shower, she gasped at the cold, but did not move away. Continuing to play with her breasts tightened the need in her clit, which now demanded attention. One hand slicked its way down her torso and between her legs, cupping her mound.

She began to pant as she squeezed hand around mound before sliding a finger between the puffy lips of her pussy to find her knotted-up clit. With her left hand still playing with a nipple, it only took a few circling strokes around the fleshy sex center before she reached her peak. She cried out her orgasm as her stomach muscles tightened, bending her in half.

Once it had begun to roll over and through her, she could not stop. She slowly slid down the shower wall and ended up sitting on the floor as her fingers stroked, poked, and rubbed her most sensitive flesh. The orgasm had peaks and valleys but continued until the warm water went cold and her attention was pulled to places beyond her sex.

Standing on what felt like rubber bands, she quickly soaped up and rinsed off before hypothermia set in. Turning off the shower, she climbed out and dried off with a sign and a grin. It had been long time since she had felt so relaxed and refreshed.

In fact, she could not remember the last time she looked forward more to a day than she did at that moment. And all because of a gorgeous blue-eyed cop.


* * * *


Instead of taking a shower after his shift like he normally did, KJ stuffed his civilian clothes into his duffle bag and headed out, holding the bag directly in front of his still hard-as-granite cock. He ignored the invitation to join three other night-shifters for breakfast and kept walking. He needed to get home and pack ice around his cock before it burst into flames and burnt him alive.

With teeth gritted tight together, he packed his weapon and briefcase in the trunk before climbing into his Mustang. After adjusting things so the circulation was not cut off to his erection, he left the parking lot and headed home. He needed to get himself under control before he saw his mate again, or there would be real trouble.

At the stoplight where he had the choice to turn into her development or go straight to his house on the edge of town, he hesitated long enough for the car behind him to get impatient and honk. Driving straight, he decided he absolutely, positively, would not show up at her house before eight thirty and then would try to keep things calm, cool, and professional.

But she’s our mate,
his animal-half snarled at him,
and I want her now. Right now.

“Shut up,” KJ muttered as he pulled into his driveway and parked. “If we try to claim her now, she’ll freak and run and we’ll never get her.”

Though not happy, his logic seemed to settle his cougar somewhat.
Too bad it did not have the same effect on his libido. Even though it had been a half hour since he had left her, his cock was just as hard as it had been when he had kissed her.

Entering the house, he secured the door then dropped the duffle bag. Without another thought, his hands opened his belt and pants, shoving them to his thighs as he staggered to the kitchen. After spraying his hand with the cooking spray that sat by the stove, he wrapped his fingers around his cock and began to stroke. The need to come grew exponentially as he tried to keep his hand moving slowly up and down his shaft.

Closing his eyes, she immediately appeared in his memories, her wild hair, curvy body hidden by an oversized-T-shirt, and eyes that pulled him in like no one else’s ever had. Filling his lungs with air, he thought he detected her scent in the air, and his hand moved faster and then even faster up and down the length of his cock. A half dozen more strokes and his balls contracted, forcefully sending his fluids through the length of his cock to spurt out the head.

“Rargh,” he snarled as semen arced across the room and landed on the floor.

His legs went weak and then numb and he landed on his knees and then collapsed until he was lying on the floor unable to move or breathe for nearly a minute.

“If that’s what it’s like just thinking about her, I cannot wait to claim her,” he whispered hoarsely.

So let’s go get her,
his cat demanded.

“Soon. Very soon,” KJ promised. “But first things first. And first is a shower and breakfast.”

His cougar did not like to be denied but knowing they would be seeing her again, settled down to wait.


* * * *


The car exchange happened quickly and without either one mentioning the kiss. After assuring her that he would be fine transportation-wise and promising to call her as soon as he knew when he would return her car, KJ drove away in her Jeep. His cock was once again painfully erect, and his cougar paced with frustration.

Chapter 3


By the time KJ called to tell her that her car was repaired three days later, Stacy was beginning to wonder if the kiss had really happened or if it had just been her long-denied libido deluding her. He had called the first evening to tell her that it would take a couple days for his friend to fix her car.

The second evening he called just to chat. They talked about everything. All the first-date, getting-to-know-you subjects people usually held over drinks or a quick first-date lunch. Though the conversations were long, they were often interrupted as KJ received one call or another since he was on duty. Stacy carefully refrained from two subjects—her previous disastrous experiences with men and her age. Since he had seen her driver’s license, she was certain he had figured out she was now forty. She wondered how old he was, but refrained from asking.

His phone calls did little to keep her from thinking about him when she was awake, and dreaming of him when sleeping. Not since her first boyfriend when she was in seventh grade had she felt so obsessed with someone to the point that she was beginning to neglect her work.

When he called at lunchtime to tell her the Jeep was fixed and he would be pick it up late that afternoon, Stacy gave in to a wild impulse and invited him to dinner. He immediately agreed then quickly ended the conversation, saying he needed to get back to sleep.

Instead of working on several proposals for prospective clients, Stacy spent the afternoon cooking and cleaning, trying to ignore the graffiti she had found the morning before spray painted on the back of her house. She could not imagine who would do such a thing and tried not to think the hateful words had anything to do with the break-in. Who would do such a thing? That was also the reason she had not reported it to the police.

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