Read Covertly Strong (The Strong Series Book 1) Online

Authors: N.A. Alcorn

Tags: #Strong Series, #Book One

Covertly Strong (The Strong Series Book 1) (53 page)

Next stop, San Diego—home sweet home.

The elevator ride up to their floor is long and nearly agonizing as sexual tension pulses between Sloan and Nix. They stand inside the small cart, crowded in with Julian, Slade, Andrew, and Alejandra. The guys reserved three rooms once Operation Blow This Joint was put into action. Nix and Sloan will be together, one room will be shared with the other three guys of Black Mamba, and Aly will enjoy a room to herself.

Nix holds Sloan tight in his arms, her back to his chest. His warm breath brushes against her ear as he nuzzles her neck. Her pulse flutters wildly in anticipation as the spot between her thighs begins to pulse in strong, rhythmic waves. It’s been far too long since they’ve been together and both are frantic with insatiable need.

“Are you wet?” he whispers to her, spurring a soft, raspy moan from her lips that’s only audible for his ears.

Sloan glances around the confined space as the elevator begins its ascent to their floor, her eyes taking in everyone’s current expression, praying they didn’t hear.

No one is paying attention to them.

Julian, Slade, and Andrew joke animatedly together while Aly observes the three men with amusement. Sloan internally breathes a sigh of relief, her mind momentarily distracted from Nix’s seductive ways.

“I asked you a question, sweetheart. Answer me,” Nix demands in a quiet tone.

He presses himself against her, hard and ready. His cock throbs as he watches her chest rise and fall with each shuddering breath. His eyes watch the outline of her breasts move in the most erotic way. Even in a T-shirt and sweatpants, this woman has the power to bring him to his knees.

Sloan can only nod in response. Words are impossible.

She closes her eyes, leaning her head on his chest. Her mind focuses on keeping composure; her body focuses on the hardness pressed against her ass. Another soft moan threatens to spill past her lips as Nix discreetly grinds into her, his fingers grasping her hips.

The elevator dings once they reach their floor, all three rooms within close proximity of each other. Julian gestures for Aly to take the lead, his emerald eyes following the sexy sashay of her perfect ass as she strides towards her room.

Slade slaps him upside the head as he files out, watching his friend’s greedy eyes hone in on the beautiful Spanish woman’s curvaceous figure.

“What. The. Fuck?” Julian questions loudly, glaring at Slade.

“You know exactly what that was for,” he chuckles. “Get it together, bro,” he adds with a sardonic smirk as he pulls the room key out of his pocket and strides to their room.

“Whatever,” Julian declares as he slides his hands in the pockets of his khaki cargo shorts. “You know what?” He stops mid-step, nearly causing Andrew to run directly into him. “I’m going to grab a few drinks at the bar before I call it a night,” he announces as he turns on his heels. “You game?” he asks Andrew.

“Our flight is too fucking early. I’m going to bed,” Andrew responds without hesitation.

“Hey, Aly, I’ll make sure you’re up and ready to go tomorrow. Our flight is early, so I’m guessing we’re heading out of here before the sun even rises,” Sloan says as the two women retreat to their respective rooms.

Julian stops in his tracks.
He questions loudly. He turns to face her with a confused look.

Aly stares back at him, a bland expression on her face. “Yes,
. That’s what my friends call me," she answers Julian and then turns towards the door to her room, sliding the key card in with ease. “Good night Sloan and thanks again,” Aly throws over her shoulder before heading into her room to crash for the night.

“Whatever.” Julian shakes his head at the confusing display. “That’s what my friends call me…”he mumbles under his breath. “Friends?
What about the guy that refused to leave your ass in that compound? What is he supposed to call you?” Julian takes a deep breath after his little tirade.

Nix and Sloan are both looking at him with curious expressions.

“I’ll be at the bar,” Julian mutters before heading towards the elevator again.

Nix slides the room key into the door, receiving a green light for entrance. He holds the door open for his beautiful girlfriend to slide in as his appreciative eyes follow her every movement. A lascivious smirk crests his mouth. He pulls his focus away from the gorgeous woman inside his room, yelling down to Slade for clarification, “What time are we heading out tomorrow?”

“0600 hours.”

“Damn, that’s early,” he responds loudly. “Will you make sure that Julian gets his ass out of bed in the morning? I have no problem with leaving him in Galveston if he’s too hungover to make the flight!” he shouts with a sarcastic tone.

“I heard that, asshole!” Julian mocks as he steps inside the elevator, en route for the lobby bar.

Nix chuckles.

Slade smiles then retreats into his respective room with Andrew, the door clicking shut behind them.

Nix places the ‘do not disturb’ card on the door and shuts it behind him. Once deadbolt is clicked into place, he turns around to find Sloan leaning against the counter of the small kitchenette that resides in their room. With purposeful strides, he moves towards her, his cerulean eyes never leaving her body. He lifts her up onto the counter, settling himself between her thighs. He hears a small groan of discomfort and immediately looks at her with quiet concern.

“Are you okay?” he asks, visibly worried about the pain that still plagues her injuries.

“I’m fine. Sure, my thigh and shoulder still hurt like a bitch most days, but I’m okay.” Her arms wrap around his neck, pulling his masculine body closer to hers. She kisses him deeply, her body melting into their embrace as her fingers slide into his hair.

He takes her hands from behind his neck, pinning their clasped hands to the cabinet above her head. His body is pressed tight against her, and a deep groan escapes his throat as he kisses along her jawline and down her neck, his tongue swiping against her delicious skin.

Sloan’s breath comes out in soft pants, her body trembling under his touch. She shivers involuntarily as he nips at the sensitive spot behind her ear. “God, I love you. I’ve missed this so much,” she voices tenderly into the quiet room.

“I love you,” he proclaims with fierce meaning.

His mouth descends upon hers, lips melding intensely and tongues entwining with passionate movements. He makes love to her mouth. His hand moves down her abdomen, inching underneath her panties. One of his fingers enters her, feeling her already aroused state.

“You’re so wet, so ready,” he admires with greedy appreciation.

Her fingers inch to his black chino shorts, deftly undoing the button and maneuvering the zipper down. The shorts fall unceremoniously to the ground as he slips out of his shoes and socks. Her hands slide under his teal polo, pulling his shirt over his head. He stands before her, clad in only black boxer briefs, every sinewy line and muscular curve prominent for her hungry regard. Her tongue darts out and licks along her bottom lip as chocolate eyes move slowly over his body, caressing his tan skin.

Nix growls in response, his focus torn between the teeth that are biting at her bottom lip and her magnetizing russet orbs. He slides out of his boxer briefs and proceeds to undress her in record time. Her clothes are tossed over his shoulder in absolute disregard. His hands grip her uninjured thigh, hitching it above his hip as the crown of his shaft rests at her sex.

He begins to slowly slide inside her, spurring desperate whimpers from her lips.

The euphoric torture causes her head to fall back, her eyes practically rolling underneath her closed lids. Her hands grip his shoulders, her fingers digging into his smooth skin.

He stops with several inches left to give, urging her eyes to flash open and meet his lustful stare. “Don’t close your eyes. I want you to watch. Watch me slide inside you,” he groans out with primal need.

Her lids lower seductively as she watches him ease himself inside her,
inch -by inch
, tortuously prolonging the inevitable until he’s buried inside her warmth. The feel—the intensity—is beyond perfection. There are no words to describe the sensations that invade her senses. She cries out in pleasure as every cell inside her body thrums like an instrument, pulsating in bliss. Her body is his instrument tonight, and Nix is proving that only he can play her with precision.

Nix’s hips thrust fluidly with agonizingly slow penetrations. His large hands slide under her ass, pulling her hips closer to the edge of the counter. His fingers grip under her knees, spreading her legs and allowing him to bottom out inside her.

“Fuck,” he moans in ecstasy. “I’m never leaving. I’m staying buried inside your pussy until the day I die,” he voices through erratic breaths.

“Yes. Yes. Yes,” she chants.

He wraps her legs around his waist and lifts her up, holding her with ease, continuing to pump inside her. He starts to move towards the bed. He
to see her beneath him when she comes, but his muscular legs can only make it to the opposite wall. He presses their bodies against the wall, her erect nipples rubbing across his defined chest as he pumps into her at a hard, fast pace.

The crown of his shaft massages the sensitive spot inside her as his thumb rubs smooth circles along her clit. “Nix!” she cries out, her climax building.

His eyes move down her body, taking in every perfect inch. Her hooded eyes stare back at him, her perky breasts bouncing with each hard thrust, her long legs wrapped around his waist.

, he thinks.
This is fucking heaven.

Sloan grabs his chin, pulling his face down to hers as she inches towards the edge of euphoria. Her lips ravenously meet his, her tongue licking inside of his mouth in synchrony with each deep penetration.

“You’re so hard…
so deep
,” she whimpers against his lips.

, baby. I want you to feel good. I want you to feel so fucking good.” He grips her ass and drives into her with wild movements.

She is so full, his body filling hers

shattering her world, and overwhelming her senses.

Their pulses are in sync with the desperate urgency that courses inside their veins.

“Oh, god,” she purrs. “It’s too good. I’m not going to last,” she moans as black and white spots dance across her vision. The intensity of their need for each other grips her throat and steals the oxygen from her lungs. And she
stop kissing him, their mouths exchanging emotions through the sounds that escape their throats.

His hips buck involuntarily at her words, his movements becoming more erratic and downright animalistic as his need for her consumes him. His inner caveman takes over and forgets about her injuries, he forgets about everything besides his aching need to come inside her. His hands grip her ass, then her thighs, and then her heavy breasts, desperation visible in his actions. He wants to touch, lick, kiss, fuck, and make love to every perfect inch of her. All at the same time.
Over and over and over again.

Sloan’s eyes glaze over as her cheeks flush a beautiful scarlet. Her lips part and form a tiny ‘O’ of pleasure. Her moans and delicious whimpers and incoherent cries fill the room as she clenches around him, her climax rhythmically gripping his shaft in euphoric waves.

He pumps inside her—faster, harder, as deep as he can go. His cerulean eyes lock on to her face, watching her fall apart at the seams. Nix clenches his teeth, struggling to control himself. The mere expression on her gorgeous face steals his breath, and the delicious sounds that escape her lips drive his need further. He presses his forehead to hers, their eyes intimately connected as he thrusts and thrusts and thrusts—driving inside her in strong, rhythmic movements.

Both of their mouths have parted lips, nearly touching, as his breath enters hers and hers enters his.

A perfect metaphor for the life they’ve breathed into each other.

And Nix can no longer hold out. His need consumes him.

Sloan’s gaze never leaves his face, taking in every breath, every moan, and every ounce of rapture that flashes in his eyes. She feels high off him, his visible euphoria bringing her towards the edge again. Each of his powerful thrusts spurs more pulsating waves to course throughout her body.

He grips the side of her face and kisses her deeply as they both experience the same high, reaching their blazing climax together. They feed each other moans of pleasure as their mouths stay connected through each scorching wave of ecstasy.

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