Cowboy After Dark (13 page)

Read Cowboy After Dark Online

Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson

She swallowed the last of her drink. “It’s time. You and Hope enjoy the porch. Herb and I used to sit out here for hours when we were younger. Before we had the boys.” She stood.

“And I was one of those boys.” Liam walked over and hugged her. “I’ve said it before, but I don’t know what Grady and I would have done without you and Herb.”

“You would have survived.” Rosie gave him a tight hug back. “You’re both very strong.”

Liam looked down at her, and his heart swelled with gratitude. “But for two years, we didn’t have to be strong. You gave us a soft place to land.”

“It was our pleasure.”

“Absolutely,” Herb said. “You and Grady were great to have around.”

“And as long as we’re getting nostalgic and sentimental,” Rosie said, “this might be a good time to ask if you think Grady could make me a sculpture sometime.”

“Absolutely! Do you want one? I’ll bet he has no idea or he would have done it by now.”

“I’d love one. I didn’t want to bring it up to his face because I know he’s busy, and I don’t want him dropping everything to do it.”

Liam nodded. “I could see that happening. He’s behind now because he spent so much time on Phil and Damon’s.”

“And I don’t want to insult him by offering to become a paying customer.”

“He’d have a fit if you did that. Tell you what. I’ll try to gauge when I think he’s caught up and then mention that I think you’d love one. How’s that?”

“Excellent. It doesn’t have to be huge like Damon and Phil’s, but maybe he could come up with a little something. I would cherish it.”

Liam was touched by the request. “I know you would.” He gave her another hug good-night, and Hope stood so she could do the same. Then Herb and Rosie went inside, leaving him alone with Hope. Finally. He gazed at her, not wanting to come across as some raging bull even though he felt like one. “Do you want to sit on the porch for a while?”

Smiling, she reached in the pocket of her skirt and pulled out a key. “What do you think?”


impatiently for this moment, and she wasn’t about to waste a single second lounging on the front porch. Judging from the way Liam grabbed her hand and hustled her down the steps, she doubted he was interested in a moonlight chat, either.

During the rehearsal she’d regretted not wearing her sexy heels, but she’d chosen exactly the right footwear for this speedy trip to the cabin. Her daisy had long since wilted and been discarded, but she didn’t think Liam cared now whether she wore a flower in her hair or held one in her teeth, for that matter.

She arrived with her heart pounding and her breathing labored, but that wasn’t because they’d race-walked down here. The promise of what they were about to enjoy would have been enough all by itself. She moved forward to unlock the door.

Tugging on her hand, Liam pulled her back. “I need to go in first,” he murmured. “Give me a minute or two.” He took a key from his pocket and shoved it into the lock.

“Rosie gave you a key, too?”

“I asked Cade for his.”


He opened the door and stepped into the dark interior of the cabin. “You’ll see.” Leaving her standing alone on the wooden stoop, he closed the door.

Because the floorboards creaked, she could hear him moving around doing something. She didn’t think he was pulling mattresses off the bunks because she would have heard them thump to the floor. Since he had a key, maybe he’d sneaked in sometime this afternoon to set up the mattresses.

That could explain why he and Grady had been late to the rehearsal. Grady would know all about this rendezvous, so he might have helped. Heart still beating wildly with anticipation, she shivered as a cool breeze touched her overheated skin. The wait was driving her

After what seemed like forever, he appeared in the doorway, a broad-shouldered silhouette of a cowboy outlined by glowing light. He reached for her hand. When he spoke, his voice was husky, as if he’d been going a little crazy, too. “You can come in.”

She stepped inside the cabin and gasped. The cabin had been transformed from what was essentially a dorm room into a romantic bower brimming with wildflowers and greenery. At least twenty votives in glass holders cast their flickering light over the bed positioned in the middle of the floor.

Although the bed likely had been created using two bunk mattresses, a set of dark green king sheets made it look luxurious and inviting.

The creative setting left her speechless. The romantic in her longed to melt into the ambiance and savor it with the man who’d helped put it all together. But the cautious side of her wondered about his motives.

“Do you like it?” he asked.

“Of course I do. It’s amazingly beautiful, but...”

“It’s over the top. I was afraid of that, but when I walked in here earlier today, it seemed so uninspiring. I said something about it to Grady, and he helped me improve the situation.”

“Does Grady think that we’re serious about each other?”

“No, I swear he doesn’t. I made it clear from the beginning that we’re just having some fun.”

“Then why would you go to this much trouble? Don’t get me wrong—I love the way it looks—but it took effort.”

“Not as much as you might think, especially with Grady directing traffic.” He blew out a breath. “Look, I promised to be your fantasy lover for the next week. This cabin didn’t fit my image of a fun place to have sex. I know Rosie meant well, but even that empty stall in the barn seemed more exotic than twin mattresses thrown on the floor.”

She finally understood and was overcome by a wave of tenderness for the tall cowboy standing in front of her. “You take your promises seriously, don’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am, I do.”

“This arrangement is definitely over the top, but that’s what fantasies are supposed to be, right?”

“That’s what I always thought.”

“Then close your eyes. I want to create a fantasy image for you.”

“You’re doing a good job of it, standing there in the candlelight.”

“That’s nice to hear, but I can do better than this. Close your eyes.”

“All right.” Crossing his arms, he closed his eyes, which emphasized just how long and luxurious his lashes were.

“And no peeking.” She began to strip.

“Hey, I don’t cheat.” He said it with a chuckle as if to soften what might be taken wrong.

“Sorry.” She tossed her skirt and blouse over the back of a desk chair. With candlelight focused on the bed, the bunks, desks and chairs were almost lost in the shadows. “I have a bad habit of assuming people will.”

“Understandable.” The twinge of anger in his voice was so mild as to be almost nonexistent.

But she recognized it all the same. She’d become adept at reading moods while living with Tom, a temperamental and unpredictable man. She glanced over and noticed a muscle twitch in Liam’s jaw.

Yet his anger didn’t make her stomach churn the way Tom’s had. Instinctively she knew that he wasn’t upset with her for suggesting he might peek and spoil the surprise. Instead his anger was directed at the man who had made her so suspicious. Even though Tom’s name hadn’t been spoken, he’d become part of their interaction.

She didn’t want that, but she wasn’t sure how to guarantee it wouldn’t happen. She’d been with Tom for a long time. He’d left his mark. Taking a deep breath, she vowed to push him out of her mind and immerse herself in the pleasure Liam offered so freely. She left her bra and panties with her other clothes and padded over to the bed.

Tossing back the top sheet, she stretched out on her side and propped her head on her hand. She wanted to be able to see his expression when he saw her. “You can look now.”

He opened his eyes slowly at first, and then they widened and his lips parted. His sharp intake of breath was the loudest sound in the room. Then he swallowed. “Wow.” That single syllable, delivered in a near whisper, conveyed a wealth of meaning.

She heard awe and appreciation, desire and eagerness. All good things she hadn’t experienced in a very long time.

His chest heaved as he took his time. His gaze traveled slowly and ignited heat along its path. Her nipples tightened and her belly quivered. When his attention lingered at the apex of her thighs, moisture rushed to that tender spot, and her body trembled.

She licked her dry lips. “Was this the fantasy you had in mind?”

“I want you so much I can barely breathe.”

“Then come and get me, cowboy.”

“Oh, yeah.” He tossed his hat to the floor and began ripping off his clothes.

She’d never seen a cowboy discard his hat so carelessly. Or pull off his boots with no regard to where they landed. His clothes ended up in a heap on the floor.

From this angle, she had a view of his pride and joy that could have been intimidating if she wasn’t so wet and ready. He yanked open a desk drawer and took out a condom, which he’d obviously made handy this afternoon.

She imagined him preparing this seductive hideaway, and lust swept through her already tingling body. “Put your hat back on,” she murmured.

He held her gaze as he finished rolling on the condom. “Okay.” He located his black Stetson and settled it on his head before sliding into bed next to her. “Does that work for you?”

“Uh-huh.” She gulped for air as he rolled her to her back and moved over her. Talk about a fantasy.

“You realize a hat gets in the way if I want to kiss you.”

“Do you want to?”

“Yes. I love kissing you.”

“I love kissing you, too.” She ached for him in a way she’d never ached for a man before. “You can kiss me after.”

“After what?” His smile was the second sexiest thing about him.

“After you take care of business.”

“Like this?” He slid his thick, warm cock in deep.

“Exactly like that.” She looked up into blue eyes that had turned navy with passion. The hat thrilled her, too. That might be shallow, but she was living out a fantasy, and fantasies were by definition shallow. “Now move it. Please.”

“I was hoping you’d ask.” He withdrew slowly. “But I don’t think we should rush this, do you?”

Rushing sounded like a wonderful idea, but she had her pride. “Of course not.”

“We have plenty of time.” He eased back in and stayed there for a delicious moment. “We’ve both waited for this all day, so we should take our time and enjoy being together.”

“Mmm.” His fullness inside her was setting off shock waves that would soon result in a climax, whether he moved or not. “I’m ready to come.”

“I see.”

“So I’d appreciate it if you’d—”

“Sure thing.” And he began to thrust.

Oh, heaven! Oh, glorious, electrifying perfection! She rose to meet him and dug her fingers into the flexing muscles of his firm butt. She had the fleeting thought that cowboys had firmer butts than writers. Then she forgot to think at all. She came, and she belatedly hoped the windows were closed because she wasn’t quiet about it. Once again she probably swore.

Gradually his motion slowed, and she became aware that she’d had a climax but he hadn’t. She gathered enough air into her lungs to attempt speech. “What about you?”

“I held off.”

She looked into those incredible eyes. And the hat. She’d never forget the hat. “So gentlemanly!”

“So practical. You’re going to come again.”

“I don’t—”

“Hey, we’ve been through this. You can do it. I, on the other hand, am likely to be out of commission for a while once I let go. So get with the program, pretty lady. You’re doing it with a hat-wearing cowboy. Make the moment count.”

She stopped caressing his butt even though that was lovely, and cradled his face in her hands. “Hear me, Liam Magee. You are not just a hat. You’re a man I greatly admire. Got it?”

He chuckled. “Are you making memories, Hope?”

“Memories? What are you talking about?”

“Never mind.” He began to stroke with a controlled intensity. “Just come for me. We’ll sort it out later.”

She couldn’t resist his seductive rhythm. Sexual tension built with an inevitability she was beginning to associate with Liam. He seemed to know how to coax a response from her no matter what. If she thought about that too long, she’d become alarmed.

So instead she abandoned herself to the erotic sensation of his talented cock bringing her to another shattering orgasm. This time he shared the experience, which made it far more satisfying. His deep groan, his shudders and the rapid pulse she absorbed in the depths of her body felt right.

Mutual climaxes were special, and she hadn’t had all that many of them. She’d never considered the bonding that happened when two people enjoyed this pleasure simultaneously, their bodies linked together as spasms rocked them.

With sudden insight, she realized Tom had been stingy about sharing the moment with her, as if he couldn’t allow himself to be that vulnerable. The minute thoughts of him intruded on her amazing experience with Liam, she pushed them away. They didn’t belong here in this beautiful setting.

Gradually their breathing quieted, and Liam pushed himself up on his elbows to smile at her. “Nice.”

“Uh-huh.” He was still wearing the hat. Looking up at him, she knew this image would live in her memory forever, no matter how temporary their affair was.

“That was a first for me,” he murmured.

“Climaxing at the same time?”

“No. Climaxing while wearing my hat.”

“Oh.” She had no business being jealous. At least she had the distinction of being the only woman who’d insisted on the hat. “I can’t speak for you, but I found it memorable.”

“Good. Can I take it off, now? My head’s hot.”

She laughed. “That’s not the only part of you that’s smokin’, cowboy.”

His reaction was adorable. He blushed. “Thanks.”

He laid the hat beside the mattress, brim up. “Wish I didn’t have to move, but I do.” He brushed a kiss over her mouth. “Condoms aren’t the most romantic part of a fantasy.” He eased away from her and crawled out of bed.

“Rosie said she taught all her boys to be responsible.”

“Oh, she certainly did.” He returned and stretched out beside her.

She rolled over to face him. “You realize she expects us to end up together.”

“Yeah.” He combed her hair back behind her ear. “Does that bother you?”

“I can handle it. She’s not my foster mother. What about you?”

“I want to have sex with you until neither of us can see straight.”

Tension curled within her as she looked into the intense blue of his eyes. “I see.”

“I hope so.” He rubbed the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip. “You’ve offered me a chance most guys would kill for. You were skittish at first, but now you seem like a woman ready for anything.”

She vibrated with excitement. “I am.”

“So am I.” Holding her mouth open with his thumb, he closed the distance between them and gave her a kiss that left no doubt how ready he was.

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