Cowboy Famous: Book 4 (Cowboy Justice Association) (35 page)

Read Cowboy Famous: Book 4 (Cowboy Justice Association) Online

Authors: Olivia Jaymes

Tags: #Romance, #Western

“Looks like you had a good day.” Griffin pointed to the fish in the bucket trying to get his mind off the woman in his bedroom who was currently packing her belongings.

“More than we can eat. Why don’t you and Jazz come over tonight and help us? I’ll get out the fish fryer and we’ll even have a bonfire. Make s’mores. You loved those when you were a kid.”

Liam Sawyer still thought all of his children were about ten years old. That was probably going to never change.

“I’m afraid we can’t come. I have to take Jazz to the airport in Billings. She got a big part in a movie.”

“Good for her. How long will she be gone? We’ll have to have a celebration when she gets back. Your mother will bake a cake or something.”

His dad’s face was lit up even as Griffin was feeling miserable. He hated to wipe that grin off his father’s face but his dad would find out sooner or later.

“Actually that’s the thing, Dad. She’s leaving.”

His dad frowned and looked confused. “You mean she’s not coming back? Why not?”

Griffin blew out a breath and tried to control his frustration. “Because her dream is to be a famous actress. You can’t do that from a dinky town in Montana. She has to go.”

“So that’s that?” his father asked flatly. “She leaves and breaks your heart, and you sit back and take it.”

“I’m not sitting back and taking anything. I’m being supportive,” Griffin argued. “Do you honestly believe I should ask her to stay and give it all up?”

“Don’t ask. Offer. Tell her how things could be if she stayed, and then let her make an informed decision.”

Rubbing the back of his neck, Griffin shook his head. He wouldn’t guilt her into staying.

“She’s wanted this since she was a kid, Dad.”

His father snorted and turned toward the deck stairs. “You wanted to drive an ice cream truck when you were a kid but the lure of all you can eat sweets didn’t last. All I can say is that it’s going to be hard for you to drive to Billings with your head up your ass. March in there and tell her to come back when she’s done making the movie. You two can compromise on this. Make it work. It won’t be easy but it might be worth it.”

His father clomped down the steps and headed for his truck parked at the side of the house while Griffin contemplated their exchange. He could tell Jazz that he loved her more than anything in this world and that he would wait here for her in between movies. The more he thought about it the more it just might work.

She’d have a quiet place to come and get away, and he’d get at least a small part of Jazz. A little bit would have to be enough.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

he time to take Jazz to the airport had arrived.

Griffin had practiced what he would say on the drive there while he’d cleaned up the boat. Nothing grounded him like this lake and simply being near it seemed to clear his head. He felt more at peace now than he had since she’d received that call last night.

He would tell her how much he loved her and that he would always be here for her. That he wanted her to chase her dreams and just hoped he could still be a part of her life going forward.

It sounded good in his head. He hoped it went over just as well. He washed his hands in the kitchen sink and dried them on a towel. The house seemed overly warm but it was probably just his nerves setting in. It was only his entire happiness that was on the line.

Jazz was lounged in the living room flipping channels on the television. Dressed in cut off sweat pants and one of his big t-shirts she didn’t look like a woman about to leave for the airport.

“Honey? We need to leave if you’re going to make your flight. Are you ready?”

“I’m not going,” she replied, barely glancing at him as she continued to channel surf.

“You’re not going?” he repeated. “I don’t understand.”

“I’m not going. I hope you’re okay with it. I’ve taken over three-quarters of your closet, several drawers and pretty much all of the bathroom vanity. The remote is mine now too.” She held up the control. “Oh, and I changed the thermostat. I was cold.”

That explained why the house was ungodly warm.

Something inside of him grabbed onto her words and he felt hope bloom. His Hollywood didn’t want to leave any more than he wanted her to. But he needed confirmation. He walked back to the bedroom and sure enough she’d taken over. Clothes were stuffed in the closet and drawers while her makeup and toiletries were strewn haphazardly across the countertops.

Damn if it wasn’t a beautiful sight. Uncluttered vanities and ample closet space were overrated. He walked back into the living room.

“Did the part fall through?”

“No. I just decided not to go.” Finally she twisted around so she was looking up at him. He saw the same hope he was feeling in those gorgeous blue eyes. The same fear as well, but she’d been more brave. His woman had taken the bull by the horns and he would be forever grateful. “Any problems with that, Sheriff?”

Fighting the first smile he’d had all day, he shook his head. “Can’t think of one. I was getting tired of controlling the remote and the thermostat anyway. You’ll probably do a better job at selecting the shows or the temperature.”

Jazz blinked several times and he could swear her eyes glistened with tears. Happy ones. Her lips had curved into that beautiful smile that never ceased to make his heart tight in his chest.

“I’ll share.”

“Are you sure?” His heart pounding, he wasn’t asking about the remote. He needed to know she was really and truly sure about this.

“I’m sure.” She set the remote on the table and laughed. “A funny thing happened on the way to super-stardom. I found out it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. I’ve got a few new dreams now.”

“Care to tell me about them?” He sat down next to her on the couch and reached out to tuck an errant strand of hair behind her ear.

Giggling, she stood and took a few steps back. “I might but later. How about we play a game? I’ll ask a question and if you get it right, I’ll take off a piece of clothing.”

He was game alright. All in. This day had started out being the worst of his life but things had definitely taken a positive—and playful—turn.

“I’m ready.” Griffin lounged back on the couch with a smile on his face. This woman was damn near perfect, and he would make sure she knew she was loved every day for the rest of her life. “Ask away.”

He intended for Jazz to lose every bit of clothing on her delectable body.

*   *   *   *

Griffin Sawyer had a smirk on his handsome face, lying back on the sofa like a sultan waiting for his slave girl to strip. Which was basically what she was about to do. But on her terms.

She fingered the hem of the oversized shirt she’d stolen from Griffin and smiled in what she hoped was a teasing manner. “First question. Are you really okay with me changing the thermostat?”

The man she loved smiled tenderly and her heart did a little dance. “It’s a tad warm for me but I guess I could just take my clothes off.”

Now there was an idea. A good one. He could be naked all the time.

“Good answer.” Jazz pulled the shirt over her head and tossed it away. The next question was much harder to ask. “Second question. Would you have just let me leave?”

Griffin sat up, his silver-gray eyes intense as he looked into her own. “No. I’d already decided to ask you to come back when you finished the movie. I was going to tell you that this could be your home when you weren’t working. That I’d wait for you.”

Another excellent answer. She tugged at the strings holding up her sweats and slid them down her legs. Taking a deep breath, she stepped farther out on a limb. Hopefully he would be there to catch her if she fell, just like before.

Her fingers went to the back catch of her bra but paused. “Third question. Do you think I love you?”

“Yes,” Griffin nodded, leaning forward so his elbows were on his knees, his gaze intent. “I think you love me, Hollywood. I–”

“Last question,” she trilled, slipping her bra off and standing in front of him in nothing but a flimsy pair of panties. His heated gaze told her he liked what he was seeing. She swallowed hard, trying to dislodge her heart which had crawled up into her throat. This was the most important question she might ever ask in her life. “Do you love me?”

This time he stood and pulled her into his arms. “Dear God, yes. More than you know. Hell, more than I thought was even possible. I’m sorry I didn’t say it before.”

They kissed then and Jazz could swear she saw and heard fireworks go off between them. This was more. Love made it mean so much.

He pulled back and smiled, his fingers wrapping around the edge of her panties. “I think I won these, Hollywood. Best be stripping these off.”

But he didn’t give her a chance. Instead he slid them down her legs and then twirled them in the air on his finger before tossing them over his shoulder. He had a wicked grin on his face and she couldn’t wait to see what he had planned.

Her heart felt so full at this moment. She would have given him anything because he’d given her everything that mattered. Himself.

“I’m going to make you very happy, Hollywood. I promise.”

Griffin scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom, laying her gently on the mattress. Running her hands up his chest, her fingers sliding under his shirt, she explored the dips and planes of his torso, loving the way the muscles bunched and moved under her palms. He got the hint and immediately pulled it over his head then stood to strip off the rest of his clothes.

Standing before her looking more beautiful than any marble statue, he gently eased himself on top of her, his large body covering hers. She felt tiny and protected cradled in his arms as his lips tempted and teased her own before traveling down her neck to her already aching breasts.

Heat swept through her and arousal tightened in her belly as his tongue flicked over her tight nipples and then down to her bellybutton. She giggled as he nibbled on her ribs then sucked in a breath as a thick finger pressed inside her already drenched pussy.

The room tilted as he added a second finger, rubbing the sweet spot deep inside and making her legs shake as she built toward her orgasm.

So good.

“That’s it, honey. Let it take you.”

As if she had any choice. She was powerless to the ecstasy that had taken hold, its willing supplicant.

He slid down further, his head bent over her pussy. Her legs were splayed wide, nothing hidden from his heated gaze. She could feel his warm breath on her clit as his lips and tongue fluttered around the button. Her cunt clenched in need and she panted and moaned as he took his own sweet time. She was always in awe of his patience.

But this time she wanted to give as well as receive. Twisting from his grip, she slid to the floor while pushing his legs apart. Insinuating herself between his knees, she swiped her tongue along his impressive cock from base to tip before swirling it around the head. A groan tore from his throat and she swallowed him down until he bumped the back of her throat. She moved her head, tightening her lips and flicking her tongue back and forth.

His cock seemed to swell in her mouth, but before she could bring him to completion he jerked back with a curse.

“No, Hollywood. I’m going to come inside of you.” His voice sounded hoarse, almost pained.

“My mouth is inside of me,” she pouted. “You never let me have any fun.”

“Fun? That’s exactly what we’re going to have,” he promised, lifting her so she was lying next to him on the bed. He rolled her under him even as he reached into the bedside table drawer for protection. It was only moments later and he was inside, his large cock filling her until she almost cried out with the pleasure.

Their gazes locked as he moved in and out, rubbing all the sensitive spots he’d found since they’d been together and taking them to the next level. She wrapped her legs around his waist, but he pulled back slightly and lifted her ankles so they draped over his shoulders. It served to drive his cock even deeper and sent even more arrows of pleasure to every part of her body.

The angle was perfect for rubbing her clit and sending her even closer to the precipice, teetering on the edge and ready to fall. His mouth captured hers, the kiss long, wet, deep, and full of promises.

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