Craig, Dede - Three Kisses of Lust (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (16 page)

“Are you going to change? Should I give you a few minutes?” Maggie asked while she took in Gia’s outfit—a black, comfortable strapless playsuit and four-inch nude stilettos.

“Why, it’s just dinner, right?” she replied. She chose the playsuit for a reason. Harder to get off, and for some strange reason it made her feel shielded from any sexual thoughts which might pop up. Tonight she definitely did not want to go for the fuck-me-right-now look. It was just talk, nothing more.

With one last brush through her hair to get rid of any of the hair-sprayed hardness, they were out of the door heading toward Maggie’s car. Straight toward either her dream come true or personal nightmare. Which it was, she wasn’t sure, but she was going to find out.

* * * *

Anna was ready to greet them at the door. From the emphatic hugs between the two women, Gia was sure Maggie had been a welcomed fixture in the Wright home.

“Anna, you look amazing. I see the organic diet is working for you.” Maggie smiled while she held Anna by the shoulders, her eyes wrinkled with appreciation.

“And you still smell like an ashtray. You need to stop, my old friend. Lung cancer bows to no one.” Anna beamed then turned to Gia. “Ms. Carelli, I’m so glad to see you again. Please come in. Liam and Aidan are in the library waiting for you.”

Gia smiled, but her eyes widened and the temperature seemed to drop twenty degrees when a chill coursed through her spine. The library was not exactly the best place to meet. She doubted either of the women knew just how unnerving it would be. The men did, and she wondered why they would ever think of having them meet there. “Can we perhaps head to the dining hall?” she asked hopefully.

Anna simply smiled, but it did not reach her eyes. The Wrights were her employers, friendships aside, and Gia could see the woman took what they said as law first and foremost. “Soon, some appetizers in the library first, then onto the delicious meal Enzo has prepared. Come, come.” She gestured toward the library, softly guiding Gia forward.

Gia looked pleadingly toward Maggie for some backup, knowing she did not have a clue. She simply shrugged with a confused twist of her brow and gleaming smile.

As soon as Anna opened the door to the library, Gia wished she was at home, crawled up in bed under the blankets. The sight of Liam and Aidan literally took her breath away. They were standing inches apart, facing the doorway, dressed in head-to-toe black suits with matching black jackets, evidently a favorite color. Their hairstyles were still the sexy, short yet disheveled look, and their tanned skin seemed to gleam under the dim lights. They each stood with one hand in their pants pocket and one clutched around a vodka-filled tumbler. Matching sets of closed-lipped, dimpled smiles extended toward their guests’ arrival.

“Boys, you look dashing.” Maggie spoke first, walking toward them and wrapping them each in a warm embrace. She headed for the decanter on the side table and poured herself a double shot before adding a smidgen of water and two blocks of ice.

Gia however, stood rooted to the spot where Anna had left her, which was about a foot away from the door. She stood glued, transfixed onto the double vision of Adonis incarnate. She clutched her nude clutch bag tightly between her slender hands, she could feel the cold metal of her thin gold bracelet brush against her wrist, and she trembled. She knew though, it had nothing to do with the bracelet, and everything to do with Liam and Aidan.

She could barely distinguish between the two, the light rendering the telltale signs invisible to her nervous eyes. She swallowed, second-guessing if this was a smart thing to do. Perhaps she shouldn’t have come. But just looking at them, she could feel the thin layer of ice around her heart slowly melting, and the paparazzi photographer was already a hazy memory she would sooner forget.

“A drink, Gia?” Maggie spoke, raising her glass toward her with one cocked eyebrow and a nervous smile.

Gia nodded then slowly walked toward Maggie and past the men, though her eyes couldn’t tear away from them.

They, too, remained locked onto her, barely aware of Maggie behind them.

When she passed, they turned, and she bit down a gasp.

She took the glass from Maggie and gulped it down before handing it back for another.

“Take it easy, babe. Coherence is normally required when you need to talk.” Maggie laughed softly and handed her another filled double shot.

Gia took the glass and held it in one hand, her other nervously edging the clasp on her bag. Her breathing was labored, and she could already feel the thundered bolt of her heart, and hoped the vodka would slow it down, render her more than just a hapless fool. The room reeked of them, their delicious cologne wafting through the air.

“Okay, this is awkward.” Maggie shifted her weight onto her left foot, jutting her hip out. Before she could continue, her cell phone rang, and she quickly retrieved it from her black sling bag while extending her index finger toward them apologetically. “Yes, yes.” She nodded to the caller. “Right now? Okay sure, I’ll be there in ten.”

Gia rolled her eyes in disbelief, knowing full well Maggie must have planned it perfectly.

“I’m sorry, guys, as much as I would have loved to lose myself in Enzo’s Italian feast, I have to go. Tony needs me. Will you guys be okay?” She looked at Gia, her eyes filled with apology and a wicked glint.

“Of course, go, I’ll be fine. I’ll call a cab after dinner.” Gia offered a small smile, though inside she wanted to kill her.

“Don’t be silly. The boys will take you home.” She winked toward them then blew a kiss to the air, and within seconds she was out the door.

* * * *

Gia cleared her throat, feeling intensely like a specimen under a powerful microscope while Liam and Aidan stared at her. She tried to meet each stare confidently, but she couldn’t quite focus nor concentrate. She thought it would be easy, simply come over, talk, tell them this was insane, then leave. How wrong she was. Here she was sticky-palmed, out of breath, and furious that they looked more delectable than they had any right to look.

Her attraction to them was something her body refused to deny, though her rational mind told her it was crazy, screamed it was pure lunacy, yet there she stood, undeniably drawn not to Liam, not to Aidan, but to both.

She looked up at one of the flickering lights above the single leather armchair then breathed deeply, trying to calm her raging pulse.

Aidan stepped forward first and slowly placed his glass onto the side table then reached his hand out to her.

Instinctively she jerked away, blinking in confusion then staring at the blank, smooth skin above his brow. No mole, definitely Aidan, she thought.

“Why don’t you sit down?” He came forward, only a breath separating them. He licked his lips and took a deep breath, his chest rising with the motion.

He was so close, in the quiet of the library, she could almost hear the faint beats of his heart, unsure if it was indeed his or hers. Her eyelids fluttered, and she focused on his mouth, his full, dark pink lips, then moved up to his lashes before finally settling on his eyes. Brooding, frightening eyes, scaring her not because she feared them but because of what they were doing to her. Sending her into an abyss of painful, expectant awareness of more to come. Yes, her body craved him—them, she could feel the wetness seep through her G-string, and her nipples pushed against the fabric of her playsuit. But, there was something else, an answer in those eyes—

Almost a reassurance. This was the man meant for her, the perfect yang to her yin. The way their bodies had melded together, their heartbeats almost in sync when they came, but mostly the way she felt when she was with him. Like the best version of herself, free yet safe. Then she reminded herself it wasn’t just a him. There were two of them, and she had felt exactly the same with both. How was it even possible if they were two different people? Alike in so many ways, but still two. A number she was still uncomfortable with. She nodded her head, unable to speak, her throat constricted almost painfully.

She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t. This situation was impossible. She found herself shaking her head, her dark hair swaying in front of her eyes. “I’m sorry. This was a mistake. I can’t do this. I have to go.” She said the words, but somehow she wasn’t sure if she had said it. Her voice sounded so out of place, tight with a sense of irrational drama, almost a squeal.

“I just can’t.” She turned and walked toward the library door. Regardless of what they said, she couldn’t be a shared sex toy. There wasn’t a studio in the world that would understand, except maybe in Vegas’s porno industry, but still. She just couldn’t.


With one swift movement, Liam grabbed her wrist and turned her body into his and his mouth onto her lips. He kissed her softly, his tongue moist, warm, gentle, and soft.

Gia twisted in shock. She moved her hands up and shoved him back, half stumbling herself.

“No, this, I can’t,” she moaned.

Liam held his hands out in front of him, palms facing her while she looked at them. “Gia, baby, calm down and I’ll explain.”

“Don’t you understand? How would this possibly work?” She couldn’t bear to look at them, but couldn’t bear to look away. Her gaze moved again from one to the other. She was so confused, yet still equally entranced. They were still gorgeous, still a major turn-on. Fuck, what was wrong with her? She wasn’t sure she wanted to be the third in the ménage, yet here she was thinking about how hot they looked. How her heart seemed to melt at the thought and sight of them. Her body throbbed again, and she cursed its insatiable betrayal. She bit her lip, feeling the tautness around her mouth. She wanted to cry and scream and hurl something, anything. Instead, she let out a long breath and froze, frustrated, immovable, and resigned. She dropped her bag to the floor and stood with her arms dangling.

Liam moved slowly forward. He kissed her gently on her cheek. Before she could react, Aidan stepped from behind her, then around, kissing her on her lips. With his lips still there, he breathed onto hers. The smell of Aramis, vodka, and mint swirled in her face. She wanted to react, but couldn’t—she was suspended somewhere between disbelief and excitement.

Aidan moved slightly backward, and Liam cleared his throat. His voice was barely a whisper. “Gia, we are the same person. It’s something we can and never will change. We have the same taste in everything—clothes, cars, food, and of course women. We gave up on trying to find our own unique identities years ago. We realized it was never going to work. We’d always want what the other had. We feel each other’s emotions and desires on an intrinsic level, and they become our own. The twin bond. It’s real. There was no way either could be with you and not the other. You have to see it. The second I saw you, I wanted you. And the second I had you, I knew he was going to want you, too. It would have happened whether it was me or Aidan. We both knew you were the one. Please, try to understand.”

Liam moved his hand to her cheek and caressed it. Without thinking, she tilted her head and rested her cheek on his hand.

Aidan moved forward and kissed her gently on her lips, and still she stood frozen. He stopped to look at her before moving in again, this time entering her mouth with his tongue, gently caressing the inside.

Aidan stopped the kiss and gazed into her eyes. “Gia, you are the most exquisite, appealing woman we have ever laid eyes on. Liam has been pretty much celibate for the past two years, but it’s only because I went away. I thought without each other we could find ourselves. I was wrong. We were lost without each other. When I saw you sleeping on the couch, I could feel everything he felt for you. We are one person, so it only makes sense we should have one person to complete us. Two would never do for us, but for you it can.”

Liam watched while she stared into Aidan’s eyes.

“It’s not just about sex, Gia. We can make this work, make it more meaningful. A bond of three.” Aidan’s voice was thick, syrupy.

She tried to make sense of his words, hypnotized by the invisible swirling glow around them. Looking at them now, she could see it. It wasn’t just their physical appearance. They truly were one person. And strangely she knew, whether it was one or two, she was equally drawn to the singular bond between them. “What now?” she whispered. All anger had simmered into a slow fizzle. The vodka had helped, and her raw nerve endings slowly smoothed while the calm descended.

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