Authors: Elodie Chase


! I leapt as if he
run an electric current through my body, and the second
! on my ass came with even more hurt. He was spanking me with
an open hand, the noise banging around the cabin, but the sharp pain of the
impact made me moan like a whore as my body jumped forward, impaling itself on
his dick.

Cade pushed me off of him, his gentleness suddenly in stark
contrast to the belt around my neck.
“Now turn around
for me.”

I did, the only thing making me go slowly was the pain his
spanking had already caused. I knew what he wanted, what we both wanted, but
when he jerked the belt toward him once I
’d aimed my ass at
him, he confirmed it. I backed up on the bed until his cock was at the dripping
entrance to my pussy, and then he jerked the belt once more, dragging me on to
him, filling my wet body in one well-lubricated, pussy-filling plunge.

My orgasm exploded through me in a bright wave of pleasure,
and it was like nothing I’d ever experienced before. I saw stars. My body took
complete control of me, and as I pushed back at him and felt my eyes roll back
into my head, Cade held my hips in his hands and pumped his thick cock into me
slowly, spreading my pussy lips to a level that was a bliss I never wanted to
be without.

“More,” I grunted. “More!”
I never
wanted it to stop. Nothing, ever, in my wildest dreams could have possibly
prepared me for the feeling of control I’d given up, and I felt joy and
pleasure and lust spike through me like a drug. Cade reached forward and
grabbed the belt around my neck as he smacked my ass with the flat of his hand,
and when I pumped my body back at him even harder, desperate to try for more of
his length, he gave me what I needed.

I tossed my head, hair flying, the pleasure and the pain
swapping, flipping. Merging. I felt Cade
’s hand come down
on me again and moaned, my pussy spasming through another orgasm as his rock
hard cock filled me over and over, pounding me faster and faster toward yet
another orgasm that I knew would change my life forever.

I went limp, and
felt him drag his cock out of me. I whimpered, but he ignored me as he scooped
me up and carried me into the bedroom.

Once he’d thrown me
on the bed,
Cade looped
the belt around the headboard and then retrieved the end of it. I watched
through eyes slitted with emotion as he rigged me up. Cade still held the end
of the belt in his hand, and the other was still firmly wrapped around my
throat. The middle though, passing at it did ahead of my and through a notch in
the headboard before returning to him, meant that

Yes, I
’d been right. When he pulled on the
collar, as he did now to test his handiwork, his merciless strength dragged my
from him, up off his throbbing
shaft and toward the wall. He tugged on it, lifting me off of him almost to the
point of his own release, and then let the belt go slack. I’d been straining
against it, trying to get back on to his incredible cock, and when the
resistance was removed like that I came crashing back down on to him, instantly
full again.

I screamed, the noise an assault in so small a space. His
cock was deeper than e
ver. There wasn’t time to
concentrate on how good it felt though, as he tugged on the belt again, pulling
my pussy off of him and then releasing again.

I came for him. There wasn
’t a choice. I felt
his cock jump in me as it entered me again, pulsing deep in me with a throb and
jolt. I wanted his cum, wanted him to fill me with everything he had inside

“Not yet,” he told
me with a grunt. “Almost, but not yet.”

I was limp again, my muscles shaking with exertion. I didn
remember collapsing, but the electric slide of him withdrawing his cock woke me
up to the fact that I was empty now, and the feeling was so confronting that I
almost wept. Cade was still there though, only this time he looped his thick
fingers through the belt and used it to drag my toward the edge of the bed.

“I need to own your
body,” he said, though he wasn’t apologizing. “I need you so badly that I can’t
help myself.”

I tried to nod, to show him I understood, but the belt was
too tight for that, especially with his fingers wedged in there too.
for you, Cade. Always, anything.”

He nodded.
“Next time can be your time, if
you like. But not now.”

This time, I managed to nod. “Fuck me the way you need to,

Permission granted, he pushed my head down and stepped toward
me. With my head hanging over the bed like this, I found herself staring at his
cock again. I opened my mouth, stretched out my tongue, made my neck as long as
I could, anything to strain for it. He rewarded me by taking a half step
forward, sliding his cock into my mouth and groaning as he did so. I tasted my
myself along the length of him, and licked and nipped at the tight skin of his
swollen cock.

I realized my hands were free, and I used them, grabbing his
ass as he held on to my head, each of us pulling the other forward, him fucking
my face and me breathing when I could as I felt him start to approach the edge
of control.

Like a woman possessed, I let go of his ass with one of my
hands and instead brought it to my entrance, plunging two fingers into my
pussy, gasping in surprise at the after effects of fucking something as hung as

Watching me like that was almost too much for him. His groan
rolled through him, and I used my teeth on him, gently at first, then harder.
Nipping at the middle of his thick cock and bringing herself crashing into
another orgasm, moaning wordlessly down his length and prompting him to explode
for me.

I felt his testicles contract, watched in amazement as his
hips drove his cock deep down my throat one final time, firing wave after wave
of thick cum into me.

I swallowed again and again, feeling my mouth milk very drop
form him. When he was done at last, I licked my lips and then wiped at my face
with the back of one hand. His stickiness and mine was smeared everywhere, and
the room seemed to be spinning.

I shut my eyes, and felt him wrap his arms around me




When I woke up he wasn't there. I
threw the covers off and darted out of the bedroom, naked, hair tussled from
the night before. How dare that bastard leave me to go do this on his own? Yes
of course he thought he was doing the right thing, but the nerve of that man to
tell me he needed me and then to throw me aside at the very last second.

I'd been wrong to trust him. As I
rounded the corner that separated the main room from the bedrooms I found my
hands were already folded into fists out of frustration.

“Slow down there, killer. Where do
you think you're off to?” Cade asked for across the room. He was dressed in a
different pair of jeans than yesterday, and he had his feet up coffee table.

“I thought…”

“No you didn't,” he said. If you’d
have been thinking, you know that I can't do this without you. If I could, if
that was the way it was meant to go down, it would've happened years ago.”

“They won't listen to reason,” I
said. It wasn't a question.

“No. I think you're right.”

“So what do we do?”

“Two things. The second one is we get
on my bike and go to the clubhouse. We make Thrace believe that you're scared.
We tell him you'll sign the document over, but that you're not willing to leave
my side. He'll get eager and he'll let us both in. Then we play it by ear and
bring him down.”

I nodded. It was as good a plan as
any. “What's the first thing?”

His hungry eyes razed my body like a
torch, his gaze roaming my naked flesh with such obvious lust that I felt
goosebumps despite the heat. “First,” he told me, his voice as confident as
ever, “first I show you my appreciation for the fucking we gave each other a
couple of hours ago…”




came quickly in the swamps. Cade and I sat on the back of his bike and watched
the gloom grow deeper around us. Mosquitoes drank our blood, occasionally
getting stuck to our bodies by our sweat, and fireflies danced around us
joyously. I remember thinking they were lonely, searching for a thing they
couldn't find. I'd been wrong. Every night they had the guts to show the world
they were willing to wait for their one love again, and that was just the way I
had needed to be too.

Through the tangle of tree branches
ahead I could make out the shape of the clubhouse. Now that I knew what to look
for, I could see the features of the Spanish Fort beneath the roughshod walls
and the drooping roof. It wasn't hard to imagine smugglers, gun runners and
bootleggers down through the ages calling this place home; a well-kept secret the
swamp didn't give up easily.

“Remember the plan,” Cade said. “Get
us both inside and we'll see if Thrace will talk sense.”

“You know he won't,” I said.

“I know. But we’ll give him a chance
anyway. The bastard loves to hear himself talk. He's as predictable as they
come. I always told him that if his enemy could guess his actions so easily he
didn't stand a chance, but Thrace never listened to anyone, least of all me.

“It seems anyone can change,” came a
voice from behind us. I whirled around as best I could on the back of the
Harley, almost falling off. Cade moved too, far faster than I, digging into his
jacket for his gun and spinning to face the interloper.

It was Thrace. I’d clearly broken his
nose with the kick I’d landed yesterday, and he seemed to be favoring one of
his legs over the other. In his hands he held a heavy shotgun which he leveled
at us with no small amount of glee. “You always said I couldn't learn, Cade. But
now who's predictable? I knew you wouldn't be able to resist bringing her here,
just as I knew I had a day to prepare for your arrival. Let me guess, you two
love birds decided to find a nest somewhere?”

I scowled at Thrace, trying to see beyond
him. There had to be a way out of this, but if there was I wasn't able to find
it yet. Even worse, there was no doubt that he'd heard Cade tell me what the
plan was, which meant that bluffing him about the transfer of the deed was
pretty much out of the question.

“Tell me, Rachel,” he said to me with
a leer, “was it good? I hope it was. If we decide to have some fun with you
later, I'll be glad to know that you have some remembered pleasure to contrast
the pain with.”

I shuddered, and the reflexive
movement only made his wide smile sharp.

Cade still had his hand in his
jacket, but before he could do anything more Thrace turned his attention to
him. “Throw it on to the ground,” he said.

There was a long moment of hesitation
and I wondered whether Cade would rather go out in a blaze of glory now then be
put through whatever Thrace surely had planned for him. I felt his muscles
tighten as he prepared to test his speed against his rival's.

I couldn’t let that happen. As fast
as Cade was, no amount of military training would be able to beat Thrace's
finger to the trigger of the gun he was already pointing at us. “Do what he
says, Cade,” I commanded. “Drop the gun and let's get this over with.”

Cade didn't like it, but he did as I

“And the other one too,” Thrace said.
“Or would you like me to believe that a guy like you only brought one gun to
fight like this?”

Cade grunted and slowly tugged a holdout
pistol from his boot. He tossed it beside the other in the mud.

Thrace chuckled to himself and step
closer, motioning with the barrel of the shotgun for us to move away from the
Harley. We did, my small hand locked in Cade's much bigger one. I knew he was
still preparing himself to charge, but I also knew how that would end.

I squeezed his hand as we turned our
backs to Thrace for a moment to walk in the direction we been ordered.
Not yet,
I mouth when Cade glanced at
me. Once we were to the spot, we turn to see Thrace slide Cade's knife from the
holster on the Harley.

“Nice,” Thrace said with obvious
appreciation shining in his eyes as he looked at the blade. I hadn't gotten a
good look at it before. It was almost a foot long, one edge wickedly serrated
and the other polished to razor sharpness. “That's quite a weapon, Cade.” He
took a slow, measured step forward.

“Stay right there, Thrace,” Cade
rumbled. “We'll play your game for now, but if you take one more step towards
Rachel, you and that knife are going to get intimately acquainted.”

Thrace didn't even slow, and the
catch in my throat told me that he wasn't worried about any threats. Not with a
knife in one hand and the shotgun and the other. “Turn around, Cade,” Thrace
said. “Turn around and face the darkness of the Bayou or I'll blow your bitch’s
leg off just to hear her scream.”

Cade flinched, but didn't turn.

“I'm not in the business of asking
twice,” Thrace warned, his voice so low it would have slid under any one of the
snakes I was sure were somewhere nearby. “Turn around.”

Slowly, so slowly that for a moment I
wasn't even sure he would do it, Cade turned and faced away from Thrace.

For his part, Thrace seemed to be
enjoying himself thoroughly. He walked up beside me and lay the barrel of the
shotgun on my shoulder, the muzzle aimed at my neck.
This is it
, that little voice inside my head piped up.
This is where you grab the gun and twist it out
of his hand. Turn the tables. Do it, or you're both dead

My knees were locked. My lungs were
burning with the breath I didn't even know I was holding. I could hear my heart
bang away in my ears, could feel it in my temples as the blood roared. This
wasn't a movie. I was no action hero. If I tried to take the shotgun, I'd be
dead and then Cade would be too.

It was a simple as that.

Thrace held the survival knife in
front of my face. “Have you ever seen one of these before? I mean, really seen
it? Up close and personal.” He didn't wait for me to answer. It didn't matter
what I would've could've said. This thing was going to play out the way Thrace
wanted to whether I liked it or not.

I shook my head.

“It's interesting, really. The
serrations on the back edge serve two functions. You can use them as a saw, of
course. Cut branches from trees, make snares, build a shelter. But that's not
their real purpose. The knife goes into flesh easily, but taking it out, that's
when the real damage happens.”

I was so scared I was shaking. I
opened my mouth to tell Thrace I would give him anything he wanted if he simply
left us alone, but before I could get the words out he spun and buried the
blade in Cade's side.

I heard it scrape along the bone of Cade’s
ribs, heard the sick hiss of air that could only be a punctured lung is the love
of my life went over a ton of bricks.

An instant later the shotgun’s barrel
was no longer on my shoulder, and then the shotgun’s stock connected solidly
with the back of my head.

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