Craving the Alpha: Part Three: BBW Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance (Lycan Lovers) (5 page)



Markus and I hadn’t spoken much since our fight over his jealous behavior and I wondered if he would be able to control his emotions. As much as I cared about him, I was not about to let a man control who I spoke with or what I did. Telling me to quit my job at Slice of the Pie because he was jealous was ridiculous. What would we do for money? I only hoped he would come around and get real with the situation.

I was exhausted as I pushed open the door to the motel room. It had been a long, hard day and night at Slice of the Pie. Sal had asked me to come in early to accept some deliveries and prep as he had business in town and couldn’t be there. Plus, I had to stay and work my regular evening shift.

The fresh scent of pine intermingled with a roasting chicken greeted me as I walked inside our unit. I was so exhausted from work, but as I looked around I noticed the effort Markus had made into cleaning up the place and preparing dinner and a renewed energy washed over me.

“Would you care for a glass of wine, Kristen?” Markus asked.

“Don’t mind if I do,” I responded smiling, taking the glass of Chianti he proffered. “What’s all this?”

“Well, I worked today and they cut us loose early so I picked up some goodies and cleaned up the joint.”

“You got a job?” I exclaimed. “Where? When? How…”

Markus grabbed my hands, laughing. “I’m glad you are pleased. It’s just a temporary job. I heard they hire people as day workers. So I found out where to go and went there this morning after you’d left. I was talking to some of the other men there and they said every day is different. Someone will come along and hire men to paint, garden, haul trash, clean … whatever they need to have done. I may not work every day but it is something and it’s cash money. Today we painted outside, but they let us go early when it started pouring.”

“Yeah, it rained hard. I am so happy it was just drizzling when I walked home. I didn’t get too wet.”

“Well, it was pouring and I got drenched,” Markus said, “but I walked to the grocery store and picked us up some things.”

Markus could be so sweet. I smiled as I thought of the effort he had made to please me.

“No rice and beans, that’s for sure. I bought cheese, a small whole chicken which we are having for dinner, some small new potatoes, broccoli…”

I shook my head, “Ewww, broccoli,” I moaned.

“Greens, vitamins … Kristen—so good for you.”

I shrugged.

“Anyway,” he continued, “I also got a few apples, bread, sliced turkey, milk, yogurt, raisins, eggs, a bottle of pine cleaner and a sponge.”

I looked around the room. Markus had obviously spent time scouring the place. He had put a lot of elbow grease into scrubbing the laminate countertop. I could see he had even polished up the pots and pans; the sticky film on them was nowhere to be seen. Considering the run down appearance of the motel room, it looked pretty decent. And the man in front of me; the man who walked in the pouring rain to get groceries so he could cook and clean for me—he looked really, really good.

The way he was looking at me right now, I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him. Forget how tired I was. Forget the chicken in the oven. All I could think about was the tingle that rushed through my body as our eyes connected, the warm olive tone of his skin, the richness of his gold-flecked brown eyes. His scent, that deep musky Markus smell, made me want to devour him.

Markus growled, pulling me towards him. “God, I need you.”

I wanted him so bad. I couldn’t wait to feel his throbbing dick filling up my clit.

We didn’t speak. We both just started stripping down. I pulled off my stupid Slice of the Pie tee, unclasped my bra, and slid out of my jeans. He pulled off his pants and yanked his shirt over his head. I didn’t have a chance to pull off my panties, he pulled me towards him by grabbing their elastic band.

“I’m ripping these off of you.”

“Markus! I have two pairs of panties to my name. What am I supposed to wear?”

“Nothing,” he said, his eyes blazing with desire. “I want you bare-assed around me all the time, your pussy ready and open for me.”

God he sounded like such an animal … and I loved it. My clit was sopping wet.

“Alright, we will buy you new ones tomorrow.”

“Yeah, these are kind of tired looking.”

“Kristen, your pussy could make granny pants look good.” Markus teased. “But honey these are coming off.” He reached his strong hands down and ripped them off my crotch.

It was just too much. I was aching, literally aching with need. He pulled me to him and we kissed hard, our bodies crushed against one another.

I slid my body down his, licking every inch of his bare skin along the way. I wrapped my hand around the length of his cock and lowered my lips to the fleshy cap. I swirled my tongue around the head, probing the opening softly.

Caressing his balls with my other hand, I felt his hips push gently against me as he encouraged my mouth to open wider, taking in more and more of his hard tool.

“Kristen,” he moaned, running his hands through my hair. “God, you’re so beautiful. This feels so good.” I gazed up, admiring his powerful neck as he arched it back, his eyes closed in pleasure.

I continued to take his cock fully in my mouth, my lips savoring his firmness as my nose inhaled his scent.

“Mmm, you taste so good,” I murmured. “I just want to suck every drop out of you.”

“God, you’re good Kristen. I love your tongue. But I want to feel your pussy right now.”

Markus lowered himself to the carpet and pulled me on top of him. “Fuck me Kristen. Fuck me!” he commanded.

I lowered my pussy onto his engorged shaft, moving it rhythmically up and down. I loved the sensation of his swollen cock as he filled me to the brim. Markus gripped my hips tightly as I rode him harder up and down. The pleasure was so sweet, yet so intense. I could see myself never getting out of bed, but instead spending day after day making love to Markus.

As I rode his cock, I could feel the pressure mounting in his body as he reached a climax and he exploded; the creamy semen coating my clit and inner thighs.

“God, that felt so good,” he cried out. He exhaled deeply, his sweat covered body collapsing with exhaustion. He knew I was close, but I had not come. Rolling over, he began licking my breasts. He slid his large hand down to my pussy and began rubbing my nub. I was so close and his strong, probing fingers brought me to the edge and beyond. My body shook as the waves of my orgasm pulsated with every fiber of my being.

Markus kissed me and help me up, gathering together my clothes. “Why don’t you wash up and I’ll get dinner on the table? You want these?” He added, grinning as he held up the torn panties and handed them to me.

“Smart ass,” I responded, snatching them from his hand. “I will take a fast shower and then we’ll eat dinner.”

“And by the way,” I gave him a saucy grin as I flung the ripped undies in his face. “
will be shopping for new panties on my next day off.”



The mall was too far to walk to so we had three choices: take a cab, run there in our wolf, or take the bus. Markus thought we should run there and save the cash we’d have to pay for a cab or a bus, but lately I hadn’t been feeling too hot—a bit sick to my stomach, probably from all the pizza I had been eating recently. The idea of changing into my wolf to run there and then changing back into my clothes to shop, all hot and sweaty, did not appeal to me. A cab was too pricey, so we decided to take the bus.

Getting around Frederick without a car was tough, but I figured eventually I might get one. After all, I still had my license. I just had to figure out how to buy a car without alerting the authorities.

Getting a car was not something I was going to worry about now. I was excited because Markus and I were going to go shopping, and even though we had to get there by bus, I was looking forward to it.  The first week at the pizzeria had worked out well for me. Once I took Heather’s advice and stopped trying to be fast and focused more on being friendly, the tips started rolling in. One man had even given me a twenty and told me to keep the change after ordering a single beer, just because I admired his tee shirt. I didn’t have a ton of cash, but combined with Markus’s wages as a day laborer we had enough to pay for food and rent, and now we could buy a few new clothing items each.

I knew Markus wasn’t thrilled about the Slice of the Pie situation. His alpha pride was bristled that I was flirting and talking to other men, but he didn’t have much choice. It was my job, and the sooner he got used to it the better. The money sure came in handy.

Since he had finally found work, he was in a much better mood. He would go to the street corner where he and other men would find an honest days pay by doing one odd job or another. He would come home smelling like paint from a day of painting, or with new grass stains caked on his jeans from a hard day pushing a mower. He never knew what he would be doing, but he was working and bringing in money. And though it wasn’t ideal, being productive helped improve his mood. He didn’t mention his Lycan family as much, though I knew they were on his mind.

Our first stop at the mall would be for some new clothes. Despite washing them and trying to drip-dry them to keep them clean, my jeans and tees were tired after the ordeal they’d been through. Markus’s were worse with all the heavy day labor he had been doing.

As we walked past the dress rack and headed towards the casual wear, a black dress with horizontal orange stripes caught my eye.

“Oh my God, this is totally hideous,” I said, pulling it off the rack and holding it next to me.

“It looks just like that one at that shop downtown. The one you admired in the window, except for the orange stripes of course.”

“It is nothing like that dress at The Red Rose!” I exclaimed. “That one was simple, classic, and…” then I caught the amusement in his eyes. “Very funny,” I said, hanging the ugly dress back.

Shopping with Markus was
like shopping with a good girlfriend. He liked to look good, but he did not want to spend hours picking out shoes or pants that fit the butt ‘just so’ for himself or me.

“What do you think of this?” I asked, pulling out a zebra printed tee from the racks.

“Great!” he replied impatiently.

“And what do you think of this?” I held up a pair of slim fit green slacks swirled with a black print.

“Great! You look good in everything,” he grunted quickly.

It was pretty obvious that everything was ‘great’ to him. I sent him off to go look in the men’s department while I pulled out a huge selection of items for myself. As a werewoman, I had to find clothes that were easy to put on and take off, with not a lot of buttons and a durable fabric.

After trying everything on, I culled it down to a pair of khaki slacks, tapered jeans, and three tops. I added in a pair of comfortable walking shoes and a small pair of platform sandals that would look good with both the jeans and the slacks.

When I got to the men’s department, I found Markus scratching his head with nothing in his hands. It was obvious he was in over his head.

“I’m just not used to this many choices,” he whined. “Kara always bought our clothes.”

Kara, wow. That woman had sure tried to ingratiate herself into Markus’s life.  I couldn’t help but feel a flash of anger when I recalled the council meeting at Camp Vickers, and how Kara had tried to lead me astray because she wanted Markus for herself.

Oh well, at least in the end she had encouraged Todd to help us to escape from Camp Vickers. “Well she did a good job,” I stated. Markus always looked smoking hot in his snug denims and pec revealing tees. “So, let’s see what I can do.”

Over the next thirty minutes we picked out several pairs of jeans and shirts for Markus, along with some boxers and a black leather belt with a gold tone buckle.

After paying for our purchases we walked to the lingerie store. I needed panties badly. Markus eagerly walked into the store with me, his eyes bulging as he gazed at the assortment of nighties, panties, and stockings.

I picked up a pink cotton nightgown. “What do you think of this?” I asked.

“Not see-through enough,” Markus said.

“And what do you think of this?” I asked, holding up a pair of boy shorts.

“Not small enough. They should be up here,” he said, motioning to an area right above my butt cheeks.

“Hmm,” I said teasingly. “You don’t seem to mind picking out clothes in here.”

Markus snorted.

There were a lot of pretty things in the store, but I had to be sensible. I went over to the 5 for $25 panties and began rifling through them. It was like being in a candy store with all the different colors and styles.

I selected my five pairs when Markus marched over with a red, lacy bra and matching thong panty set. “This one,” he said.

What do you do when a hunky looking man tells you to buy a set of sexy lingerie? I took the hangers and walked into the dressing room. Surprisingly, Markus had gauged my size perfectly. The red demi bra was so soft, conforming to my breasts perfectly with a cute peek-a-boo lace along the edges. The sheerness allowed my nipples to lightly show through. The tops of my breasts were clearly on display and my boobs looked ginormous, swelling over the top of the cups. And the thong panties … well I was not sure if they qualified as panties as they were no more than a small piece of sheer red material with a peek-a-boo lace on the edges that matched the bra. They allowed my butt cheeks full exposure. Overall, I had to say I looked hot. The price wasn’t so good though.

I could hear Markus walking outside the dressing room and I opened the door so he could take a peek. His mouth dropped open when he looked at me, and his gaze gave me more confidence. “You like?” I said brazenly, allowing the door to open wider and giving a little spin.

He swallowed as his eyes took in my curves and I knew it was a keeper, but I hesitated, as it was so expensive. Yes, it was a lot, but tips at the pizzeria were good and I would make back the money quickly. Plus, my old bra and panties were so ratty.

I still hadn’t decided when one of the sales clerks walking by made up my mind for me. “That set is fifty percent off today,” she said. “And there are even bigger mark downs on the sale rack.” She pointed to a rack in the corner.

The clerk was right; the sale rack was crammed with bras, panties, pajamas and loungewear at bargain prices. I picked out a soft terry cloth robe they were practically giving away and added it along with the red peek a boo bra and panty set to my pile.

As we left the lingerie store, I felt great about my purchases. We were pretty much shopped out but Markus said he had one more stop to make.

We walked by a jewelry shop, electronics store, sporting goods depot and a few boutiques before he stopped in front of a toy store.

“I need to get Zach something … something nice like I promised. I’m going to put it in his lunch box and send it back to him. I’ll tuck in the money we owe Susan also.”

As Markus went up and down the aisles looking for the perfect gift for Zachary, I strolled near the front looking at the toys there.

It brought back a feeling of nostalgia to see toys like those I had played with when I was young: building blocks, modeling clay, a hobbyhorse. But something else caught my eye. Right next to the hobbyhorse was a baby doll. I read the box, “True to Life Newborn,” it said, and stared at the doll. She did look real, with soft, tiny hands and feet, a small pink, puckered mouth, and a cuddly, baby body.

I picked her up and cradled her in my arms, smiling as I noticed her lifelike eyes open and close. She looked so sweet, swaddled in her tiny blanket. Something was bothering me as I looked down at the doll, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

“Kristen, I found just the right toy for Zach!” Markus yelled, walking towards me while waving a shiny, red fire truck in his beefy hands.

I looked down at the doll and then back at Markus, and down again. That queasy feeling in my stomach that I’d been experiencing over the past week came back again, and a shocking thought hit me like a bolt of lightning.

Was I pregnant?




The sexy love story continues in


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