Read Craving You (TBX #2) Online

Authors: Ashley Christin

Craving You (TBX #2) (27 page)

“Just for a few hours while it’s still cool enough outside. When I get back, we’ll spend the day together, okay?” My hand softly strokes the soft skin of her face.

“Okay.” The sides of her lips fight to rise into a small grin so I quickly kiss her nose.

“Jamie has plans for you girls today while we’re busy.” Colt informed Jamie of his plans for tomorrow, and she better keep that big mouth of hers shut.

Kelsey’s eyes grow big, and she looks at my little sister. “You do?”

“What’s better on a birthday eve than a spa day?”

“Vodka and the spa?” Brealynn’s eyebrows rise with her question.

“Spadka!” Kelsey jumps out of my lap and races over to the pantry for the liquor.

“Yes! Let’s Spadka!” These girls have their own language that I’m afraid I’ll never be fluent in.

“At ten in the morning, do you girls want an AA sponsorship for your birthday?” When the girls stop immediately and turn to face Tim, I’m thanking all that’s holy it’s not me they’re looking at.

“Where’s the Tim we know and love?”

“Yeah?” Jamie’s tone has a hint of an attitude. What’s that about?

“He’s right here. Come get some.”

“That’s enough.” Colt chuckles. “Let’s head out before the girls massacre you.”

Kelsey beams up at me. “Love you.”

“Love you too, sweetness. We’ll hang later. Just me and you.” She sighs with content and us guys walk to the box.

I hated lying to Kelsey about what we’re going to be doing today, but it was for her own good.

“Do you think they know?”

“No way, man.” Tim walks faster than us toward Colt’s truck that’s parked out by the ramps.



“You plan on doin’ what?” Justin’s mouth hangs open after his question. I know- it’s hard to believe.

“Propose! I need you to help me out.” Since Justin is the emcee at this event, we need his cooperation.

“Blowin’ my mind, dude.”

“Things change. Can you help or not?”

“Yeah, yeah … won’t be a problem. Yo, man, I’m Justin.”

“Blaine.” They shake hands.

“He’s our brother.” I feel the need to emphasize that. He’s been in the shadows too long. Justin’s eyes get wide, but he checks himself before saying a smartass comment. That’s just Justin.

“Shit. Another Taylor. Help us all.” We all laugh.

I really hope everything goes well for Colt. He’ll want the perfect proposal for Brealynn, and I just want them both to have an unforgettable birthday.





The boys are being weird. The fact that I can’t quite put my finger on the reason why worries me. There’re no issues going on that I’m aware of, and the boys are acting well with us … I wonder if it has to do with Blaine. Things have been going really good with them four lately. It’s almost like they’ve known each other the whole time.

“This place is awesome. They serve you margaritas during your service!” Jamie steps one foot into the warm whirlpool of water before taking a seat in the comfy chair and us girls follow. Once we all chose the pedicure package, we want our drinks are served.

“This was a great idea.” I’m completely relaxed with the massage from the chair and my feet feel like clouds.

“Tim showing up this morning was a surprise.” Brealynn rolls her head toward Jamie, completely relaxed.

“He came upstairs demanding to speak with me. Like I’d just wake up and talk with him at the crack of dawn!”

“Did you?”

“He’s still so hard to resist. Once he started talking about how much he still cared about me, I caved like the needy girl I am.” A sigh falls from her.

“You’re not needy. Hell, I used to do that with Parker every damn time. It’s just something about him. One minute I think I’m strong and can keep him at arm’s length, and then the next, I want to have his damn babies. I almost committed myself. He drove me crazy.”

“When you’re in love, I think that’s a natural response for your heart. The minute you realize it, you want to dive in and shield yourself all at the same time.” Brealynn makes a valid point.

“I took off running full speed and called denial home.” Laughing, I bring my drink up for a sip.

“There’s one big difference. I’m not in love with Tim.”

The laughter boils from my core and spills through my lips before I realize it. It’s uncontrollable and my abdomen begins to contract and hurt from the laughter. Brealynn catches my giggles. “That’s exactly what I thought.” Our laughter finally dies down, and Jamie’s face is sad. Regret fills my stomach from making fun. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. We’re just not meant for each other right now.”

“Maybe not today or this week, but one day, the timing will be right for you. It may not be with Tim, but it’ll happen.” Brealynn speaks the truth.

“You’re right. Enough about my drama! Let’s enjoys this girls’ day!” Her smile is fake at the moment and I’m going to make it my mission to bring the real one out today.



Walking into the house, I feel relaxed after a pedicure, manicure, and facial thanks to Jamie. It was nice to spend some time with the girls, but I’m ready to see my man. I’ve missed him today.

“Hey baby, how was your spadka day?” Stepping into his arms, he engulfs me with love. Nothing has ever felt like home until him. His smell anchors me.

“Great.” My voice is mumbled as I snuggle my face into his chest.

“Did you miss me?” His chest rumbles with laughter as it vibrates against my skin.

Reaching up and around, I grip his neck to bring his ear level with my lips before I whisper, “I’m in need of
fix,” while I slide my lips very softly over his sensitive flesh.

The sound of all the others fades when Parker bends and grips my thighs to jolt me up his body and my legs wrap around his hips. Butterflies erupt in my stomach again, like it’s the first time I’ve ever been with this man. My cheeks are hot and my core hotter. The feel of his desire for me sends my body into a frenzy. Before I know it, the world around me moves, and we’re inside his room.

“I can’t fuck you in the livin’ room,” he growls shoving me into the wall of the closed bedroom door. “You know what happens when you rub that sweet spot against me.” He’s everywhere all at once. My face, shoulders, breast, gripping my hips …

“Don’t care, just do it.” I’m panting with need, and my focus is lost on anything but him. Our kisses are hard and urgent, his fingers rough on my skin
and I want more. Need more.

Ripping his shirt up and over his head, my claws sink into his skin marking him for myself. His lips move against mine with the same fever that’s running through my body. Callused fingers running through my hair and my spine tingle before his fingers tangle and pull at the nape of my neck, exposing my tender skin to him. Teeth graze my sensitive flesh, and my body’s natural response is to ignite.

Again, we’re moving, and my back hits the soft sheets of his bed. “I want to lick up every ounce of sweetness you’re going to give me tonight, baby.” Parker kisses behind my ear while his body hovers over me. I want him hard and rough, but my heart craves his sweet touch. Chills begin to prickle over my body when he leaves me to undress. Parker stalks toward the bed as if I’m prey, and he hasn’t eaten in years. His steps are slow and intentional. “Been missin’ you all day, then you come in lookin’ relaxed and happy whispering in my ear. Do you know what that does to a man? Drives. Me. Mad.” My foot’s lifted in one of his hands and he slowly starts placing kisses up my ankle and leg, torturing me with the pleasure of his soft lips against my skin. Arching off the mattress on a moan, his teeth graze over my hipbone. A rough hand squeezes my nipple, and I’m close to exploding. To say I love those callused hands of his would be an understatement.

Hot breath blows across my face between kisses. The feel of his chest against mine, skin to skin, is the perfect friction. Cradling my face, he attacks my lips with a vengeance. His tongue diving into my mouth fighting for me to surrender to him, but I’m a fighter. I give it back to him just as hard. Playfully, his teeth grazes my lips, nipping. Hands roam down the side of my body, his eyes never leaving mine.

Parker pushes into me with ease and my whole body centers around him. “I could do this for the rest of my life.” The vow in his sweet admission has my stomach doing cartwheels.
Yes, please

“Forever.” I gasp, lost in the moment.

“Always.” He grunts as he thrusts inside of me. “Love you, Kelsey.”

Grinding his hips into me, I don’t have time to register the impending orgasm, “Parker … ahh … love you!” passes past my lips before my whole world explodes, just like every time I’m with him. I feel him let go as he nuzzles his face between my ear and neck. He’s whispering what I assume are sweet nothings into my ear as I come down from the high only he can give me.

Pushing up, Parker smiles down at me before placing a quick kiss to my forehead. He looks so happy and relaxed. I did that. I put that look on his face, and it makes me feel incredible. Snuggling into the arms I want to hold me for the rest of my life, a grin takes over my face, and I couldn’t fight it if I tried.




A bright light shines through my window and gleams across Kelsey’s face. I’ve been awake for about ten minutes just staring at the gorgeous sight in front of me. Pushing a strand of loose hair away from her face, she wakes, opening one eye. “What time is it? It’s illegal to wake me up before noon on my birthday.”

“Happy birthday, sweetness.” Popping her other eye open, I’m greeted with the gray eyes and toothy grin of hers that I love.

“Thanks.” Our lips press together for a good morning kiss.

“Rise and shine. The early bird gets the worm and all that bullshit! We leave in thirty.” Colt cock blocks me from the other side of the bedroom door.

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll be ready!” Kelsey giggles at my tantrum while stepping out of bed. “Laugh it up, giggle box. I have a huge package to give you later for your birthday.” She giggle-snorts before opening the bathroom door.

“I received
gift last night.” Winking, she turns hair swirling around her and I watch her sexy ass shimmy into the bathroom.


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