Cravings: Alpha City 2 (17 page)

Read Cravings: Alpha City 2 Online

Authors: Bryce Evans

Chapter 31


Thorn was driving Zoey home when her cell phone went off. “Hello. Hey, baby. Sure, that would be great. Yes, we are on the road now. Love you too.” Zoey hung up the phone and glanced over at Thorn who was smiling like a Cheshire cat.

“What are you smiling at?” Zoey asked with amusement in her voice.

“Just you and my Alpha, and well, now you are my Alpha too, but I have to say that he is so much better now that you are here and mated with him. You’re good together,” Thorn answered.

Zoey’s heart soared feeling accepted by Thorn, who is the Beta of the pride. “Thank you, Thorn. That means a lot to me that you support us as a couple.”

“Why wouldn’t I, Zoey? You are meant to be together. I never understood why Kayden’s father only wanted shifters mating with their same kind. It was stupid and not realistic. Kayden is a natural born leader. His dad is a dictator, a bully, and nothing more. I have no respect for the man.” Zoey smiled at Thorn. She was happy that he was a good second and an even better friend to her mate and now her.

“Can you drop me off at the cabin? Rose has cooked, and you are invited too,” Zoey said.

“Sorry. As much as I love Rose’s cooking, I have plans with the enforcers tonight. We have some things we are looking at, but tell her to save me a plate, if you will, and I will come by later and pick it up.” Zoey’s head jerked around at what Thorn said. He would pick it up later, tonight. Apparently, Thorn saw her staring at him and just smiled brighter. She would let it drop for now, but she would definitely bring it back up later.

Thorn pulled up at the cabin, got out, and helped Zoey out of the SUV.

“Thanks, buddy,” Kayden announced coming from around the house.

“No problem. I will call you later, after the meeting.” Kayden nodded and held Zoey close to him as he walked up the steps. Before he opened the door, he backed her up against the wall and inhaled her scent.

“I’ve missed you, my mate. I don’t like being away from you this long. I plan to show you just how much in a little while. I have a surprise for you later,” Kayden muttered as his mouth glided over her mating mark. Her body shivered from the flick of his tongue.

“Kayden, if you keep doing that, I will take you right here, my love,” Zoey teased him back.

“Zoey’s here!” Kayden growled as Russ looked out the window. “Gross, they are kissing.”

“Come on, before they come out here and get a show they shouldn’t see with their Alphas making out on the front porch.” Zoey giggled.

Kayden stuck his lip out, but relented and pulled Zoey away from the wall and walked to the door letting her walk in first. He had a hard-on, and he needed to get it under control before the others saw it.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” Kayden responded. Zoey looked down and saw his pants were tented. She giggled and went inside. Kayden sat in one of the rocking chairs to try to clear his mind.

Leaning his head back against the rocking chair, he wondered what they were going to do about Claudia Blackwood. She was pure evil and would kill someone soon. He knew it was going to happen. Everyone would look to the Council for answers. Two attempts on an Alpha’s mate would work its way through the cities’ gossip news, and soon panic would set in. They needed to meet and figure out a way to stop this. In his heart, he knew the answer already, and they were in a tight spot because nobody knew what to do to stop this woman. Ryder had already contacted the Witches Council, and nobody knew where Claudia Blackwood’s coven was located.

Apparently, she had been planning this for years and had gone to great lengths to hide their location. The Council instructed Ryder to be careful because Claudia was a very powerful witch, and she only took in the strong who thought like her.

Unfortunately, they seemed just as worried about what Claudia was doing. She had made her move, and it seemed the ball was always in her court.

“Kayden, are you okay, baby?” Zoey asked from the screen door. He could see the outline of her face as the light shined on it. She was worried as she looked at him. Times were changing, and they both knew it, but they needed to get their emotions under control so the others didn’t pick up on it. Panic wasn’t something they needed now or ever. Everyone needed to work together for the sake of Alpha City.

“Sure, baby. Just enjoying the night air. You stirred the beast inside me,” Kayden answered, he could see the small smile cross her lips. She walked outside and sat down on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her scent always calmed his nerves, and she was just what the doctor ordered.

“Supper is ready,” Zoey whispered. Her arms gripped him tighter. He knew she had picked up on his uneasiness.

“Then let’s get a good meal, so we can go home where I can have my way with you, okay?” Kayden leaned down and whispered in her ear. Her giggles were what he was waiting for as she nodded.

Wrapped around each other, Kayden led Zoey back into the house where they sat down to a wonderful meal.



The dinner table became quiet as if they were afraid to ask any questions about what happened earlier to Zoey.

“Alpha, what happened earlier with Zoey?” Titian finally asked. They could see that they all wanted to know what was going on. Kayden knew it was time to inform them of everything. They would be in danger as well and needed to know what to look out for.

“You are now part of the pride, and I think you need to know what happened before you arrived, especially with the two incidents that have occurred. It started about six months ago. Zoey’s best friend, London, the one you met earlier is the keeper of a very powerful gem.”

“The one she wears around her neck?” Carina spoke. It was a chain reaction as everyone turned toward the little girl. She hadn’t spoken one word since she had arrived. It was a shock to hear her little voice.

“Yes, Carina, that is correct,” Kayden answered with a smile. “London is the keeper of The Tree of Life. It has been passed down in her family from generation to generation, and now it has been passed down to her. She didn’t know until this year that she was a true witch and had special powers. You see, many bad witches out there want the Tree of Life. They want to use the power it possesses to do bad things, and it is our responsibility to protect the innocent and make sure it doesn’t get into the wrong hands. A bad witch by the name of Metilda Blackwood was sent to Alpha City so she and her mate could try and take over the Alpha Council. Their plan was to kill off Zoey, so her brother, Ryder, who is on the Council, would be so distraught that they would be able to kill him during his grief. They planned to get on the Council, but what they didn’t know was only a member of Ryder’s pack can be on the Council. They would never be able to get on it, but it didn’t stop them from trying. Metilda and her mate, Jim Sanders, killed an enforcer from Ryder’s pack and used a spell to take his life-force. Well, it all came to a head when Metilda and others kidnapped Zoey, and London went and rescued her. We found out and went after London. To make a long story short, London defeated Metilda by taking her magic away from her, thus making her unable to perform any magic. The sentinels were summoned to come and take Metilda away and placed her in the prison. The problem was really Metilda’s mother, Claudia Blackwood, had planned all of this. Our city is very special, and many bad people want to come and take it away. Claudia has said she would get us all back for what we did to her daughter. She is out for revenge.”

“Why do they want Alpha City so bad? I mean there are other places where shifters live,” Titan asked.

“She wants to get into Valceria,” Carina answered. The room got deathly quiet as all eyes fell on the eight-year old girl.

“Carina, how do you know that?” Kayden asked, concerned.

Carina shrugged her shoulders then answered in a whisper, “I talked to them outside.” Kayden and Zoey both stared at each other, uneasiness settled in their gut.

“You talked to whom, Carina?” Titan asked of his little sister.

“The elves, who sit in the trees.” The tension could have been cut with a knife with what Carina was telling them.

“The elves are sitting in the trees? Right now?” Zoey asked.

“Yes, they are guarding the portal to Valceria,” Carina answered.

“Can you show me the elves?” Kayden asked.

Knock, knock, knock. The knocking at the door startled everyone, especially the little boys. Both jumped up and ran to Titan who held them close to him. Nobody got up at first. They all stared at Kayden. Without saying anything, Kayden got up and walked to the door. He had to admit that he was nervous to open the door, but he could feel that no danger was at the door, so without hesitation, he opened the door to find five men all dressed in clothes that dated back into the Knights of the Roundtable days. They glowed with all their shiny armor and shields that they carried.

“The King would like a moment of your time, Alpha, and with the people in the room.” Kayden had seen these men before when the King of Elves, Bast Finn, informed them what they were guarding and the history behind the portal to Valceria.

“Of course.” Kayden stepped aside as all the men entered and bowed waiting for Bast to enter. The Elf glowed when he stepped into the cabin. He was a good-looking man, and his ears were elf-like, just like the stories he read as a child.

“Alpha, how are you?” Bast extended his hand to Kayden.

“We are well, Your Majesty. Please come in,” Kayden answered. All eyes turned to Zoey as she walked up staring at the elves.

“Oh my, I just never thought...” Zoey couldn’t finish her sentence before Bast finished it for her.

“Yes, Zoey Malone, mate of Kayden Lynn, we are real.” Bast smiled then nodded.

“Congratulations on your mating. I believe you made a fine choice.” Bast smiled. “Can we sit and talk, Alpha, about the new family and the girl.”

Kayden escorted the King and his men into the living room. “What about my sister?” Titan asked as he sat down in one of the chairs beside the fireplace.

“Ah, you must be Titan. Your sister speaks highly of you, young man. She says that you will be a great Alpha and fighter for the war that is coming.” Bast exclaimed in a thick Irish accent. He spoke like they should understand what he was talking about.

“War?” Zoey asked, concerned now more than ever.

“Yes, Zoey. War is coming, I’m afraid. It will take many lives before it is finished, and I’m afraid it might not turn out in our favor. She grows with power every day, and I’m afraid that Jamal has taken the witch, Claudia Blackwood, under his wing and is helping her. He wants to control Valceria,” Bast muttered. What scared Kayden and the others was the look of despair on the king’s face.

“I’ve heard that name before, Jamal, but where?” Rose asked as they entered the room.

Bast crossed his legs as he began telling the story that would be told over and over before the night ended. “Fairy tales, most likely. Jamal is the king of the dragons. A fire-breathing dragon that, unfortunately, is very real, and now wants to run freely over the earth. He is tired of hiding out in the darkness and Hell. He is very powerful but can’t reach his full power until he gets all the pieces of the Stone.”

“What’s the Stone?” Kayden asked, his eyebrows raised.

“Well, let’s just say that you hold a piece, Kayden, and Carina here is a piece herself. She is a very powerful witch and seer. I will only tell the Council what the pieces are, but only when you and the other Alphas travel with me to Valceria where I can be assured that what I say will not get out. Unfortunately, you have traitors among your people. I don’t know who, but I do know you do. That is the only way to make sure what we say will be held in secret.”

Every eye fell on Carina who continued to stare at Bast, who was also staring at the little girl. Kayden wondered what was going on with that, but he would ask the King without Carina or her siblings in the room.

“When do you want to go?” Kayden asked.

“Now, if you can get them all together. I don’t think that this can wait. I have summoned the sentinel, Jackson, to come as well. I would ask for you to bring only one coven member with you. We have to be careful, so only one, and my guards will make sure they are not followed.” Kayden got up and went outside with Zoey to make the calls.

Chapter 32


Kayden waited for all the Alphas and their leader of the coven to come to the cabin to meet with Bast and then travel to Valceria. They had never been there, and he couldn’t stop the excitement he was feeling of actually getting to go. No one has been there that he knew of, but with that information brought on a lot of stress of what was going to happen soon. War is what Bast said. This wasn’t good. He said lives would be lost on both sides. Kayden cringed thinking of his mate and people being hurt by whatever this was that Claudia Blackwood had conjured up from Hell. A dragon, Bast said.
What the hell do you do about a fucking dragon? How can they fight a dragon?
His mind couldn’t comprehend thoughts of a fire-breathing dragon.

“Why so weary, Alpha?” Jackson, the sentinel, asked. He was sitting in the other rocking chair staring at him. He never saw or heard him walk up and sit down.

“Jeez, Jackson. How did you do that?” Kayden asked. His eyes had changed and his panther came forth reacting to the sentinel’s magical appearance.

“Bast said to come now, and I’m here. Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” Jackson said. His voice was low and nonchalant. He had been around the sentinels before, and saw how they acted casually or calmly, never displaying any anxiety.

“There is too much going on for you to just pop up out of nowhere. My enforcers could have killed you for just poofing out of thin air like that,” Kayden added. He knew he was being a tad bit dramatic, but the man scared the shit out of him.

“I’ll explain in a few why you shouldn’t do that around any of us,” Kayden said agitated.

Jackson only nodded and continued to rock in the chair while staring out into night.

It was a few seconds later when Ryder, London, Judd, Brody, and Nolan pulled up along with their coven representative. Ryder got out of his vehicle with London, Meryl and Me-Len. Me-Len would probably come in handy since she was such a seasoned witch with lots of power. Some would say more than all the others put together.

Bast walked outside with his armed guards along with Carina and her family.

“Shall we go then? It’s not far. We will have to walk to the portal,” Bast announced. Everyone just stood and stared at the King and his guards. They had never seen him before, and Kayden knew they were thinking the same thoughts, and that was why he was dressed like the Knights in the fairy tales. Me-Len was the only one who was smiling.

“Ah, Me-Len, you are here, that is good. It’s been a long time, how have you been?” Bast came down from the steps and hugged the witch. Again, to say that everyone’s mouth was open and stunned that Me-Len knew the King of Elves was an understatement.

“I’m fine, Your Majesty. I work for the Malone Coven now. I want to introduce you to my granddaughter, London, who is mated to Ryder.” Me-Len motioned for London to walk forward. London stuck her hand out for Bast to shake, and he did.

“I see that you are now the keeper of The Tree of Life.” Bast observed the necklace around her neck.

London nodded then stepped back to her mate.

“Then let’s be off. The Guardians will make sure you were not followed,” Bast said to a confused crowd. They each looked around at the others about what to do now. “Ah, I forgot.” Everyone stopped and waited for the King to talk. “Carina needs to attend. If one of her family has to go, then that is fine, but she is an important part to this equation.”

Bast waited, and Titan walked up and took Carina’s hand. Kayden already had his enforcers in place. They were all over the land and near the cabin in case Rose needed help. Thorn had already positioned himself at the cabin standing guard on the porch.

Kayden and Zoey both glanced back at each other as they walked in the direction of Pier’s Point. He always knew that this land was special, but Pier’s Point held a special place in his heart for him and the other Alphas. Now he knew why.

Bast stopped and turned around. He drew his sword and looked around the wooded area. They all felt it. Something wasn’t right, but he didn’t know why. “Lie flat on the ground, quickly,” Bast informed everyone.

Within seconds of hitting the ground, a creature of some kind came flying out of the water. It had wings similar to that of a dragon, but not. It flew so fast, Kayden didn’t have time to see what it was after, but, whatever it was, was now clinched in the claws of the creature. It was a man with a cape on, but he was no more as the creature flew with him. The screams were drowned out as the creature hit the water and disappeared.

“The Guardian has made it safe for us to enter,” Bast advised, and then placed his sword in the water. It was the strangest sight Kayden had ever seen. A door opened up underneath the waterfall. “Hurry and enter the portal.” Bast waved everyone in. Kayden allowed Titan and Carina to go before them. When he turned back around, the doorway had closed and lights appeared on torches as they followed Bast.

Stepping out of the tunnel, they covered their eyes shielding the shining bright light. Kayden closed his eyes briefly, allowing his eyes to adjust. When he slowly opened them, what he found was amazing. Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. A waterfall was on the side of the mountain, just like at Pier’s Point. The only difference was that everything seemed clearer and brighter here in Valceria. Kayden and the others gazed upon the landscape. Bright colored flowers drifted silently in the warm breeze, and the trees appeared majestic. Rabbits crawled out of their holes watching as the group passed. It was oddest thing he’d ever seen when the rabbits bowed their heads as the king passed. Everything was enhanced in Valceria. The flowers and trees were more colorful. It was—magical.

“Magical,” London muttered. He figured everyone felt the same way as he did. They had never seen any place as beautiful as Valceria.

All the little noises could be heard, from the water hitting the rocks at the waterfalls to the birds chirping in the distance. It was different from home. It seemed more peaceful here. Maybe that was why they all loved to go to Pier’s Point and relax. It was the portal to this magical place.

At the bottom of the hill, a group of guards waited with horses.

“We will need to go to the castle and meet. I take it all of you know how to ride. You can double up with your mate if you choose. I will take the little one with me, if her brother will allow it.” Bast looked at Titan waiting for him to give him the okay. Titan looked down at Carina, and she nodded at him.

When they got down to the horses, they all noticed how much bigger these horses were compared to the ones in Alpha City or anywhere on earth. These majestic beasts were bigger and taller. A step waited for them to step up to get on the horses.

Bast held his hand out to Carina, who for some reason trusted the King. She allowed him to pick her up and put her on the horse. Kayden watched as everyone helped each other get onto the horses. He looked over at his mate and smiled. “Hold on tight, my love.” He could see the mischievous look on her face as he got up on the horse. Zoey was a very good rider, but he wanted her close. Even though he knew the King’s guards would never try anything, they couldn’t help to gaze at his mate and her beauty.

They galloped down the road until they came over a hill. Most of the women gasped as they gazed upon a place they thought only existed in books. Sitting on the cliffs next to the ocean was a castle. He couldn’t grasp where they were actually, if they were still on earth, or some magical plane that nobody knew existed. He wanted to ask, but as usual there were more pressing matters which needed to be discussed, like, what they were going to do about the damn fire-breathing dragon?

As the King and his guards slowed down, the drawbridge lowered as they approached.  The horses slowly crossed the drawbridge allowing Kayden and Zoey to look over the side into the moat. He was afraid to ask what guarded the castle.
Did it live in the clear water of the moat?
He had to laugh, wondering if anyone felt the same as he did. Everything they saw was like something out of a movie.

Zoey leaned in close when they went over the bridge. “Wonder if they have a Round Table inside?” They both snickered at the idea, but Kayden figured the King did with everything he had observed so far.

Guards were waiting when the horses stopped at the entrance, and they helped each of the women down, then led the horses away.

Zoey grabbed Kayden’s hand as they followed the King into the castle. He could feel her fear, but she was like him and excited as well.



Zoey couldn’t help but feel underdressed as women came out wearing the same style clothes as the King. It was as if they had gone back in time and King Arthur himself was going to walk out and greet them. As the King passed, servants bowed their heads. The smell of curiosity penetrated the air when they gazed upon her group.. She smiled at the women who seemed as curious as they were. When she looked over at London, she had the same look on her face. Total fascination and awe.

They were lead into a large room, and lo and behold, there sat the biggest, damn round table they had ever seen. The family crest the king wore on his armor was etched into the table’s center. Apparently, they had fallen down the rabbit hole and landed straight in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

“Freaking unbelievable,” Zoey muttered. Everyone in the room heard her comment, and all started laughing.

“What is so funny?” Bast asked as he stared at all of them.

“You have a round table. Just like King Arthur,” Titan commented first.

“Why yes, young Titan. We have all our meetings here. That way everyone can see each other,” Bast explained, as if it was nothing unusual. To him it probably wasn’t, but to Zoey and the others it was a fantasy turned into reality.

“Have you ever read the fairy tale about King Arthur and his Knights? You know, with Guinevere and Lancelot?” Nolan chimed in. “If you haven’t, you should, because, buddy, you are straight from that era.”

Zoey wanted to laugh, but the expression on Bast’s face seemed odd.

“Of course I have, but I’m not Arthur, I’m Bast. Now everyone take a seat. We have a lot to discuss.” With that said, everyone took a seat and forgot about the round table.

“War is coming, and I hate to say that it’s inevitable. Claudia Blackwood has made a deal with Jamal, the King of the Dragons. Yes, yes, just like the Round Table, Dragons do exist. Jamal is their King and has been for thousands of years. He has been cast from the earth by The Order,” Bast’s voice was serious as he explained. “As of now, I King Bast, activate The Order.”

“Who is The Order?” Ryder asked.

“The Order was a group of special shifters and others who were brought together to rid the earth of Jamal and his people. Jamal’s father was Riffa, who believed in only flying at night and leaving the humans alone. Jamal didn’t like hiding during the day. He eventually killed his father and became the terror that he is. The Order was formed with one elf, one bear, one wolf, one panther, one tiger, one jaguar, one dragon, and two witches. Each of these was also given a special gift from the Gods to help them on their quest. At the time, the gods needed to restore the balance here on earth. Jamal and his people were killing everything on earth, including the people and the environment. The world would have ended if he had succeeded. Now each gift is passed down from generation to generation for safekeeping because they always knew that one day, Jamal would find a way to come back, and unfortunately, Claudia Blackwood has succeeded partially. She needs each of the gifts to make sure he can come to Earth. Unfortunately, he can only come to Earth as a human, except when the moon is full, then he can transform but not with all his power. Even at half the power, Jamal is a force to be reckoned with. They know that each Alpha in Alpha City has the Coins of Two.” As soon as Bast said the name, a medallion appeared around each of the Alphas’ necks.

Kayden felt the medallion fall to his chest. He reached down and noticed that there were two faces, one of a man and the other of a panther. Immediately, he knew who the man was. His great-great grandfather’s picture was the man on the medallion. On the back of the medallion was a marking he had never seen before.

“How did that just appear?” Zoey asked pointing at Kayden’s neck.

“Once The Order is activated, each piece will appear to the one who is chosen to be a member. The five Alphas have been chosen, as well as me. I hold the Sword of Garrik.” Bast held up the sword he had used earlier. It was made of pure gold with the same markings that were on the back of Kayden’s medallion.

London gasped as the Tree of Life started glowing. Kayden could see the magic as it came out of the gem and swirled around her like a tornado. Ryder reached over and held on to her as the wind died down and the gem’s light faded.

“What the hell was that?” Ryder asked London.

“I don’t know. It has never done that before,” London answered.

“The Tree of Life is a gift, London. You hold a piece of The Order as well,” Bast explained. “Now there are a few more out there. Unfortunately, we don’t know who possesses them or where they are located. First is the Cloak of Edengraf, which was made by the Greek Goddess, Hecate. It is woven together and made of pure gold. I have no clue who possesses this piece. Next is the Bow of Artemis. The Greek Goddess herself gave the bow to help in the quest to destroy the dragon. It’s made of silver and very powerful. Then the last gift is the Armor of Kevalth. A dragonslayer forged this armor for a member of The Order to wear. This armor will protect whomever wears it from the fire of the dragon’s breath. It too is made out of silver and something else, but nobody knows what. Those are all the gifts, and we only know where seven pieces are. The rest are hidden, but it is up to us to find the other members and bring them all together. I cannot tell you this will be easy, nor that we will not lose loved ones. Before this is over, we will all have lost, including me. Trust will be a problem, too. You saw the Guardian come out and take the spy from the darkness. I don’t know who it was, but not even your enforcers can catch all of them. It is imperative that we stick together and stay close to one another. Claudia and Jamal grow stronger every day, and I can feel her in Valceria.”

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