Crazy Bitch (Bitches and Queens) (14 page)

“Do you want to come over to my
apartment and play house sometime?” Willow teased.

Hannah smiled brightly, leaned
forward, and then whispered against Willow’s lips, “Anytime,” she kissed and
then pulled back, “but you have to get rid of your fiancé first. I refuse to
press grunchy, tattered T-shirts.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“I would make a divine
housewife and a perfect mommy,” Hannah proclaimed as Willow took another bite
of the muffin.

Hannah the housewife was hard
enough to imagine, but Hannah the mommy was so impossible that Willow actually
started to cough.

“What?” Hannah pouted, sounding
hurt. “I would be a perfect mommy. I don’t think my first child turned out so
bad considering I was only nine years old when I took over the job and the only
role model I ever had was a complete piece of shit.”

“Your first?” Willow questioned

“Sam, of course,” Hannah
explained. “He needed a new mommy because his biological one had died, and I
needed a doll that my mommy couldn’t throw away. I’ll be the first to admit we’ve
had our bumps in the road and he has piss-poor taste in women, always has, but
I’ve learned from my mistakes. The firstborn is like an experiment… So, I
thought we could work from home today.”

Still surprised by Hannah’s
revelation, Willow’s mind reeled at the abrupt change of conversation. She
watched silently as Hannah jumped off the bed, disappeared for a few moments,
and returned with pile of stationery paper and a cosmetic bag filled with lip
liners and eyebrow pencils.

Willow reached inside the bag
and pulled out one of the liners. “You want me draw next season’s fashions
with…” she paused as she read the name, “…Roseberry Satin?” she questioned with
a smile.

“It will become the new trend,”
Hannah answered as she sat down behind Willow and started massaging her

“And what exactly will you be
doing all day?”

Hannah’s hands slipped around
Willow’s front. She palmed one of Willow’s breasts as her thumb traced light
circles around her nipple until it grew hard. “Actually…” Hannah nuzzled
against Willow’s neck as her fingertips danced down the length of her left arm,
“…I was planning on spending the day fucking you.”

Hannah pulled Willow’s hand to
her lips. After licking and nipping her palm, she sucked on her fingers

“I may actually need that hand
to work,” Willow moaned breathlessly.

“No you don’t. You’re
right-handed,” Hannah denied and continued. After a few moments, she released
her hand and said, “That’s better.”

Willow looked at her fingers
and discovered that her engagement ring was missing. She turned around and said
firmly, “Hannah, give me my ring.”

“Don’t worry,” Hannah murmured
as she leaned over and placed it beside the cup of coffee. “I’ll give it back
before you leave. It’s just best to get rid of anything that might hamper your


Over the next few months,
Willow discovered that Hannah fucked just like she did everything else—crazy.
At the office, they always started the morning with the best of intentions, but
before lunch, they ended up naked on the floor or on one of the desks. Inside
Hannah’s leased office suite existed a wonderful world freed of inhibitions.

During one of her wilder
moments, Hannah called Willow into the office a few moments before she was about
to give her first interview regarding her new venture. The magazine reporter
was one the line when Hannah motioned towards her desk. When Willow shook her
head in denial, Hannah calmly strolled over and hoisted her up. She wheeled the
chair over so that she sat in front of Willow. As she pried Willow’s tightly
clenched thighs apart, Hannah laughed into line, “Sorry darling, it has been
insane around here. I hope you don’t mind the sound of my munching because I
haven’t had time to eat my lunch.”

“NO!” Willow silently mouthed.

“Yes,” Hannah said aloud as she
scooted the chair forward and slipped her fingers inside the hem of Willow’s

When Hannah’s mouth descended
upon her satin-covered pussy, Willow leaned back and rocked her hips forward.
She could barely contain her moans of ecstasy.

“Hmm, what was that, darling?”
Hannah questioned against her cunt. “My inspiration? Well, I suppose I find
inspiration in nature. I’ve recently discovered a passion for horticulture…”
Hannah moved back, pulled Willow’s panties down, tossed them to the floor, and
went back down licking and sucking her wet pussy as her fingers pushed deep
inside. “…but I’m not the creative one. I have the designer here if you would
like to speak to her.”

“NO, NO, NO,” Willow quietly

“Yes darling, I’m sure she
could do a much better job explaining than I could,” Hannah said and then held
up the phone for Willow.

Willow very reluctantly
accepted. Taking a deep breath, she squeaked into the line, “Hello.”

Hannah quietly giggled against

“Yes, I’ve always wanted to be
a clothing designer,” Willow answered breathlessly.
Fuck, I’m going to come
during my first interview,
Willow thought to herself. “The process?” she
questioned into the phone. “Well—I submitted my portfolio. Hannah called and
then I…hmm…I…”
Right there! Yes, just like that! Oh fuck! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!
then I CAME…,” Willow screamed as her fist pounded against the desk, “…in for
the interview,” she finished raggedly.

After the call was finished,
Willow realized she had just sounded like a total flake, but she had too many
after-sex hormones floating around in her bloodstream to mind.

“I told you that you wouldn’t
be nervous talking to the press,” Hannah purred.

  Outside the office, they
maintained a professional distance. Hannah had never explicated stated that she
wanted to shield her public reputation, but she was and always had been a very
private person. And Willow had yet to tell her fiancé, which she knew didn’t
make sense considering the nature of their relationship. A few times, she
thought about confiding in Zachary, but she always stopped herself.

It was almost as if she said it
aloud to anyone, it would make it all too real. Willow remembered when her
mother got sick. The various colds and viruses lingered for months. She was
literally wasting away, and still she didn’t want to get tested because she
didn’t want to know the truth. At the time, Willow could not understand her
mother’s stubbornness, but now she did. If she could just pretend it wasn’t
real, pretend she wasn’t falling head-over-heels in love with Hannah, it wouldn’t
be true.

In two months’ time, they only
slipped up once, but like some things in life—once was all it took. It happened
one afternoon after they had eaten out for lunch. Willow decided it was high
time Hannah had some proper toys to play with, so she took her to this little
hole-in-the-wall shop. Considering it was the middle of week, in the middle of
the day, situated between two competing tattoo parlors, Willow thought it was safe
to say that Hannah wouldn’t be recognized.

As soon as they walked through
the doors, Hannah dashed off to the nearest aisle, mortified by the thought of
being in a place like this—let alone being recognized.
Oh my God, oh my God,
she thought repeatedly as she squeezed her eyes shut and covered her face
with her hands. Then she heard, “Oh my God!”
That’s new. The voices usually
stay inside my head. This can’t be good.

Hannah slowly opened her eyes
and discovered a strange, middle-aged man standing two feet in front of her.

“You’re Hannah Fairbanks,” he

“Yes,” Hannah said and then
cleared her throat trying to remain calm and dignified. “Yes, I am.”

Just then, Willow rounded the
corner juggling three boxes in her hands. “I found a few different ones. You
are either going to want to go with glass or cyberskin because the other ones
might irritate you. I didn’t know if you wanted to go strictly Caucasian or
something more ethnic, so I picked up one of each,” she explained.

“That sounds fabulous,” Hannah

“I’m your biggest fan. I’ve
collected all your pictures. Could I get your autograph?” the stranger
earnestly pleaded.

“Now’s not…oh fuck, why not?”
Hannah said with only the slightest grimace.

While she was signing her autograph
on the back of a crumpled, fast-food restaurant’s receipt with a cock-shaped
pen no less, the man working behind the counter called out, “Oh hey, Willow!
What’s up? Haven’t seen you here in a while. You still kicking it with my boy,

“Hey Ray,” Willow answered
quietly. “Zach and I are still…” she left the rest remain unsaid in front of

“Tell him we need to hang
together,” Ray said as he systematically began removing the sex toys from their

“No wait,” Hannah called out
with disgust. “Why are you touching them?”

“Store policy,” Ray explained
with shrug. “No returns, no refunds.”

“People seriously try to return
those things?” Hannah questioned in disbelief.

“You’d be surprised what people
will do in a place like this,” Ray said.

“No,” Hannah said succinctly, “I

As soon as they left, Hannah
spun around on heels to stand in front of Willow. “I don’t know what was more
disturbing—the fact that I just signed an autograph with a penis pen for a man who
may or may not have been jacking off to my photographs or that the store clerk
knew you by name.”

“I’m sorry, Hannah,” Willow
pleaded. “I never thought someone would actually ask you for an autograph in
sex toy shop.”

Hannah shook her head in
disgust until a small smile slipped through her lips. “Just for that, we’re
going back to my house for the afternoon.”

“We will be working from home?”
Willow teased suggestively.

“You can call it working,”
Hannah purred. “I just like to think of it as playing with my new toys.”

Unable to resist the
temptation, Hannah gave Willow the tiniest kiss. It lasted a millisecond at
most, but it was just enough time for a photographer that neither woman seemed
to notice, to snap a picture of it.

Willow had no idea she about to
become front-page news because she had bigger, more immediate things to
consider. Today was Friday, usually the day of the week office workers around
the country celebrate, but not here. Fridays were never good at the office and
as the weeks passed, they grew increasingly worse.

It was all Hannah’s fault
because of that stupid schedule she had created. Hannah was thoroughly
convinced that every Thursday night Willow went home and fucked Zachary, and
she was impossible to deal with the next morning. To make matters worse, Kate
was coming in today to give her final approval. Willow had tried to reschedule
for another day, but Friday was the only day that worked. On top of being so
nervous her stomach was tied-up in knots, she had to put up with her insanely
jealous employer.

Willow got to the office first.
She silently prayed Hannah would remember how big this was for her and wouldn’t
do anything to ruin it.
Please, let me have a Friday without any temper fits

As soon as Hannah arrived, she
stopped by Willow’s office. “Did you fuck him?” she asked.

“Wow!” Willow exclaimed
sarcastically. “What ever happened to
Good morning, Willow. How was your

“Good morning, Willow. How was
your evening? Did you fuck him?” Hannah hissed.

“Thank you for asking, Hannah.
My evening was pleasant. What about you?” Willow retorted in a sickening-sweet

Hannah leaned against the
doorframe and smirked. “I had dinner with an old friend,” she answered.

“Who?” Willow questioned. “Sam?”


As if on cue, Hannah’s phone
started ringing. It was a ringtone that Willow hadn’t heard in several weeks.
It was the psycho stalker.

“I have to take this,” Hannah
said coldly, walked across the hall, and shut the door behind her.

Stunned, Willow sat still for
several long moments. Her anger started as a simmer but grew rapidly into a raging
boil. Crossing the hall swiftly, she pulled opened Hannah’s office door, and
steadily proclaimed, “No!”

Hannah turned her chair around
and repeated, “No?”

“I said no,” Willow declared as
she snatched the phone from Hannah’s hand. “Leave her alone, you fucking psycho
bitch!” she screamed into the line, then disconnected the call, and tossed the
phone on to Hannah’s desk.

“That was Sam,” Hannah said

“I don’t care,” Willow spat.

“He and Kate are trying to find
a parking space. They’ll be up in a few minutes,” Hannah said.

“Then I guess you had better
hurry up and fuck me. Otherwise, your baby boy is going to see his
a whole new light.”

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