Crazy for the Boss (Crazy in Love Book 1) (17 page)

Even before the kiss.

If Quinn was feeling similarly reminiscent, she hid it well as she finished another bite, her attention on the plate. “Did you hear anything from your pilot? They were supposed to have that part this afternoon so you can leave in the morning. Did it all work out?”

“The plane will be ready in the morning. Why? Are you trying to get rid of me?”

She glanced up at him for a nanosecond. “Frankly? Yes. I think that having you here has left us confused and quick to make bad choices.”

“I’m going to venture a guess that you’re talking about our kiss earlier?”

“Shh.” She glanced around a little wildly. “Keep it down. Do you want someone to hear you?”

“Quinn, I’m not about to hide the fact that this afternoon you and I shared something that was pretty spectacular. Or that I’m kind of excited at the prospect of continuing where we left off.”

She heaved a sigh as she studied the glass of wine. After mulling whatever it was over, she picked it up and took a drink before meeting his gaze. “Okay, you really want to discuss this now? What happened today was a big mistake. As in, it shouldn’t have happened and it can never happen again.”


“Why? Are you seriously asking me that? Because—” She stopped, and it was hard to miss the way she was staring at his lips before she realized what she was doing and turned quickly away. He had to work not to laugh.

She tried again, “Because I work for you. You’re my boss. Anything beyond that would be highly inappropriate. You do not date your boss.”

“Ordinarily, I might agree with you. As a blanket statement, that’s a practical and reasonable business policy. But we’re different. This thing between us…it’s different.”

She snorted. “As everyone who dates their boss and lives to regret it undoubtedly says. James, we’re not different. I know you, how you operate. Dating—a lot of dating of a lot of different women—is your M.O. A three-day weekend in Napa is your idea of long-term commitment. Look, I can see how maybe the whole forbidden office romance thing has maybe made
seem more scintillating to you, but I’m not about to risk my job and my reputation for a flash-in-the-pan affair that, when you’ve moved on, will make me the office joke.”

“You could never be a joke,” he said, all humor lost, and he leaned forward so she could see the intensity in his eyes. “Quinn, I don’t blame you for being doubtful of my intentions. I don’t have the best track record where dating and women are concerned. But that’s only because none of those women were you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Do you use that line often?”

He didn’t flinch, just continued to meet her eyes. “Never. I’m always honest with the women I date, just as I’ve always been honest with you. The truth is, even before this weekend, I’ve been fighting this growing…need for you. Wanting to see you every day, to hear your voice, even when you’re angry with me—”

“You have to stop talking like this, James. It’s—it’s just not going to happen.”

“Because I’m your boss.”

“Yes, because you’re my boss. And have you thought for one second about the possibility that I just don’t feel the same way about you?”

Now he did laugh, a warm chuckle. “Not possible.”

Her eyes darkened and he could see her frustration. “Oh, really? You are so certain you’re God’s gift to women you can’t imagine that any woman would actually not be interested in you? Well, you’re going to be disappointed. I don’t feel that way about you.”

But instead of meeting his gaze, she’d cast her eyes down again, as she usually did when she was holding something from him.

“I don’t buy that for one minute,” he said softly. “Not after today. Not after how you responded to me. Did you know that you make a soft moaning sound and you curl your toes when I kiss you”—he leaned forward, reaching his hand out to touch the area just under her jaw—“here. Or”—he slowly dropped his finger lower, caressing her skin—“here. And that before your sister decided to crash the party, you were biting that lip just like you’re doing now as I brushed my hand across your—”

“Mom. Dad,” she said quickly, her eyes round as saucers as she gazed somewhere over his shoulder.

He hoped she was kidding. That this was just an attempt to make him sweat.

“Hey, pumpkin,” said the gruff voice. “Your mother and I just wanted to come over and tell you how much we appreciate what you did for us tonight.”

If Quinn’s dad had witnessed his caressing the man’s daughter, James would be landing flat on his back right now, right?

The dim lighting gave him a lot to be grateful for.

Quinn’s mother hugged her next, neither of them seeming to have seen or heard their daughter’s boss trying to seduce her.

“Everything is just perfect,” her mom said as Quinn’s dad wrapped his arm around her waist appearing…content. “The flowers, the cake, and the decorations. And this music. All my favorites.”

“I’m happy you like it. Sabrina and I wanted to do something to show you how much you mean to us.”

An Ed Sheeran song started, something that, although not an oldie, was sweet and romantic and one of Quinn’s favorites—or so she’d mentioned.

It was apparently one of her mom’s, too, as she gave a look to her husband and rested her hand in his. “Well, your dad and I are going to go dance. Love you.”

They nodded and smiled briefly in his direction before leaving them alone again.

James met her gaze, and for a moment, neither spoke.

But Quinn’s lips started to quiver, and another second later, she busted out in laughter, something that picked up, and she had to take her seat. She was gasping, trying to catch her breath, and he smiled, willing to humor her. “Something funny?”

“Your. Face.” She leaned over, giggling. “You looked positively terrified. Your eyes—” She did what he could only assume was an imitation of him as her eyes widened like they were going to pop from her face and her mouth dropped open.

He was pretty certain he hadn’t looked

“Laugh it up while you can, because as soon as you’ve caught your breath, we’re going to continue where we left off.”

That seemed to do the trick, as almost instantly she sobered. “It’s no use, James. Even if I enjoyed that moment, I wasn’t thinking straight. Because you and me? It would be…ridiculous. We have nothing in common.”

“That’s not true. Just because we grew up differently, had different experiences, doesn’t make
different. At our core, you and I? We’re the same. We value hard work, integrity, rewarding and protecting the employees who make businesses like Thornhill grow and thrive. We value honesty, respect. And most of all, under this crazy attraction we have for each other, we have a real friendship. One that I would never do anything to risk losing. I want you in my life, Quinn. More. A lot more.”

Her lips had parted, and she seemed to be still processing this as her dark, brown eyes studied him almost fearfully. As if she wanted to believe him. Wanted to believe this could happen.

“I’m not saying we have to march into the office Monday morning locked in some public display of affection. We can act much like we do now. But at the end of the day, I don’t want to say good night at the door of my office and have to wait to see you the next morning or the next week. I want to be able to pick you up and take you out properly. And when we eat at a restaurant or sit in a show, I want to be able to take your hand whenever I want. To reach out and kiss those lips even when they’re laughing at me. We could be really good together if you let us happen.”

Her eyes softened. “I want to believe that could be true. I want to believe everything you say.”

“Then do it. Trust me, Quinn. Trust in us.”

James didn’t ordinarily believe in fate, but when the song ended and the next one on the list began to play, one that she must have added without him noticing, he knew without any doubt it had always been meant to be this way.

She seemed to be just as awed by the selection, one that, as he’d explained before, had meant so much to his own parents. He came to his feet, sure now of everything, as he held his hand out to her. “Will you dance with me?”

She hesitated the barest of moments and then reached out, placing her hand in his as she rose.

They made their way to the darkened floor, the lights above them glimmering just like they were the stars in the song. Stars he couldn’t see, because as always, he only had eyes for her.

She felt so incredibly soft and smelled so damn good it took everything he had to remember to move his feet for a moment. But then they were dancing, finally, and he wasn’t looking anywhere but at her. Into those dark eyes that seemed to reflect his own terror and excitement at what was happening between them.

He never wanted to let her go.

Chapter 21

uinn felt
like she was in a dream. A dream filled with wistful girlish wishes and the tingling romantic notions more appropriate to fantasies that could never possibly exist in real life.

Only right now, it all was real and possible.

Everything seemed possible.

James had spoken from his heart—something she doubted he did very often—and it gave her hope that maybe, maybe they could make this work. Maybe together they could be happy.

James drew her in closer as the music swelled around them, tucking her head under his chin. And she didn’t fight it, instead leaning into him, drawing strength from him. She trusted him. And although they didn’t have a game plan or an idea of what this should mean to their relationship at work or her job, she didn’t want to say no. Not anymore.

“We should go,” she said as the song ended.

“You’re sure?” He sounded shocked. “You don’t need to make sure the cake is cut properly or the table decorations get tucked away safely?”

“I think I’m just going to trust that everyone knows what they’re doing.” Just as Sabrina had told her. “Besides, I have some other ideas of what we could be doing instead. Ideas that don’t include being surrounded by seventy-five of my family and friends.” That last line she delivered with a sly smile that left him with little doubt what she was implying. “You still have the keys to the truck?”

James was speechless for a minute, staring at her in wonderment, but it passed quickly and he grabbed her hand. “Your coach awaits.”

* * *

ith care
, Quinn lit the few candles her sister had left behind while James built up a fire again to try and take the cold edge off the chilly room. She looked around, trying to still the nervousness—no, terror—that was gripping her.

Was she really here? Was she really going to do what she’d imagined for so long but had always dismissed as pure irrational fantasy?

Dear God, she hoped so.

The flame was starting to curl, and to keep busy, she grabbed the blankets she’d brought from the house earlier today and spread them on the floor, adding the pillows and couch cushions as she did. The fire crackled and a moment later she sensed James’s presence behind her. She turned, her heart beating like a drum in her chest to meet his gaze.

There was a promise of sensuality and seduction in those blue cobalt eyes that studied her with such intensity she found it necessary to remind herself to breathe.

This was definitely going to change things.

If James had any doubts about what they were about to do, he didn’t show them as he took another step closer and reached out, caressing her face, and she leaned into his hand, amazed at how such a simple touch could make her feel so much…safer.

“Quinn, look at me.” She hadn’t even realized she’d closed her eyes but swept them open to find him studying her. “I want you to know something. This…this thing between us? It’s real. What I feel for you is real. I would never do anything to hurt you. Do you trust me?”

She nodded, unable to find any words. Still waiting for the moment that she woke up.

Her gaze dropped to his mouth, and her lips almost tingled in anticipation of feeling his on hers again. She didn’t have to wait long as he seemed to realize what she wanted and leaned down, kissing her softy again before his tongue delved in to taste her. She leaned into him, the last of her doubts already slipping away.

He teased her bottom lip, sucking it for a second, before lowering his mouth to kiss her jawline and the place on her neck that almost had her knees buckling underneath her. She felt him smile against her, but he wasn’t done, as his fingers slipped under the top of her dress, sliding the strap down and past her right shoulder so he could kiss the skin there, too, before he lowered his mouth to the top of her right breast that was almost fully exposed as the dress dipped lower.

Her breath was becoming uneven as his tongue swirled lightly against her skin, his fingers now artfully exposing her full breast to the cold air. He glanced up at her, meeting her eyes as he dropped his mouth, closing slowly over the nipple. His tongue swirled teasingly, something that had her breath catching to the point she almost didn’t notice him slipping the strap from her other shoulder.

Leaving her exposed to his gaze.

He paused, his hand cupping each breast softly, almost reverently. “You’re so beautiful,” he said as he dipped his head to give her other breast the same attention.

James Thornhill, the enigmatic CEO who she’d been trying to fight her feelings for for some time, was standing here, kissing her. Wanting her. Making love to her.

Quinn couldn’t take this torture anymore, wanting to move things along as the pressure that had been building low in her belly was becoming hard to ignore.

“I want to see
,” she said, and she reached out, searching for the buttons of his shirt. There were so many, and her fingers stumbled as, one by one, she pushed them through, biting her lip as she concentrated.

“There,” she said finally, and eagerly pulled the fabric from his shoulders, leaving her to stare.

He was perfection. From the breadth of his chest and his shoulders to the clear outline of a six-pack that she wanted to run her fingers across. She had never wanted to touch anyone more. To feel the outline of every muscle.

Quinn reached out, almost tentatively, skimming the surface of his skin with her fingertips, noticing his quick inhalation of breath, how he tightened his abs as she grew bolder.

She leaned forward, wanting to taste him, kiss him, in the same languid motion as he’d kissed her. Her fingers slid to his waistband and she pulled the button, ready to see more. See all of him. Feel everything. His own desire was clear as she tried to pull the zipper down and he hissed in a breath before helping her and kicked them away.


He stepped dangerously toward her, purposefully. And she tried to catch her breath as she anticipated his touch, his skin pressed to hers.

“Fair’s fair,” he said, his eyes glinting mischievously before he reached out, grabbing the fabric at each side of her waist and, with a slight tug, slid her dress the rest of the way, leaving her standing in only her panties.

And entirely too exposed.

But despite the chill in the air, the heat between then was enough to keep her warm. Especially thanks to the stark appreciation in his eyes as he took her in.

She trusted him.

She wasn’t going to worry about whether her belly was as flat as Anna’s or her breasts as big as Tessa’s. Because she knew that he was here because he wanted her. Cared about her. Maybe even…

But whatever her thoughts were left her as he took her hand and knelt, bringing her down with him so they were both kneeling, their bodies pressing together. He cupped the back of her head, and this time his lips weren’t as soft and teasing as before but demanding, as he split her mouth open, tasting her, exploring her, and she returned his eagerness, tasting and teasing him with her tongue.

His hand trailed down her waist and across her belly but didn’t stop until he reached the top of her panties, pushing the fabric aside. She caught her breath as his fingers inched down until he was touching her, teasing her, before pushing through the heat and sliding inside. She stretched her back and moaned, leaning forward as she opened herself further to his touch.

He helped her back against the pillows, not leaving her heat as he continued to play and torture her, but his mouth was sliding down her body, stopping at her breasts for the barest moment before moving down her belly.

He looked up at her, as if to make sure she was watching as he slid her panties down and, with a grin, leaned down to her most private center. He blew lightly, and she almost leaped from the unexpected sensation before he kissed her, licked her, tasted her…skimming his teeth across the sensitive bud of flesh before he clamped down. Every muscle in her body tensed and she shuddered.

Oh, dear God. Her eyes rolled back and she arched against him.

James knew well exactly how to suck and bite and skim his teeth against her until she was writhing, her fingers gripping his hair, pulling him closer.

“James,” she said, her need clear.

He seemed to realize what she needed and sat up, reaching over to his pants, where he pulled out a strip of condoms. He ripped one open with his teeth and covered himself before positioning himself over her.

She met his eyes, saw the urgency there that was probably mirrored in her own. She rose to meet him as he slid slowly inside her, almost too slowly, and she bit down on her lip to stop from crying out her frustration. He leaned down, smiling as if he knew exactly what he was doing to her.

“James,” she said before leaning up to kiss him, rocking against him.

It did the trick as he seemed to lose some of that carefully maintained control, and he began moving, thrusting ever so slowly at first until they reached a new rhythm, the pressure building as her breath became more and more shallow.

It was his finger reaching down, touching her again that sent her over, and she nearly bit his mouth as the tightness gripped her, followed by a deep wave of pleasure that had her calling out his name again.

He gripped her hips then, moving two, then three times before he paused, reaching his own climax, helped when her mouth tamped down on his nipple, and he arched one final time before resting over her.

James settled his weight on one arm before reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. He grinned almost smugly. “I always knew it would be like this with you.”

Through the haze of pleasure and satisfaction, she smiled back. “Always knew? Exactly how long have you been imagining this?”

“The more appropriate question might be…when haven’t I?”

The front of his hair was messy and dipped down over his forehead. She nearly sighed as she reached up and ran her fingers though it. “Maybe as long as I’ve wanted to do that.”

He chuckled. “How have I never known this?”

“I have a few secrets of my own.”

“Intriguing.” He leaned down to kiss her before carefully sliding out and came to his feet.

He was so beautiful, and she greedily took in every inch of him as he walked across the room toward the small bathroom behind them.

“If you don’t stop staring, you’re going to make me blush,” he said a minute later as he rejoined her.

“Please,” she said, guffawing. “You’re not capable of feeling embarrassment.”

“Probably not.” He pulled her against him and brought the other blanket over them.

She leaned her head back against his shoulder. “I wish we could stay here, in this moment, forever.”

He kissed the top of her head. “This is the first moment of many, many more.”

“Well, except that you’re going to Mexico in the morning.”

“Yes. I wanted to talk to you about that. The exotic climes of Mexico don’t seem nearly as enticing as remaining with you. And maybe, if you’re into it, maybe I can just hang out with you through the weekend. We can fly out on Sunday night. Together. That is, unless you think your father might be meeting me in the morning with the barrel of a shotgun in my face.”

She laughed. “I think my dad is long past needing to protect my honor.” But she was still thinking about his proposal. The whole weekend. Mr. Fast-track Metropolitan James Thornhill was passing up sunny Cabo for snow and subzero temperatures in gloomy northern Idaho. For her. “But I can’t think of anything I’d like more than you to stick around. I know you haven’t experienced the full Taylor experience until you’ve had at least one of mom’s home-cooked meals.”

“Then we wouldn’t want to disappoint her…” He leaned down, nuzzling her neck. “But in the meantime, there’s a lot of hours between now and breakfast, and I can think of a few things we can do to pass the time.”

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