Read Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, and Live Like You Mean It! Online
Authors: Kris Carr,Rory Freedman (Preface),Dean Ornish M.D. (Foreword)
Tags: #Nutrition, #Motivational & Inspirational, #Health & Fitness, #Diets, #Medical, #General, #Women - Health and hygiene, #Health, #Diet Therapy, #Self-Help, #Vegetarianism, #Women
Because there’s lots of disagreement among doctors and researchers about whether soy is God or the devil, I’m not going to claim to have the answers. Some researchers believe that soy foods increase bone density and even stave off hot flashes. They claim that the isoflavones found in soy can help prevent breast cancer or keep it from recurring. But if you already have breast cancer, particularly if it’s the estrogen-sensitive kind, those same isoflavones could promote the growth of the disease. Ditto for uterine and ovarian cancer, which are also estrogen-sensitive. And for you guys, there’s some evidence that the hormonal effects of soy can promote prostate cancer. Isoflavones can also create potential thyroid complications and mess with endocrine function.
Soy is definitely the ball in a game of contradictory-research Ping-Pong. But here’s what I know for sure: The more processed the soy product, the worse it is for you. I’m talking about faux meats, treats, and snacks. Processed soy is acidic and mucus-forming. Though it’s a helpful transition food as you move toward a vegetarian or vegan diet, don’t overdo it. Also, stick with organic brands.
—I know this chapter was a biggie. As you feel better, look better, and smile brighter, you will naturally continue to lean toward a healthier way of eating. You’ll want more greens and less flesh. Remember, one of the principles of the Crazy Sexy Diet is balancing the pH of your body. If occasionally eating small amounts of non-factory-farmed animal products keeps you on track, fine. But the more you eat, the more inflamed and acidic you will become. And the money you save by not buying meat can be put toward organic vegetables, a class that excites you, or a relaxing beach vacation!
Maria M.
At twenty years old I was running for a division one university. I began experiencing some unusual pain in both of my legs. Three years later, when I could no longer stand up for more than a few minutes, I was diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. At that point the pain had spread from both feet to almost every inch of my body and I was staring a wheelchair in the face. In my desperation for the pain to end, I signed up for an experimental five-day inpatient IV ketamine infusion. A day before I headed into NYC to have this experimental procedure done, I went to Best Buy to find a neat documentary to watch in the hospital. I came across
Crazy Sexy Cancer
, and my whole life changed! Obviously, the procedure did not work, and it was awful! When I was discharged, my parents bought me a juicer, and I have never looked back. I took matters into my own hands and changed my diet, incorporated meditation, prayer, and other spiritual practices including yoga. A year after my diagnosis, I am healthier than I have ever been, even with this disease. With this lifestyle as a supplement to my pain medications, I have avoided a wheelchair and received a 4.0 GPA in my first year of graduate school (for social work). I am by far beating the odds. Thank you, Kris!!!!
REMEMBER:You can get all the protein and calcium you need from a varied plant-based diet.
That same plant-based diet is the best prevention against heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Dairy causes mucus buildup and has been linked to a variety of illnesses, from asthma to arthritis to Crohn’s disease.
Processed meats are big-time no-nos: salt, fat, body parts, and carcinogens.
Behind every pound of meat sold lies a cascade of hidden costs to our health, economy, and environment.
Try weaning yourself off animal products. Start slow (cut them out one day per week), then build up to more days.
You’ve heard it a million times:
You are what you eat. ’Tis true, and my twist on this old saw takes it a step farther: You’re also what you don’t poop. If you’re haulin’ around garbage in your cells, tissues, or colon, you’re literally waste-ing your vibrant potential. Ideally, healthy real food goes in, contributes to the cause (you), and comes out in an effortless and timely fashion. Sadly, this isn’t the case for the majority of Americans.
Unhealthy food clogs all aspects of your God pod, screws up your immune system, stages a bacterial coup, and creates a biohazardous environment. Yet another reason why the alkaline, energy-packed foods on the Crazy Sexy Diet can help you heal. In this chapter you’ll learn the importance of your majestic root system—your digestion. Warning: We’re gonna talk shit. It’s time to stop being lady-like, start farting with pride, and examine what does and doesn’t come out of your ass. Your health depends on it.