Crimson Dichotomy (Dichotomy Saga) (11 page)

“Turn around and display yourself for your mistress,” Taerok directed.

Dread slowed his movements, making each step painful. He turned and approached Ella. They might demand he use the term, but she would never be
mistress. Such a relationship required loyalty and trust.

She sat at a table, which was pushed against the wall, wearing a satin dressing gown. With common brown hair and a heart-shaped face, some might find Ella pretty. Raze had only to look into her light brown eyes for her to lose all physical appeal. She was selfish and cruel, controlling in a way that left him cold.

He stood proudly, refusing to cower before her even if it cost him his life. Raising his arms, he clasped his hands behind his head and stared into the shadows beyond her.

“Still so arrogant.” Her chuckle was humorless. “And so delectable.” She rose and closed the distance between them.

Taerok insinuated himself between them before Ella’s fingers made contact with Raze’s naked flesh. “My offer is simple. You help me abduct a Dichotomy halfling and Raze is yours for the seven years remaining in his apprenticeship.”


Taerok raised his hand in warning then turned back to Ella. “You began coveting my slave the first time you saw him. I can’t blame you. He is spectacular.”

“Which Dichotomy halfling?” Ella stared at Taerok, suspicion clear in her expression. “What are you hoping to accomplish by the abduction?”

“The details are not important to our exchange.”

“I disagree.” She folded her arms beneath her breasts, causing the robe to gape strategically. “I never pledge myself blindly. If you want my help, you’ll tell me what this is about.”

Blood roared through Raze’s ears. Why would Taerok offer him to this coldhearted bitch, not for a night or two, but for seven years?

“You know of the Dichotomy?” Taerok’s tone revealed nothing.

“I’ve never interacted with them, but I’ve heard the name.”

“They’re a fascinating people. Full-blooded Dichotomy are born with two distinct personalities and appearances. They’re one person at night and a completely different person during the day.”

“There are many fascinating beings in the world. What does this have to do with me or you for that matter?”

Taerok paused and Raze watched the exchange more closely. It seemed foolish for Taerok to explain his true motivation. If Ella realized he was trying to escape the solar trance, she would demand to be included in the outcome. Taerok would then lose his best advantage.

“Their unique nature drew me to one of their kind. I became unusually enamored of her.”

“They didn’t appreciate you seducing one of their daughters?” Amusement made her eyes gleam and curved her lips into a subtle smile.

“It’s more complicated than an affair.” Taerok rubbed his eyes and shook his head. “I tried to transform her.” He sounded utterly miserable. It was all Raze could do not to laugh.

“What happened to her?”

“I thought we’d succeeded. She survived the first few days, but… Blood lust drove her insane. She went on a rampage and my only option was to kill her or return her to her people.”

“You killed her, didn’t you?”

“She murdered the son of one of their council members. If I hadn’t turned her over to the Sentinels, I would have been included in their hunt.”

“Sentinels? Why are those sanctimonious bastards involved in something so incidental?”

“That’s what I’m trying to find out. I was ready to let bygones be bygones, but the Dichotomy council called in the Sentinels.”

“I still don’t understand. If you kidnap a Dichotomy now, won’t that accomplish the same thing? The Sentinels will hunt you down and kill you.”

“I suspect that’s their intention anyway, but I have to know why they want me dead. I need to know what they’re planning. I will not let Max use the Sentinels to further his personal agenda.”

“Max.” Ella sighed. “I haven’t seen Max in ages.”

Taerok snarled. “Will you help me or not?”

Raze was amazed. Everything Taerok said was true, but he’d carefully skirted the crux of the issue. His desire for the Dichotomy halfling had nothing to do with the Sentinels or Max. The Sentinels were simply trying to stop him from getting his hands on a halfling.

“Why me?” Ella asked. “What specifically, would you expect me to do?”

“I’ve selected the council member most likely to know what the hell is going on and most likely to submit to my interrogation.”

“A beautiful female, I presume.” She glanced at Raze. “You already possess the most beautiful male I’ve ever seen.”

“As soon as you take me through the Veil, Raze is yours to do with as you wish.”

Ella stilled, gaze sharp with speculation. “Why do you need to go through the Veil? Elves are even less tolerant of vampires than humans.”

“Lukas Mandalay has been assigned to protect the halfling I need to interrogate. There are only two places he can take her that are unreachable to me, Sentinel Headquarters and the Otherworld. My money is on the later.”

“Lukas Mandalay can navigate the Veil?” she sounded skeptical. “How is that possible?”

“His father was a Dark Elf.”

She was silent for a moment, apparently considering her options. “Do you have someone watching Sentinel Headquarters in case you’re wrong?”

“Of course, but I’m not.”

“I want prepayment before we depart and Lukas is mine as well as Raze.”

Distrust narrowed Taerok’s eyes. “Do whatever you like with Mandalay, but what do you mean by prepayment?”


Chapter Three


“A safe house?” Rebecca echoed. “If there is such a place, why don’t we move all three of Taerok’s targets there until after the Sentinels find and deal with him?”

“The Sidhe are very particular about who they allow into their realm. They seldom involve themselves in the conflicts of others. We’ll have to convince them we’re lovers determined to have a few days to ourselves.”

“The Sidhe as in Irish elves?” She pushed her hands into the pockets of her pants, afraid she’d trace the sensual shape of her protector’s mouth. Despite the lingering danger, his strong arms were inviting. She wanted to cuddle against his chest and press her face into the warmth of his skin. There had never been a time when she could relax and let someone else take control. She had to be strong and ambitious, half a step ahead of everyone else. Driven. It was exhausting.

Lukas chuckled, the sound deep and rumbling. “You don’t believe in elves?”

“I know elves are real. I just didn’t realize there were any left on Earth.”

“D’arcy Aiden isn’t technically on Earth. I’ll have to take you through the Veil.”

“Through the Veil?” She dragged her gaze away from his handsome face. She couldn’t think straight when she looked at Lukas. He was simply too desirable.

Katsu slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her against his side. “When she starts echoing everything you say, it’s time to back off.”

“I can’t back off. We need to get out of here before Taerok has time to reassess his options. She’s stronger than you think, maybe stronger than she realizes.” He held out his hand. “Rebecca, come here.”

Her heart leapt and tension gathered low in her belly. He wasn’t actually asking her to choose him over Katsu, but the possibility flowed around them like a heated undercurrent. Lukas was unrelenting passion, commanding and dangerous. Katsu was serene strength, comforting and protective. What a combination the two would make…

“You have to trust me if I’m going to keep you safe. Taerok senses conflict. It draws him like a moth to a flame.”

“Is that how he found me so quickly?” She moved away from Katsu and stepped back into her shoes. If she was going to another dimension, she wasn’t going to tromp around in her stockings. “Was he drawn by my argument with Katsu?”

“I don’t know. It’s more likely he knew where to find you, and the negativity allowed him to burrow past your shields.” He took a step toward her, his hand still proffered. “We need to go.”

“We can’t leave Katsu here. As soon as Taerok realizes where I’ve gone, he’ll use Katsu to lure me back.”

“I can take care of myself,” Katsu protested.

“We both saw how well you fared against Taerok.” Too much was at stake to indulge his pride. The image of Katsu’s listless body crumpled against the wall made her try again. “Taerok saw me in his arms. Katsu has to come with us.”

“How will we explain his presence?” Mischief ignited in the depths of Lukas’ bright blue eyes. “A romantic getaway for a lustful ménage
à trois

Refusing to back down, she called his bluff. “Whatever it takes. Katsu is important to me, so he better be important to you.”

Katsu pressed his body against her back and wrapped both arms around her torso. “Am I really important to you?”

His warm breath teased her ear and her nipples hardened. “I’ve never denied caring about you. Please don’t start this all over again.”

“We didn’t settle the argument. We were rudely interrupted.”

“And the intermission isn’t over yet. You can continue negotiations as soon as we reach D’arcy Aiden.” Lukas moved in front of her, leaning in close until she was snugly sandwiched between them. “This could be interesting.”

She stared into Lukas’ eyes and forgot what she was about to say. Heat and anticipation curled around them. Katsu’s hands slid up, teasing the underside of her breasts, accenting their heaviness. Lukas grasped her hips and aligned their lower bodies, the hard length of his cock unmistakable. What would this feel like if they were naked, their hands sliding across her sensitive skin?

“Would you like to find out?” Lukas whispered against her lips.

Before she could reply, reality skewed. The room rotated in a blur of color and sound, leaving them suspended in the midst of a vortex. She gasped and wrapped her arms around Lukas. In turn, Lukas grasped Katsu and pulled him firmly against her back.

The rushing sensation lasted only a moment. They were drawn through the dimensional fabric and deposited beyond the Veil. Reality tilted and Rebecca cried out. Rather than standing, they ended up on their sides in a sun-bathed meadow.

She pushed against the grassy ground, trying to look around. Lukas had other ideas. He allowed her to glimpse leafy trees and a cloudless sky before he arranged her on her back and moved her arms above her head.

“The sun is shining.” She felt stupid pointing out the obvious, so she rephrased the observation. “Are the days longer here or is this dimension on a different schedule?”

“Actually, both.” Lucas licked his lips as his gaze moved over her features. “Even if Taerok figures out where we’ve gone, he can’t follow until after sundown here or he’ll be jarred back into his solar trance. You’re safe. No one will harm you here.”

“Then why are you holding me down?” Her heart pounded in her chest and her voice sounded shaky and breathless. She looked at Katsu. He sat on her other side, watching Lukas with wary interest. Why was he allowing another man to put his hands on her?

“Look at me.” Lukas shifted both her wrists into one hand and turned her head back around. “We can analyze your emotions, dissect the reasons for your hesitation, but none of that will change the events in your past. It’s obvious you’re lonely, and you care about Katsu. Wouldn’t you rather confront your fear?”

“I’m not afraid of Katsu.” She kept her gaze fixed on Lukas, determined not to reveal the vulnerability twisting inside her. He hadn’t been contracted to solve her emotional problems; he was supposed to keep her safe.

“You’re afraid of your passionate nature. You don’t want to risk rejection again.”

“You just met her,” Katsu objected. “What makes you think you know so much about her?”

“He’s empathic,” Rebecca said. “Most of the Sentinels are.”

“Emotions are one of the things I sense when I scan a person’s mind, but my gift is different from true empathy.”

“Why did you scan my mind?”

“I was trying to determine if I needed to interrupt the argument. I never interfere without sufficient cause.”

“So, why are you holding me down?”

“Because you want me to.” He paused, allowing the implication to sink in. “Beneath your fear rests a deep well of untapped desire. We’re going to help you access it.”

“We?” She glanced at Katsu, then back at Lukas, while her pulse thrummed through her veins. “Both of you—together?”

Lukas brushed her cheek with his knuckles. “It’s time for honesty. We’ll help you combat your fear, but nothing will change unless you stop lying to yourself.”

“I never lie to myself and I try not to lie to others.”

“All right. Prove your honesty. What was the first thought that went through your mind when we held you between us?”

He’d replied to her mental ramble as if she’d spoken her thoughts out loud. Denial served no purpose. “I wondered what it would feel like if we were naked.”

Katsu moved closer, resentment hardening his expression. “How did you manage to insinuate yourself into this? If she’s ready for a lover, I’m happy to oblige her, but you go stand guard.”

“No.” Lukas continued to stroke her face while his other hand firmly held her wrists. “She doesn’t need a lover. She needs to be controlled, and you’re no Dom.”

For a long moment Katsu glared at Lukas. Then his angry gaze turned toward Rebecca and his expression softened. “Is he right? Do you need to be dominated? Is that why I’ve never been able to get through to you?”

“I don’t know. I—”

“No more lies, Rebecca.” Lukas moved to the grass above her head. He bent his legs on either side of her shoulders, then pulled her up against his chest. “Search your heart. Katsu has served you faithfully. He deserves the truth.”

“Served” was such an odd word. People didn’t serve each other in the twenty-first century. Still, it perfectly identified Katsu’s attitude. He was loyal to a fault, always ready to champion her cause or provide for her needs. “Bianca is sexually aggressive. She generally chooses men who are willing to indulge her appetites.”

“We’re talking about you, not Bianca.”

She craned her neck, but Lukas was directly behind her. “Every lover I’ve had slept with Bianca first. They’re accustomed to her demands and her volatility. It makes me seem…weak and uninteresting.”

“Even if that were true with the others, I don’t feel that way,” Katsu objected. “I’m every bit as attracted to you as I am to Bianca.”

“Words are easy,” Lukas said. “She needs a demonstration of your feelings. Take off your clothes and show her how much you want her.” He guided her hands to his hips. “Hold on to me. You don’t have permission to touch anything else.”

Permission? She’d never needed permission to touch a lover before—and sex had felt hollow. Was Lukas right? Had he found the elusive ingredient missing from her physical relationships?

She relaxed against him, amazed at how wonderful it felt to just let go. He brushed her hair back from her face and gathered the thick mass to one side. His fingers drifted from her face to her neck and lower, easing beneath the fabric of her blouse. He might be arrogant and overbearing, but his touch was gentle, slow and teasing.

“Shouldn’t we get inside before we do this?” Katsu looked around. “Or at least move into the trees.”

“My father’s people are far less inhibited than humans. If anyone spotted us enjoying carnal pleasure, they’d smile and continue on their way. Children would be instructed to avert their gaze, but the Sidhe don’t consider sex shameful.”

“Is this what you want, Rebecca? I won’t let him—”

“It’s not your decision to make.” Lukas’ voice snapped with authority. “Either take off your clothes or be quiet.”

Katsu pushed to his knees, hands clenched at his sides. “I will not let you bully her into something she’s not ready to experience.”

“You put too much stock in words. I find actions and responses far more dependable. She didn’t resist when I pulled her arms above her head. She could have jerked her hands out of my grasp, but she didn’t even try. She has followed every directive without pause. This is what she needs. Offering her alternatives only opens the door to her fear.”

Rebecca hadn’t even realized how easily she’d submitted until she heard Lukas’ list. How could she deny wanting this when her body had already surrendered? His hand slipped inside her bra and lightly cupped her breast. She bit her lower lip, waiting for Katsu to react. His eyes narrowed for a second, then he looked into her eyes. She arched, rubbing herself against Lukas’ hand. Katsu accepted her decision with a stiff nod and yanked his T-shirt off over his head.

“Watch Katsu,” Lukas instructed. “See how brightly his eyes glow. That’s lust and frustration. He wants you, needs to be inside you so badly it’s painful.”

Easing her legs apart, Katsu knelt between them. He slid his hands down her thighs and rocked forward, placing a kiss on her lips. “I’ve wanted you for months. My dreams are filled with your face and my—”

“Show her. Take off your pants. Let her see what she does to you.”

Katsu’s hands moved to his waistband, then he paused. “I’m not into men.”

Lukas chuckled. “This is about her.”

With another nod, Katsu lowered his zipper and wiggled out of his clothing. Had his underpants come off with his jeans or hadn’t he been wearing any? The thought flittered off as he settled on his knees between her legs.

Sunlight played across his smooth skin, revealing his wiry strength in stark relief. Rebecca had spent countless hours admiring his features, while his naked body was new territory. His chest was hairless and shaped by sharply defined muscles that tapered down to rippling abs. He fisted his cock, stroking the shaft from base to tip. Her gaze followed the lazy movement as tension built between her thighs.

“You must learn to accept pleasure before you’ll be allowed to give it,” Lukas told her. He pulled his hand out from inside her blouse and went to work on the buttons. When the last disk slipped free of its corresponding hole, he parted the material. “Lift your arms free of the sleeves. I want you naked.”

She didn’t hesitate. Obeying his orders felt wonderfully liberating. She was safe within his embrace, free to explore her needs without worrying about being compared with Bianca.

Her bra joined the growing pile of discarded clothing. Without having to be told, she returned her hands to his hips, anchoring herself against Lukas’ strong body. He cupped her breasts, offering them to Katsu.

“Her nipples are hard and deeply flushed. Reward her for responding to the sight of your aroused body.” Katsu bent to her breasts. He sucked one nipple while his fingers gently rolled the other. “Harder. Don’t stop until she moans.”

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