Crossing the Line Part One (A Novella) (10 page)

Read Crossing the Line Part One (A Novella) Online

Authors: Samantha Long

Tags: #romance, #romance chick lit, #romance after divorce, #romance adult contemporary, #romance bad boy

"Hey, Nick!" A redheaded guy clapped Nick on
the shoulder as they passed the ushers. "You made it!"

"Colin!" Nick let her hand go and gave the
guy a bear hug. "How's Nora?"

"She's great. Ready to pop." Colin turned to
the side and pointed to a very pregnant woman sitting down toward
the front. "Twins."

"You're in luck then." Nick took Victoria's
hand in his again. "Victoria has twin girls, so maybe she can give
you and Nora some tips."

Colin glanced at Victoria in surprise and
grinned devilishly. "Twins? Nick's actually dating a woman with
kids? Never thought hell would freeze over, guess I need my coat."
His laughter boomed in the room. "Nora and I could use all the help
we can get. We're having girls, too."

They followed the burly redhead to where his
wife sat.

"Nick, it's good to see you." Nora had a
pixie-like frame, except for the pregnant belly, complete with a
platinum blonde pixie cut. She smiled warmly at Victoria. "I'm

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Victoria." She
took the seat next to Nora and crossed her legs. "Twins, huh?"

Nora nodded and rubbed her belly in a way
that Victoria empathized with. "Colin mentioned that you have twins

"I do, they're twelve." Nick sat on her
other side and Victoria instantly became aware of his every
movement, like her body was tuned in to his.

"Is it as hard as everyone says?" Nora

Victoria laughed. "Oh, yes. But it's so
rewarding, like with any children. Just double the work."


The way Victoria's eyes lit while she spoke
to Nora about her girls planted a seed in the back of Nick's mind.
He'd always thought kids were cute, from a distance, and not
something he'd ever want to get involved with. Especially as a
father figure. That's why he steered away from women with kids. He
let his hand trail down Victoria's arm. Distinct satisfaction rose
along with the goose bumps on her skin. He knew he affected her, he
could tell from how she reacted to his touch.

She was slowly changing something in him and
he pushed down the acute panic that rose with the thought. Like
he'd told her, it was just one night and didn't mean that they were
going to shack up tomorrow and live the rest of their lives

The ceremony started and Victoria sent him a
sweet smile that knotted his stomach. She was so beautiful. Her ex
had to be one stupid bastard to let her go. He couldn't resist
interlocking their fingers again and didn't want to examine why he
had to touch her tonight, even if it was only holding her hand.

Gerritt's face stretched in a wide smile
when he saw Nicola appear at the end of the aisle. Gerritt, who
swore he'd never settle down, looked like he'd die if Nicola didn’t
hurry down that aisle, like he'd found the other half of his

Nick cursed inwardly. When had he become
such a girlie bitch? If anyone knew what he'd been thinking, they'd
take away his man card.

The short ceremony was sweet with promise.
The couple headed back down the aisle, beaming. The families and
friends slowly stood and made their way outside for the reception.
Golden lights hung from ribbons across trees and surrounding the
dance floor. Arrangements of white calla lilies stood on each
table, dressed with more lights.

Nick and Victoria walked with Colin and Nora
to one of the tables, claiming it as their own.

"I hope you like chicken. I wasn’t sure what
you'd want." Nick told her.

"Chicken's great." Victoria licked her lips
and an electric shock shot to his groin.

He wanted to show her a good time. That
didn’t include scaring her off. From what he'd heard about her ex,
the man was selfish and Nick knew what that translated to in bed.
Quick, uncomfortable, and unimaginative. She probably wasn't used
to being seduced but she would now. He'd take his time, make her so
hot for him she lost her mind. He'd show her how a real man did

He cleared his throat and took a swig of his
beer. Resisting her was going to be the hardest thing he'd ever
done. Especially with her sitting next to him, fresh and beautiful.
Every time she smiled, or laughed, it pulled him to her. She'd
bewitched him.

"Oh, God. Stella's here." Nora groaned.

Nick's head shot up and he searched for
Stella. Victoria watched with curious eyes and he wanted to sink
beneath the table before Stella saw him. If she did, it would just
strengthen Victoria's resolve to stay away from him.

Stella's auburn hair stood out in the crowd.
She wore God-awful heels that made her already 6 foot frame tower
over the other women. Her body-hugging green mini dress sparkled in
the lights. If a man's eyes weren't on her, she considered it a
personal affront.

Unfortunately she saw him looking and
wiggled her fingers at him. Her sly smile stretched across her face
and Nick knew she was going to head over. They'd had a few
whirlwind nights two years ago and ever since he'd refused to
continue the liaison, she'd hunted him. She hated that he'd gotten
away before she was finished with him.

"Jesus, Nick. Did you have to let her see
you?" Colin grimaced. "Now she'll never leave this table."

Victoria raised a brow at him and he knew
what she thought. That he'd only proved her right. He had to make
sure she understood that Stella was nothing to him.

"Nick." Stella purred as she stopped by his
chair. She leaned down, showing her ample cleavage to everyone, and
wrapped her arms around his neck. Her thick cloud of perfume stung
his nostrils. Before she could slide onto his lap, Nick put his
hands on her arms to keep her standing. She pouted at him.

"Stella, I'd like you to meet my date,
Victoria." Nick tipped his head toward Victoria, who sat silently
next to him.

"Oh. I see." Stella straightened and held
out a perfectly manicured hand. "Hello, Victoria. I'm Stella de
Noren." Her bold green eyes raked down Victoria. "Such a quaint
dress. But, I guess not everyone can buy from Gucci."

Victoria's eyebrow rose again, but this time
she assessed Stella. "Hmm. And I guess not everyone can dress like
a whore."

Nora choked on her laughter and hit Colin
when his turned heads in their direction.

Stella's eyes narrowed and Nick knew that if
he didn't get between them, Stella would retaliate. She wasn't
above starting a catfight to draw attention to herself.

"Stella, I think you should find someone
else to sink your claws into. As you can see," Nick made sure
Stella saw the desire in his eyes when he looked at Victoria, "I
came with someone else. And even if I hadn't, you'd be the last
person I'd be interested in."

Stella flushed, her face matching her hair.
She spun on her heels and stalked off. Nora couldn't hold back her

"Oh my God, Victoria. You handled her so
well. I can't believe you called her a whore." Nora snorted. "Stop
making me laugh so hard, you'll send me into labor."

"She deserved it. How can you dress like
that and not expect people to think it?" Victoria shrugged.

"Yeah, but you didn't just think it. You
said it. Out loud." Colin grinned at Victoria. "Nick, you may just
have to keep this one. She's something else."

Nick laughed, but on the inside he'd frozen
up. What exactly did he want from Victoria? Was it a one night
stand or something more? His mind and body were conflicted, and
he'd never once felt this way. What was she doing to him?

Chapter Twelve

After the
beautiful first dance, where the bride and groom danced under the
lights and the stars, Victoria started to get nervous. She'd
already had a rise in blood pressure with Stella, but now it really
spiked. If Nick asked her to dance, she'd need to get close to him.
Could she do that without making a fool out of herself?

Roger had never brought out this want in her
before. Addie always went on about how hot her sex life was, how
many orgasms she'd had, how she enjoyed sex. Loved it even.
Victoria had never understood that. Until Nick.

Then the moment came. Nick stood and reached
out his hand. He smiled when she placed her hand in his. Plenty of
other couples filled the dance floor, so they had to find a spot on
the outer rim. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her to him.
"Put your arms around my neck."

His whisper sent tingles through her entire
body. She bit her lip and did what he asked, her gaze leveled at
the knot on his tie. Her body pressed to his and with each turn,
she felt the muscles in his abdomen and chest. His body heat soaked
through her dress, making her nipples harden. Slowly his hands slid
to her back, resting just above her butt.

What would it be like to kiss him?
Instinctively, she tilted her head back and looked at him. Her
breath caught at the desire in his eyes. Was she brave enough to
let this go further?

He leaned forward, stopping when his lips
almost touched hers. She could almost feel the softness of his
lips, and her eyes fluttered closed. Want and need entwined in her

Something icy spilled down the back of her
dress. She gasped in shock, and Nick glanced over her shoulder and

"Oh, I didn't see you there." Stella's voice
rose above the music.

Victoria spun around and narrowed her eyes.
Stella watched her with a satisfied smile, a hand on her hip. The
other hand held her now empty wine glass. Stella glanced around the
room and saw that most of the other guests watched them.

Nick grabbed Victoria's elbow and pulled her
to him. He didn't seem to care that the back of her dress wet the
front of his shirt. "Stella, you have serious fucking issues."

Before Stella could snap out a reply, the
bride appeared at their side. "Stella, you need to leave. I won't
have you starting stuff at my wedding. You won't ruin this night
just because you weren't woman enough to satisfy Nick. Now, get
your skanky ass out of here. I don't want to see you for the rest
of the night. In fact, I don't want to see you ever again."

"Nicola, you don't understand. She bumped
into me--"

"Shut up." Stella's mouth snapped shut in
surprise. "If you don't leave right now, and I have to beat your
ass in my wedding dress, not even the guys will be able to pull me
off." Nicola cocked her head to the side.

Victoria saw Nicola's lean and muscled arms.
From the way she talked, Gerritt must've met her through the MMA
circuit. Stella obviously knew this because she glared for a minute
longer before leaving the reception.

"Now, sweetie, come with me. I have a few
extra dresses packed for my honeymoon. You can borrow one." Nicola
waved her hand to Victoria.

"You don't have to do that." Victoria shook
her head. "I don't want to put you through any trouble on your
wedding night."

"There's no use in arguing with her. Nicola
is one of the most hardheaded women I've ever met." Nick gently
pushed Victoria in Nicola's direction.

Without another choice, Victoria followed
the bride through the crowd. Nora joined them, waddling inside
behind them. They walked into the bride's dressing room. It was
small, but beautiful, decorated in whites and deep red. Nicola dug
through the suitcase and Nora settled into a chair and sighed.

"I'm sorry about this." Victoria told

Nicola held out a lavender sundress. "You
have no reason to apologize. I don't know why I invited her. Pity,
I guess."

Victoria removed her wet dress and laid it
on the back of a chair. She'd been a cheerleader in high school and
had two sisters, so she wasn't shy about undressing in front of
other women.

"So, I need the juicy details. How did you
meet Nick?" Nora asked. "I need to live through someone who's
starting a relationship. I've been married for two years. Don't get
me wrong, I love it, but sometimes it's nice to hear about the
beginning. All the hormones, the adrenaline, the rush of first

Victoria let Nicola zip the back of the
dress up. "There's no beginning. No relationship." She slipped her
shoes back on. "He needed someone to bring as a date. I was

Nora smiled. "You don't see the way he looks
at you."

"Yeah, I've never seen him look at a woman
like that before." Nicola led them back out to the crowd. "And he's
never, I mean never, dated a woman with kids. It's like he has a
phobia of them."

Victoria thought about what they said while
she and Nora walked back to the table to meet the guys. Nick
grinned and handed her a mixed drink. "Thought you could use one of

"Thanks." She couldn’t resist smiling back,
even with the worry about him and kids settling in her mind.

"You look great." Nick said sheepishly. "Bet
that wasn't what you had in mind for tonight."

"No, but it'll make for a memorable one."
She wanted to hint to him that Stella hadn't ruined the night, but
would that make her seem easy or too enthusiastic?

He didn't leave her side for the rest of the
night. When he fed her a piece of his cake from his fingertips, she
wanted to suggest that they leave early. For once in her life she
wanted to throw caution to the wind and do something impulsive.
Take him home and let him ravish her. But they didn't leave early,
waiting instead for Gerritt and Nicola to leave. She swapped
numbers with Nora, making her promise to call if she had any
questions, or if she just wanted to talk. Victoria had a feeling
that she'd hear from Nora soon.

On the way back to Sanctuary Bay, Nick was
uncharacteristically silent. He looked deep in thought, tapping a
thumb on the steering wheel periodically. She'd had so much fun
that she just realized maybe she'd read all his signals wrong.
Maybe he didn't have any fun. Maybe Colin joking about Nick dating
a woman with kids finally set in. Maybe he really wanted to leave
with Stella and thought it would be rude to leave Victoria

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