Crush (A Night Fire Novel Book 1) (5 page)

“Frankie this is our manager Jerry and his wife Eleanor. El, Jerry this is Frankie my girlfriend.”

The man smiled brightly at me and held out his hand. Dutifully, I shook it. Eleanor hugged me hard.

“Lovely to meet you Frankie. Good to see Curtis with someone level headed.”

Level headed? Was that a reference to the fact that I don't take his shit and don't care about the fame or wealth? Maybe.

“Uh, thanks. Nice to meet you too.”

“Jerry, Claire is out of line again. We've had this talk before, haven't we?”

He nodded with a pained sigh. “I know, strike three.”

Curtis nodded and tugged my hand, carrying onto the next grouping of people. Over and over again, person after person Curtis dragged me around the room and introduced me to everyone. There had to be at least two hundred people here and yet he knew them all. Sure there were a few famous faces that he could have cheated on but he actually held conversations with them that were on a personal level.

I wasn't watching the time but I am pretty sure that it took at least two hours to get through every single person. He even knew the names of all of the groupies which I found crazy. When he was done and had proved me so very wrong, he took me to a section of the house that was quiet. No one around, just the two of us. Somewhere deep in the house a clock struck twelve, booming it's deep chimes.

“What now Cinderella? Going to run home in your pumpkin carriage or are you going to stay with the dashing prince and fuck him into the wee hours of the morning?”

“You proving that you know everyone doesn't change the fact that you abandoned me for other women.”

“I wasn't going to Frankie, I swear it.”

“Then why walk out with them like that? Don't you see how much that hurts? I barely know you yet it's killing me and that's not fair.”

He turned his head away, anguish filling him.

“Come on, you dragged me into this world at least do the right thing by me.”

Gently I pulled him back to me, hoping that the moment might break whatever it is that has him so wound up. His body was tense, rigid lines of muscles bulged through the shirt.

“Jealousy.” he shrugged as he whispered the word. “Make you want me.”

“Well that's just crazy Curtis, I do want you and making me jealous didn't help, did it?”

He shook his head, letting out a long, pained sigh.

“What happened Curtis, what did I do?”

“Got angry and tried to walk.”

“Going to do it again?”

“Nope.” he firmly shook his head.

“Good. Now why don't you show me where my bag is?”

Chapter Five


A sly wolfish grin crossed his face, Curtis then picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. From my upside down view of his house, I saw us pass through a corridor and up a set of stairs. He set me to my feet, the world span a little which considering I'd had a few drinks it was lucky I wasn't vomiting because of it. The room was dark, lit up from the glowing city lights. I walked to the stunning view, the windows spanned the entire wall.

“Lights on or off?” He asked as the door clicked shut.

I turned to look at him, the shadows gave him a dark edge as he leaned on the door. He played the calm and casual man, the minimal light showed off a seemingly disinterested face but I knew it was far from it. I could see the storm in his pants. My heart hammered and it felt like all of the air was sucked out of my lungs. God damn, the view was intense.

“Off.” I whispered.

A ghost of a smile played across his lips as he lifted off the door. Crossing the room he pulled the shirt from his body, dragging it over his head in a way that it made every single muscle move. He stopped by a shelving unit, turning on music. I would have thought that with the thumping beat from downstairs it would be pointless but it wasn't. There were speakers somewhere in the poorly lit room, flooding around us with the soft croon of Frank Sinatra.

I couldn't help but grin, I would never have thought he would be a Sinatra fan. He didn't seem the type. He looked at me with a grin and a one sided shrug.

“Can't get past the good ol' days. My mother loves him. Sometimes I think that he's the reason we live here.”

His fingers casually ran over the back of the lounge as he walked a slow, so painfully slow as he walked to me. The room wasn't as big as the lounge room downstairs. No, only two of my apartments could fit into this room. Between him and the lounge was a half wall, on the other side was an enormous bed that faced out to another wall of glass. Behind him was just one archway, the rest was a plain wall. No pictures, no paintings or gold records. I could see soft light coming through the archway, I guess it might be the bathroom.

Curtis flicked his shoes away to bare feet, padding across the wood floor. His eyes were bright with anticipation as he ventured past the lounge and crossed the vast gap between it and me.

“How come you're here?”

“Bright lights.” I whispered, turning side on to the view. “Bright dreams. Reality sucks.”

His hand slipped across the denim on my hip as his lips pressed to the edge of my bare shoulder. Soft and perfect, one delicate kiss that pulled me out of my morose thoughts. I looked down to the party goers below.

“How can you stand to have so many people here?”

“Mostly I go with the flow and not let it get to me.” he took my hand and pulled me away from the window. “Enough of them, come and tell me about these bright dreams of yours.”

“There isn't much to tell.” I said, though I really meant to say, wouldn't you rather go to the bed not the lounge?

Sadly, he didn't misinterpret me.

We sat on the lounge, instantly Curtis lifted my feet and pulled my shoes and socks away.

“Dreams Frankie, what are they?”

“Well I came here to dance.”

A grin curled into his lips and I smacked his arm.

“Not a pole dancer, sheesh. Maybe something like burlesque or for one of the shows.” I shrugged. “It doesn't matter anyway. There's always someone better or more prepared to uh.. you know.”

“Get down on their knees for?”

I nodded with a little chuckle. Once the shoes and socks were on the floor, he pulled my legs to move me closer. His hand trailed over the outside of my thigh as he leaned back onto the lounge giving me a dreamy look. Shit a frickin' brick, I think I just exploded internally. I am pretty sure that every single piece of my female anatomy has just disintegrated into a million pieces.

“So where are you really from?”


“But you're not going to go back, right?”

“Nah, it never felt like home, you know?”

Curtis nodded, his free hand now toying with the hem of my shirt. The other was around my back, the palm flat against the skin.

“You know what I think?”


He grinned cheekily as he pulled me onto his lap to face him.

“I think you are wearing too much. Remove your top.”

As I reached for the hem of my shirt, he stopped me.

“Gotta be sexy, you know. No fumbling or awkwardness.”

Oh yeah sure. As if that was possible. I lifted my shirt off with what I hoped was super sexy for him. At least I didn't get an earring or my hair caught. It was one quick and fluid movement. When I looked down at Curtis I could see a wide grin, his eyes bright with delight.

“Always wondered if you were a lace girl.”

I looked down at the two giant mounds of flesh, the bra could barely contain them and I didn't have the funds to get something new.

“How long would you have stalked me for before you actually said something?”

“I talked to you a lot.” he grumbled with a deep frown.

“Placing your order is not talking.”

He shrugged and looked away, more interested in running his fingers over the fabric of the lounge.

“I'll tell you what, we'll do a do-over, right now.”

Now I had his attention, he turned back with a confused grin.

“First night, second night. Whatever, so long as it's within one week the beginning of your sick fascination with me.”

Curtis dramatically rolled his eyes at me.

“I'll start.” I said, ignoring him. “Hi, welcome to Vinnie's restaurant. I'm your waitress Frankie, what can I get for you tonight?”

“You, naked on my bed.” he grinned darkly as his fingers crept up my jeans.

“Be serious please. If you do, I'll remove the bra.”

His eyes widened as I toyed with one of the straps. My fingers ran down the skin, tracing a path over the curve and then flattening my hand over the lace cup.

“Special of the day is fine.” he whispered, completely enthralled.

“But you haven't heard what it is.”

My hand moved over his jaw feeling the prickles as they bit into the soft skin of my palm. God how I wanted him to rub it over my inner thigh.

“What's the special?”

I grinned as my hands ran down his body, feeling those hardened muscles. When I reached the band of his jeans I quickly undid them, pulling them away as I stood from the lounge.

“The special tonight is your waitress on her knees for you.”

“Oh good. I think I'll like that.”

As I knelt before him I gently ran my fingers over him, teasing him. He groaned in appreciation, lifting his arms to hold onto the back of the lounge. Slowly I wrapped my fingers around him, thick and hard and more than ready for me. Sliding my hand up him as I pressed firmly, I took a tentative and teasing lick.

“For the second course your waitress will sit on your lap for you.”

His hips bucked as my lips wrapped around him, sucking him into my mouth.

“Oh god Frankie.” he murmured.

My hands pressed hard against his thighs, sliding through the hair and returning to continue the pleasure. His hands pulled my hair away, no longer shielding me from the glow of the city lights. I looked up at him as I ran my tongue from the base to the tip, lapping up the salty pre-cum that dribbled out.

“Fuuuck.” he hissed. “More later baby, right now I want dessert.”

He lifted me to my feet, pulling my jeans down fast. His lips kissed over my thighs as he reached for my panties.

“Mm, matching. How kind of my waitress to be so generous.”

I giggled. “Only the best for my favorite customer.”

“Your only customer.” he growled against my skin.

With a hazy grin I agreed, his kisses continued as he pulled my panties away. As he stood to me I could feel the heat rise, his fingers toying with my inner thigh.

“I was promised something.” he whispered dangerously. “Turn around.”

I turned to face the windows, the light glowing across my skin. From behind Curtis removed my bra and cupped my breasts, kneading them as he kissed over my shoulder and up my neck.

“These are amazing.”

One hand left me, dragging down my torso and making me shiver. I could feel his smirk against my shoulder, he lifted one leg and rested it on the lounge.

“And this.” his hand pressed between my legs as the other continued to tease and toy with my breast. “What a fine dessert you offer, I can't wait to taste it.”

I whimpered as I leaned against him, feeling his fingers slide back and forth through me, circling and pressing hard.

“Close your eyes.” he whispered against the skin of my neck. “Keep them closed.”

His hands left my body, I could hear him moving around me and it wasn't until I felt his warm breath on me that I knew where he was. With the first wet stroke of his tongue, I was in heaven. I whimpered and he pulled away.

“Not so fast, don't deprive me of my fantasy.”

He scraped his jaw over the skin of my inner thigh, like he knew what I craved. Another lash and a suckle of the skin and I whimpered.

“One night a few weeks ago you were wearing a low cut top and bent over in front of me, I swear I almost fucking came in my pants. Such a dirty waitress.”

The tongue flattened over me, sliding up as a finger slipped into me. I could feel his breath against the skin of my thigh as his finger continued to pump inside of me.

“Then another night you were wearing a short skirt, I nearly died when I saw you leaning over another table. All I wanted to do was push you onto the table and fuck you so damned hard that you would never forget me.”

His lips pressed to me again.

“Are you ever going to forget me Frankie?”

“Never.” I moaned.

I could feel his grin as he continued his torturous assault.

“Come on Frankie.”

As he growled my name I let go, pressing his head deeper against me. His hands were wrapped around me, holding me tight as I came hard.

It felt like I had left my body, maybe found on some astral plain and floating around in a sea of euphoric bliss. I could barely feel Curtis as he kissed his way up my body, slowly standing to me.

“Back to earth Frankie.” he whispered against my neck.

“Do I have to? It's so nice right here.”

He chuckled and wrapped my arms and legs around him, carrying me to his bed. With one hand he pulled back the sheets, refusing to set me to the ground. Not sure why, it's not as if I'd run away.

When he finally set me to my feet, I sat on the edge of the bed. Curtis searched through the top draw of his bedside table.

“Sorry.” he muttered. “I uh, don't often entertain here. Or at all.”

He gave me a sidewards glance and a grin.

“I've only had the place a month.”

The condom was tossed onto the bed beside me as he leaned over to kiss me, gently lowering me to the bed.

“More testing the offers of this fine dining experience or is it time for the final course?”

I grinned, feeling a little ticklish when his fringe traced over my body as he nipped at my breast.

“Final course” I whispered desperately.

He chuckled, it vibrated against my skin as he suckled on the nipple, dragging it into his mouth. I gasped when his fingers trailed over my skin, my stomach shrank to his touch. He reached for the condom and knelt between my legs. I couldn't help but stare, watching him in all his hardened glory.

His hand smoothed over my thighs, urging me open for him. Feeling full wasn't quite the right way to describe what it was like once he pushed into me. For a brief moment his eyes closed and he softly exhaled, it was a look of pure satisfaction.

“Fuck you feel so good.”

His eyes opened and looked down at me, smiling broadly. Even though it felt like he was going to rip me in two, I couldn't do anything other than smile back at him.

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