Cry Little Sister (10 page)

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Authors: Parker Ford

hapter Fourteen

There really was that moment for her when she nearly got up to go. They were still figuring this all out and even though what they’d just done on the living room floor was staggering in its goodness, she felt some confusion.

So for Jordan, there really was that moment. And yet, his teeth capturing her lower lip and that spark of pain that Gareth seemed to know how to deliver, pushed all her hesitation away.

“Get on me,” he said, his lips brushing the curve of her earlobe.

“I am on you.” Her voice was low and breathless and despite what she said, she knew what he meant. There was that greedy part of her that wanted to hear him say it.

“Put me in you, Jojo.”

She’d never gotten fully dressed. Just her panties and her top. Her bra and her jeans were abandoned in the hall to be placed in the dirty laundry. Gareth was sitting there in nothing but jeans. His chest and feet bare, his body smelling sun-warmed though they’d been inside for hours.


“Is there a problem?” he asked. She could hear the smile in his voice and it heated her blood.

“Just that I feel like I’m losing my mind.”

Jordan turned her body to press her breasts to his chest, her sex straddling his. And she let him take her mouth. He wasn’t gentle about it. Gareth cupped the back of her head and kissed her hard. He pinned her to him so he could take her mouth and tongue the way he wanted. Without thinking, when he plunged his tongue into her mouth, she sucked it. She sucked it the way she would a cock and felt the jump of his hard-on between her legs. A warmth flooded her womb and her limbs felt pleasantly heavy. Fuck, but she wanted him in her.

And all she had to do was put him in.

“I thought you were going to teach me,” she said.

He froze. Jordan waited, rocking her hips just a touch to feel the friction of his erection to the split of her nether lips.

“I will. After.”

She rocked some more and kissed his stubbly jaw. Jordan grazed the line of his throat with her teeth—it was a light slide of teeth on flesh but she felt him shudder under her. A surge of power spread through her. “Do you promise?”

“I do promise. And look who’s topping who,” he chuckled.

She paused for a moment, mulling that over. She smiled and slid herself against the hard line of his dick. She felt rippled burst of joy in her sex and knew that if she just kept doing what she was doing she would come. Especially with the heated weight of his strong hands resting possessively on her hips. The feel of him holding her in that claiming way was a surprising heavy peace in her belly. It felt right even though on so many levels it was tinted with wrong.

“Put me in you, Jojo,” he growled.

The small fine hairs on her body rose up and her nipples pebbled, rubbing her top in a way that was almost maddening. She fumbled with her panties and he grabbed her hand. “No time. Just push them to the side.”

Gareth grabbed his button fly and yanked so it all came apart under his fingers. He grasped himself and pulled his cock free so that she could see him. And seeing him stole her breath and made her wetter than she already was.

Gareth plunged a finger into her, testing her—again his touch possessive. “Juicy,” he said, cocking an eyebrow. His half grin set her off and they both felt the small clench of her cunt around his finger.

“And ready,” he said, barely audible.

He pulled her in for another kiss as she moved to position herself over his waiting erection.

Jordan held herself up just enough. Just enough that he was forced, by his need, to run the head of his cock along her slick opening. Her body fluttered in response, wanting him, wanting
to give in and sink down on him. It was all she could do to hold herself there,  gripping the rungs of the chair. 

Finally he shoved her back so her hair brushed the dining room table and her fingers had to grip impossibly tight on the back of his chair. His teeth claimed her nipple, so roughly she wondered if he’d drawn blood, but the spike of pain made her cunt grasp around nothing at all and then she was done. Her need was greater than her curiosity or her playful attitude.

This was not the time to play. This was the time to get what she’d wanted for so long. What he’d wanted. What they were giving in to.

“Do you know the night of your eighteenth birthday when you wore that blue dress out to dinner?”

She took the tip of him in, her thighs shaking with how slowly she was going. Jordan forced herself to take him slowly. To relish every slippery inch, ever moment of penetration, every second that he stretched her only to fill her up.

“Yes,” she said, nodding, eyes closed.

It all felt somehow more magical right then with her eyes closed and his hands on her.

“I fantasized all night,” he whispered, one hand straying up to brush her breast, to stroke the hardened tip of her nipple.

“About what?”

“About burrowing under the skirt of that dress. Pulling off your panties.” He thrust up hard, yanking against her with that one strong hand. He tweaked her nipple and kissed her throat, murmuring, “I fantasized about getting down on my knees under that table when dad excused himself from the table. Putting my face under that dress. Licking your pussy until you couldn’t sit still.”

Jordan heard herself make a noise that was half cry, half moan. It ripped out of her before she knew it was coming and then
was coming. Her cunt rippling greedily around him as he continued to drive up from under her.

“I wanted to lick you and suck you and taste you. I wanted to do that until you were so wet….so fucking wet…”

Jordan rocked from side to side to milk every last spasm out of her pussy. She held her breath to hear his words, wanting to know everything he’d ever thought about her. Every time he’d wanted to take her or kiss her or touch her. She wanted to know because it meant she wasn’t crazy.

They hadn’t known they weren’t brother and sister and yet…something in them
known. That was both sad and amazing.

“We got home that night, the three of us,” he went on, clutching at her, pulling her down into his lap as he buried himself deeper. “And all I could think of while I laid there in my bed was you. Upstairs. In that dress. Or out of it.”

He moved his hips just so and Jordan tilted her pelvis. She let go of the chair and leaned back a bit, her back pressed to the lip of the table, her hair whispering secretively on the dark wood.

“I wanted to go up there and flip you over onto your back. I wanted to press your legs high…” He paused to lean in and press his lips to the jumping skin above her heart. She felt his warm mouth sealed there to the racing beat of her blood. “I wanted to drive into you and fuck you, Jojo. Until you said my name. Until you cried it out. And then…”

She gripped his shoulders, tight, moving in synch with him now. Rotating her hips so that his cock brushed and nudged and pressed every tender bit of flesh inside of her that needed the pressure and the friction. Pleasure flooded her pelvis, making her stomach jump and her hands shake while she held him, the adrenaline rush of his words almost overwhelming.

She drove herself against him, feeling the hard bite of his pelvic bone to her swollen clit. She was going to come again, and all she could do at the moment to stave it off was chew her bottom lip to distract herself for a few precious moments.

“And when you said my name, when you came, when I felt that wet slick rush of your orgasm then I’d flip you over.” He drove up hard and yanked her down. Gareth gripped her shoulder with his teeth—nipping her so that the jolt of pain accented her pleasure.

She’d bruise. She could feel it. And that knowledge is what actually tipped her over. That and when he said, “And then I’d fuck you from behind, Jordan. I’d grab your hips and fuck you and spank that sweet ass. I’d fuck you so hard—” His words broke for a desperate moan. His face told the tale, he was going to come.

“—so hard that you’re pretty face would be pressed to your silly pink sheets and you would say my name. And say my name. And…” His face went still before showing his release. His jaw tight, his eyes slammed shut, his lips pressed together to stifle his cry as he came. “And say my…”

Jordan came with him, feeling the wetness from his release already. Letting is lubricate that one final thrust she gave against him, bullying her clit into giving her one more sweet peak. “Gareth.”

She said his name and then pressed her lips to his waiting mouth.

Chapter Fifteen

“Go take a shower, Jojo,” he said and patted her on the ass. “I’m going to mow the lawn.”

“It’s fall.”

“It’s still growing. No frost yet.”

There was a shift in him and she thought that maybe—though she had no proof—it had to do with he suggesting that he try to find his mom.

He’d seemed more hurt than she’d ever seen him when he’d mentioned two mothers leaving him and Jordan wondered if there was anything that she could do. Could she find his mom without him knowing?

“Poke through dad’s study tonight,” she whispered to herself. She couldn’t seem to not call Daniel dad. He was her dad. Had
her dad for as long as she had memories. There might be no blood between them, but there were years and years of love and respect and all the stuff that went with family.

The water was hot right off the bat, something she missed when she was back home in her apartment where the water ran tepid until right before she was done. Then it got hot and she usually stood there in the downfall of hot-hot water until she was pruny.

Would she stay in her room tonight? Should she? Or would he want her with him? Anxiety unfurled in her belly and she shivered with the extreme heat of the spray. Goose bumps sprang up along her arms and her breasts. Jordan stepped back and let it rain down over her head, the warmth of it making her body go limp.

“You’ll work it out,” she said.

It was all very strange.

“Who are you talking to?”

She jumped, nearly slipped and grabbed the curtain rod. “Jesus, Gareth.”


“No you’re not.” He’d pulled back the curtain and was grinning at her.

“I’m not. Well, I am sorry you almost fell.”

“Good. You should be.”

He stepped in and she froze. Naked and grungy and entirely sexy. She touched his stomach and the muscles there danced for her. “What are you doing?”

“Pretty sure I’m trying to get clean.” He pushed his hands past her and rinsed them. Dirt and grime and muck fell away from his tan skin.

“I thought you were mowing,” she said, running a finger along the slope of his biceps.

“Too wet near the back. I only managed the first third of the yard.” He shrugged and she watched the muscles ripple for her.

A wetness started deep inside of her that had zero to do with the shower water. Jordan smoothed her hands down his muscular back, playing a light touch along his lower back where the skin went from golden to pale. Gareth turned and grabbed her by her upper arms and the breath in her lungs and throat stilled. Her heart hammered and Gareth dropped a soft kiss on her parted lips.

“You still want me to teach you?”


“You sure?”


“You’ll behave? Better than last time.”

“Yes.” She took his cock in her hand. He’d grown long and hard and when she squeezed his lips pressed together as he wrangled his control. She loved to see him at war with himself. Trying to manage what he was feeling and his outward appearance. Jordan marveled at how he could feel something good and yet look so stern.


“Yes.” She squeezed again and his eyes drifted shut. But when they opened, he took her hand away.

“There are no real rules. We’ll play around and see what gets you off. I know what I like to do, but I don’t know what works for you. But the bottom line, Jojo, is I’m in charge. As you saw the day you showed up here, I don’t switch. I like the reins. Bottom line.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

“Good, let’s start. Get down on your knees and suck my cock, little sister.”

She swallowed hard. Not because she didn’t want to. She’d actually given herself some nifty orgasms while imagining doing just that. It was more because of the way he said it. The gorgeous rude words that came off his lush lips to tickle her ears.

“Do it, Jordan. Get down and suck my dick.”

He pressed her shoulders and she lowered herself, dropping to her knees on the silly pink no-slip appliqué flowers. He’d picked pink on purpose, said it amused him. The rough adhesives bit into her kneecaps but she ignored it. When Gareth twisted his hand into her wet hair and tugged her toward him, she made as small inadvertent sound at the lust that flared inside her.

“I know. I know,” he whispered, pressing the head of his erection to her lips.

She licked him, parting her lips and relishing the silken glide of his flesh on her mouth. He was long and hard and she had to stretch her jaws to get him in as deep as she wanted. Her pussy flexed up tight and eager and she bowed her back some to get the right angle.

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