Read Cuffed & Collared Online

Authors: Samantha Cayto

Tags: #Erotic Romance

Cuffed & Collared (23 page)

She stopped in front of a low table covered with whips, canes, and paddles. Picking up a paddle about the right size for Ping-Pong, she whirled around and gave Kyle a coquettish look.

“My father was the first man to see me for what I was, even though when I was young, I tried to hide my true nature. I was confused and ashamed because I had these awful boy parts. Papa wasn’t fooled, though. When Momma died, he told me he knew exactly what I was, and if I wanted to live under his roof acting like a girl, I could damn well take Momma’s place. At home he made me wear her clothes, keep his house, fix his meals, and sleep in his bed. Only when others were around did he treat me like the boy I really wasn’t. Nobody noticed how wrong that was.”

Mindy’s expression morphed into one etched with pain. “Nobody noticed anything.”

Knowing that so long as Mindy was talking, she wasn’t hurting him, Kyle interjected. “That was their mistake. People should have paid more attention and protected you from him. What he did was wrong.” It was easy enough to speak up, because, of course, he believed what he was saying. Kyle sympathized with the transgender child being abused by his father.

Mindy’s gaze wandered to a spot beyond Kyle’s head. “Yes, they should have. I think maybe some of them did, but no one cared about me.” She laughed suddenly and almost maniacally. “I showed him who was boss in the end.”

The sympathy didn’t help the chill in Kyle when those eyes turned back to him and lit up with sadistic glee. “He made a mistake, you see. Sent me off to college when I got a scholarship. He didn’t like people thinking he wasn’t doing right by me. Made me come home most weekends so I could do his laundry and suck his cock. He didn’t even notice how strong I became, physically and mentally, until it was too late. Oh, how he begged and screamed, just like I used to. And just like he used to, I ignored it all and kept on going.”

She sighed deeply. “The power was intoxicating. I tried to resist the temptation to do it again and just move on with the next phase of my life, the one where I could live like the woman I am. I even wanted to do good in world. Then I met that silly girl, Mindy, who didn’t deserve the life she had, the life I wanted. So I took it and made much better use of it.”

She turned in little circles as she spoke, the paddle bouncing against her leg. “I wanted a doctor to help me make my transition fully. Molvado was supposed to be the best in helping strong women find their true self. She didn’t understand me, though. Not really. She was more interested in those weak men who came to her, and honestly, anyone could tell they needed a firmer hand than she was giving them by
. Once I had them in my control, I just couldn’t resist feeling the power that comes from ultimate domination.” A blissful look crossed Mindy’s face that made Kyle sick.

“You father was a bastard who got what he deserved, but you also killed innocent men,” he choked out. “My friend, Jazz, never hurt you or anyone. He didn’t deserve to be tortured to death.”

Mindy scowled back, tapping the paddle against her leg. “Those pathetic creatures were begging for the kind of discipline I meted out.” She sauntered closer to Kyle. “They said they wanted pain, that they could handle pain. They knelt before me and kissed my feet before I tied them up and showed them what being dominated really means.”

Without warning, Mindy swung the paddle into Kyle’s middle. The pain exploded across his skin and deep into his muscles. He doubled over as much as his bindings would allow and bit back the groan trying to get out. When he could catch his breath, he straightened up and glared back at his tormentor. He wanted to spit and snarl at her. It was hard to hold it all in. He had to, though, or the violence might escalate too fast and he’d die before Regan could find him. He lowered his gaze.

A shudder ran through him when Mindy caressed his arm as she walked behind him. “You’re just like those other men. I can see it in your eyes. I wanted to take control of you the moment you stepped into the office. I know that you struggle with it. I checked Molvado’s notes on you. She didn’t realize I accessed her files on her patients until tonight. Stupid cow. She won’t be bothering us, though. I made sure of that. You’re very good at pretending to be submissive. I intend to test the limits of your act. We’ll see if you can handle what I have in store for you.”

A puff of air hit the back of his neck before the blows rained down on his ass. Each hit drove him forward, his arms and legs pulling against the straps holding him in place. His eyes watered with the growing agony, and he tried to keep from crying out. He didn’t want to give his torturer the satisfaction.

All through it, he kept thinking of Regan, his real mistress. She would come for him. He knew it. He had to hold on.


Regan stood over the body of Dr. Molvado, cursing. The poor woman’s head had been bashed in with a heavy wooden clock she kept in her office. Mindy, no doubt, although why the killer would have taken out her boss was a mystery. Perhaps Molvado had figured out Mindy’s secret. As she called in the murder, she looked around, desperate for some piece of information that would lead her to where Mindy might have taken Kyle. She was convinced the killer had Kyle, because he still didn’t answer his mobile and his office was sure he wasn’t there.

She spotted a purse open on the carpet not far from the body. Its contents were strewn about as if someone had gone through it. Kneeling down, she poked through the stuff to see what Mindy would have been looking for. She found Molvado’s wallet, some make-up, breath mints, tissues and some stray receipts. Nothing stood out…except there were no keys. She stuck her hand inside the purse to see if they were there and came up empty. A thought struck her. It was a long shot, but maybe.

There was no time to wait for the crime scene people if she was right. She grabbed Molvado’s wallet and looked at her license, then bolted from the office. She called JoJo on the way.

“What’s up?” her partner asked.

“Molvado is dead, killed by Mindy I’m assuming. I think she took the doctor’s keys and went to her place.”


“Molvado gave off the Domme vibe, right?” When her partner murmured her assent, she continued. “So, it stands to reason she’d have a play room at her house. I’m betting Mindy took Kyle there so she could do her worst like she did with Foster.”

Images of what Kyle might be going through at that moment sent a wave of nausea through her. She fought the rising sense of panic. If she didn’t keep her shit together, she’d be no good to Kyle.

“We don’t know for sure she has him. I mean the others let her come inside and tie them up. Ramsey was a pretty big guy. How the hell could she get him to go anywhere with her unless they’re already involved?”

Regan winced. “They’re not, because he and I are. And I don’t know how she did it. Maybe she tranqued him or something.”

“Okay, I’m going skip the part where you said you’re involved with him and assume your gut is on point. What’s the address? I’ll meet you there.”

Regan rattled off the information as she hopped into her car and once again hit the siren. Molvado’s house was in neighboring Brookline, and in a fairly upscale part of the town. It was a quick ride from downtown with people getting out of her way. When she was a few blocks from the location, she killed the siren but not the lights. If Mindy was in the house, she didn’t want to announce her arrival. There was no telling what the killer would do if cornered.

It was a quiet area as she suspected and easy enough to find a place to park a block away from her destination. Checking her gun out of nervousness more than anything, she trotted down to the Molvado house. There were no lights on that she could see, but there was a car, a sporty BMW, parked in the driveway. She looked at the plate and took a moment to call it in. Her blood froze, and her heart lurched when she got confirmation that it was registered to Kyle. She texted the info to JoJo with the additional message she was going in with or without a warrant.

She scooted around to the back of the house and picked the lock. She said a short prayer about the alarm not being on and opened the door. A quick glance to the side told her there was an alarm system, but it was off. Mindy must have ferreted the code out at some point yet hadn’t bothered to reset it. Of course not. She didn’t expect to be disturbed by anyone.

Gun at the ready, Regan moved silently through the kitchen, ears straining for sounds. The house was silent, although she sensed she wasn’t alone. Foster’s playroom had been in the basement, so that is where she looked first. There was nothing in the lower level, though, except the usual crap. Racing back to the kitchen, she continued into the other rooms on the ground floor. Everything was dark and quiet and perfectly normal. Her heart beat painfully as she crept up the stairs to the second floor.

It was equally dark and silent on the upper level until she gazed all the way down the hallway. At the far end, she saw light underneath a door. That was where Mindy had to have Kyle. Molvado had undoubtedly sound proofed it, and Regan hoped that meant any noise she made wouldn’t filter through, either. She wanted to bolt down and kick the door in. As hard as it was, though, she made herself go slowly and as silently as she could. She might only get one chance to bring Mindy down without hurting Kyle. Surprise was her best ally.

The closer she got to the door, the more aware she became that some sound was coming through. Laughter mingled with cries of pain. She clenched her teeth against the rising fury. Her hand shook just a little as she reached for the doorknob. She took a deep, steadying breath to control her movements before slowly twisting the knob. As soon as she felt the latch release, she shoved open the door with her gun up.

The scene before her caused her to freeze. In the middle of the room, Kyle was spread eagled against a wooden frame, his body covered in welts and big red splotches. He’d been beaten within an inch of his life everywhere except his face. Johnstone in his Mindy persona stood in front of Kyle, a knife poised to slash Kyle’s chest. The killer’s head whipped around at the sound of Regan’s entrance.

They stared at each other for a second before Mindy’s face twisted in rage. “You’ve spoiled everything, you cunt!”

“Drop it, Mindy,” Regan ordered and stepped farther into the room.

Instead of dropping the knife, Mindy raised it higher and swiveled back to Kyle. Regan didn’t hesitate. One shot and the would-be Domme went down, red blossoming under her arm.

Regan raced over and kicked the knife away from the twitching Mindy. She was unconscious, but alive, at least for the moment. Keeping half an eye on her, Regan yanked out her phone and called for a couple of ambulances. She figured JoJo was close to arriving but didn’t want to wait on medical help coming for Kyle. When Mindy still didn’t stir, she turned her attention to Kyle.

Oh, God, up close it was worse than she’d thought. How he was staying conscious was a mystery. Not only that, somehow he managed to give her a pained smile as she approached.

“Knew you’d come,” he said in a hoarse voice. “Just had to…” A shudder racked his body. “Just had to hang on.”

“Shh,” she admonished gently and reached to free one of his ankles, squatting down to do so. Given the locking mechanism, she had to holster her gun so she could use both hands. She glanced back at Mindy to confirm the perp was still out.

“Of course, I came for you.” She moved to the other ankle. A sob almost burst out. She ruthlessly shoved it down. Kyle needed her to be strong right now. She could break down into a puddle of goo later.

Standing, she reached for one of his wrists. “I’m sorry it took me so long to figure out where you were and who had you.”

“No, this is all my fault.” His breathing was so labored, she wanted to cover his mouth to silence him. “You were right. I shouldn’t have played at detective. I was so fucking arrogant, I put us both in danger.”

When she freed his other wrist, he sagged against her. She helped him slide to his knees in a controlled fall. “No more talking, now, boyo. When you’re all better, we’ll set some ground rules.” She ran her fingers through his sweaty hair. “I need to put you on a short leash.”

“Yes, ma’am,” he murmured and smiled wearily at her. His gaze shifted to a point behind her, and his eyes went wide. “Regan!”

Her world tilted suddenly, Kyle’s body slamming into hers, sending them both sprawling. Her shoulder clipped the wooden frame, but she ignored the pain. She understood what was happening even before she saw Mindy swaying on unsteady feet, the knife in her hand, slashing clumsily toward them. Regan freed her gun just as Kyle rolled away so as to not block her. The shot she fired hit Mindy square in the chest. This time, when the killer went down, Regan was sure she wouldn’t be getting up again.

Regan curled her arms around Kyle’s limp body. The effort to move out of range of the knife had sent him over the edge into oblivion, and she didn’t think that was such a bad thing. Part of her wished she could join him, but there was work still to be done. It would be a long night. Sirens wailed in the distance, a door banged open somewhere in the house.


“Up here, JoJo!”

Regan wrapped her arms around Kyle, needing to hold him until she had to let him go. He stirred and mumbled something in an anxious tone. She hugged him tighter.

“Shh, it’s okay. I have you.” She kissed the top of his head. “We have each other.”


“Sorry, I’m a bit early,” Regan said as Kyle opened his door.

“You’re kidding, right?” He swung the door shut. “Let me get that for you.” He grabbed the bag she was carrying.

Regan walked inside Kyle’s beautiful home that she felt comfortable in after so many weeks of dating. She recognized the classical music playing softly in the background. Hanging out with Kyle was giving her a great appreciation of culture she would have sneered at not long ago.

“You’ve had time to eat?” she asked.

Having fully recovered from his ordeal with Mindy, Kyle was back to work full time. Regan encouraged him to eat as soon as he got home at night instead of waiting for her. She may not have another serial killer case, but regular old murder was still unfortunately a frequent occurrence in a big city like Boston. Most nights she was lucky to arrive at his place before nine.

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