Read CupidRocks Online

Authors: Francesca Hawley

CupidRocks (16 page)

“I’m glad to hear it,” Mandy said. “I just hope I did well
with my presents for Joe.”

“Why won’t you tell us what you bought? We can both help you

“I know. But I wanted to do it on my own.”

Maria asked, “You wanted to keep it fair, didn’t you?”

Mandy grinned, “Yeah. I got the best team for shopping. He
got stuck with the losers.”

Both older females laughed and patted her arm.

* * * * *

Joe watched his brothers sniff perfumes and wrinkle their
noses. They were hopeless. Leo was looking at some dresses that Joe knew his
mother would hate and Eddie was reviewing scarves. Carly never wore scarves.
How did he end up with such a loser team for this task? It was fucking unfair.
He was the only one with a single relevant idea for presents and none of them
would listen to him. He was just about ready to strike out on his own.

“Would Mother like this?” Jules stuck a perfume under his
nose and Joe snorted.

“Are you nuts? It smells like socks.”

“Oh.” Jules returned the bottle to the counter and looked
lost. Just like all the other guys.

“Okay, hold it. Every one of you. Over here now,” Joe

Someone had to take charge or this was going to be the
pinnacle of pathetic. His father looked offended, but Joe was done playing
games. He stood his ground and pointed at the other males who finally, with
many grumbles, joined him.

“What is it you wish to say, son?”

Joe shook his head. “If I leave this up to you guys we’re
gonna get creamed. Not one of you has a clue in hell about what to get our

“I resent that. I know your mother well.”

“And Carly and I are True Mates too.”

“Well, I’m not proud. Just tell me what to buy for Mother
and I’ll do it,” Jake grumbled with Jules nodding emphatically.

“Father, you know that Mother always buys the presents. I’d
be willing to bet she even buys her own presents.”

“She does not. I get her things she adores.”

“After she gives you a list?”

“I receive no list.”

“Hints, then.”

The old wolf’s lips tightened as he thought about it. Eddie

“And Eddie. When has Carly ever worn a scarf?”

“In the winter.”

“You weren’t looking at knitted winter scarves.”

“They’d look good on her.”

“I’m sure they would but would she be the least bit

“Well, no.”

“And Carly buys the gifts for Mandy right?”

“Yes, that’s one down for me.”

“Check with Carly. I bet she expects you to get Mandy a gift

“But…” Eddie paused, obviously checking and then he began to
scowl. “I’m going to kill my mate when I get home.”

“I take that as a yes.”


“We need to pool our knowledge or we are going to come up
wanting and that would be humiliating for all of us.”

“We could just get them jewelry,” Leo suggested.

“I intend to get Mandy a ring. But that’s not all. And
buying nothing but jewelry isn’t going to be enough and you know it. One little
bitty box? Seriously?”

Leo sighed. “You are correct.”

They formed a huddle and discussed their options, finally
coming up with a game plan. First they hit Feldspar Jewelers to buy appropriate
gifts. Joe knew he wanted to get Mandy a True Mate Ring and he received input
from all four of them about what kind of ring to buy. He wanted something like
an engagement ring, but he couldn’t afford diamonds. Not right now. His father
offered to buy it for him but he refused. This was for him to do.

The silver-haired woman smiled at him. “What do you need?”

“A True Mate ring.”

“Ah.” It was obvious she had experience with these kinds of

“I can’t afford diamonds, but I want it to look like that.”

“What about quartz? It comes in a variety of colors and we
have a number of lovely rings in stock. Amy Feldspar does the faceting on the
quartz herself and even sets positive energy into the stones.”

“That sounds good, I’ll look at them.”

The jeweler lifted out a tray of rings. “What size does your
mate wear?”

Joe opened his mouth then closed it again. He looked at
Eddie, who shrugged. “Damn. I have no idea.” Joe pulled out his phone to send a
text to Carly, Eddie stopped him.

“She can’t keep secrets.”

“But she’ll know Mandy’s ring size.”

“Mandy? Mandy Goldwolf?”

Joe’s eyes lit. “Yes, do you know her? Does she shop here?”

The owner laughed. “Yes, she’s a customer. Let me see if I
have her ring size on file. I usually try to keep notes about things like

“I’d be forever grateful.”

The woman checked the computer and pulled up the
information. “She’s an eight.”

“What do you have that works with that?”

“Chocolate diamonds are popular now, so you could go with a
smoky quartz.”

She set a tray of those on the counter. Joe looked at them
and closed his eyes to imagine them on Mandy’s finger. Finally, he shook his

“I don’t see her in brown.”

“Rose quartz is a pink stone. Lemon comes in a variety of
yellows and of course there are clear and white quartzes, which would resemble
clear and white diamonds.”

“Can I see all of those?”

The jeweler nodded as all the males leaned over to look at
the rings as she placed trays on the counter. The stones in dark pink or dark
yellow he immediately ignored. He wanted pale colors. He liked the clear and
white quartz, but they seemed cold and Mandy was a warm person.

He waved the clear and white quartz rings away so she took
them off the counter. He studied the pale yellow and pale pink stones. He was
drawn to a rose-colored heart. He picked it out of the tray. The heart was a
good-size stone set in rose-colored gold.

“Hearts are so cliché,” Jules complained. “Especially at
Valentine’s Day.”

“Yeah, go with something different man. A square or
teardrop,” Jake agreed.

“A teardrop? I don’t want her to cry.” The more Joe stared
at the ring, the surer he was that this was it. It was like it called to him.
He handed it to the jeweler. “This is the one.”

She smiled. “Good choice. One of the things that we
Feldspars tend to do when we create the design is to encourage the Lord and
Lady to call the right owner to the piece.”

“I sure felt called. I think Mandy will like it.”

“She doesn’t wear much pink,” Eddie told him.

“She has it in her closet though.” He remembered from
looking for a dress for her to wear to meet his parents.

Eddie shrugged. “It’s your neck.”

Joe smiled. “She’ll love it. It’s not super expensive but it
suits her.”

The jeweler nodded. “The True Mate connection is already
taking hold. She’s bought a lot of rose quartz in the past.”

“She has? Why didn’t you say so?”

“Because it’s your purchase and it’s important for you to
make the decision.”

“You think she’ll like it?”

The woman looked at him, studying him with her eyes crossed.
He frowned. What the hell? Then her eyes refocused.

“You’ve chosen well.”

She laughed as he looked at her funny. “I unfocused my gaze
so I could read your aura.”

“Oh. Okay. Hey, could you wrap that?”

“Sure,” she laughed. “Any other shoppers?”

The males all bought something and had their purchases
wrapped, and signed cards. They bought necklaces, earrings, rings and
bracelets. The store did well from them before they moved on. This time to a
women’s clothing store. Joe found Mandy a sexy nightgown by Lady Cyn fashions.
It was a deep burgundy color. Eddie and Leo bought lingerie for their mates
too, but Jake and Jules opted for less controversial purchases for their mother,
Carly and Mandy. Jake and Jules had decided to just gift all the ladies equally
since they were family now.

As the males left the store with their purchases, they
caught sight of the females on the other side of the street. The ladies had
bags and bags of stuff as they waved. The guys waved back, faking smiles.

“Crap,” Joe muttered. “I thought we were done now, but it
doesn’t look like it.”

“Yeah, look at all the stuff they have,” Jules griped.

“Language, Julian.”

“But Father…” Jules shut up when he caught Leo’s expression.

“Females,” Eddie muttered in disgust. “They could shop all

Joe thought about it. Mandy’s room had a book shelf full of
romances. “Bookstore.”

“Do they have one here in town?”

“Yeah. And that’s a good idea. Carly reads too.” Eddie slapped
him on the shoulder.

“As does Maria,” Leo agreed.

“Well, I’m game,” Jake agreed. “So where is it?”

For a good portion of the morning, the men wandered from
store to store buying whatever they could carry. Whenever possible, they had
the store do the gift wrapping and they signed the cards. God help them if the
gifts got mixed up.

Joe received a text from Mandy. “She says they’re ready for
lunch and suggests we all meet up at the Country Steakhouse.”

“Meat. I could go for some meat,” Eddie approved.

They dumped their packages into the trunk of the car they’d
driven into town and piled in for the drive over to the restaurant to meet the
ladies. Lunch was filled with laughter and fun. After they returned home the
men put their gifts under the tree since that seemed like the best place to put
them. All three females frowned.

“What?” Joe asked.

“You didn’t wrap them yourselves?” Carly asked.

“Why should we?” Leo asked.

“After all, they’d look really horrible if we wrapped ‘em.
Be realistic,” Eddie argued.

Mandy bent to review the presents. “Looks like you took care
of us very well. But didn’t you buy any presents for each other?” She looked up
at Joe.

He exchanged looks with the other males. Finally Eddie said,
“We’re fine. We don’t need to get each other anything. You don’t give other
males a gift for Valentine’s Day unless you’re gay and you’re buying for your

“Quite true,” Leo agreed.

Carly and Maria exchange looks. “Oh, no. I don’t think so.
But if you need an excuse, just consider these as Christmas gifts…two months
late. Anyway, have fun going back out this afternoon.”

“Shit,” Jake sighed.

Leo opened his mouth to reprimand his son, but then he
closed his mouth again. Joe was sure his father agreed with Jake. He knew he

Chapter Fourteen


Mandy rolled over in bed and opened her eyes. Joe lay beside
her. Warm and asleep. She cuddled up to him. It was the thirteenth. Yesterday,
Tom and Sharon had stopped by for rehearsal and they’d gone out to the studio
Eddie had built in one of the outbuildings in the back of her property. They
practiced for the concert and started talking about what they wanted to do on
their CD, the first that would include Joe.

Mandy had sneaked in to listen and even taken some photos of
the band rehearsing. She’d exchanged grins with Joe’s brothers when they had
slipped in to listen too. Leo and Maria made other plans for the day. Leo had
taken Maria off so they could sightsee and spend the day together. When Mandy
had gotten tired of the band’s stops and starts, and she had plenty of
rehearsal shots, she went out to take pictures of the picturesque snow-covered
streets of Whitewolf and the store windows decorated for Valentine’s Day. She
even drove up into the mountains to get some great nature shots.

When she came back to the house, the band was
rehearsing. In spite of herself, she’d been drawn back to listen to them play,
and for the first time in years a part of her yearned to participate. To
perform with her mate. What fascinated her the most was that even though Eddie
might be the band leader and founder, Joe was the manager. He directed the
rehearsal sessions and kept them all on track—just as he had when they’d broken
down their equipment after the concert. And watching Joe run through guitar
riffs inspired her on many levels. Musically
sexually. He was just
really hot when he got in the zone.

She laid her head on his shoulder and ran her fingers
lightly over his chest. The only bad part about yesterday was that she’d stayed
up talking with her parents and Joe had gone to bed early. By the time she
joined him, he was fast asleep and she hadn’t had the heart to wake him. But
damned if she wasn’t going to this morning. Two days without sex was long
enough! She wanted to make love to her True Mate.

She stretched, rubbing her breasts against his chest. He
sighed in his sleep, turning toward her so Mandy slipped a thigh between his
legs and nudged gently against his half-hard cock. He reached for her and
pulled her closer, thrusting his hips. She stroked his chest, running her
fingers through the hair there and brushing his nipples.

“Ah yeah,” he muttered, still humping her leg.

She chuckled, cuddling closer and pressing her face into his
throat. Her tongue snaked out to taste him. He lifted his head, his fingers tangling
in her hair to hold her close. She leaned back to look up at him and his
eyelids fluttered open. Slowly, his eyes focused and he smiled. Such a sweet


“Good morning.” She ran her fingers through his long dark
hair and kissed his chin.


He lowered his head and took her mouth in a deep, warm kiss.
She opened for him, their tongues twisting. Teasing as they parted then came
together again. Mandy licked the inside of his lips and he groaned, plundering
her mouth. Taking control. Rolling her to her back and rising over her.

“Yessss…” she moaned.

Warm kisses trailed down her neck and across her breasts
before he tasted her tight nipples. Savoring her flesh. She arched into his
mouth as electricity hummed in her body. Thrilling her. He flicked at her.
Sucked her. Bit. Teasing her body. Learning her needs. She spread her legs,
tugging Joe between. His hard cock grazed her pussy, drawing a moan from her.
She raised her hips in invitation.

“Ah, angel. You’re gonna kill me.”

“But what a way to go,” she sighed.

He chuckled, then groaned when her wet slit brushed the head
of his cock. He probed. Rubbing the head over and around her clit. Mandy lifted
her thighs along his hips and wrapped her legs around him. Grasping him tight.

“Fuck me, Joe.”

He reached down to stroke her, spreading her wetness.
Finding her clit he pressed and she gasped, jerking under his touch.

“Is this what you want?”

“God, yes. Don’t stop.” Her breath caught. She moaned as he
kept up a steady caress, teasing her tight clit even as his cock started a
dance with her pussy. He dipped inside. Just the tip then withdrew. Over and
over until she begged. “Please, Joe. Oh baby, fuck me.”

“Not yet,” he growled. His rode her, staying just far enough
away that he tormented her. Aroused her. But didn’t sate her.

Mandy thrust her pussy upward, her fingers digging into his
back. Joe leaned over her, lips trailing along her skin. He sucked her nipple
back into his mouth. Drawing on it even as he rubbed her clit and teased the
entrance to her pussy.

“You’re so wet, angel. I love how slick you are. All for

“Take me, Joe.”

She threw back her head, arched her back and raised her
hips. Open and inviting. Desperate for his penetration. She needed him to fill
her. To pound into her until they climaxed. But he was in control…and his
command of their lovemaking was a total turn-on.

“Give me more,” she cried.

He eased his cock about halfway into her and she dragged
herself onto him, enveloping his hard, thick erection in her wet clasping channel.
He groaned, finally losing the fight to remain in control, diving inside her.
Their hips slammed together and she sobbed into his mouth as he kissed her.

She clenched her fingers in his hair, holding them together
in any way she could. He drew back and plunged inside her again. Driving
forward as she accepted his invasion. Receiving his body in hers.

She pressed hot kisses along his skin as he fucked her. They
ground together, mashing her clit in just the way she needed. She rolled her
hips as he sank into her. Moving together. Soft cries. Deep groans. Moans of

It was more than she could take. Her clit tightened.
Throbbed, as her pussy clasped him tightly. He hammered into her, clutching her
close, his head pressed into her neck.

“Fuck yeah. Give it to me, angel. Come.”

She screamed, gripping him tight as waves of release shook
her. Muscles spasmed and she shuddered. Clasping his cock in her pussy.
Clenching and releasing as pleasure rose and ebbed and rose again. All the
while, he stabbed into her. Finally, he went rigid and then his cock jerked.
His hips bucking into her as he came.

They collapsed together. Gasping. Lost in bliss. This was
what being with your True Mate was supposed to be like, damn it. She pressed a
kiss to his cheek. Slowly he lifted his head to meet her gaze.

“God. I want to wake up like this every morning for the rest
of our lives.” He rolled off her and stretched, raising his arms over his head.

“That works for me.”

He chuckled and kissed her. Joe pulled her over into his
arms. Cuddling her. Cradling her close and caressing her damp skin.

Mandy ran her fingers over his arms and bit her lip. She
needed to know why he hadn’t touched her but she was afraid to upset their

He kissed her forehead. “What’s up? I know you’re thinking
hard about something.”

“Have you been mad at me?” She met his gaze. He looked

“Mad? Why would I be?”

“Well, you haven’t made love to me for two days. I kind of

“Oh, that.”

“Yeah, that.”

He kissed her. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so wrapped up in the
talk I had with my father, I really wasn’t thinking about anything else.”

“I pushed you into it. I’m really sorry, Joe.”

He caressed her face. “No, angel. Don’t apologize. You did
the right thing.” He seemed lighter somehow. “He’s proud of me.”

“Who? Your father?”

“Yeah.” Joe looked into her eyes. “He said it out loud.
Actually said that I have and I do make him proud. He’s never said it before.”
He shook his head in disbelief, but his smile was huge and he glowed.

“I’m glad he finally told you.”

“Me too. Mother told me he was proud of me, but he’d never
said it himself.” He looked down at Mandy. “And if it weren’t for you, he might
never have said it. So thank you. Even if I never hear it again, he finally
said it.”

“Good. Now let’s go get a shower.”

He waggled his brows at her. “You up for round two?”

“Hell, yeah.”


Mandy threw back the covers, climbing out of the bed. Joe
lay back, savoring the view as she shivered in the cold morning air. She
grabbed her pillow and threw it at him.

“C’mon. It’s cold out here. Let’s get warm.”

He groaned, but followed her into the bathroom where it was
considerably warmer. She opened the shower door and turned on the water. It
took a couple of minutes for the water to heat and he took the opportunity to
empty his bladder before following her into the fall of warm water. He sighed
as the hot water hit his skin, leaning back and wetting his hair, then he felt
his mate’s hands follow the path of the water over his chest and down his
belly. He lifted his head and looked down at his girl. She reached over to the
wall, turning a switch. A second shower head turned on—one pointed right at his

“Fancy set up.” She bit her lip and looked a little guilty.
“Ah shit, Zach installed this for you didn’t he?”

She fought a giggle. “He helped me. We weren’t mates so he
always taught me how to do stuff so I could manage on my own if I needed to.”

He pulled her close. “I’m sorry I’m so jealous of him, but
damn…just knowing you were lovers gets me.”

She slid her arms around him. “Okay, what about this freaks
you out so much?” He frowned, not wanting to screw up their light, fun morning
with old baggage. “Hey, this is me. I’m your True Mate and I should know about
your past. And her name was Valerie, right?”

He groaned, “Do we have to?”

“Yes. Just spill it.”

“She’s human and we were in a relationship for five years.
At the end of it, she told me she was pregnant and I was thrilled. What the
hell did I know? I thought it was mine.”

“It wasn’t?”

“No. When the boy was born he had red hair, just like our
drummer. She finally admitted it belonged to him and I left the band. And her.”
He swallowed hard. Why had he been so fucking gullible? Trusting? It still
pissed him off.

She hugged him. “I’m not her, okay? I’ll never cheat on

He looked into her eyes and what he read there reassured
him. She belonged to him. Now and forever.

“She met your folks?”

“When she was pregnant, what was I gonna do? Pretend she
wasn’t? As far as I knew, it was mine.”

“So what happened?”

“Father didn’t buy it for a minute. He took me aside and
told me she didn’t smell like wolf and I said that was just because she was
human. He never believed it and he didn’t like her.” Joe shook his head, “And
he was right. God that was almost worse than the betrayal.”


saw through her when I didn’t.

She winced for him. “Well, that’s in the past, right?” He
nodded. “And it’s you and me forever, okay?”

He smiled. “You and me forever. I like that.”

“Me too.”

She stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. He
dipped his head and met her mouth, loving the taste of her. The soft curves of
her body pressed into his. He stroked down her body, cupping her ass. They
slipped against one another in the hot water.

Mandy sighed against his mouth, opening for his kiss. He
groaned as she stroked his cock. Her fingers grasping the shaft, running the
length of him. Up and down. He’d wanted to go slow. Gentle. But he was ready
for her already. He tugged away from her, dropping to his knees in front of
her. He leaned in to taste her, flicking his tongue against her clit. Her soft
sob hit him right in the gut so he slipped his tongue deeper, sucking at the
nub of nerves while he eased his fingers inside her. She was wet and her inner
muscles tightened in welcome. He stroked her, building a slow, sexy rhythm.

She widened her stance, letting him in while she clutched
his hair. He licked harder, Tonguing her faster. Building her up. He watched
her as he ate her pussy. His angel was gorgeous. Her head thrown back as water
beat on her breasts. He fingered her.

“Play with your nips, angel.”

With one hand she reached up and tugged on her tight nipples
and he groaned. Between the taste of her and the sight of her, he could almost
shoot without any other stimulation. She was just so fucking perfect.

“Fuck me, Joe. Please?”

Her eyes opened. So slowly. As if she could barely focus. He
met her gaze and growled, surging to his feet. He cupped her ass and lifted her
up. He pressed her to the wall of the shower stall and slid home. His head
dropped and he stood still. Savoring the feel of her sheath clutching him.
Holding him inside her. He eased out of her and thrust upward again. Their
mouths meshed. He tasted the water spilling over them while he pumped. Taking
her higher. Deeper. Her legs draped over his hips and her arms wrapped around
his shoulders.

He braced her against the wall and rode her. Grinding into
her. Seeking to give her more pleasure before they both went over the top.

“God, yes. Joe! Faster.”

He moaned, driving into her. Taking her body with his. She
was so tight around him. It was like a damn vacuum and it felt so fucking good.
He rubbed his body against hers, pressing frantic kisses against her skin.

“I’m almost there, angel. Come with me.”

“Oh, yeah. Take me.” She twisted in his arms, her pelvis

He could barely catch his breath as he lunged into her body.
She pressed soft kisses along his shoulder while soft little cries escaped her.
Only occasionally could he make out the word
. She shook and arched
into him, a shriek escaping her open mouth. Then her pussy began to pulse as
she shuddered.

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