Read Cut to the Chase Online

Authors: Elle Keating

Cut to the Chase (8 page)

“Because it's…it's what I'm used to…what I'm comfortable with.” Mia said, looking up at him with false bravado.

“But I'm not comfortable with that, Mia.” Paul released her and stepped away, taking that heady scent and those gorgeous muscles with him.

Mia stepped out of the elevator, but Paul caught up with her and slid his hand to the small of her back to guide her through the garage. She loved the feeling of his hand, masculine and so blatantly possessive, on her, even if it was through two layers of clothing. She couldn't help but wonder how her body would respond if those hands she so admired touched her bare, heated flesh. She quivered at the thought.

“Are you cold, Mia?” he asked, mistaking her reaction to her naughty thoughts for a nonexistent chill in the air.

“Um…a little,” she lied. Mia picked up the pace, fully aware that she was coming apart at the seams. This man was so beautiful, so tempting and so…off-limits. Paul was part of an ongoing investigation and as he demonstrated previously, was dealing with some dark and therapy-worthy issues. His concern, possible obsession, regarding her safety was a clear example that he continued to struggle with what had happened to his sister.

She withdrew her keys as her car came into view. Mia was careful not to look at him again, for it would definitely contribute to her undoing. But it was apparent that she didn't need to lay her eyes on him to become a neurotic mess because she dropped her keys. “Damn it!”

Mia bent over to pick up the keys, but Paul had already swiped them off the cement. He dangled the keys in front of her. “I make you nervous,” he said with a delicious smile.

How could she respond to that? He was a lawyer. He would know she was lying. If she said yes, well, what then? Maybe she should find out.

“Sometimes,” she said, barely able to look at him.

“And the other times?” he said, his gaze no longer heated, but scorching. “When you're not nervous, how do I make you feel?”

Wanton, anxious…hot. He had the ability to make her feel those emotions, sometimes all at once. She had been brave enough to tell him the truth, but Mia knew that the well was empty. She would never be able to elaborate further and tell him how he made her feel during those “other times.” Times when she was all alone, when she felt her body grow needy and ready for his touch.

“I need to get home to Henry. I'll…I'll see you tomorrow morning.” It was the cowardly way out, blaming one's rash departure on an innocent pet, but she didn't care. She needed to get away from him before she made herself look like an even greater ass, though she didn't know if that was possible.

Mia heard her car locks disengage behind her. Paul reached for her hand and placed the keys in her palm. “If you ever want to know how you make me feel…all you have to do is ask.”

Paul released her hand and opened the driver's-side door. Mia got in and quickly shut the door with more force than necessary. She thought she witnessed a smug smile spanning his chiseled face. Mia couldn't take the risk to assure herself that was the case. She started the engine, kicked the car into drive and pulled out of the parking space. Against her better judgment, Mia peered into the rearview mirror, only to be met with, yes, a smug smile, one that was increasing by the moment.

cott awoke to a subtle but easily distinguishable beeping sound coming from his tracker. According to his device, Montclair was on the move. Scott looked at his watch, which lay neatly on his nightstand, and was intrigued. Where was Montclair going at this early hour?

Scott quickly changed into his typical attire. His daily workout, shower and clean-cut shave would have to wait. The thought that Montclair was interrupting his schedule irritated him.

Scott secured the deadbolts, activated the alarm system to his apartment and retrieved his car from the parking garage. According to the tracker on his cell, the small dot representing Montclair's car was making its way toward the Lincoln Tunnel. Scott felt a sudden sense of panic. Was Montclair running…and taking his Whore with him? Scott slammed his fist into the steering wheel of his Audi and then pulled his vehicle over to the side of the road, just a few car lengths from Montclair's apartment building. What the hell was he doing?


Scott inhaled and exhaled slowly, coaxing his body to relax and his mind to clear. He was jumping to conclusions and losing control, the perfect combination to ensure his exposure. It was possible that Chase Montclair just had an early-morning meeting away from the office.

It took longer than usual for Scott to calm down and regroup, a sure sign that he had allowed the situation with Erin Whitley to get out of hand. He was already making mistakes and acting erratically. The fact that he had bypassed his exercise routine and shower this morning and flown over here because his tracker suddenly came to life told him that he had to end this and soon.

Scott felt his heart finally begin to stabilize. He shifted the gear into drive and was just about to pull out when he spotted Paul Whitley exiting a vehicle about twenty yards ahead of him, directly in front of Montclair's apartment building. Whitley greeted the doorman with a handshake but did not enter the building. He seemed to be waiting for someone. Scott slouched in his seat, taking cover but maintaining an unobstructed view of Whitley. Scott observed Whitley looking at his watch and then frowning at the street before him. Traffic was mounting by the second.

Whitley's scowl quickly diminished as he set his sights on a particular yellow cab that stopped abruptly, as a result of overshooting its destination.

“Mia,” Whitley called, waving at the parked cab.

Scott sat up slightly, trying to get a better view of the woman exiting the vehicle. The rare beauty shut the cab door behind her and stepped onto the sidewalk. Scott sat motionless, in awe of what he was witnessing. Mia Moore had finally made her way back into his life.

aul rushed over to pay her cab fare, but apparently she had beaten him to it. The cab sped off leaving Mia standing there looking as gorgeous as ever in a t-shirt and shorts. Paul couldn't help but stare at her shapely and well-defined legs. He hadn't the pleasure of seeing them bare before, since she'd always opted for jeans or yoga pants. But today was unbearably humid, a reminder that summer was upon them.

He felt his cock twitch as he reached for the bag she had slung over her shoulder. How the hell was he going to survive the two-and-a-half-hour drive to Philadelphia with her looking so…so fucking beautiful…so goddamned sexy? He needed to get ahold of himself.

“Oh thanks,” she said, allowing him to take her backpack.

Paul loved how she could be strong willed and feisty with him one minute and shy and compliant the next. The sensual combination only heightened his arousal, confirming that the next few hours were going to be pure torture.

*  *  *

“Where are Erin and Chase?” Mia asked, adjusting her seatbelt.

“Chase called me late last night and asked me if I would mind driving separately. Your uncle wants to sweep the condo and Chase wanted to see if Erin was up to visiting her old advisor and professor, Dr. Farrell. Chase thought that tea with Dr. Farrell would be a good distraction, make the trip not so…overwhelming.”

The realization that she would be travelling with Paul, alone, almost sent her into a panic attack. He would be within inches of her, his enticing smell surrounding her, making Paul's roomy SUV feel as cramped as that delivery boy's smart car. It also didn't help matters one bit that he looked like he had just stepped out of the pages of a J.Crew catalog. Wearing khaki shorts, a button-down cotton shirt with the sleeves rolled up and boat shoes, he appeared relaxed and painfully handsome. Mia couldn't afford to let her mind wander. It would just make the trip ahead that much more difficult.

“I think Chase is very thoughtful. He seems to really care for your sister,” Mia said, praying that she wasn't blushing.

Paul pulled away from the curb and joined the mass of cars, which was moving steadily, not quite at a snail's pace, though rush hour was quickly approaching. “Chase makes her happy. But more importantly, he can be trusted.”

Although Paul's tone sounded a bit clipped, Mia had learned, even in such a short time, that it was a result of him being overprotective, and rightfully so. Who in their right mind would blame him for wanting the best for his sister, considering everything that had happened and what he had witnessed?

Mia spotted a Dunkin' Donuts up ahead. She was craving some caffeine along with a much-needed distraction. “Mind if we stop? They have a drive-through,” she said, pointing to her home away from home.

“Don't mind at all. Could use a jolt of caffeine before braving I-95,” he said, smiling. The tension her prior question invoked seemed to dissipate, leaving only the sexual tension between them to percolate.

With java in hand, they crossed over to the Jersey side of the river and headed south. Mia had just taken a gulp of liquid bliss when Paul asked, “So, Andrew must be your mom's brother? Since your last names are different.”

Mia almost spat out her coffee. Instead, it went down the wrong pipe, causing her to cough and clear her throat.

“You all right?” he said. He reached over and rubbed her back. The heat of his hand penetrated the thin cotton of her shirt, causing her face to grow warm and her body to weaken with each stroke.

“Um…yeah. Just went down the wrong way is all.” He gave her back a pat and then removed his hand. Her back stiffened, the sudden withdrawal of his hand leaving her body wanting more.

Mia could buy some time and evade his question, but it would be pointless. A simple internet search would answer any questions he may have. “My dad and Uncle Drew were brothers. I dropped the ‘Moore' after my father died. Ryan was my middle name.”

“I'm sorry, I didn't know that you lost your dad,” he said, glancing at her for a moment and then back at the road.

“Erin didn't tell you about…about how or why I became a profiler?”

Paul shook his head. “Did you tell her it was okay to share that information with me?”

“No,” she said.

“Then that is where it stayed. In the vault I lovingly refer to as Erin. She values her privacy and probably didn't think it was any of her business to discuss yours with anyone,” Paul said. Mia already liked Erin; this new revelation only deepened Mia's respect and admiration for Paul's sister.

“It must be nice to have such a great sister,” Mia said.

“After my parents died, well…she is all I have left,” he said. Paul looked over at her, and though his eyes were sad, he forced a gentle smile.

Maybe it was because of the fact that his eyes appeared so haunted, so grief stricken that she felt compelled to tell him everything. Maybe it was because she knew what it was like to have both parents ripped away from you. Maybe it was simply that she trusted him. Regardless of the reason, she did just that and for the next hour she unleashed one demon after another. By the time they crossed the Ben Franklin Bridge into Philly, Paul had learned why she had switched careers, how her parents had died, and why she no longer went by the name of Mia Moore.

hink the owners will kick me out of this joint for bringing food in?” Erin said, tossing a box of Thin Mints onto the small table for two. Although Dr. Farrell didn't look up from his newspaper, she saw the hint of a smile beneath his bushy mustache.

“Then they will be tossing us both out on our keisters. Let them stand between a man and his Thin Mints and see what happens,” he said, taking off his bifocals. Dr. Farrell looked up and smiled.

God, how she had missed him! How could she have waited so long to come see him? She covered her mouth and let out a half chuckle, half sob. Dr. Farrell gave her one of his fatherly hugs, firm and all encompassing.

“I was just thinking of you a moment ago and suddenly you appeared. You're a long way from New York. What brings you here?”

Erin thought it was best to keep things light. She and Chase had decided that if they ran into anyone they knew while in Philly, they would use the excuse that they had come to town to see the Phillies. It was an acceptable excuse since they were all Phillies fans. Well, she wasn't sure about Mia, but Erin was certain she could be swayed if she was, God strike her down for even saying the words,
a Yankees fan

“Two things actually. You and the Phillies. We are catching the afternoon game. But before we head over to the park, well, I was hoping that you still adhered to your daily ritual at Sawyer's Coffee House: midmorning tea, the funnies and a chocolate scone.” Erin sat down and broke open the box of cookies she had brought. She eyed the chocolate scone in front of Dr. Farrell and frowned.

“I'll take the scone home for later. Now hand over the cookies,” he said, his eyes twinkling. Erin handed him an entire sleeve of the chocolate mint cookies and smiled.

“And who is ‘we'?” he asked, looking past her with a curious expression on his face.

“Paul took the day off too. He's visiting a few old friends before we meet up for the game,” she lied. She had to keep reminding herself that keeping the conversation light was best for everyone. A little lie here and there wouldn't hurt anyone.

“And will Chase Montclair be accompanying you as well?” Dr. Farrell asked, nodding.

Erin looked over her shoulder and smiled at her beautiful man. Chase was standing just inside the doorway, speaking with Andrew. He discontinued his conversation when he noticed that she was staring at him. That irresistible smile appeared on his face and she felt herself melt. Erin waved her man over.

“Dr. Farrell, it's nice to see you again,” Chase said, extending his hand. Dr. Farrell shook his hand and gestured for him to pull up a chair.

“Mr. Montclair, can I assume that Erin was awarded that promotion?” he asked with a mischievous grin.

Erin looked from Dr. Farrell to Chase, wondering who was going to let her in on the secret. What promotion? What were they talking about? She watched Chase's cheeks grow pink, as if he was embarrassed, and marveled at the sight. The transformation from confident businessman to a boy who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar was both sexy and endearing.

“Unfortunately, we will never know. Erin resigned before I was given that opportunity,” Chase said. A smile passed between the two men.

Chase had informed her that he had met with Dr. Farrell a few weeks back, and Erin couldn't help but wonder what that conversation had entailed. Best not to dwell on it. She decided to steer the conversation away from Chase and Dr. Farrell's initial meeting. “I did resign and it's because I'm planning to attend med school.” Erin's resignation may have been expedited due to her breakup with Chase, but she had been planning, at least in her mind, to attempt to gain reentry into NYU.

“That is wonderful news, Erin.” Dr. Farrell said as he sipped his tea.

Chase took her hand. “I agree, though I hate to lose such a hardworking employee.” Erin felt herself blush at the compliment.

“It will be a loss to your company, but a definite gain in the world of medicine,” Dr. Farrell said.

The sound of Chase's cell was a welcome distraction. Erin's face felt like it was on fire. She couldn't but help feel embarrassed over their abundant praise. But as she watched Chase look down at the display on his phone, Erin couldn't dismiss the feeling that he appeared concerned.

“I have to apologize. I need to take this call,” Chase said. His smile had returned, but it failed to reach his eyes. Erin wanted to ask him who was responsible for making him go from playful to worried, but it was neither the time nor place. Chase excused himself and joined Andrew at another table. The sight of Chase and her bodyguard in the relaxed atmosphere of the coffee house left her unnerved. It was just a reminder of why they had come back to Philly.

Erin didn't want to spoil her time with Dr. Farrell. If her memory was correct, Dr. Farrell would need to leave soon in order to make his afternoon Ethics class. She decided to put that worrisome phone call on the back burner and give the professor her full attention and the apology he deserved, though she wouldn't be able to give him the details in regards to her sudden departure from Philly.

“I'm sorry I didn't say good-bye before I left,” she said, fighting back the tears.

He reached over and gave her hand a pat. “No apology necessary. I'm certain you had your reasons.” His selfless response only made the tears come to the forefront, and she reached for a napkin.

She should have known that he wouldn't pry and ask what those exact reasons were. It was what she loved most about him. He respected her privacy, but was more than happy to listen when she felt the need to unload. And she wanted to tell him why she had left, why she had put med school on hold, but she couldn't. It wouldn't be fair to burden yet another person with her baggage.

She had promised herself that she would keep the conversation light. It was clear that she was failing miserably. Erin dabbed at her eyes and forced herself to gain some control.

“So, I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear about your decision to return to school. It makes me feel like I did something right.” Dr. Farrell popped a cookie into his mouth. “This year's graduating class was a bit of a disappointment…and so very dull.”

It was like he knew when she was about to shut down. He had that uncanny ability to know when she needed a diversion, some levity to bring her back from the ledge. She smiled as he poked jabs at his mediocre students, comparing them to the ambitious superstars in her graduating class. They spoke about the latest medical news and what treatments were gaining traction. It was refreshing to talk medicine again with someone in the field.

After a little while, Erin felt the conversation shift back to her, but this time it was natural and less anxiety provoking. She talked about her position at Montclair Pharmaceuticals and how she had met Chase, though she had to leave out and censor huge chunks of their unusual tale. Dr. Farrell sat and listened as she told him how relieved she was that Paul approved of her relationship with Chase. “Yeah, I had visions of Paul accompanying us on dates or giving Chase ‘the talk.' But he actually has been very accepting, considering how overprotective he can be.”

Dr. Farrell chuckled. “Paul has always been that way. He'll never change. Take it from someone who has lived it. I was quite certain that my three younger sisters were going to put me into an early grave. Between their boyfriends and the cruel fact that they were beautiful, I was constantly threatening scared teenaged boys with their lives.” Erin laughed at the thought of Dr. Farrell, the reserved and easygoing college professor she loved, roughing up pimply-faced punks.

“But how could he not approve?” Dr. Farrell looked over at Chase. Erin followed his gaze and noticed that Chase was no longer on the phone. “He makes you happy…which, I must say, is so lovely to see.”

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