Read Cutlass Online

Authors: Ashley Nixon

Tags: #fantasy, #young adult, #Pirate, #Barren Reed, #Larkin Lee

Cutlass (43 page)

The sun was fading, casting orange rays of light over the stone courtyard. The rumor was that Barren Reed had been captured, and he, with his crew, were en route to Maris to face their deaths. Tetherion had received Datherious’s correspondence over a week ago informing him of their victory against Barren and their prompt return to Maris. Now, the courtyard was packed with people from all over Maris—the nobility crowded the balcony, while the peasants stood against each other, clustering around the gallows. Many were here because they did not believe the son of Jess Reed could be caught; they needed proof.

Tetherion knew his people were watching him closely. When he’d returned to Maris to find them revolting, he’d promised them justice, and now he was bringing it—as soon as Barren handed him the bloodstone. Tetherion clenched his fists in anticipation of the exchange. He would be the most powerful man in the Orient—no one could oppose him: not his people, not the Elves and their
, and certainly not the despicable spawn of his brother, Jess Reed.

Trumpets sounded in the courtyard, and two lines of soldiers led a group of prisoners with hoods over their heads. The crowd roared with excitement, throwing vegetables, dirt, and rocks at the men who marched to their deaths. As the soldiers managed to make a path through the unruly throng, the prisoners stumbled along with difficulty, tripping over the chains that held them together. When one fell, the others would tumble down with them, lost in the darkness of their masks. It was almost impossible for the soldiers to get them to their feet again, as the crowd began to attack them—kicking, hitting or beating the prisoners with whatever was in their hands.

The captives were led to the gallows, and the chain that linked them removed. The hangman placed each man beneath his respective noose, and then stood back as Tetherion got to his feet.

“My people! Today you will witness justice! The tyrant Barren Reed has been captured and he will finally answer for his deeds!” There was a mixture of cheers and boos, and at Tetherion’s words, the prisoners began to wriggle in their bonds, their muffled screams filling the air. Tetherion smiled. “But before we hang these selfish men, you should be allowed to look upon the faces of these murderers. Witness the man who killed your loved ones, take revenge upon him in death! Remove their hoods!”

The order came with a steady drumbeat as the guards returned to remove the hoods. The drumbeat ended and the masks were removed.

“Get them out of those nooses!” Tetherion roared. “Barren Reed! Find Barren Reed!”

The princes, Datherious and Natherious, stood with nooses around their necks, and their mouths gagged with cloth. Christopher Lee stood beside them, a scarlet scarf tied around his mouth.

Tetherion’s rage stirred fear into the crowd and chaos ensued as the soldiers who led the prisoners into the courtyard rushed toward the exit, intent on finding the ship they had come from.

Tetherion turned toward one of his guards who had come from the ports. “Who delivered the prisoners?” he snarled.

“Why, Ambassador Cove Rowell of Arcarum, m’lord. Looks like Barren Reed fooled even him.”

Tetherion’s eyes blazed and he tore through his guards, intent on heading for the port himself. A sudden explosion caused everyone to fall to their knees—but just as suddenly as fright had shocked their hearts, awe replaced it as colors of blue, yellow, green, and red burst into the sky—fireworks littered the inky night, meant as a celebration of Barren’s death.


From their ship some distance from Maris, Barren and Larkin stood on deck, watching shimmering explosions of light in the sky—it was beautiful—it meant freedom, but it was also a signal to run.

“Guess that means Tetherion knows,” said Larkin quietly as they watched various golds and reds illuminating the sky off the coast of the island she once called home. Barren grasped her hand and drew her close. She rested her head against his chest, comforted by the sound of his heartbeat.

“Are you sad?”

“No,” she said. “Though I never thought I would have to run for my life.”

“It’s really not so bad.”

“Says the man who has been a fugitive since birth!”

“True, you are the only one who is new to that title, Lady Larkin,” he mused.

“I cannot very well be a lady and a fugitive at the same time, can I?”

She pulled away from him, and Barren placed a finger against his cheek as he thought. “Well, you can be my lady and a fugitive to the government all the same.”

“What do you intend to do now?”

Larkin didn’t finish the sentence, but Barren knew what should come next…
now that William is dead. Now that your vengeance is realized
. That still made Barren’s stomach turn. The thing he’d waited five years for was bitter and tasteless.

“You may disagree with my decision.”

“And why would that be a surprise?” she asked, a smile turning the corners of her mouth, and Barren’s matched hers briefly before his eyes became somber.

“I am waging my own war against the crown. I will do as my father did and impede the king’s efforts for power, slavery, or anything I find in conflict with Saoirse.”

“So where will you begin?”

“With the impostors, the privateers,” said Barren. “I’ve no desire to see them taint what I stand for any longer.”

“Will you kill these men?”

“I do not know,” Barren said honestly. “If either I or my crew is threatened, I will not hesitate to end a life.”

Larkin regarded Barren in silence.

“If you come with me, you may see things you never wished to see. Things that might make you wish you had never agreed to accompany me.”

“Perhaps those things will be true,” Larkin said, taking one step closer to Barren. “Or perhaps you will be ever-vigilant in reminding me why I chose the life of a pirate.”

He smiled at her and then kissed her. It was a little simpler now, a little easier, and yet there was still something so new about her mouth against his—something that caused his stomach to flutter and his chest to pull tight with anxiety. Heat flooded his face, and soon his entire body felt like a hot spring. He pulled away, staring into Larkin’s eyes, glazed with passion.

“I will remind you,” he said, brushing his thumb over her lip. “Once I told you my heart was the only thing I was loyal to as a pirate.” He grasped her hand and pressing her fingers to his lips, whispered, “And after all of this, it has finally chosen you.”


CUTLASS is a book I’ve been with for almost nine years. I’ve been writing for ten of those. This book has seen many versions and many edits. What it is now is, I think, exactly what CUTLASS was meant to be. And while I am happy to move on to something else (like the second book in the Trilogy), I am also a little sad.


I have so many people to thank. The first is my Dad and Mom. I remember when I was young, I asked my Dad if Elves existed because I really wanted them to exist and he told me yes. He might not remember that, but I do. My parents fueled my imagination, and they completely and utterly believe I can be whatever I want, no matter how hard. I cannot thank them enough for believing in me, and reminding me everyday that I’m going to be a New York Times Bestselling Author.


Next, I have to thank my boyfriend, Armand. He, like my parents, has always been supportive of my dream and has helped me with that dream by learning Photoshop, formatting, and whatever else he needed to do to ensure my book had its best chance. I could have never asked for a more gifted and awesome person to be by my side during this process. I love you!


Next, my second family: Shryl, Allan, Shelby, and Strider. It all began with Shelby, who is such an awesome brother, he has saved nearly EVERYTHING I have ever written (which is also embarrassing), and then Shryl and Allan just adopted me. You guys are so amazing and so supportive.


To Mrs. Applegate - I cannot thank you enough for everything you’ve ever done to encourage me. I will always owe the greater part of my success to you. Thank you for reading my work from the beginning, for giving me a chance, and talking to me all those days at lunch about writing. As your former student and friend, I can say that, without a doubt, you are a prime example of what all teachers should be.


To my best friend Emily - Thank you for all your encouragement and reminding me of my purpose in life. You have talked me through the bad, and made this journey so much easier. Thank you for making sure I didn’t settle and for listening to me complain a lot. In your own words, you are a B.A.M.F!


To my best friend Crystal - You’ve supported my dream since the beginning with small but important things like asking for my autograph. Thank you for your encouragement, and always believing in me. Thank you for reminding me that the decisions I make are never bad ones.


To Barbara - All your feedback and support has been amazing, and I’m not sure I would be without you! I know you always say I would be exactly where I am now, but I don’t believe that. You are why CUTLASS is in this form! Thank you for all your suggestions, your resources, and your friendship! I love you and I love your books!


To Anne - Thank you for letting me share my story with you and sharing yours with me.


To Jason, Capri, and Elijah—Thanks for being my first #1 fans. You guys are awesome!


Thank you to my editor, Jena O’Connor! I’m so grateful I found you and that you were able to help me offer up the best version of Cutlass! You are wonderful and fast and sweet!


Thank you to all my friends, family, and fans who have supported me forever. You all know who you are. I love you.


                                   ©Ashli Amador Photography



Ashley was born and raised in Oklahoma, where the wind really does sweep down the plains, and horses and carriages aren’t used as much as she’d like. When she’s not writing, she’s hard at work on her Master’s degree in Library Science and Information Technology, working out, or pretending she’s Sherlock Holmes. Her obsession with writing began after reading the Lord of the Rings in the eighth grade. Since then, she’s loved everything Fantasy--resulting in an unhealthy obsession with the ‘geek’ tab on Pinterest, where all things awesome go.


Table of Contents

Chapter One – The Engagement

Chapter Two – Silk & Lace

Chapter Three – Sail Ho!

Chapter Four – Setting the Stage

Chapter Five – Sink Me!

Chapter Six – Jonathon Kingsley

Chapter Seven – Lights & Lungs

Chapter Eight – Old Salt

Chapter Nine – Changing Tides

Chapter Ten - Lessons

Chapter Eleven - Constellations

Chapter Twelve - Privateers

Chapter Thirteen - Recovery

Chapter Fourteen - Conn

Chapter Fifteen - Promise

Chapter Sixteen - Thief

Chapter Seventeen - Estrellas

Chapter Eighteen – The Assassin

Chapter Nineteen - Hemlock

Chapter Twenty - Stranger

Chapter Twenty-One - Betrayal

Chapter Twenty-Two – The Lyric

Chapter Twenty-Three – The Past

Chapter Twenty-Four – The Cape

Chapter Twenty-Five - Mutiny

Chapter Twenty-Six - Storm

Chapter Twenty-Seven - Graveyard

Chapter Twenty-Eight - Truce


About the Author

Table of Contents

Chapter One – The Engagement

Chapter Two – Silk & Lace

Chapter Three – Sail Ho!

Chapter Four – Setting the Stage

Chapter Five – Sink Me!

Chapter Six – Jonathon Kingsley

Chapter Seven – Lights & Lungs

Chapter Eight – Old Salt

Chapter Nine – Changing Tides

Chapter Ten - Lessons

Chapter Eleven - Constellations

Chapter Twelve - Privateers

Chapter Thirteen - Recovery

Chapter Fourteen - Conn

Chapter Fifteen - Promise

Chapter Sixteen - Thief

Chapter Seventeen - Estrellas

Chapter Eighteen – The Assassin

Chapter Nineteen - Hemlock

Chapter Twenty - Stranger

Chapter Twenty-One - Betrayal

Chapter Twenty-Two – The Lyric

Chapter Twenty-Three – The Past

Chapter Twenty-Four – The Cape

Chapter Twenty-Five - Mutiny

Chapter Twenty-Six - Storm

Chapter Twenty-Seven - Graveyard

Chapter Twenty-Eight - Truce

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