Cyrosphere 7:: The Gathering of Forgotten Tales and Lives Interwined (8 page)

It was obvious Nora had no heart or soul. Jesse was the ticket, so she used all her willpower to make him see his mom abusing magic and inflicting pain onto others.


Jesse yelled in agony, releasing his hold on Daniel as he grabbed the sides of his head. He pulled at his hair and fell to the ground. Ginger threw the marble at Claudia who caught it easily. She smiled but it was Ginger who would have the last laugh. Ginger used her psychic energy to crack the marble, releasing all the love that Jesse had for Musashi.


It was toxic to someone like Claudia who thrived on magic and power. Jesse threw an electric –bolt at Nora. Shalice turned to her and her eyes glowed yellow. Ginger felt a spell coming on and used it at the same time as Shalice which caused Nora to turn to stone. Shalice pushed the stone carved figured that was once Nora and it crackled, falling to the ground.


Ginger used her mind and magic to make the pieces vanish inside the vortex. Nora would never be a threat to anyone again. Jesse jumped up and ran full force at his mom. Claudia yelled when his skin made contact with hers’. The pair turned into a swirl of blinding white light as they turned to atoms.


That was it!


His positive energy and her destructive nature caused a balance to erupt both of them into basic atoms. It felt good to finally be free of all these threats.


                                                                      Chapter 31:


Ginger made it to dinner right on time. Sure there was tension with Aaron’s wide bringing her soulmate / boyfriend Daniel. MaryAnne had tried to kill Shalice so that didn’t help matters. Stacey had baby Judy which was a nice distraction for everyone.


After dinner, Ginger and Yvette made her way to the study so they can talk about the contract. It was legit and she would take the job as manager of the hotel.


Next Lucas had taken her for ice cream. She got rocky road and Lucas got pecan praline where they traded off on flavors. That night after getting a snack, they went back to the apartment for a little fun. After sex, Ginger turns to Lucas and grins. “Yes, I’ll move in with you once I finished the degrees I want to focus and I love living with the girls right now in the moment,” Ginger states.


Lucas kissed her and when he pulled back. He looks into her eyes and says, “I love you and will wait as long as it takes as long as I can have you in my arms each night when I close my eyes.”


Her heart fluttered from his soul-filling words.


The next day when Ginger tried to summon Spider, it didn’t work. She tried every spell and incantation she knew but nothing. Finally, Ginger used her mind to try and project her spirit into Spider’s mind but it didn’t work.


So it was true, he was dead. She was in complete disbelief. Next Ginger didn’t tell anyone that she was going to contact Raymond Harman. She was the only one with memories of him. Opening a portal to find his location, where Ginger met him. Time had changed him but he was still the sweet guy she remembered.


Sadly Ginger had to be the one to deliver the news that Spider was dead. How come she didn’t feel his lost or death? Raymond promised to tell the Vornholt family, there was no reason for Ginger to be the one to tell his family he was dead. Ginger was thankful, hugged him and said goodbye.


At least now Ginger can find him whenever she wanted to see him. Once back home Ginger had her whole life ahead of her.


























Two and a half years later passed.


Ginger could not keep anything down. She canceled her afternoon class, not up to teaching if this cold was kicking her ass. Leaving her downtown office in the Marriott hotel, Ginger called Lucas to tell him she was headed over to the Darkholme mansion and see him later at their apartment.


Once inside the house, Stacey took one look at her and gasped.


“What?” Ginger asked.

Stacey jumps up and down before stating, “I’ll be back. Go upstairs to my room be back in ten minutes.”


Ginger could not ask her a question when Stacey teleported away. Ginger shrugs and ate a saltine cracker as she waited for Stacey to return. Moments later, Yvette and Stacey came running into the room.


“What is going on?” Ginger demanded.

“You need to take this immediately,” declares Yvette.


Stacey handed her a pregnancy test. Shaking her head, Ginger had been very careful since that one slip up about three years ago.


Ginger says, “I think you made a mistake. I have a cold that is all.”

Stacey looks at her and responds, “When is the last time you had your period?”

“You sure it is just a cold and not something else?” Yvette asks.


Ginger took a moment to consider this when she goes into the bathroom to take the two testes in the box. She set a timer on her phone to count down two minutes. Before Ginger allowed a minute to pass, she took the other two in the second box to have a definite answer. There was no way she was pregnant, she just wanted to make sure no false-positives.


The alarm went off. There it is, just look and find out your future.


To be continued....

Continue to book eight: Lives Uneasily Affected





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