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Authors: Azarel

Daddy's House (15 page)

I obeyed immediately, which made my butt cheeks spread. I knew I had a fat ass. I’d gotten it from my mama. But I felt so stupid bending over in the middle of the floor. Then from between my legs, I saw him headed my way with his little dick in hand. I had to think quick.

Condoms are in the drawer!” I yelled.

However, Mr. Pimp was prepared. With the condom already in his hand, he slipped it on with ease, and smiled.
Nigga, if you’re not wearing a Magnum I wouldn’t be
I thought. I prepared myself for whatever was about to happen next, and before long, Mr. Pimp was grinding on my ass like he was really doing something. I wanted to laugh, but didn’t want to ruin my chances of making money. Besides, I wanted to make Daddy proud.

After finally getting hard, he stuck his baby-sized dick inside my pussy, and began to move back and forth. However, thirty seconds later, he made a few more thrusts, then let out a big sigh. Thank goodness I wasn’t in this for the joy, ‘cause there was none. He wasn’t even a two minute man.

Wow, yous the shit, lil magic,” he said, pulling his pants back up. “I’m comin’ back for sure, and I’m gonna make sure I pick you from now on.”

You do that, baby. I enjoyed it,” I lied.

Yeah, I know. I’m surprised the girls didn’t tell you how I be tearing they pussy up.”

Dude, you can’t be serious. A five-year old probably has a bigger dick than you.
“Yeah, you did your thing,

Before long, Mr. Pimp had paid Ms. Dottie my $3,000 fee, and I was back downstairs on the sofa waiting for round two. As I sat there, I couldn’t help but smile. With Daddy on my side, I knew my life would slowly get back on track. I liked being on top. It was where I belonged.




Chapter Thirteen

Three days later, my attitude had completely changed, and I found myself in a state of depression. For days, I’d been sending Tracey MySpace messages, and surprisingly, she never responded. She wouldn’t even answer the phone. I figured she’d found out some deep information about my mother, and didn’t want to have anything else to do with me. When I made my way into the living room, Sushi, Cinnamon, Luscious and School Teacher were laid out on the plush sofas in relax mode. It was a chill day for most of us; a day full of pampering, getting our hair and toes done, or whatever grooming we needed. Tonight was a big night in the house, so we all needed to look scrumptious.

As soon as I plopped down on the couch, Sushi shoved a drink directly in my face. I wasn’t sure what was in the martini shaped glass, but it didn’t matter. My nerves were bad, real bad. So, I sipped my drink, hoping to get blasted...needed to be blasted. All of a sudden, I noticed the sofas had been pushed all the way back to the walls.

A few caterers and musicians were starting to file into the house, even though showtime was nearly five hours away. They brought in casseroles, fruit, caviar and expensive cheese platters. The aroma smelled great, and this seemed to be more of a big to-do than the other night.

Why does it seem like they’re overdoing it for this event?” I asked innocently.

Chica, they are overdoing it,” School Teacher said, as she bit into an apple. “Tonight is real important, because the men who are coming are the only ones who have the real potential to shut this place down.”

Yeah, gurl…Senators, Congressman, and all the major political players are coming tonight,” Cinnamon revealed. “That’s why I gotta make sure my nurses outfit has been pressed and cleaned. I called over to the cleaners five times already. It better be here by five.”

She looked a little nervous. Hell, they all seemed a little nervous, except Luscious. She was the mute of the house. Never really heard her say two words. I looked at her, like I wanted to hear what she had to say, but she just turned away and starting filing her nails.

Yeah, Daddy make us dress in costumes for tonight. I not know what I be. Everybody have gimmick,” Sushi said, looking at me strangely. “Who you be, Candy?”

Damn, I wanted to enroll Sushi into some English classes as soon as possible. I smiled a big smile. “Maybe I’ll be a secretary. They probably fantasize about getting with their secretaries anyway.”

Oh no, homegurllllll. That’s my gig,” Cinnanom blurted out. “My gear is already set.”

Um…Um…,” Ms. Dottie sounded off, as she cleared her throat. Her interruption startled us all. “Candy,” she called off, reading from her clipboard. Surprisingly, I didn’t even get eye contact. “Your hair appointment is next, ten minutes top. So, finish vacationing, and be ready,” she added sarcastically.

Thankfully, she turned to walk away, ‘cause her attitude sucked. Just my luck, she stopped, looked over her shoulder, and added, “Daddy wants you in ponytails. You got Senator Marion tonight. Your clothes have been selected, and are on your bed. Oh, and tell Claude not to forget the ribbons for your hair.”

When she left the room, she left me feeling funny. She’d played me in front of everyone.

Whoa! What did you do to her?” Cinnamon questioned.

I stared off into space. Ms. Dottie was always tough with all of us, but there was something wicked about the way she looked at that moment. Maybe Daddy had told her about my advances toward him. Maybe she was upset because Cat got fired, evicted, or whatever they wanted to call her dismissal. She probably thought it was entirely my fault, and wondered why I was still in the house.

Deep down inside she’s gotta know Daddy wants me
. He may have turned me down, but only for a season. In my mind, I knew I had to make Daddy mine to survive. He was the only one who could protect me from Big V. The first thing I would do when I got Daddy, would be to fire Ms. Dottie. Who cared that she ran the place for him? All ships eventually get new captains. I smiled at my malicious thoughts.

You hear me, Candy?” Cinnamon asked again.

Yeah, I hear you. I didn’t do a thing.” I shrugged my shoulders.

She gave you the pervert.” They all laughed.

Who?” I knew something was wrong from the worried expressions on their faces.

Senator Marion. He likes young girls in real life. Thirteen and below. I guess that’s the reason for the ponytail hairstyle.” Cinnamon twitched her lips, as if to say good luck, then she said something that made me want to shit on myself. “Lisa was the only girl we had here under seventeen, so she was his last.”

I immediately got chill bumps. “Lisa? What happened with her anyway?” I could tell it was a touchy subject for everyone by the way they looked at one another.

Well, we were instructed not to talk about it with outsiders, but I guess you’re family,” School Teacher said. She looked around, making sure the coast was clear before she continued. “About seven months ago, Senator Marion was here, and had his third outing with Lisa. He claimed he loved her, and was taking her away. He needed some secret information on Daddy to be able to blackmail him. Lisa told him everything she knew and started a big feud. Marion tried to even shut the house down. It got ugly, but Daddy worked the situation out. Lisa just never came back. She left one day with one of our bodyguards, and nobody has seen her since. We don’t know if she went with Marion, or just disappeared.”

Spooky,” I said, before folding my arms. I thought about my upcoming night with Marion. I wasn’t looking forward to it, but what could I do?

Just be careful,” Sushi said, rubbing my shoulders. “I got back.”

It’s, I got your back,” Cinnamon corrected. We all laughed.

It won’t be that bad,” Sushi said, moving closer to me. Too close. She was always too close. “What’s the wildest thing you done?” she questioned. “Sexually.”

I laughed and thought back to Rich. “Probably the time when me and my boyfriend made love inside a haunted house at an amusement park. We had it all planned out. We hopped out the ride once we got inside, and got naked behind one of the waxed mannequins. I made sure not to wear any panties underneath my mini for easy access. We hit us a quicky, while the other cars filled with people kept coming. Then we walked through the doors as if nothing ever happened. That was a thrill. I really wanted us to get caught.”

Sushi snickered, making fun of me. “Oooh…me so horny,” she said, massaging herself. “Me love long time.” Nobody understood. We were amazed by her. “Me wildest, nastiest time was when…”

When what?” School Teacher asked, really wanting to know.

Me fuck dog.”

You fucked a dog?” Cinnamon asked, jumping up from the sofa. We all followed. Sushi was cool, but she was nasty. Real nasty.

I gotta go get my hair done,” I announced, leaving the room. “Sushi, you need help,” I suggested, and laughed all the way to the salon.
Now I know her nasty ass
needs to stop touching me.




Chapter Fourteen

An hour later, I walked into my room to a huge surprise. The candy filled room smelled delicious, and I took a deep breath as the chocolate, strawberry, lemon, and other scents cluttered my nose. I walked slowly, wondering if all the other girls had room makeovers, props and treats in their rooms too. I doubted it. Besides, I was the top girl.

My eyes darted to my bed filled with assorted hard candies wrapped in strange shapes and packages. Then, from the corner of my eye, I noticed the vanilla covered strawberries, and fine chocolates that lay on top of the dresser. I moved in that direction, stepping on jolly ranchers and hot tamales that covered the floor.

My walk came to a halt as a glimpse of my image was caught in the mirror. With a part straight down the middle of my head, my long tresses, dangling on each side, swept past my shoulders. The beautifully wrapped bows reminded me of an innocent eight year old on Easter Sunday morning. When I noticed my chosen outfit for that night hanging to my left, I thought this is going too far. The pink, satin ruffled shorts seemed to be a size zero. I shook my head at the thought. There was no way my voluptuous ass was getting in those. The baby doll t-shirt was the only part that made me content. The t-shirt read,
in small print, which gave me an instant smile.

I wasn’t sure what the night had in store for me, but anxiety had me at its best. I needed a few sleeping pills to take all of this in. I thought about the meds I’d gotten from School Teacher the other day, and headed for my purse at the top of the closet. However, when I reached inside, I immediately noticed a pack of condoms laying on top of my new sunglasses, along with some edible underwear. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The vanilla flavored condoms and freaky underwear stood out like a sore thumb. Ms. Dottie had gone overboard this time. I’d purposefully kept my purse at the top of the closet, to keep anyone from ever going inside. This invasion was past trespassing. It was a violation.

My patience was beginning to run thin. I knew I had to calm myself down before I made a decision that would get me fired. So, after locating the pills, I threw the panties on the dresser, and downed about 800 milligrams. I didn’t care if I woke up in time for the party or not. With only a few hours remaining, I crashed on top of the assorted candies and fell asleep.



Two hours later, I stood in front of my mirror, piling dark bronze foundation on my cheeks. Pink accents were the chosen color for the occasion. The eye shadow wasn’t my favorite, but it was all I’d been supplied with. I turned my head quickly when my bedroom door opened. It had been locked, so someone had to let the stranger in. My eyes searched for a weapon, but I didn’t move. My body continued to stand stiffly, as the short, white man moved toward me cautiously.

You act as if you weren’t expecting me,” he said, taking a puff from his funky cigar.

I suspected he could’ve been my date, but the clock to my right read 10:00 p.m. The party wasn’t supposed to start until 11 o’clock, so I thought. My gaze narrowed, and my eyebrows creased with suspicion, before I made my move. He was coming too close and hadn’t officially made his business clear.

I’m Senator Marion Hatchett,” he finally said, continuing to move closer.

A little relieved, I let my guard down a bit, but continued to watch him doubtfully. With every move he made, I studied him closer. His pale, somewhat skeletal body, made me nervous. His eyes were bloodshot red, and the cigar that graced his bony hands, limped feebly over his fingers.

I coughed, letting him know the cigar smoke wasn’t cool with me. But he continued to puff, and blew thick clouds of smoke my way. His big blue eyes startled me as well, as his stare was frozen, stuck on me. I refused to let my annoyance show. I knew how much the night meant to Daddy. After all, I’d be the first lady soon.

I could tell the Senator was keyed up about the many candies around the room, but seemed to be extra excited about the four inch round multicolored lollipops. He grabbed one of the lollipops by its long stick, and walked around in complete confidence, feeling real comfortable, like he owned the place.

Ahhhh…,” he mumbled. “You look so sweet,” he said, eyeing my pink ruffled shorts that kept creeping up the crack of my ass.

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