Dagon's Ride [Brac Pack 19] (4 page)

Read Dagon's Ride [Brac Pack 19] Online

Authors: Lynn Hagen

Tags: #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

One thing at a time. Deal with one thing at a time.

Dagon came out of the bathroom fully dressed and smiling at him, drying his hair with a towel. Taylor watched, and an urge to run his fingers through those wet strands had his hands itching. He shoved them into his pockets. “The mates made me breakfast.”

“Good, we’ll go down and eat. What would you like to do today?” There was only one thing he wanted to do. “Go for a ride on your bike.”

Dagon chuckled and tossed the towel back in the bathroom. “How did I know this?”

“Because I’m using you for your bike, remember?” Taylor teased.

He tensed and then relaxed when a large hand covered his, holding on as they walked down to the kitchen.

Hand-holding, he could do that.

“Smells good in here,” Dagon said in a deep voice as they entered the kitchen. George and Tank were standing at the stove, the mate George fussing at the warrior Tank for stealing bacon.

“Happy birthday, Taylor.” Tank smiled at him, a piece of bacon stuck to his bottom lip. Taylor laughed, pointing to his own lip to tell Tank to get rid of the evidence. The warrior stuck his tongue out, swiping at the pork and winking at Taylor for the heads-up.

“I caught that.” George smiled at Taylor.

Dagon pulled a chair out for him, Taylor taking a seat. His mate served him breakfast, giving him a glass of orange juice as well.

George must have cooked this. It was too good. He would have eaten

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it if the others had slaved over it, whether it had been tasty or not. He wasn’t ungrateful.

“Morning, Mr. Birthday.” The warrior Remi and his mate, Drew, came into the kitchen.

“Morning.” Taylor chewed on a piece of bacon as he watched the two men hug all over each other. They seemed comfortable with it.

Drew giggled and opened his mouth for some eggs, Remi kissing him after giving his mate a bite.

Could he do that with Dagon? Taylor took a drink of orange juice, seeing from the corner of his eye Tank kissing on George’s neck. Gay couples seemed to surround him in the kitchen, having no concern that others might see them.

“I’m finished.” Taylor took his plate to the sink, getting a closer look at Tank and George, seeing how George was staring lovingly into Tank’s eyes. He looked away, setting his dish into the sink.

“Let’s take that ride.” Dagon took his hand, and this time Taylor felt more comfortable with the act.

“Thanks for breakfast.”

“You’re welcome.” George surfaced long enough from Tank’s lips to reply. Taylor looked over his shoulder as Dagon pulled him away, seeing Drew sitting in Remi’s lap and laughing.

Dagon pulled Taylor to his bedroom, handing him a helmet and a small, thickly stitched leather jacket from the closet. “I bought that for you, seeing how much you like to ride.” Taylor examined it. “Thank you.” It looked expensive. He pulled it on and ran his hand down the soft-as-butter leather. It was heavily stitched and comfortable. He really liked it. Taylor followed Dagon once again as they headed to his bike.

“Happy birthday,” the warrior Micah called out as they made it to the front door.

“Thank you.” It seemed he was saying that a lot this morning.

Taylor caught himself staring at Dagon’s butt.
Okay, I’ve never
done that before
. He watched it saunter back and forth, bunching and
Dagon’s Ride


flexing, the curve of it bubbling out slightly. His hands itched again.

He followed Dagon to the row of vehicles until they came to the warrior’s bike.

Taylor put his helmet on, waiting for his mate to get on first.

“Climb aboard.” Dagon swung his leg over, straddling the bike as Taylor grabbed his large shoulders and slid behind his mate. He bit his bottom lip, grateful Dagon couldn’t see the hard-on he was getting just from having the enormous man in front of him. What the hell was going on with him?

It was like he turned eighteen and,
, instant gayness. If Josh was right and Taylor had been gay all along, wouldn’t he have been checking guys out long before Dagon? He hadn’t.

Hell, his first experience with sex was with a girl. What did that say? Taylor slid his arms around Dagon’s waist, holding on as Dagon started the motorcycle and dug his heels into the gravel, backing the bike up.

Taylor lifted the visor momentarily as he inhaled leather and man.

He snapped it back down, wondering why he had done that.

Dagon tilted with the bike, rounding the drive and drove onto the paved road, the thrum of the motorcycle once again giving him a thrill like nothing else.

“Please let me get through this ride without embarrassing myself,” Taylor mumbled to himself.

“You okay back there?”

Taylor jumped at Dagon’s voice. There must be headsets built into these things. “I’m fine.” Oh shit, Dagon had heard him. How else was he going to humiliate himself today?

No, wait, he didn’t want to know.

His fingers bunched in his mate’s shirt, fighting the pulsing throb in his cock. He inched forward, allowing his erection to touch Dagon, the friction between denim thrilling him. Taylor pulled back when he heard a low grunt in the headset. Did his mate feel what he had just done?


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Blowing out a silent breath, Taylor did it again. The need to relieve the pressure was tremendous, making him take risks he otherwise wouldn’t have dared.

His hands
slipped down, getting closer to Dagon’s manhood. If he could just knock the guy out and explore to his heart’s content, he would be happy.

“If your hand goes any lower, I’m pulling over,” Dagon warned into the headset.

Taylor fought a war inside his head. Did he want him to pull over?

His cock said yes, his chicken heart said no.

He wasn’t going to lie to himself. He was curious, wondered what it would be like to let a man fuck him. Did wondering about it make him gay? He knew wanting it did.

His chicken heart won, raising his hands back to their original position.

* * * *

Dagon knew his mate was struggling with his sexuality, trying to figure things out in his head, but Taylor was torturing the shit out of him. He could feel Taylor’s erection behind him, and when his mate’s hands began to lower, Dagon damn near laid the bike down.

He told his mate he had time, but he had no clue Taylor was going to drive him insane in the process. Dagon drove the bike onto the entrance ramp, riding his mate to the city.

“The highway?” Taylor voice was laced with excitement. He knew he made the right choice. His mate was becoming a hog junkie as he was. Dagon leaned back a little, enjoying the contact. Taylor’s grip became firmer, leaning into him.

If he could get his mate used to touch, slowly ease him into this, then maybe they had a chance. His eyes focused on the road. Not wanting the feel of Taylor to distract him, he checked his speed limit.

It was well within the legal range.

Dagon’s Ride


Dagon took the exit ramp, driving through the city streets until they turned onto the street he wanted, and then drove into to small lot.

“Ice cream?” Taylor asked curiously.

“Yep, nice day for it.” Dagon held his feet firmly on the ground as Taylor used his shoulders to dismount. He glanced down, seeing the erection his mate was trying his best to hide.

A smile crept across his face from knowing Taylor wasn’t so immune to him after all.

Pulling his helmet off, Dagon dismounted and set it on the seat.

He sauntered over to Taylor, standing directly behind him as he studied the menu posted above the window.

“I’ll just have a chocolate cone.”

“That’s it?”

“Yes,” Taylor replied.

“Make it two cones.” He told the teenage girl behind the window.

She nodded and walked away.

“So how does it feel to be a legal adult?” he asked as he laid a hand on Taylor’s shoulder. Subtle moves should help Taylor acclimate to his new life, couldn’t hurt. If fate paired them, then all he had to do was let Taylor become acquainted with his touch.

Taylor shifted an inch closer, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t feel any different.”

Dagon accepted the cones, handing one to Taylor and opting to sit on the concrete steps instead of at one of the tables. He watched the traffic pass as he thought of the claiming. The pull was getting stronger. Five weeks had been agonizing while his mate was at home, but now that he was with him, it was hellish at best.

It wasn’t about sex. Okay, not all of it anyway.

It was about having his mate bound to him, sharing his life with someone. With Taylor. Dagon had never confessed to his brothers about his longing to have a home, a mate, a life with someone he cherished above all others.


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It was the sense of having that one individual person by his side, the person he could share everything with that drove him to get to know Taylor, to get him used to touch so he could claim him and begin their lives together.

Dagon licked the top of the ice cream right off of the cone when he glanced sideways and saw how Taylor was practically molesting the cold treat. Okay, he was exaggerating, but watching his tongue swirling around and licking had him rock hard in seconds. He would bet a million dollars that a wet spot was on the front of his jeans right now from the river of pre-cum leaking out.

“You dropped your ice cream.” Taylor pointed to the ground.

“I guess I’ll have to get another.” Dagon whimpered when Taylor’s pink tongue darted out and licked the chocolate mustache.

“Excuse me.”

He took off to the bathroom, unzipping his jeans and pulling his cock free, leaning forward and jerking the damn thing until he came.

“Fuck.” He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could handle.
have to wait until Taylor is ready.

His mate had him jacking off in public places, for fuck’s sake.

Dagon stuffed his cock back into his pants, washed his hands, and prayed he didn’t have to run back in here. Maybe ice cream wasn’t one of his more brilliant ideas.

Dagon’s Ride


Chapter Three

“You only want to hold the ladder so you can look at my ass.” Drew giggled as he hung the streamers.

“You’re damn straight. It’s the best job in the world.” Remi licked his lips, dying to tear his mate down and run to their bedroom with him. The two had been together for quite a few years now, and there was nothing in this world Remi wouldn’t do for his Andrew.


He’d kill a rock for his man.

* * * *

“Get out of that. It’s for the birthday boy, not you.” George slapped Tank’s hand, smiling at his contrite mate.

“But you’re the best cook ever, and I’m the best eater ever. We’re perfect for each other.” Tank pouted.

“You say all the right words, but I see your hand sneakin’ behind me to get at that food while your gums are flappin’.” George still couldn’t believe how happy he was after all this time.

He chuckled when he thought of how deep he used to be buried in the closet, what nonsense. Every day with Tank was like waking up to the most beautiful sunrise.

* * * *

“It’s my job to set the punch bowl up.” Caden batted Mark’s hand away. “So stop trying to squeeze my as—butt.”

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“You better not cuss. You’re too perfect for that.” Mark nuzzled Caden’s neck, thinking of his former life, his very lonely former life.

He wasn’t gay, not by a long shot, but for Caden, he’d parade around in a leotard. Okay, maybe not, but he got the picture. It only took a five second decision, a leap of faith, and Mark’s life was perfect now.

“Hey, Dad?”

Mark turned to his son, Curtis, standing next to him. “Yes?”

“Could you let my other dad finish what he was doing before I dehydrate?”

Mark chuckled. Being with his guys was like coming home every day.

* * * *

“Get the boys. I’m going to check on the cake.” Heaven smiled at Murdock.

“O n it.” Murdock chased little Maddox down. The second born was the troublemaker, just like his father. Matthew was clinging to Heaven, just like his first born always did. Although finding his mate had been one rocky-ass road filled with pits of hell, Heaven wouldn’t change it for the world.

He watched his family laughing and playing, wondering what the one he was carrying now would be. His heart filled to capacity and burst every time his mate smiled at him.

The walk through hell was worth the heaven he was now living in.

No pun intended.

* * * *

“Here they come!” Gabby ran around in circles, his arms flying high over his head.

“It’ll be okay, pumpkin.” Montana reached out with his free hand and snagged his overexcited mate. He repositioned their son Nevada
Dagon’s Ride


in his arms, the toddler squirming around, and then pulled his mate close as everyone stilled.

Montana smiled down at Gabby. His mate had been through some crazy shit, but it all led to their son in his arms, a decision they made that Montana would never regret. His little fireball was everything he could ever want in a mate, diabetes and all.

“I love you, pumpkin.”

Gabby smiled a big goofy grin up at Montana. “You’re still not getting any ass.”

Montana had been in the doghouse ever since Nevada started teething, telling him that the pain wasn’t worth the cock and they were only having one child. He knew his mate would change his mind. Gabby’s morning, afternoon, and even his evening wood told Montana he would get to dip back into his pumpkin real soon.

* * * *

Dagon pulled his bike into the gravel drive, the urge hitting him hard to run to the bathroom and jack off for the fifth time. Taylor pulled at his shoulders, dismounting the bike. His jean-clad cock slid up Dagon’s back, making his own dick jump and plead for more attention.

He was convinced Taylor was going to make him set a world record for the highest number of masturbation sessions in one day.

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