Damascus (7 page)

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Authors: Richard Beard

‘Mum's car's a write-off,' Hazel tells him, and her Dad gives up, gives her a number to call if there's any news, says he'll ring later when he gets a flight, says he's thinking of her all the time, of her and her mother, and of course thinking of Olivia, Hazel's new and unknown sister.

Hazel stares at the telephone, back in its cradle. It is green and plastic and so clean it shines. It has been made by somebody and transported by somebody and stocked and sold by somebody, all so that it can be used by her. She has never really noticed the telephone before, and its history of living people, and she suddenly wishes the room were full of all the people she's ever known and all the people she's ever going to know. She wants to memorise each and every one of them, feeling for the life inside them.

One morning on a day like any other she wakes up. She pinches her sister too hard and punches her on the way to the bathroom and now her sister is in hospital. She is dead already, perhaps. And if this can be true, then she wants a family of thousands around her, and her Mum and Dad and sister, and all the friends she's ever had, and all the boys she's ever met on holiday, and the feeling she remembers from several seasides that there are other human beings as well as herself who are truly alive, and the instinct she has that knowing this is love.

11/1/93 M

Spencer stepped back against the closed door to make room for a woman carrying a young child. Then he looked up at the overcast sky hoping for a solitary ray of sunlight or perhaps its opposite, an oncoming storm, some easy evidence of the gods. The sky, however, remained neutral, clouded like the outside of a light-bulb.

Nothing in the street looked obviously different, and William would have been disappointed by his first European day. Jepson's the music shop opposite was about to open, like any other Monday, as was the bank and the travel agent and the charity shop and DJM Games. Cars were jammed in the road, either waiting to park or waiting to pass the cars waiting to park. Several pedestrians bustled past and an impatient motorist sounded his hom.

Spencer turned up the collar of his raincoat, and with his books under one arm he dodged between the cars and across the road to the games shop. The window display had been all chess ever since Short started losing to Kasparov, which he seemed to have been doing for ages, and the various chess-boards in the window were hard on the eye like grids for an impossible crossword. A present for Grace, Spencer thought, and decided to look inside on his way back.

He passed the Rising Sun pub, which was still advertising its Hallowe'en fancy dress party, then had to side-step its open cellar-shaft which was surely a hazard to children. A woman with a pram overtook him and he followed her until she stopped to look in at the butcher's, after which the shops thinned out and Spencer was left with an uninterrupted walk, past the registry office and the fire station, all the way to the library.

Hazel had been so unexpectedly gorgeous that he'd completely forgotten about Jessica. In fact, Hazel was so very much there and in the flesh that he could hardly think coherently at all. He wondered if she'd noticed. Did she mind? And why had he babbled on about the house when all he really wanted to know was are you my Damascus? He wanted a sign, any sign, telling him that he and Hazel were right for each other and that therefore his life had changed direction overnight. He looked closely at faces in the street or in the traffic-jammed cars, as if in any one of these faces he might find the sign telling him what to do next. If only he knew what to look for, or if it was likely that all these people, including himself and Hazel, were moving around each other day after day and meeting or not meeting in accordance with a readable pattern. If only he knew how to read it.

Either that or there was no grand scheme. Then life would be like a newspaper, disconnected and arbitrary from beginning to end. Nothing could be known for certain in advance. You had to wait for accidents and events to take place, and then make the most of them. You had to take life as you found it.

A bus stop had been marked out between a pair of lime trees in front of the broad flight of steps leading up to the library, an impressive Victorian brick building with a sharp roof and a spire-clock permanently stopped at half-past four. On top of the spire there was a flagpole, and the breeze slapped at a blue flag with black writing which announced
Libraries are Magic
. Spencer hesitated. It wasn't impossible that Jessica was inside the library, so he double-checked the arrival time of Grace's bus. He noticed that on either side of him the lime trees were bleeding a black tar-like substance onto the pavement. Before he could even consider accepting this as the omen he was looking for (with black traditionally meaning bad in the otherwise incomprehensible scheme of things) he jumped up the steps and pushed open the swing-door to the library, only to be faced, opposite the CD and Video section, by a choir of middle-aged people all reading from different books as loudly as they possibly could. They stopped as soon as they saw him.

Spencer coughed and walked self-consciously to Issues and Returns where Miss Irene Haliday (breast-badge), a spinster who lived with her parents (spontaneous value-judgement) was waiting for him, tapping a pencil against her teeth. She smiled brightly and told Spencer that the library was closed.

‘I wanted to return these books,' Spencer said, keeping his back turned to the book-readers just in case Jessica was among them. It was the first time he'd ever done that.

‘We don't open until ten today,' Miss Haliday said. ‘We're rehearsing for our Most-Noise-Ever-Heard-In-A-Library event.'

'The books are due back today.'

'For National Library Week,' Miss Haliday went on, ‘which started this morning. We have a series of events, starting with the Most-Noise-Ever-Heard-In-A-Library, as I think I've already said. At lunchtime we have Miss Havisham in a wedding dress abseiling from the clock-tower down the front of the building.'

Miss Havisham?'

‘Someone dressed up in a wedding dress to look like Miss Havisham. There are leaflets which explain everything.'

‘I just wanted to bring my books back.'

‘After ten. Everyone's welcome.'

Spencer glanced over his shoulder and saw that the choir of readers had now dispersed into separate little groups. ‘Actually there's something else,' he said, lowering his voice. ‘I was hoping to have a look at the reference section.'

‘Ten o'clock, like everyone else.'

‘It's quite urgent,' Spencer said.

Miss Haliday frowned at him over her glasses, becoming less bright and helpful by the second. He leaned forward over the counter and spoke so softly she had to turn her head to hear him properly.

'I need to find out about a contraceptive pill,' he whispered. 'I mean it has to be today, by definition.'

Miss Haliday looked at him with a new and unmistakable coldness. ‘I'm sorry,' she said, ‘the library is closed until ten. As I think I've already said.'

Spencer didn't linger. Keeping his head down and his collar up, and still in possession of his library books, he left the building and jumped down the steps outside. The lime trees were still spewing their ominously black and unpleasant muck. The council shouldn't allow it. They should chop them down and replace them with nice straight tall green leafy trees for the children. Names came into Spencer's head: Joshua Lucas Georgina Rose Sophie Jane Edward Jonathon Sholto Thomas Ellison Adam Peter Richard, all the names he and Hazel could give to their very recently conceived baby.

Because in the absence left by meaningful signs there remained the bald fact that earlier today he'd had unprotected sex with a virtual stranger. He wondered what to do next, and where to turn, but on the way home he encountered no sudden or eloquent sign which immediately made everything clear to him.

It is the first of November 1993 and somewhere in Britain, in Doncaster or Ruislip or Pontypool or Lame, in East Grinstead or Dundee or Exeter or Redbridge, the television is on in the Kellys' lounge, sound up loud, blaring out every crash and bang of
Henry's Cat
Cat and Mousse
The Greedysaurus Gang
. Mr Kelly yells at Philip (17) to turn it off, right now. Then there is only silence, and the uncomfortable Kellys gathered vaguely about the room, vaguely uncomfortably aware that this is the kind of time when families should gather together. This is what families are for.

Spencer is hiding behind the television, his knees pulled up to his chin. He is thirteen years old and he's not going to cry. His mother is crying. Spencer concentrates on the dark ventilation cuts and the bright screws behind the television as his mother tells him don't be sad. As his mother, crying, tells him don't cry.

'Think of a happy memory,' she says, meaning any happy memory with his sister Rachel in it. ‘Think it all the way through, from the beginning to the end.'

She says if Spencer can remember it now he'll always be able to remember it. He should keep it handy and bring it out whenever he needs it. If he does this then Rachel will always be with us, one of life's little miracles, is what his Mum says.

Spencer isn't coming out from behind the television set, not in a million years, and his mother gives up. She goes over to the leather sofa and sits down, forgetting to take off her scarf. Nobody has a clue what to do except Mr Kelly, who is kneeling in front of a low table covered by a white lace cloth, pouring stiff measures of Macallan or E & J or Knockando into a coffee cup. He sips. He swallows, his jaw working minutely backwards and forwards. He narrows his eyes. He has a pencil in his hand and there is an Oxford pad, lined, open on the table. He writes: UNFAIR.

‘We can do this tomorrow,' Mrs Kelly suggests, attempting a smile.

‘We'll do it now,' Mr Kelly says. ‘Before we forget.' He sips and swallows and Spencer makes himself watch. His neck hurts and so does his knee, but somehow he knows this without actually feeling any pain.

‘Tell me how you remember her,' Mr Kelly says, pencil poised above the paper. Tell me the best thing about her. Anything about her.'

Mr Kelly wants to write down everything they remember about Rachel before it's too late, but nobody says anything because treating her as if she's dead is as bad as actually killing her. Spencer wonders how his father can fail to understand this.

Philip is sitting on the front of the desk where he keeps his computer, a Sun SPARCstation or an IBM or an Acom. He rocks backwards and forwards, arms crossed. He is thin, very pale.

‘When the car slides like that,' he says, ‘it's called a fish-tail.'

Mr Kelly starts to write this down, and then stops.

‘That's not what I meant.'

‘I can't deal with this,' Philip says, and he turns to play a game of chess already set up on the screen behind him. He mutes the sound and chooses black. He defends.

‘Rachel wanted her ashes scattered at Wembley,' Spencer says.

His father, pencil at the ready, looks hopefully at his second son.

‘After she lived to be a hundred and one. No flowers.'

The car, the swerve, Spencer remembers, what Philip calls a fish-tail, the crash and the bang. The rest of them came home in a police car. On the inside it was very clean, as if it wasn't used enough.

‘Philip started the argument in the car,' Spencer says, pointing at his brother's back. This seems relevant, and important.

‘Not now,' Mum says, but it was Philip who complained that three in the back seat was too dangerous, even though there was no other way they could all go swimming and take Philip into town at the same time, was there?

Dad refuses to write this down. He sips and swallows from his mug, looks at what he's written: UNFAIR.

Spencer wants to retreat: behind the television, upstairs to his room, under his bed with the bats and the balls and the disassembled snooker table. Rachel would have hated him for thinking of giving up like this. He therefore makes a determined effort to concentrate on the stiff white lace of the tablecloth, or Philip's shimmering computer screen, or the author names on the books next to the special shelf reserved for quality videos. Harold Robbins and John Le Carré and July Cooper and George Orwell. It helps him not to cry.
Stand By Me
The Light That Failed
Ginger and Fred
The Lavender Hill Mob
. He knows it won't work for ever: there simply aren't enough things to read, nor enough random words to hold back his tears.

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