Dangerous Curves Ahead (BBW Erotic Romance) (2 page)

Read Dangerous Curves Ahead (BBW Erotic Romance) Online

Authors: Arabella Quinn

Tags: #cowboy romance, #plus size romance, #bbw romance, #cowboy sex, #billionaire romance, #bbw sex, #bbw erotic romance, #billionaire sex, #billionaire erotic romance, #bbw billionaire erotica

A hush fell over our normally animated group
as we all fiddled with our drinks, mine empty again. I looked
around the bar hoping to catch a passing waiter. Instead, I gasped
as I locked eyes with a impossibly handsome man.

My stomach did a peculiar
little flip as our eyes held contact longer than normal. The rest
of the bar faded out of focus as I watched him silently
approaching, almost as if he were moving in slow motion. My first
impression was that he was a cowboy.
real one.

He wore a cowboy hat as naturally as if he
wore it everyday, like he even wore it to bed. I blushed as some
naughty images flew unbidden into my head. He was dressed in jeans
and a button-down shirt, rolled up at the sleeves. He looked
stylish and casual all at the same time. He seemed rugged, like he
worked outdoors; his body was trim and muscled. Some dark curls
peeked out from under his hat and his strong jawline was peppered
with stubble.

I openly stared as he
moved nearer; my eyes couldn't break away from his piercingly hot
gaze. He had almost reached our booth when he flashed an
unbelievably sexy smile my way.
Was he
smiling at me?
I was frozen in shock; I
couldn't make my lips move to smile in response.

Vaguely, I heard Jenna muttering. "Oh my
God! Whoa…"

I was sure he was going to
walk right by me. He
be looking at somebody else. I finally dragged my
eyes away, embarrassed that I had stared for so long. My stomach
fluttered as I sensed him move up right beside our

"Hello, ladies." His voice was smooth and
warm. I swallowed nervously.

I saw Sarah and Jenna flash him huge grins
before I looked up at him and pasted a tentative smile to my

He glanced around the table before settling
on my face. "I was hoping one of you ladies would take pity and
dance with me. I don't know any of the steps and I always wanted to
try it."

I squirmed uneasily under
his direct gaze.
Why was he looking at
Sarah and Jenna were far prettier than

The silence stretched on a
beat too long.
Why weren't they answering
Jenna's hand squeezed my knee hard
under the table.

My mouth opened before I could stop it.
"Well, I really don't know any of the steps either…" It sounded
lame even to my own ears.

The handsome cowboy flashed me a devastating
smile, his eyes never leaving my own. He held his hand out to me,
"That's perfect. We can learn the dance together."

I had no choice but to accept. His warm hand
enveloped my own as I got up from the booth. I glanced back to the
girls as he led me toward the dance floor. Sarah's eyes were wide
with surprise, and both girls were giggling. My heart was beating
like crazy. What had I gotten myself into?

As we approached the dance
floor, I watched the laughing couples dancing in perfect sequence
to the latest popular line dance. Panic started to set in; I didn't
know this dance.
I was going to make a
fool of myself!

He must have felt my growing resistance
because he tightened his grip on my hand as he weaved us through
the tight crowd. He looked back at me over his shoulder, "My name's
Jake. What's yours?"

"Krista. Um, Jake - I'm not a great dancer.
I don't think…"

Jake stopped walking and pulled me closer to
him. "I'm glad you're not a good dancer - now I won't look so bad.
Let's head to the back, so we can blend in better. Okay?"

I could only nod my head
in agreement. Being so close to this man was having a strange
affect on me.
Why did he pick

We made our way to the back of the dance
floor and fell in line with the other dancers. The steps were
simple but very fast; I had to concentrate fully to keep up. After
repeating the sequence a few times, I was growing confident enough
to glance over at Jake. I couldn't help but laugh. He was trying
hard to match the steps, but he always seemed to be one step
behind. Jake saw my laughter and grinned boyishly, shrugging his

The song seemed to last forever, but after
watching Jake laughing at himself, I was able to relax and let
myself have fun. I had always loved dancing. The combination of the
drinks, the upbeat music and the attentions of the handsome cowboy
all had me feeling bubbly with excitement. Although Jake was
getting better, his occasional missteps still had me laughing.

When the song finally came
to the end, I was surprisingly disappointed. I figured Jake would
walk me back to my table and thank me for the dance. And then the
handsome stranger would disappear from my life.
Well, at least I had this one moment of excitement that I
could dish over with the girls.

The music started up
again; this time it was a slower song. Before I could even react,
Jake pulled me into his arms, against his strong body. "Now,
is more my

I was still fairly breathless from the
lively dancing, but being in Jake's arms had my heart pounding even
faster. Jake held me pinned full length against his solid frame, my
nipples tightening against his broad chest as we swayed to the
soulful twangs of the music.

I couldn't believe this
was happening to me. Here I was in the arms of the hottest man in
the whole bar. In fact, Jake was better looking than the men I
conjured up in my fantasies during those cold lonely nights.
This must be a mistake. Maybe the girls set this
But, no, it was really

We moved slowly amongst the couples. Shivers
ran down my spine as I felt Jake's warm breath near my ear, "Mmm. I
like your perfume. You smell so nice."

His hand casually caressed
my waist sending quivers of excitement to my belly. I imagined
those fingers sliding up my skirt and working their way under my
panties. A slow ache started to build in my center. The thought of
Jake's fingers stroking my clit and his cock filling my pussy left
a moist slickness in my core.
Krista, get
a grip, you're going to make a fool of yourself.

Shaking my head, I tried to clear it of the
naughty thoughts. I looked up at Jake, trying to figure out why he
was with me. Our eyes locked as he looked down at me. An electric
current seemed to crackle between us.

In that moment, when I
stared into his breathtakingly beautiful face, I saw a glimpse of
pure honest emotion.
Need. Hurt.
I caught a glimpse of a lost little
boy, searching for something just out of reach. It only lasted a
split second before changing into a smoldering look of heated

Seconds later, our lips were locked in a
passionate kiss. My lips yielded to his demanding kiss as our
tongues collided and wound around each other. I felt my body
drowning in a sea of heady sensations.

The kiss was explosive. It left me dizzy and
clinging to Jake with desperation. Butterflies danced in my stomach
as a knot of throbbing need assaulted my pussy. Our contact seemed
to set off sparks of energy that buzzed through me. Everything
around us faded away. There was no crowd of people on the dance
floor, no music blaring, nothing but Jake and I.

I didn't remember where I was until Jake
dragged his lips from mine. Dazed, I looked around and realized
that the slow song had stopped playing and a line dance had resumed
around us. Fire flamed my cheeks as I saw several girls giving me
dirty looks.

Jake grabbed my elbow and
started leading me off the dance floor. I had to concentrate on
making my wobbly legs work. We made our way back to the booth, only
to find it occupied by another group of girls; Sarah and Jenna were
They had ditched me!

"Great! There goes my ride
home." The words came out before I could even think. I was going

Jake reached over to tuck a stray curl of
hair behind my ear. "C'mon, I'll take you home."

I smiled up at my handsome
cowboy. "I'll take you up on that, because I don't think I have
enough cab money to get home. I'm sorry; it's just so unlike my
friends. At least they picked up the bar tab." This was
like Sarah and
Jenna, but I wasn't about to fill Jake in on their little
How embarrassing
! Plus, there was no way in hell that I would have sex with a
man less than an hour after meeting him.
No matter how damn sexy he was!



Jake gripped the steering wheel and snuck a
peek at Krista. Her skirt had slightly ridden up, giving him a nice
view of her shapely legs. Anticipation had Jake burning with need.
He couldn't wait to see Krista writhing in ecstasy underneath him.
And he was surprised with how badly he wanted to be the first man
to give her an orgasm.

Krista's friends skipping out on her was
such an obvious ploy, but it was just what Jake needed to get
invited to her place. He didn't want to take her back to his home.
For some reason, he didn't want to tell her that he was wealthy.
Women had used him for his money his whole life. Krista seemed
different. She had hopped into his $75,000 Mercedes without even
blinking an eye. She probably didn't care too much about cars.
Krista just seemed a more genuine person.

And she was hot as hell. When he had first
approached the table of ladies that he had overheard discussing
orgasms, his first thought was that these ladies were not his usual
type. He normally dated women who were breathtakingly gorgeous and
unfortunately, they knew it. They were distant, icy beauties - all
flesh and bones and hard angles. They were either fashion models or
daughters of the high-society elite. He had discovered that most of
them didn't know anything about having a good time, unless they
were snorting lines.

Krista and her friends immediately struck
him as fun. They were real women. The first thing he noticed about
Krista was the alluring peek of cleavage straining against the low
neckline of her blouse. He had to work hard to keep his eyes
focused off her chest. When he had felt her soft curves against his
body as they were dancing; his body reacted with a raging need. He
almost groaned out loud as he imagined himself plunging deep inside
her while fondling her ample breasts.

And then, the kiss had knocked him backward.
He was never planning on kissing her with such abandon; right there
on the dance floor, but when she had looked up at him with such
innocence, he couldn't stop himself. The kiss had shocked him to
his core. Never had he felt such an all-consuming hunger wash over
him with such fiery passion.

Jake shifted in the driver seat. His cock
was hard and throbbing with lust. He needed to get his mind off of
Krista's body. "So, Krista, what kind of work do you do?"

Krista had been looking out the window, but
turned to him. "I'm a project manager at a pharmaceutical

Jake raised his eyebrows. "That's pretty

He watched Krista shrug off the praise. "I
do pretty well, I guess. How about you? I mean, what do you

Keeping his eyes on the road, he casually
answered, "I work at the Crenshaw Ranch. Have you ever heard of

He glanced over at Krista.
She turned her whole body to him as her eyes lit up. "Of course
I've heard of it. Who hasn't? Wow! You work at the ranch? So
a real
cowboy after all."

Jake squirmed uncomfortably. He didn't want
to mislead Krista, but he wasn't going to tell her the whole truth.
Not yet. "I guess you could call me that."

"What do you do at the ranch? Do you round
up cattle and stuff? I used to ride horses when I was a girl. It's
been so long…" Krista's voice trailed off wistfully.

Jake smiled appreciatively. "Why did you
stop riding? I can't imagine ever giving it up. My favorite part of
my job is when I'm outdoors and riding the land.

Krista shrugged. "Oh, my parents couldn't
afford to buy me my own horse. I used to help out at a neighboring
stable in exchange for riding privileges. When the managers
changed, the new manager didn't want to continue our arrangement.
Then, I just grew up and forgot about it, I guess."

Jake removed his cowboy hat and placed in on
Krista's head. He loved making her face shine with her gorgeous
smile. "We'll have to fix that. I'll take you riding at the ranch
sometime. We'll make a proper cowgirl of you."

A few minutes later, they had arrived at
Krista's apartment complex. Jake felt the awkward moment
approaching. He couldn't believe that Krista was not going to
invite him into her apartment. She was searching for a way to
politely say goodnight. Jake had felt the chemistry sizzling
between them; he knew that Krista was interested. But, she was just
too damn proper. There was no way he was leaving like a crushed

Krista was unbuckling her seatbelt. "It was
so kind of you to drive me home, Jake. Maybe I'll see you around

Jake was pretty stunned to be receiving the
brush off, but he was not giving up so easily. "I hate to ask you,
but would it be possible if I used your bathroom?"

Krista turned to him, eyes widening in
surprise. "Oh, okay. Sure."

Jake smiled with satisfaction. Krista looked
like a mouse cornered by a cat. He couldn't wait to see the look on
her face later...




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