Dangerous Love (17 page)

Read Dangerous Love Online

Authors: Ednah Walters,E. B. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary

Why couldn’t he just leave her alone? “No, thanks.”

“Everyone will want to know who designed Mrs. VanderMarck’s gown,” he said through clenched teeth, a fake smile on his lips. “It may have escaped your notice, but it caused quite a stir.”

“Mrs. VanderMarck on the catwalk caused the stir,” I corrected him.

“Listen, Faith—”

“How did you explain the fact that your gown looked exactly like hers?” she asked before she could stop herself.

Sean cursed softly under his breath, got up, and escaped backstage to join the models and the other designers. For the finale, all the models, minus Mrs. VanderMarck, wore Levis and T-shirts with Fashion for Relief written diagonally across their chest. While she clapped with the audience, Faith tried to locate Ken. She wanted to leave before Sean came back.

“You should be up there,” Barbs whispered.

Faith smiled. “One day.”

“But we showed them, didn’t we? Tomorrow, everyone will be talking about Monique, her outfit, and you, the person who designed it. Wait and see.”

If only the publicity would secure her a financial backer. She was in the red and her Fashion Week debut might still not happen. Faith finally spotted Ken. He was behind a throng of people on the other side of the catwalk. She waved him over, turned and saw Sean staring at her. Ken was taller than the average guy and stood out. Sean noticed him, recognition instant. Both men started toward her.

Sean acted like it was a race. He waded through the crowd, hurriedly shaking hands and patting backs, his gaze volleying between her and Ken. Ken didn’t seem bothered. He seemed pleased with himself, which meant tonight’s operation was successful. He sauntered toward her then hopped on the catwalk. Faith returned his grin. He could give tonight’s male models a run for their money with his superbly proportional body and gorgeous face.

Faith touched Barbs’ arm. She was talking to the other two women and some of their friends. “I’m going to leave now.”

“You’re not attending the auction?” Barbs asked.

“Or the after-party?” Sissy asked, naming a trendy club as the venue.

She and Ken had their own after-party. The sooner they left the faster they could start it. “Not tonight. Thank you for what you did. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”

“There’s nothing to repay,” Barbs said dismissively. “The past week has been fun, a real life spy mission. Besides, we all need a helping hand now and then.”

“Don’t listen to Barbs. Repay us by kicking ass during Fashion Week,” Sissy said sassily then pressed her cheek against Faith’s.

“Make us proud,” Eliza added, giving her a hug.

“I promise,” she heard herself say. She really must get a new sponsor.

“Faith?” Sean said breathlessly behind her.

Irritation surged through Faith. “Excuse me,” she told her friends then turned and faced Sean. “Yes?”

“Can we go somewhere privately and talk?”

Her first instinct was to say no, but she needed to make a few things clear to this man. She nodded and moved aside with him.

Her eyes widened when Ken stopped on the catwalk behind Sean, arms crossed, legs apart, and a cocky grin on his lips. She’d bet that if she gave the signal, he’d drag Sean out of the building in front of all these people and toss him out like a sack of rotten potatoes. He cocked his brow in question. She shook her head and turned her focus on Sean.

“What is this about?” she asked.

“Us. First, I want to apologize for grabbing you the way I did earlier.” He smiled, hands tentatively reaching out to rub her bare upper arms.

Faith felt rather than saw the change that came over Ken. She looked at him and shook her head again. She glanced around first to make sure they weren’t drawing unnecessary attention. Even though most people had left to view the items being auctioned, a few lingered behind in groups, chatting and catching up. Carefully, Faith jerked her arms, forcing Sean to let her go.

The smile disappeared from his lips. In her high-heels, she was now taller than him. There was something to be said about not being intimidated by someone shorter than you. She moved closer.

“How about you start by apologizing to me for stealing my designs?” Behind Sean, Ken’s grin widened. “For vandalizing my store and beating up my assistant? After that, turn yourself in to the police and confess to everything. Only then can you and I talk.”

Sean sputtered, his mouth opening and closing.

Her chin lifted, gaze connecting with Ken’s. “Now if you don’t mind, I have a prior engagement.”

Sean followed her gaze and his hands fisted.

“Done, sweetheart?” Ken ignored Sean, stepped down, and swaggered to her side, hand coming to rest possessively on her waist.

“Yes.” She sagged against him. “Let’s go home.”

Without looking at Sean, Ken looped an arm around Faith, staking his claim, and led her toward the entrance. He hadn’t been thrilled about leaving Faith alone with O’Neal, but with Barbs and her friends close by he’d known she’d be okay. He’d watched her for signs of distress after they finished with their mission. Her smile had stayed in place, but he’d known she was uncomfortable. She tended to rub the pad of her thumb over her other nails when tense. Still, she was a tigress. His tigress. He chuckled.

“What?” she asked, the first genuine smiled touching her lips.

“I’d hate to be your enemy.”

“Let’s not discuss

Ken grinned. He’d like nothing better. “Does that mean you don’t want to know whether I was successful tonight or not?”

“You were.”

He stopped walking right in the middle of the foyer, where the show’s attendees were placing bids, forcing her to stop too. “How do you know?”

She reached up and touched the space between his eyebrows. “You tend to have a wrinkle right there when you’re pissed or disappointed, but a special swagger and a cocky grin when you’re pleased with yourself.” She reached up and planted a kiss on his lips. “I don’t want to think or talk about business tonight. I need you to make the rest of tonight perfect.”

He leaned forward and nipped at her bottom lip then ran his knuckles down the silk of her cheek. “One stop then I’m all yours.”

“Boss,” an accented voice said from behind them.

He turned to face the Cuban, but Rod’s eyes were locked on Faith. Ken made the introduction, albeit reluctantly.

“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Fitzgerald.” Ron lifted Faith’s hand to his lips and pressed a kiss on her knuckles. “That was a nice trick you pulled with your shoe.”

“Thank you.” Faith smiled.

Rod laughed softly, still not letting go of Faith’s hand. “I liked his expression. It was—”

“We were leaving, Rod,” Ken reminded him impatiently.

“You’re not going to the after-party?” Rod finally let go of Faith’s hand.

“No. But feel free to go. Good job tonight. I’ll see you in the office on Monday.” He led Faith toward the door.

“You were rude to your employee,” Faith reprimanded him.

“First, Rod might call me boss, but he considers himself a partner, not an employee. Second, he knows you are off limits, but he still flirted with you.”

She chuckled. “He’s quite the charmer. He was watching me earlier, and I thought he was Sean’s man.”

“He was keeping an eye on you while I finished in the vault.”

They made it to his SUV without being stopped by his men or the paparazzi. He made sure Faith was seated, closed the door and hurried around the hood. The hairs at the back of his neck rose, causing him to look around. His gaze connected with Sean O’Neal’s. The designer was being interviewed near the entrance, but his hate-filled gaze stayed on them. Ignoring him, Ken hopped behind the wheel

Faith covered his hand before he could turn on the ignition. “Thanks for everything, Ken. I wasn’t sure how tonight would turn out, but once again, you did it.”

“That’s me, smooth operator, and I know just how you can thank me properly,” he teased.

“Me too.” She sunk her fingers in his hair and pulled his head to hers. Their lips meshed, tongues danced. Smoldering heat shot straight to his groin. The taste of her, the feel of her body against his was enough to make him forget where they were.

Tonight, he wasn’t letting her set the pace. She had to know from the word go that he was in control. It took effort to gentle push her away from him and back into her seat.

“Buckle up,” he commanded.

She blinked then she gave him a playful pout. “You’re no fun.”

“We’ll see about that.” He wrapped a hand around her nape, brought her face close to his. Their breaths mingled. Her lips parted. He fought the temptation to taste her again. If he did, he wouldn’t want to stop. He dropped a kiss on her forehead instead, let her go and gunned the engine.

“I never figured you for a tease, Kenneth Lambert,” she purred in his ear.

Ken’s body hummed. He took her hand and planted a kiss on her knuckles. “Unless you want to make love in here right now, behave.”

She chuckled and moved closer until her head rested on his shoulder. He pulled out from the side of the building, where he’d parked, and started for his place.

“So what did Rod mean by the trick with your shoe?”

She sighed. “Sean tried to manhandle me earlier, but I put a stop to it.”

Rage surged through him, most of it directed at himself. He shouldn’t have let Faith anywhere near the bastard. “What else did he do?”

“Why? So you can torture yourself with guilt?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re cutting off the circulation to my fingers.”

Ken let go of her hand, and immediately wished he hadn’t. She ran it up and down his thighs, causing his muscles to flex in response. “Sean is an ass, and I’m sorry you were anywhere near him tonight.”

“The evening was a success, so you’re off the hook for saddling me with him.” She turned her head and planted a kiss on his cheek. “Let’s not discuss him again tonight.”

“Okay, baby, but this,” he lifted her hand from his thighs, “is driving me crazy. I need to focus on driving.”

She giggled and appeared content with resting her head on his shoulder.

“Where are we going?” she asked when he flicked on his indicator and exited the street.

“I want to show you something before we go home.” He entered South Los Angeles Street and pulled into the entrance of a private parking garage, a block from Sean’s building. He spoke briefly with the guard manning the booth and drove through. Faith recognized the logo on the guard’s uniform. He worked for Ron Noble’s security company.

“We planted video and audio transmitters inside Sean’s vault tonight,” Ken explained as he pulled up beside a nondescript white van. “It’s more efficient and practical than photographing the clothes.”

“I thought we weren’t discussing him or business tonight,” she said.

“Humor me. I want to make sure the trans-receiver is picking up the signal loud and clear.” Ken stepped down and walked around the SUV to open her door. Instead of letting her out, he gripped the body and the door of the vehicle and boxed her in. “When we’re done here, you’ll have my undivided attention.”


She wanted his undivided attention too. Ken was meticulous, liked doing things his way and hated loose ends. If they went home right now, he’d be preoccupied with whether the bugs he’d planted were working or not.

“Okay,” Faith said. “Show me.”

He chuckled, stepped back and allowed her to step down.

She studied his handsome face, the twinkling green eyes, the sharp planes of his beautiful face. “What is it?”

“You really had to think twice about it?” he teased. “The result of a well-executed plan, which would have been disastrous if it weren’t for my brilliance and top-notch team?”

Faith chuckled. He could be so full of himself sometimes. “Actually, I paused to remind myself why I came to your firm in the first place.”

“Which is?”

“Your brilliance, of course, and attention to detail, very admirable qualities in a business partner,” she said, watching him steadily for his reaction. Men tended to puff out their chests and straightened their shoulders when she complimented them.

Ken laughed instead. “I thought you used this case as an excuse to lure me back to your bed.”

“That too,” she quipped.

Laughter disappeared from his face. “Empty compliments don’t mean anything to me, but the truth, now that’s something I can work with. I like that you want me and are not ashamed to admit it because I want you too, very much.”

Heat crawled up her cheeks. Only Ken had the ability to make her blush, something that had mortified her during Ashley’s wedding. “They weren’t empty compliments. I admire your diligence.”

He chuckled. “You haven’t seen anything yet. Come on.” He took her arm and started for the van. He rapped on the door and waited. Bumps and curses followed, then Hailey opened it and stuck her head out. Her eyes widened when she saw them.

“Boss, we weren’t expecting you,” she said slowly.

“I’ve been inside your
bat mobile
, Hailey. And I’m sure Faith won’t mind a little mess.”

“Uh, just a sec.” Hailey disappeared inside, closing the door behind her. More bumps and muted voices came from inside then she reappeared with a plastic bag filled with soda cans and a large pizza box then hopped down. “Sly is ready for you now.”

Ken chuckled and climbed inside first then offered Faith his hand. The van was spacious though Sly’s wheelchair took up quite a bit of space. On his lap was a computer tablet of some kind, and he appeared to be adjusting his shirt, indicating he might have been shirtless when they arrived. His face was flushed and brown hair mussed.

Faith focused on her surrounding instead of the blushing young man, who sat facing them, his left bandaged leg propped on a wooden box. To his left were computer screens on a long narrow bench, each with four panels showing different rooms. Under the screens were an array of machines, presumably the trans-receivers. Ken sat on the leather bench on the left side of Sly’s then patted the area beside him for Faith to join him. He introduced her to Sly.

“How’s the reception?” he asked, draping an arm on Sly’s shoulder, his gaze sweeping the screens.

“Clear. Watch this.” He touched a key and one of the screens showed different corners of the foyer, where the auction was being held. He zoomed in on a section of the room. “There’s your gown, Ms. Fitzgerald.”

Faith leaned forward and smiled. There was ‘sold’ sign next to it, but it still appeared to draw a crowd. Hopefully that would translate into more publicity for her fall collection.

“Show her the vault,” Ken instructed.

Sly leaned back, so Faith could see the first screen better, and tapped on its keyboard. The panels showed a room made of marble with display cases, racks, and mannequins. Sly zoomed in on a gown.

It was the replica of Mrs. VanderMarck’s gown. Sean had copied her outfit down to the sequins on the hem. It wasn’t the only design he’d stolen. Faith took a shaky breath, her heart pounding with anger mixed with dread.

“Those four are made from my designs.” Faith pointed at couture gowns displayed on translucent fiberglass mannequins. “Show me more.”

The next panel showed more one-of-a-kind gowns. Not very original, she recognized his signature design, which tended to be silky, sexy, and fluidy. He was recycling designs with minor modifications. No wonder he stole hers.

The opposite wall had pants and tops with matching shoes, jewelry, and bags, all different from hers. She sighed with relief, but in the next second, her heart sank when she saw the jackets and blazers with whittled-in-at-the-waist silhouettes. Just like hers. While she used bamboo, emberglow, phlox, and teal colors, Sean had gone for neutral coffee liqueur, nougat, and various shades of gray—orchid hush and quarry. Not that the different colors mattered. The designs were the same. Hers. It took her months of tweaking to get the desired results. Her breath hitched. The thieving bastard.


Ken’s voice reached from afar, but she couldn’t respond. Her thoughts were jumbled up. What was she going to do? How could she possibly salvage her collection? Without the blazers and jackets, her collection would be nothing, incomplete.

Hands palmed her face and turned it until her gaze connected with Ken’s. When he swore, she knew her emotions were written on her face.

“The bastard,” he growled.

“Take me home.” She couldn’t think now. Didn’t want to, was more like that. For one night, she wanted to block out her pain, her rage, and her misery. Only Ken could make her forget. She started out of the van, paused to look back at the screen then Sly. “Thank you.”

The younger man gave her a hesitant smile. “Uh, no problem.”

Faith went straight to Ken’s SUV and waited as he spoke to his people. When he joined her, he didn’t start the engine right away.

“We have enough evidence to nail him,” he said.

Faith shook her head. “No, we can’t.”

“Think about it. How many people saw his outfit before Mrs. VanderMarck wore yours on the show tonight? The model, the make-up artists, his assistant, and the people who worked on the dress are all potential witnesses.”

“I know, but he has part of my Fashion Week collection. I need time to think, come up with a solution.” She turned and faced him. “Right now, I need…need...”

Ken cupped her face and stared into her eyes, his green eyes intense. “I’m here.”

He kissed her, a whisper of touch on her brow that weakened her defenses. She tried to swallow through the block in her throat and fought hard to stop the tears from falling. As though aware of her struggle to stay calm, Ken let her go and gunned the engine.

The drive to his place was a blur though she was aware of his hand holding hers. Cold crawled under her skin and everything seemed surreal as though she was outside looking in, like all this nightmare was happening to someone else.


Ken hadn’t expected their evening to end like this. He wondered if Faith was aware she was gripping his hand. There had to be something he could do to stop O’Neal from taking credit for her work. Threaten to expose the bastard? Destroy his collection? How far was he willing to go to even the score? He too had some thinking to do, but first things first. His Faith needed him.

At his place, Faith threw the itty-bitty purse she had carried on the couch and literally jumped him, kissing him, hands sliding under his shirt to touch his skin. Blood surged to his groin, his heart picking up tempo.

“Whoa, baby. Slow down.”

She paused, leaned back, and cocked her brow at him. “Really? Now?”

She looked exquisite in her provocative dress, the neckline plunging deep in the front, revealing the golden tops of her breasts. His palm itched to touch her, but he reeled his desire in. Making love to Faith was like sprinting. Pace fast and furious, senses exploding, then she was out the door. He planned to take it slow tonight, make their joining special, memorable. A marathon.

“Yes, Faith. Slow.” He scooped her up and started up the stairs to his bedroom, taking his time, nibbling on her shoulder. He set her to her feet. Street lights outside his window spilled into the room, caressing her features and making her look ethereal. He closed the slats, turned on the bedside lamp, and peeled back the covers from the bed.

“Don’t,” he said when she started to unzip her dress. “I’ll do that.”

Her hands went to her hips. She pouted, her lush lips inviting. “So what am I supposed to do?”

“Sit back and wait.” He didn’t give her a chance to respond, just nudged her until she sat. He was determined to do this his way, no matter how painful. He traced the edge of her dress. She arched her back, inviting him to dip his fingers under her bodice and cup her breast.

“Not yet.” He stepped back and started to unbutton his shirt, his gaze locked with hers. Watching her as she watched him, knowing she wanted him as desperately as he wanted her, was the most erotic thing he’d ever experienced.

She ran a tongue over her lower lip. “You really are a tease.”

“We have the whole night, baby. I want to savor this.” She had power over him he hoped she’d never realize.

She sucked in a breath and sat up when he shrugged off his shirt and his chest came into view. Her gaze ran from his chest to where the skin met his waist band.

“You’re beautiful,” she said, awe in her voice.

Ken chuckled. He reached down to remove his shoes and socks, lifted his head and froze.

Faith was on her feet, her dress pooled at her feet. She stepped away from it. His gaze ran up the endless stocking-clad legs to where the black lacy garter belt kissed satiny skin. Lacy panties, matching bra, hands on her hips, seductive smile on her lips, she had him. His erection throbbed mercilessly.

To hell with slow. He closed the gap between them.

She laughed. The sound was both seductive and triumphant. She knew the power she wielded over him. Knew and reveled in it.

He lowered her to the bed and undid her bra, the golden mounds topped with taut berries begging him to taste them. He dipped his head, followed the curve of one breast from the top, loving the change in texture when he reached her nipples. He drew the velvety nub in his mouth, used his other hand to stimulate the other, circling it with his finger, carefully scraping it with his nail across the center. He lifted his head, blew a breath on her breast, causing her to moan before kissing it again, using his teeth to torment her.

Faith shuddered and undulated against him, her hands moving up and down his spine. She was divine, her response uninhibited, and he couldn’t wait to make love to her over and over again. Fast. Slow.

He slid his mouth down her body, licking and teasing every part of her, loving every little shiver, twitch, and murmur that escaped her. He slowly peeled off her skimpy thong, his lips followed. The scent of her went straight to his head. Her enthusiasm was driving him insane.

Her fingers and palms danced all over his body. She fumbled with his belt, unzipped him, and reached under his underwear to find him. His erection sprang into her waiting hand, and Ken stopped breathing. Instead of grasping the length of him, she ran her fingers up and down the side of his shaft, teasing him.

Ken moved back. He dispensed with his pants and underwear, then started from where the stocking met the garter, nibbling and suckling her responsive skin. One hand slid under to cup one firm butt cheek while the other skimmed over her thighs to the short curls between her legs.

Faith gasped when Ken stroked the folds and found that part of her that came alive at his touch. Her knees parted to accommodate him, and she hissed when he sank one long finger inside her, then another. She pushed her hips up to meet his hand, her fingers digging into his shoulders. He rained kisses across her stomach then rose to give himself room to maneuver. He bent her legs back against her body, exposing her to him. Leaning down, he tasted her.

“Ken,” she moaned, thighs trembling.

She was sweeter and more addictive than anything he’d ever tasted. He suckled and licked her, his strokes languid. Her hips rose again and her hands clenched in his hair. He reached under her, cupped her ass, and pressed her against his mouth. Her movements became frenzied. She arched her back, flung her head so far back it nearly hit the headboard. It was time.

“No,” she moaned in protest when he lifted his head. “Why are you tormenting me?”

“I want to be inside you when you come,” he whispered against her lips before kissing her, letting her taste herself on his lips. He reached inside the bedside drawer and retrieved a condom.

“Hurry,” she urged him, pushing him onto his back. She raised kisses all over his chest, closed a hand around him this time, pumped him, and brushed the blunt tip.

Ken groaned.

She took the condom from his hand, rolled it on, and positioned herself on top of him. He gripped her waist as she slowly took him in, inch by inch. The line between pleasure and exquisite torture blurred. Ken hissed, sweat forming on his brow. When they were completely joined, he rolled them until she was under him.

He expected her to protest. He’d noticed that she liked being on top and hated having him behind her. Pleasure shot up his spine and his mind became foggy when she wrapped her thighs around his waist and clenched her nether muscles. He lifted his hips, sinking into her, his movements deliberately measured. She rotated her hips with each thrust, giving and taking, his match in every way. He kissed her, his tongue imitating the same movement. Soon they were gasping for breath, their movement picking up tempo. He lifted her legs to his shoulders, somehow managed to drag a pillow and slide it under her then held her still and reared back, so he could go deeper.

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