Dangerous Pleasures (8 page)

Read Dangerous Pleasures Online

Authors: Bertrice Small

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary

She felt a slight tingling sensation, and then she found herself in a coach traveling through a dark forest. Shivering, she pulled her woolen cloak about her. Peeking out of the coach window as the vehicle slowed, she could see a walled and towered castle ahead of them. The coach passed through open iron gates, which were closed with a bang behind them. They finally came to a stop, and the coach door was flung open. A gloved hand reached in to assist her out. Taking it, she stepped from the carriage.

The man who held her hand towered over her. He was dressed all in black, and a silk and leather mask hid his features from her, covering his face to just below his nose and above his mouth. “You will be Mistress Anne, the merchant’s daughter. You understand that your father has given you to me in exchange for his debt?”

“Yes,” Annie answered. Her heart was beating furiously. This was really quite exciting, she thought.

“‘Yes, my lord,’” he corrected her. “I am the master of this castle and the lands about it. You must learn respect, Mistress Anne, and I shall teach it to you.”

“Yes, my lord,” Annie replied with a small smile.

“You find this situation amusing?” he demanded harshly. His voice was deep and dark. “I can see you have much to learn, and there is no better time than now to begin your lessons in obedience, Mistress Anne. Come!” His grip on her hand tightened, and he half led, half dragged her up the broad stone steps and into the castle.

I can stop this at any time,
Annie thought to herself. Lizzie had told her she could if her fantasy frightened her, or wasn’t as much fun as she wanted. But right now Annie was so intrigued by what was happening to her that she didn’t want to end the fantasy. This tall man was rather exciting in a fierce way. So this was the Beast of legend. She wondered what was beneath that silk-and-leather mask he wore as she stumbled along behind him. Where was he taking her? Was it to his great hall? All castles had great halls, didn’t they?

But the Beast did not take her to his great hall. Instead he led her down a narrow flight of stone stairs into a little round chamber lit only by a single torch. From the chamber’s low ceiling hung two golden chains, to which were attached a pair of golden manacles.
I can end this at any time,
Annie told herself again as the Beast roughly pulled her arms up and fastened the manacles about her wrists. To her surprise the manacles were lined in the softest silk. Hanging, her toes just grazed the floor.
I can end this.
But she didn’t want to end it. Never in all her life had she faced such a creature as the Beast, and to her surprise she found it was exciting her sexually. Well, her husband had been dead for over two years, and she hadn’t had even a single date.

The Beast said not a word. Instead he walked about his victim, observing her. Then, unfastening her skirt, he let it drop to the stone floor. He undid the three petticoats she had worn beneath the red velvet skirt, and they fell into a heap. Annie squealed as two big hands slid beneath her chemise and up her legs. He slowly drew her white silk drawers to her knees, and then his hands slipped back up to fondle her buttocks briefly before he removed the garment entirely.

“You have a nicely rounded bottom, Mistress Anne. I think it will take well to punishment,” the Beast said softly. He stepped back to observe her again as she hung in just her chemise. Then, hooking his fingers into the dainty ruffled neckline, he ripped the garment off of her before she divined his intent.

Annie gasped, surprised. She was hanging stark naked before a strange man. She blushed, embarrassed. What a sight she must be, with her forty-something body full of cellulite and boobs that were beginning to sag. She decided to end this ridiculous fantasy right now. But for some reason she didn’t understand, she couldn’t. Something inside her wanted to know just how far she was willing to let this go.

“Have you ever seen yourself entirely naked, Mistress Anne?” the Beast asked her.

Annie realized she should respond as the merchant’s young daughter. “N-n-no,” she said.

“Your father had no looking glass in his house?” the Beast queried.

“My father thought such things would only produce foolishness and vanity in a woman,” Annie heard herself say.
Good lord!
She was becoming the girl in the fairy tale, although the fairy tale had never been quite like this.

The beast’s mouth quirked in an almost smile, and Annie saw the beginnings of a scar at the left corner of his lips. “You shall see yourself now,” the Beast told her, and with a wave of his hand the wall opposite her became a mirror.

She stared, surprised at the image revealed. The body in the mirror was not hers. It was the body of a young girl of about twenty. It was a voluptuous body, with full hips and firm round breasts. Her belly was flat, her thighs were nicely fleshed, and there wasn’t a dimple of cellulite to be found. Annie smiled at the image in the glass. She gazed down at herself, and realized that the mirror did not lie. “What, my lord, do you mean to do to me?” she heard herself asking. “I was told I was to housekeep for you for a year in order to repay my father’s debt to you.”

The Beast smiled a cruel smile. “I mean to have your virginity of you, Mistress Anne. Your father misunderstood me. You are to be my mistress, and not for just a year. For as long as it pleases me that you be. But first you must be punished for your earlier insolence toward me.” Reaching out, he drew on a thick chain, and Annie found herself being drawn upward. “Spread your legs for me,” the Beast commanded her, and, realizing it was futile to resist him, Annie obeyed.

Each of her legs was manacled to the wall. The Beast stood beneath her, looking at her well-furred mons. With the thumb and forefinger of one hand he spread the lips of her labia wide. With his other hand he conjured a long feather with a stiff pointed tip from the air, and began to ply it with delicate touches to her clitoris. After a moment a burst of pure, hot lust overwhelmed her, making it almost impossible to breathe. Annie moaned, and then she came.

The Beast said nothing. Instead he directed the feather to the opening of her now wet vagina. The feather swirled just inside her, and she moaned again. It had been so long. So damned long since she had been fucked. Yet she couldn’t betray Nat. But her husband had been dead two years. And this was a fantasy, wasn’t it? How could her secret fantasy betray anyone? The feather ran along the edges of her labia, and then attacked her clitoris again. Her body arced with a second clitoral climax.

Then, to her complete surprise, his head was between her outspread legs. His lips kissed the moist skin. His tongue began to explore every nook and cranny of her soft coral flesh. He nipped gently at it, and Annie squirmed, although she wasn’t certain whether she was trying to escape him or get closer. His mouth closed over the bud of her clit and he sucked strongly. She screamed softly as he worked her into a fierce frenzy of desire. “Please!” she whimpered to him.

He ceased immediately, releasing her legs, and, reaching for the chain, he lowered her to a point where he could face her. He took her face between his thumb and his forefinger and smiled into her blue eyes, sensing her need. “You do not yet understand, Mistress Anne,” he told her. “I am the master here. In time you will be fucked. But you lack discipline.” He lowered her further until she was on her knees. “Bend yourself forward,” he said. “You will receive five strokes of my tawse.”

“You are going to beat me, my lord?” Annie said. She was definitely going to end this fantasy right now. Well, maybe not this moment, but shortly.

“No, I am not going to beat you, as you so quaintly phrase it, Mistress Anne. You are simply to be disciplined by having your bottom smacked with five strokes of the strap. It is to be hoped you will learn quickly that I am your master, and such discipline will become unnecessary in the future.” Then, without another word, he raised his arm, and the leather tawse met Annie’s flesh for five quick strokes. “Excellent!” he said approvingly as he hung the strap back on the wall by the torch holder. “You did not cry out. This bodes well for you, Mistress Anne, and for our future relationship.” Then he raised her back up so that she hung with the tips of her toes again just barely brushing the floor. “I will leave you briefly, Mistress Anne. Take this time to consider well your future behavior. You must learn to obey me instantly and without question.” And, taking the torch from its holder, he left her hanging in the dark within the small chamber.

I can end this now,
Annie thought again. But did she really want to end it? It was dark, and it was perverse, but it was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her. Right now her entire body was throbbing with a ferocious sexual need to be fucked as she waited, hanging from her restraints in this dark room, for the Beast to return. The mask, she suspected, hid facial scarring, but the rest of him seemed quite normal. He was very tall, probably between six-foot-four and six-foot-six inches. He was big boned, but lean and hard. What did he look like naked? How long before she would find out?

It had been a very long day. Unable to help herself, Annie felt her eyelids drooping as she waited for whatever was to happen next. She started awake suddenly, fully aware that someone was in the chamber with her. “Who’s there?” she whispered, and then a soft gag was tied around her mouth. Her heart beat wildly at this new and total feeling of helplessness. She whimpered beneath the gag.

She tensed as hands began to caress her. The hands were warm and big. Was it the Beast? It had to be, and yet her instincts said that there was more than one person here. That was confirmed when both of her breasts were grasped and suckled upon simultaneously. The mouths on her nipples bit and licked and drew strongly. Her fires, banked slightly by her doze, began to reassert themselves. Her body shuddered with her desperate need to be satisfied.

Then a hand pushed between her thighs to burrow between her labia. Fingers thrust hard and deep into her vagina. They kept thrusting back and forth, back and forth, until Annie was dizzy and almost nauseous with her need. Again she whimpered behind the gag. The fingers withdrew briefly, only to return thicker as they reinserted themselves into her fevered body, driving deep, forcing her to a climax.

A strange voice whispered hotly in her ear, “You’ll take well to his cock, my girl. Your cunt is big, but nicely tight.”

“Aye,” the second unfamiliar voice agreed. “She’s going to please him well if she will just learn to obey her master. Do you understand, girl? He’ll not fuck you until you are obedient to him. And he has a fine big cock, a full foot in length it is, to please a lass such as yourself. We’ve left your virginity intact for him. Don’t keep him waiting long.”

“If you do,” the first voice said, “he’ll give you to his soldiers, and they’ll be rough on a pretty creature like yourself.”

She felt the gag being removed from her mouth, but before she might say a word the two men were quickly gone from her prison. Annie drew several deep breaths to clear her head. Where was the Beast? Had he allowed these two men to come into her little prison and assault her? Had that been part of his discipline? She had to ask him, but he didn’t return. And then she heard the chime pinging, signaling she had only two minutes left in the Channel. Where was the Beast?

“My lord!” she called out. “My lord!” And Annie felt the manacles containing her wrists dissolving, and she awoke amid a tangle of her silk nightgown and the down coverlet.
she thought desperately, but the little digital clock on the bedside table said four oh one. The Channel was closed to her. She grabbed for the remote and pressed the A button again, but the flat screen was quickly obscured by its mobile wall. She pressed the open/close button, but the wall remained tightly shut, and an automated voice said, “The Channel is now closed. It will reopen tonight at eight p.m.”

“Damn!” Annie said irritably. She caught herself. It had been a dream. And then her gaze touched on her wrists. A faint but distinct imprint of the manacles was there. “Omigod,” she whispered softly as she saw it, and then she felt a faint soreness in her vagina. It had been real! But how could it have been? Did it really matter? It had been real! And it had been exciting, and she wanted to go back to her fantasy. It was going to be a very long sixteen hours. She could hardly wait. Would the Beast fuck her? Was his penis really twelve inches long? Nat’s eight had been the biggest—the only—penis she had ever known. Nat had been almost as tall as the Beast, and as big a man.

She was suddenly overcome with a strong sense of weariness. Closing her eyes, she fell asleep.

It was eight a.m. on a rainy August morning when Devyn awakened her by gently shaking her shoulder until Annie’s protesting eyes opened. “Good morning,” she said to him with a rueful smile. “It’s morning, right?”

He grinned boyishly. “Yep, rainy, but morning. I’ve brought you a glass of pomegranate juice. When you’re ready, I’ll show you to the dining room. The other invited guests arrived last night while you were at dinner with Ms. Buckley. And you got to meet Mr. Nicholas. He’s pretty much a recluse, you know. He’s so busy that very few people get to meet him. I think he’s one cool dude.”

“I agree,” Nora said, letting Devyn plump up her pillows so she could sit up. She sipped at the juice he had brought. “This is really good.”

“Bath or shower?” he asked her.

“What’s my schedule today?” she asked him.

“Massage, of course, but we’ll set the time up after we decide on the rest of what you’re going to do,” Devyn said. “You’ve got lots of choices, Annie. The dining room serves breakfast until ten a.m., so there’s no big rush.”

“Bath then,” she told him. Sipping her juice, she watched him as he went into the glamorous bathroom. A moment later she heard the tub running.

“Rose? Lavender? Summer lily?” he called to her.

“Lavender this morning,” Annie replied, knowing he was referring to the bath scents she had seen lined up near the big tub last night.

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