Dangerously In Love (8 page)

Read Dangerously In Love Online

Authors: Jordan Silver

Chapter 19



I had to tell them everything
but I told it from Vicki's point of view, her version of events leading up to
the kiss.

Julius looked ready to go beat the shit out of
Crafton for putting her in that position in the first place. I was down with
that, but dad was watching us like we were adopted miscreants.

"What the hell did your mother
raise?" Whatever. He kept saying shit like that each time we threw an idea
out there. I don’t know what he expected us to do with the fucks. Have tea?

"So, how're we going at this fuck
bro?" See, my brother knows me very well.

"I'm not sure yet but I do know anyone as
fucked up as he is, must have skeletons in their closet. I plan on finding every
last one and using them to bury the fuck."

"Good thinking bro, I'll
start digging, by the time we're through with his abusive ass he wouldn't know
what the fuck hit him, you're not sending her back there right?"

"Fuck no, she ain't ever going back if I
have anything to say about it. Speaking of which, I need to go get the rest of
her shit and her new jeep."

"We'll all go, I don't think it's a good
idea for you to be alone with the sheriff." Dad was such a worrier.

We kicked around ideas for a
while, all of which dad found fault with in between bemoaning us as criminals.

Jules wanted to beat the shit out of the
sheriff, which was my number one favorite. Either that he said or
someone else to do it, whichever way works for me but
dad forbid it.

I left them and went in
search of my girl. We had a few things to hash out. She was in the living room
with my mom, sis and
. I just picked her up and
headed upstairs with her after thanking the others for watching over her for

I wasn't too fucking happy to see tear tracks
still on her face but I guess she had to get it all out of her system.

"Babe you know I'm not
letting you go back there right? There's no debate on that, you're staying
here. If you want to see that fucker you can see him when I'm there but you're
not staying in that house with him."

"Roman we talked about this and..."

"Which part of no discussion didn't you
get babe? End of fucking discussion, now all I need to know is what the fuck
you want from there?"

"I'll have to come with you, all my stuff
is there, my whole life."

"No, your fucking life is here, those are
just things, I'd rather you left all that shit there, everything he paid for at

"Roman be reasonable, I can't just pretend
my dad doesn't exist he made a stupid mistake..."

"Save that shit, even when I was angry as
fuck at you I didn't hit you."

"You spanked me."

"During sex, two completely different
things, and believe me I wanted to belt you one, but I had enough control not
to go through with that shit Victoria-Lynn. He hit you so hard he left his
print in your fucking face, it's a wonder he didn't break your fucking

"Okay calm down

"Don't tell me to calm down when you
compare what I did to what that fuck did, not cool babe."

"Okay, I get it, I do."

Did she really think I would hit her like that?
Okay I admit I was a fucking lunatic the last little while, but I hadn't let
myself go too far. I'd much rather beat the fuck outta that piece a shit
Crafton than hit her like that.

"Tomorrow we're getting
your shit, I think Jules and dad are going, dad seems to think I mean your
father harm."

"I think you're blowing this whole thing
out of proportion, dad will be fine by now and full of apologies."

"Does this a lot does he?"

"No, dammit that's not what I meant."

She was fucking lying. I'm going to fuck him
up, but for now I'll leave it alone. No use in stressing her more than she
already was.

I started tuning her up so we could both forget
this shit for a while. “Go to your room
. Daddy
wants to violate mommy this isn’t for you.” The damn dog gave me the stink eye
before whining and heading for her little bed. It’s a shame that the dog’s only
been here a few days and she already knows what I was up to.

I finally turned my attention
to my girl and kissed the ugly mark on her face. Mom had done some shit to it
to make the swelling go down but it was still bad. “Does it still hurt baby or
did dad’s cream help?”

“It only stings a little it
at least it’s not throbbing so much any more.” I wanted to fucking punch the
living shit out of something or someone. She must’ve seen my intentions on my
face because her legs came up around me. I looked down at her gorgeous face.
“I’m not sure this is such a good idea anymore baby. I need to pound something
and you’re already bruised and battered. I don’t think your little pussy can
handle this heat.” I pressed my cock into her covered pussy so she’d have an
idea. There were times when my dick for some unknown reason would get harder
and longer than others. I don’t question the shit I just go with it.
was one of those times. I’m not sure if was the anger
or adrenaline that did I, usually it was her mouth wrapped around it but what
the fuck.

“I’d rather you pound me than
to go get into trouble.” I ran my hand down her middle until I reached the hem
of her skirt.
She was wearing sexy as
silk thongs. I pulled those shit down and tossed them. Raising her skirt I
studied her waxed plump pussy lips. Fuck, go easy Blair. Yeah okay. I licked
her just the outside of her pussy first, until her juices started coming and
then I pushed my tongue in little by little teasing the fuck out of her while
thumbing her clit. I know that shit makes her crazy. When she was nice and
primed I worked two fingers inside her ass while I tongue fucked her. I needed
her to cum hard and fast because I needed to fuck. When she gushed into my
mouth that was my cue. I reared up between her thighs and grabbing them, pushed
them back to her ears leaving her pink pussy open for my cock. I watched as it
slid into her like a heat seeking missile. “Hold on baby.” That was all the
warning she got before I slammed that rest of the way home. Balls deep and
still I wanted to be deeper. I pulled back and did my nine short one long
technique. I needed her pussy wet and open because I could feel that need
snapping at me. If I fucked her the way I wanted to and she wasn’t turned way
the fuck on I’d hurt her for sure. By the third round of seven short three long
she was panting for my cock. And I let go. I pounded into her so hard her whole
body shook, still she asked for more. Fine, I guess my girl needed it hard too.
After I’d made her cum twice with her knees up by her ears I pulled out and
flipped her over. “Head down pussy in the air.” She assumed the position and
held onto the headboard. I rubbed my cock head up and down her weeping pussy
slit before slipping back inside. With her ass held firmly in both hands I
plowed into her. “Fuck, tell me if I hurt you.” She shook her head wildly and
pushed back against me.

“No it feels good don’t
stop.” It wasn't long before the only sounds in the room were the creaking of
the bed and our combined moans as her ass slapped back into my forward thrusts.
I bit into her neck when she squeezed down on my cock and emptied my nuts
inside her. “Round one.” I planned on keeping her busy for the rest of the day
and night. We could deal with the bullshit tomorrow.




A caravan followed us to her
old house. Why my whole family including my mom and my sister felt the need to
come with me to get her shit was beyond me but they insisted.

My girl was back to being scared, I'd tried to
fuck the fear out of her since she insisted she had to come with and it had
worked too. Until we turned the corner to her old house and she was back to
biting her lip and fiddling with the ends of her shirt.

I didn't like her biting her lip unless she was
doing it while riding me.

"Stop worrying you think
I'm gonna let him do anything to you?"

"No it's not that, I just hate
confrontation, and now your whole family is here. It was just one little slap
Roman really, there's no need to make all this fuss."

"Babe, seriously? We've been all through
that already you're not gonna change my mind you're staying with me. No one is
putting their fucking hands on you again I don't care who the fuck it is."

I turned away to let her know
I was finished with the conversation.

We pulled into the driveway and the sheriff
came out with a beer. He sent my woman a look that if my family hadn't been
there would've had me going for his throat. Piece a shit. I made to walk right
by him but he stopped me.

"What do you think
you're doing?"

"It would behoove you to get the fuck
outta my face."

"Roman..." Dad started with his
warning tone shit, he had no idea how much control it was taking not to fucking
knock this dick's head off.

I kept going, wishing he would put his hands on
me, but of course the punk did nothing but watch me walk into his house.

I headed up the stairs to her
room knowing she was safe with my family but she was soon behind me. I heard
raised voices downstairs but ignored them.

"Get your stuff babe and lets get the hell
outta here, the less time I spend around your father the better.

She went around the room gathering what she
wanted to take with her.

down here."

"Ignore him, he's drunk."

That seemed to make her more
nervous and thinking about the reason for that nervousness only pissed me off

When she was ready we walked back downstairs where
there seemed to be some kind of standoff going on. Dad was standing in front of
mom and Petra while Julius was slightly off to the side body thrust forward
like he was ready for anything.

"You're not taking my
daughter anywhere, that's kidnapping."

"And you call yourself the sheriff, it's
not kidnapping if she comes voluntarily."

"She can't go anywhere voluntarily she's
still a minor."

"Not in this state she's not, and if you
think I would leave her here alone with you after what you did then you must be
a bigger asshole than I thought."

I held her hand and led her
away from him. He made a grab for her and caught my fucking fist, or he
would've if fucking Jules hadn't grabbed me around my middle pulling me back.

He made as if to hit me, but dad had had

"Put your hands on my kid Kenneth and
you'll have a shit load of problems you won't believe. Also know this, I have
documented proof that you abused your daughter. You might want to sober up and
think about that before you make any more moves. Let's go boys."

Mom had already taken the
girls outside, he started to say something else but I just looked his ass dead
in the eyes.

"You ever think of
touching her again I'll fuck you over, father or not."

"She's my daughter, you
can't tell me what to do with my daughter."

"She's mine now, you're

I left and went to get my
girl and take her the fuck home. Julius hopped into her jeep and we headed out.


was losing her fucking mind
when we got back. I guess in all the chaos we forgot the poor thing.

Vicki gave her some love before I put her in
the bathroom, I needed some fucking love, my adrenaline was pumping like a son
of a bitch and since I didn't get to deck her douche of a father I had to
expend that shit somehow, I knew just how to do it.

I picked her tiny ass up, pulled her pants down
her legs, laid her back on the bed and attacked her pussy with my mouth.

I felt like a fucking animal, I just wanted to
devour her.

"Oh, oh." Her eyes rolled back in her
head, that's right baby enjoy.

When I was done making her come in my mouth I
flipped her over.

"This is going to be quick and rough

I slammed into her body
making her jerk and clutch the sheets in her fists.

"Mine, mine, mine...fucking mine,
always." I pounded into her like a man possessed. Like I hadn’t spent last
night buried inside her. "Say it." I bit her back hard enough to draw
blood. I was a mad man I couldn't stop. I needed to consume her.

"I'm yours, only yours."

"That's right baby, I'm going deeper, take

I raised her hips off the bed and pounded into
her with force. I watched my cock as it went in and out of her completely
covered in her pussy juice.

"So fucking good baby, so fucking sweet,
no one else, ever, no one will ever touch you like this but me, I'd kill you

I really meant that shit,
this was it, no going back for either of us. I’d taken her out of her father’s house;
she was now wholly my responsibility. I would do a better job in the future of
taking care of her so assholes didn’t take advantage of her.

After almost mauling her I
spent the rest of the day loving her gently, reaffirming my love for her. Seems
like the last month or so had been nothing but fuckery, I’m gonna change that
shit starting now. We cuddled close with the damn dog in the middle of us giving
me looks. “She was mine first fur ball.” The fuck.

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