Read Dare to Trust Online

Authors: R Gendreau-Webb

Dare to Trust (10 page)

Jason’s phone had alarmed in the middle of the night. He had quietly dressed and exited the brownstone without waking her up. Now, he raced back to the brownstone before Mia left. She had been warning him of her departure day and time for over a month now. There was no way he wasn’t going to be there.

              Mia was mildly surprised when she heard the key working the lock of the front door. Jason had been gone when she had awoken; she figured he had vacated on purpose, not wanting the final confrontation. She didn’t know that he had been called in the early morning hours because of a case.

              “You’re still here,” he observed as he stepped through the door. He wanted to gather her into his arms and beg her to reconsider. He resisted because he knew she would go no matter what he said or did. He had planned on taking Mia to Hawaii and proposing, not saying goodbye. A few months ago, he had planned the Hawaiian vacation to celebrate Mia finishing her residency and propose to her. Jason had purchased the airline tickets, rented an ocean-front villa and most importantly, had the engagement ring. The ring had been his grandmother’s; Jason had taken it to a jeweler and had the diamond re-set in a platinum setting. He had been convinced Mia would love it. And now, it didn’t seem like she would ever see it.

He hadn’t even told her about those plans---she had miscarried and then it had never seemed to be the right time to tell her. That event had seemingly started to unravel everything they had built together.

Jason walked closer to her and brushed dark hair from her face. He could see that there were tears forming in her dark eyes. He softly kissed her forehead and then her lips. “You don’t have to go, Mia.
I don’t want you to go.”

              She moved away from him. The intimacy was making things harder. He didn’t understand. She didn’t belong here, didn’t fit into his world. And after what had happened, she needed to escape. “Jason, you know I have to. We’ve discussed this so many times.” She sighed. But not once had they discussed a future and possible children. What was left to say? They had shared two years together. It was over.

              Jason raked his hand through his dirty blonde hair. His blue eyes narrowed at her. “You’re choosing to. You were offered a position here in Boston but you choose not to take it. You’re choosing to leave me. I don’t understand.”

              “Nothing I can say at this point is going to make you understand, Jason. I can’t stay after…I’m sorry.” Mia bent down and picked up her bag. The rest had already been packed in her car. She brushed past him, opened the front door and walked through. He started to tell her again that he loved her that they could work things out, but the words died in his throat. He didn’t turn around to see her exit, but heard the door close.

              Slowly, Jason made his way into the living room. He sat down on the dark leather couch, his head bent down, resting in in his hands. What had he done wrong? He was sure Mia loved him, yet she had just walked out of his life. He sat there, in the darkened living room until the shrill of his cell phone cut into the silence. “Howard,” he barked into it. Dispatch was on the line. He was summoned to another homicide.

              As he parked his BMW along the side walk of the side street, Jason quietly swore. The flashing lights from the police cruisers and an ambulance fueled an ache behind his eyes. He felt unraveled and vulnerable after the scene with Mia at home. He sat in his car for a few extra moments, summoning the gruff Boston detective to show himself instead of the broken man he felt like.

“Hey, Howard,” his partner, Detective Keith Grimes, greeted him as they both ducked under the yellow police tape. Jason felt weary, not at all in the mood to take in a crime scene. He couldn’t focus. “Looks like the boyfriend did her in.” Grimes led the way up a narrow, rickety staircase to a second floor apartment. Sprawled on the living room floor was a young woman, open eyes glazed over and unseeing. It appeared she had been strangled. “There were reports of a fight and struggle from the neighbors, one of them saw the boyfriend run from the apartment. The door was partially open and she was found like this.”

Jason nodded, preoccupied with thoughts of Mia, not the murder scene. He gave a half-effort to glance around the sparsely furnished room. The coroner had just come through the door and was starting to bag the body. “Looks like a crime of passion. So I guess we find the boyfriend,” Jason commented half-heartily. He lacked his usual enthusiasm to examine the crime scene and find leads. For a split second, he understood how an instant of pain and anger could drive a person to lose control and hurt the one you loved.

Grimes whipped around, his eyes boring into his partner. “What’s with you?”

“Hmm?” Jason had been staring at the scattered mail on the coffee table next to the body. There was mail sent to the apartment, addressed to a male. The apartment had been rented to the victim and by all reports, she had lived alone.

“You’re not yourself. What gives?”

“She left,” Jason said quietly. He glanced at the coroner zipping up the body bag.

“Jesus, I’m sorry.” Grimes rested his hand on his partner’s shoulder, shaking his head. He knew of the strained relationship Jason and Mia had shared the past few months since the miscarriage. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know.”

“Well,” Grimes commented as they were finishing up at the crime scene, “you two weren’t married. Probably better you aren’t having a baby right now.” Jason had no reply as he looked at his partner with utter surprise. Was that comment supposed to be a show of support?


Mia threw herself into her work so she didn’t think about Jason. Or the miscarriage. Her heart broke when the memories seeped into her mind; she was confident that she needed to be away from Jason and Boston to start to heal.

Dr. Daniels attempted to be a distraction for Mia. He was attracted to her and was confident that he would be able to convince her to see him outside of work. Mia was the first woman to give him a cool reception when the idea of a date arose.

“I am a good cook,” Tyler informed Mia one day as they prepared for their shift. “I’d love to make you dinner this week.”

“No thank you.” Mia’s voice was cool. “I’m really not interested, Tyler.”

He smiled at her and Mia felt a chill go through her. “”You don’t know what you’re missing,” he told her as he sauntered towards the nursing station.

Idle time allowed Mia’s mind to wander. She caught herself thinking about Jason and what they had gone through over the past several months. At times, she wondered if she had made a mistake in leaving him. Returning home to the empty cottage after her shifts was something Mia liked less and less. She had started to find ways of delaying her departure from the ED---she would delay paper work until after her shift, stay to wrap up the medical evaluations of patients even though she could have given report to the on-coming physician and left. Dr. Daniels took notice of her resistance to leave on time.

“You know, you’re salary,” he commented to her one afternoon. Mia was still sitting in front of a computer, charting, even though her shift had ended almost two hours ago. The day had not been busy and none of the patients had been critical. There was no real reason for her to still be at work.

“I know.” She glanced over at him, wondering if he was annoyed that she was still there.

“Let’s go get some coffee,” Tyler suggested. He gently took the underside of her elbow, guiding Mia away from the computer. “At the very least, you need a break.”

In the few months she had been in the small ED, Mia had worked hard to avoid Tyler’s advances. She certainly was not in the market for any relationship or a quick roll in the hay, which is what she thought he was most likely looking for. At the moment, Mia wanted to go have coffee with him. It confused her.

They ended up in the hospital cafeteria. They went through a short line and Tyler paid for the hot beverages. They sat at a quiet table in the corner. “What do you do for fun, Mia? Anything wild?” Tyler followed his question up with a wide, toothy smile.

He has perfect teeth, Mia though as she sipped her coffee. I need to be careful. “I am still getting to know the area.” She couldn’t help notice how the blue scrubs he wore off-set the slivers of blue in his grey eyes.

He took a long drink of his black coffee. “You need a guide. I grew up here---only left for medical school in Philadelphia. Didn’t really care for the big city way of life. I can help you get acquainted with things.”

“Like what?” Mia found herself asking.

“I’d like to start by bringing you to one of the fine dining establishments around here.” Tyler looked directly into her eyes, silently demanding an answer. He was used to getting what he wanted.

For a few moments, Mia was quiet. But for the first time in a long while, Jason was not monopolizing her thoughts. “Okay,” she agreed. “You have my schedule, so you tell me when we---“

“Tomorrow night,” Tyler cut her off. “It’s a date. Wear something nice.” With that, he grabbed his Styrofoam cup of coffee, got up from the table and left her to wonder what she had just agreed to.

When she got back to the ER to pick up her things, Diana, the charge nurse was waiting for her. “I want to talk to you,” the nurse told her. Before Mia could go any further, Diana grabbed her arm. Diana had witnessed the two physicians in the cafeteria. “Be careful with him,” she warned Mia. “He is trouble.”

“What makes you say that?” Mia asked with surprise.

“Why do you think the last doc left?
got tired of his harassment. She didn’t think it was going to be worth it to complain to the hospital board so she just left. I hope he doesn’t scare you away.” Diana made her way to the nursing station to answer the radio and receive report of an incoming rescue unit.

Jason called again that evening. He knew he was probably opening himself up for rejection, but he wanted to hear Mia’s voice. What he wouldn’t give to hold her again. For now, he’d settle for friendly conversation. “How’s the new job?” he casually asked.

“I like it.” Mia sighed, as her mind toggled between Jason and what was potentially developing between her and Tyler.

“Have you been feeling okay?”

“Better actually,” Mia answered.

The response was like someone poking Jason with a barb.
She’s better without me.
Jason cleared his throat as he squeezed his eyes shut. Was she really moving on without him? “Well, I just wanted to check on you.” He heard Mia sigh again. “I miss you,” Jason said in a barely audible whisper.

“Please don’t, Jason,” Mia begged. “I can’t keep doing this.”

“Good night, Mia.” He hung up his cell.

She had the entire day to cancel, but she didn’t. Mia found herself looking forward to dinner with Tyler, ignoring the rational side of her mind that kept screaming getting involved with a co-worker, no; her boss was a very bad idea. It took her too long to get ready. She shouldn’t be putting in so much effort into her appearance, Mia told herself.

When Tyler knocked on her door, Mia was glad she had put in the effort. He looked debonair in a charcoal grey suit that was cut perfectly to his physique. He had forgone the tie. His light hair was slightly mussed. After Mia had answered the door, Tyler made no secret of pleasure registering in sexy eyes as he took in the navy lace sheath that hugged her curves.

“You look amazing.” He let himself into the cottage as he handed Mia a bouquet of flowers.

“Thanks. Make yourself comfortable.” Mia disappeared for a minute to put the flowers in water. “Where are you taking me?” she asked as she walked back the short distance from the kitchen.

“One of the best restaurants in the area.” Tyler stood and took Mia’s hand. “Ready?” He led her outside to his black Mercedes.

“They must pay you a lot better than they do me,” Mia joked as he helped her into the passenger side and closed the door. Tyler was being the perfect gentleman. He drove towards the water. Mia was envisioning a quaint restaurant situated in front of the harbor. She never expected the Mercedes to pull into a garage. Tyler had driven her to his condo.

“I know what you’re thinking,” he commented as he killed the engine, “but there isn’t a fine dining establishment around for miles that can cook better than me.” Tyler smiled at Mia, liking that he had surprised her. “I promise I don’t bite.” He led her into his second floor condo. Mia instantly liked the modern decor, exposed brick and exposed duct work. Although there were walls, the space had the feeling of an airy loft, as well as a large deck that led to expansive views of the water. The residence was the opposite of the historic brownstone she had shared with Jason.

He was true to his word. Tyler made sautéed scallops in a light wine butter sauce with a salad and sautéed vegetables. He had chosen a sweet, fruity white wine to accompany the dinner by candle light. From the table where they sat inside his condo, the glimmer of lights dancing across the harbor could be seen.

“Any good?” Tyler asked her as Mia brought a bite of scallop to her lips.

“Delicious.” She gave him a genuine smile. “I’m glad I agreed to have dinner with you.”

“Me, too.” Tyler took a bite and sipped his wine. He was thinking of how he would like Mia for dessert, but knew he needed to give her some time. If he made a move tonight, Tyler knew things between them would be over before anything started. “So you haven’t told me much about you,” he commented.

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