Read Daring Time Online

Authors: Beth Kery

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #Mansions, #Paranormal, #Erotica

Daring Time (8 page)

Still in the midst of a thunderous orgasm, Hope felt his penis swell and then spasm in her hand. The sensation was so amazing that she looked down despite the shudders of pleasure that tore through her. Thick, white fluid began to spurt from the slit on his penis.

Hope stared in aroused fascination as his seed streamed onto the floor in his world.

She cried out in surprised excitement when his still climaxing member suddenly plunged through the mirror and she found herself stroking a long, climaxing penis in her very own bedroom.

Hope looked up at Ryan in shock. Her mouth fell open in awe when she saw his large body directly next to the mirror, his muscular arms draped over the top of it, his lips curled in a small snarl of thwarted desire ... his gaze on her feral in its intensity. For a second she couldn't draw breath under the impact of the powerfully erotic image of him.

She thought sure he'd lunge directly into her bedroom, for what could possibly restrain such a powerful force of nature as Ryan at that moment?

His muscles spasmed visibly.

And then he was gone. Just like that. One moment he was there, looking like he would storm straight through the barriers of time in order to claim her. The next she stood alone as aftershocks of pleasure still vibrated through her flesh.

Hope glanced down at her outstretched hand and gave a soft cry of loss when she saw Ryan's warm seed still clinging to her skin and pooling on the wood floor.


Ryan bared his teeth when he realized he could no longer see Hope. 'He still tried to catch his breath following a blistering orgasm as he lowered his arms from the top of the wardrobe door. He felt like
been humping the damn thing.

The thought made him glance down quickly, relieved to see his cock had come back to the year 2008 with him. Wouldn't it have been a new definition of nightmare for both Hope and him if it hadn't?

"Thank God for small favors," he mumbled.

He searched the mirror and saw only his sad self panting like a madman, his cock still dripping for a 127-year-old woman.

Jesus, if this didn't beat all.

He jerked up his sweats and stalked back and forth in front of the mirror like a caged beast. After a few turns he paused and drew close to the mirror once again.

The fog around the edge was definitely clearing. The band that remained was perhaps only two or three inches thick. Still panting, he went to the bedside table and grabbed one of his credit cards out of his wallet. He held it up to the mirror a few seconds later, using it as an ad hoc measuring device.

Ryan stepped back and tried his best to review the unlikely events of the past fifteen or so minutes. He'd touched Hope and she'd touched him. His cock had done the impossible and punched right through the barrier of time.

Either he was going completely, utterly insane or it'd happened just like that.

Don't be a coward, Daire. Pick your sides

believe or don't, but don't be a waffler,
Ryan thought. If there was one thing he couldn't stand, it was a fence dinger.

He either needed to believe that for some bizarre reason he was having contact with an amazing, beautiful woman who lived in the year 1906 or he needed to decide what he was going to do about his encroaching madness.

Time was of the essence, either way. If what he'd been experiencing was true, Hope was in a crisis; if he was hallucinating,
was the one in dire trouble.

That pretty much decided him. Hope took precedence, although Ryan knew deep down there'd never been a chance of him abandoning her to such a horrible fate.

He began his pacing again back and forth in front of the mirror. Every time he had contact with Hope the fog around the mirror narrowed. Every time he encountered her their ability to commune with one another deepened.

If he had it his way, he was going to touch and pleasure Hope repeatedly until the mirror opened wide enough for him to walk straight through into her world. Once he was there, he could try to coax her into coming back with him to the year 2008 where she'd be safe.

There was plenty of time for him to do that and still be back with time to spare for Jim Donahue's sting operation this coming Saturday.

He wouldn't allow himself to dwell on what the hell he was sup-posed to do with Hope after that.

All he needed to worry about for the moment was seeing her face looking back at him once again. With any luck, he could handle things from there. He paused in his agitated pacing and lifted his fingers to his nose. He inhaled deeply before he plunged his first two fingers into his mouth, sucking strongly so as to capture every last remnant of Hope's exquisite essence. His cock swelled and stiffened into complete readiness once again.

I've got your scent in my nose, Hope. I've memorized your taste. Nothing's going to keep
me from you now.

Ryan found a rare spot in front of his mother's Lincoln Park boutique and parallel parked.

Ramiro answered his call just as Ryan shifted the car into park.


"Didn't your mother ever teach you how to answer a phone?" Ryan asked mildly.

"Ah, fuck. My alarm clock never went off."

"That's because you never set it," Ryan heard a woman say goggily the distance. He couldn't help but grin.

"Is that Gail? You owe me seventy bucks."

"For what?"

"I reimbursed you for taking her out to lunch."

"So? You were supposed to," Ramiro replied scornfully.

"You owe
for setting you up with her. You've been after her for almost two years now, but all she ever gave you was a view of her ass as she ran away from you."

"She's not likely to run now that she's had a taste of my hard, delicious Latino flesh."

"I wouldn't bet on it," Ryan heard Gail say acerbically.

"Drive yourself into work today. I'm taking a few days off," Ryan said, thinking it would be best for Ramiro if he changed the subject posthaste.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just need to take care of a family matter. I'll be back on Friday for the final briefing about Donahue."

"It'll finally be over Saturday night. I can't wait to see that asshole's face when he realizes he's just dug himself a grave clear to China. Hey, Gail, you're seeing stars after that last round, but you're not gonna know what hit you when you see me in a tux—"

"See you Friday," Ryan muttered before he hung up, not particularly wanting to hear Ramiro as he dug himself his own hole with Gail.

His mother's shop wasn't open yet, but she knew he was coming and was at the door before he ever knocked.

"Is something wrong?" she asked as he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Has the traditional greeting gone the way of handwritten letters and eight-track tapes?"

he asked in amusement, thinking of Ramiro on the phone a moment ago. His smile faded slightly when he recognized the truth of what he'd said for Hope and him last night.

Forget "How are you feeling on this chilly fall evening in the year 1906, Miss Stillwater?" and move straight to hand jobs and blistering orgasms.

As a detective Ryan knew the world was a strange place. But thanks to Hope, he was learning it was
more bizarre than he'd previously thought. And if it turned out he wasn't in fact delusional, and what he planned actually occurred, he was about to discover the world was even more strange than he'd ever imagined.

Ryan became aware that his mother regarded him worriedly.

"Everything is fine. I'm just going to be hard to reach for the next day or two so I wanted to warn you."

Eve Daire's tawny eyebrows rose on her forehead. "Are you go-ing undercover again?"

Ryan didn't answer for a moment as he glanced around his mom's boutique. He could tell her business was thriving by the amount of stock on the racks. His mother was a talented dress designer al-though she carried more than her own products in the store. It had taken her ten years to get the balance just right between creating her own designs, marketing and selling them in a bustling Internet business and also running her own boutique where she showcased not only her dresses but those of a few other designers she intimately knew and respected. She had a loyal and growing customer base. "I guess you could say that," he murmured evasively. "I'll be back by Thursday evening at the latest. I'll give you a call when I return to the land of the living."

Eve frowned and crossed her arms over her tailored suit jacket. "That's not very funny, Ryan."

"Sorry, Mom," he muttered sheepishly when he realized what he'd said. His mother had never grown as comfortable as his father had about him becoming a cop. She worried about him incessantly. "It's not going to be dangerous. It's not what you're thinking."

Nobody would be thinking what you're planning to do,
Ryan thought wryly. And if it wasn't precisely dangerous to try to travel backward 102 years, it sure as hell wasn't a ride on the kiddy merry-go-round, either.

When he noticed that his mother's forehead continued to crinkle with concern, he gave her a hug. SheJaughed at his impulsive act of endearment and gave him a healthy squeeze in return.

"I always forget how big you really are until I wrap my arms around you," she said a second later as she gazed up at him fondly. "Your father was the same way. Ryan, are you still worried about accepting the house Alistair left you?"

Ryan sighed. He really needed to work on his poker face. Then again, he could never hide his worries very well from his mother.

"There's just... something so
about him giving it to me."

"What do you mean?" his mother asked, obviously sensing Ryan meant something beyond the obvious.

Ryan hesitated, not sure how to put into words the haunting, watchful atmosphere of the Prairie Street mansion, the bizarre yet strangely
circumstances of having gained ownership of it.

"You have to admit, Mom, it's over-the-top generous on Alistair's part. That property is worth millions."

Eve ruffled his hair before she stepped back. "He wanted to do it, Ryan."

He glanced at his mother in mild surprise. He'd become friends with Alistair Franklin while he was a student at the University of Chicago. Alistair had been a professor of history who was well known among the students for his charismatic personality and entertaining lectures. Alistair had taken an instant liking to Ryan and the feeling had been mutual. Ryan had ended up doing a senior thesis with Alistair as his counselor. Their friendship had only grown after Ryan graduated, went to law school and eventually joined the ranks of the Chicago Police Department. Ryan's father had passed away two years ago, but while he'd been alive Alistair had also grown close with both of his parents.

Still, he was surprised to hear his mother had been talking to Alistair about the mansion.

"When have you seen Alistair?"

"We speak on the phone every few weeks, ever since he had his stroke," Eve explained.

"He can't get around like he used to, but we both know what a social person Alistair is.

He loves to talk. He
to give you that property, Ryan."

"He said it's helping him out tax-wise," Ryan mumbled doubtfully.

Eve's eyebrows arched. "Well, that may be. But he also thinks of you like a son, Ryan.

You know he lost a child. I think it helps him to be able to do something like this . ..

helps fill in the empty spaces that the death of a child leaves."

"Alistair had a kid?" Ryan asked, genuinely shocked. Never once in all the time he'd spent with the older man had Alistair ever hinted at that fact.

"He doesn't speak of it often, but he has told me that he lost a child years ago. Maybe he felt more comfortable telling me since I'm also a parent," Eve explained when she noticed what must have been a look of shock on his face. "At any rate, you're doing a good thing by accepting the house from him. When are you going to show it to me?"

"How about next Tuesday?" Ryan asked.

"Perfect," Eve replied cheerfully. "I'm looking forward to seeing it after hearing Alistair's and your descriptions. Imagine—you owning a house on Prairie Avenue."

"Come on," Ryan said with a tilt of his chin toward the back room of her store. "You can show me where those shelves are that you wanted me to put together."

Eve clapped once, her blue eyes going wide with delight. "Oh, today
my lucky day.

I've been trying to get you over here to put those shelves together forever."

Ryan shrugged nonchalantly as he followed her. "If forever is the same as a week and a half."

Eve snorted with laughter. "Okay, you caught me exaggerating. Seriously, though," she continued as her gaze sharpened on him. "What'd I do to deserve the favor on today of all days?"

Ryan gave her a smile. "Just figured it was time, Mom."

Now that he had everything in place to take his jaunt through time, Ryan wasn't exactly sure how to proceed. He only knew that his sexual desire for Hope had always been involved in their contact.

He wasn't sure if there was a genuine link or if it was just inevitable that Hope and sex went together like two sides of a coin, but it was the only place he could figure was a good starting point for the journey.

So he stripped off his clothes, lay in the brass bed and engaged in some good, old-fashioned masturbatory fantasizing. Maybe imagination was the key to time travel. If that were the case, what more powerful, vivid type of fantasy was there than that used to instigate sexual arousal?

He stroked his cock slowly, recalling what it had felt like having Hope's soft, elegantly shaped hand doing the same thing. He recalled the scent that he'd caught on her in the bathroom when they'd both been bathing—the fresh, floral fragrance he'd also caught in her book of sonnets and inhaled at her neck during that hyper-vivid dream.

He'd never forget the way she tasted on his fingers. God, he'd give anything to bury his nose in her skin ... to plunge his tongue into her pussy and surround himself in her essence. She'd been so wet when he'd explored her last night. His fingers had glided over her erect clit like he was moving through warm oil. Her pussy had almost been too snug for him to gain entrance at the limited angle the mirror afforded them.

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