Dark Awakening (14 page)

Read Dark Awakening Online

Authors: T. A. Grey

"God dammit, do something now!"
she cried to the ceiling
Only then did
. A long finger pushed inside her with striking easiness as his mouth latched on to her throbbing clit. "There, there, yes!"

His finger didn't fill her nearly
she craved. He seemed to know this and used it to tease her empty channel
his tongue swirled and flicked over her bud.

He tore his head away from her, his eyes wild and said, "Christ woman. Your pussy needs my cock so bad. I can feel you sucking on my finger, aching to be filled."

"Yes, yes!" Her cries went unanswered
though as
his head fell back to her, and if she thought his tongue was moving fast before, she was wrong. He wiggled his
tongue across her clit with remarkable speed, building her up so
she came in a few flicks, his finger
thrusting inside her. She cried out
waves of pleasure shot
her womb to
toes curling the small digits.

He leaned back from her sex,
a sheen
of sweat covering his brow. "God, how you
grip me.”
He looked pained as he pulled his finger from her.

Her body was liquid pleasure. Her limbs lose, her core painfully empty and in need. He stood up before her like a towering devil, his cock a heavy, straight mass standing out from his hips. She moaned at the sight of
dripping from
his cock
and licked her lips
wishing she could taste him.

"I'm going to feel you come apart again, with my cock buried deep inside your sweet pussy." His voice was feral, so deep the words were no longer human. The hair on her arms stood on end a second before he slid in
one hard

He moved in her then with all the passion and ferocity of the lykaen inside him.
Her butt
on the
table with his hammering thrusts. She didn't care. Her pussy wept with hot cream, tigh
tened over him
again and again
, craving the seed he'd spill into her.

When the table started to move with his hard thrusts, he growled and pulled out of her. She moaned at the loss, but was quickly turned
bent over the table. Hard gripping hands grabbed her hips and then he slammed back in with a dark curse.

He pounded into her tight heat like a wild rutting animal. Only after she came two more times did he let himself go. Her pussy still milking him from her fading orgasm, he gripped her ass cheeks in both hands and couldn't hold it anymore.

He pushed in one last time and actually shouted as his cock spewed his seed deep inside her. He was pushing, little shoves of his softening cock into her as if to make the tremendous sensations last. But they didn't and as he pulled out of her, his cock semi-hard, he saw her ass cheeks pink from his grip and grew to complete hardness again.

He turned her over, kissed her,
and tasted
her wet silken heat. She moaned into his mouth
and positioned his hips, found her creamy sheathe and thrust back in again.

Her eyes widened with surprise, but then her hips rocked up into his, her clit pressing against his groin. He took her again in long, slow strokes that built both of them to a
, intense high. She gripped his
her breasts mashed against the crisp hairs of his chest and cried out, shuddering with her

Rome kissed her, pushed into her as far as he could go, and jetted his sweet release into her.



re you
going to
do while I'm gone, beautiful?"

"Oh, rummage through your things and discover any secrets you may be hiding."

"Oh y
taunting gleam entering his eyes. His fingers trailed up her sides then tickled
ruthless movements

"Stop! Stop! Oh God, stop, I won't. I promise, Roman," she panted, tears springing
her eyes.
When he finally stopped his tortuous fingers, s
he smiled up at him from in his lap.

"I like it when you beg me." A curl of heat licked in her belly.

"I know." They'd made love all night long,
when they awoke late in the morning. Only after she'd begged him to
her, to end her pent up passion did he
it. Her insid
es still felt like liquid honey

"So really, what are your plans while I'm at work?"

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself up for a quick kiss. "I'm going to take a bath to relax my muscles," she said looking pointedly down her body.

His brows drew up tight. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" His big hand settled low over her abdomen in a very possessive gesture.
Her heart stilled in her chest. It reminded her of the time
her friend Gina’s husband had placed his hand over his wife’s pregnant belly.
She pushed away the unwanted thought with a vicious kick.

"Not at all. A hot bath will do wonders for me though. How long do you think you'll be gone?"
er eyes suddenly
found something
in his collar.

He smiled down at her, the look all
and way too knowing
. "Six hours max. I've
the program I was working on, now I have to get it to the team and do some troubleshooting, fix
any bugs, run a few test runs."

She nibbled on her lip. Before she could change her mind she said, "I want to tell you
the rest about Conlin

Rome held
her a little bit closer, his face turned serious. "Are you sure?" She nodded and he
her. It was sweet and long. By time he pulled
her temperature was warmer and a liquid heat was pooling in her belly.

"Right well, I'm not really sure what e
lse you want to know about it.”

“Tell me how you escaped.”
His eyes glowed with the stirring of anger.

She looked away, her eyes misting
with a haunted glow
"H-he had me on the
pinned me, and then he put his fingers in me and I started screaming. I'd never been so scared. I didn't even feel pain from where he'd hit me.
I think he wanted to stop me from screaming.
So h
e hit me again and it's like no matter how much inside I was panicking, I couldn't move. I couldn't make my
body work
, but I heard him tearing at his own clothes. I felt him...there, he almost, but then he
torn off me.
I saw
one of his butlers, Gerald."

Tears spilled down her face and she let them. "When I used to see Conlin sometimes he'd ignore me and go off and do his own thing. Gerald would always talk to
he was a nice, older man. He pulled me up. He looked so scared
, probably as scared as I was
. He ran me through t
he house and
drove me out of there. He dropped me off at my parent's house. I told him thank you before I left but the words were so useless, couldn't possibly show him my gratitude."

"What did your parents say when they saw you?"
His grip tightened around her. It didn’t hurt
it was like having
protective cocoon.

"Father was upset that I
brought a raucous to the house so late at night. Mother called for the doctor to help with my wounds. You have to understand that my parents were always
so...impersonal to me. Like I was their
and not their child. I was just thankful my mother helped me that night. They sent me off as soon as I was able and my father none too gently told me not to come by again."

Rome struggled to keep from ramming his fist into the wall. His beast had torn through the mental cage and was ready to tear Conlin's throat out with his bear teeth. Only after he felt the warm slide of blood down his throat could he rest.

Soft hands cupped his cheeks and
gentle voice slowly brought him back f
rom the darkness. That familiar sound
lulled his beast back into its cage, closed the door, and then he was looking down into a pretty face with black rimmed glasses and straight bangs.

"Baby, don't do that to me again," she said, climbing further into his lap and wrapping her arms around him in a fierce hug. With each breath, Rome felt calmer, the red haze of rage
like a breeze.

"I'm going to kill him, Ali
." His arms tightened around her.

"No, you can't! Listen, he'll slip up sometime and then we'll have more evidence to present to the Justicars. Everything will be fine, baby." She was talking quick, panic sinking in. Her hands ran soothing passages over his back, his face, his hair.

It took more control than he knew he had, but he finally forced the anger back. It was several minutes before the beast stopped pacing the small cage. He didn't relax, but he had control over the rage now. As much as anyone could control such a volatile emotion. It was like saying he had a handle on the ticking time bomb in his hand with
sixty seconds left on the clock.

When he finally spoke, his words were serious, his voice eerily calm. "I can't let you go Alison. I don't think I can ever let you go."

Her heart stopped beating. Her mind raced, working a million miles a minute. She knew what it was she felt. Hope, joy, love
, bat-shit insanity
. Oh God, this wasn't supposed to happen.

"Just don't say anything. I can see that you're not ready for that, Ali, but I am. So just let me know." Abruptly he stood and set her aside on the bed. "I've
got to
get going."

Alison watched, not knowing what to say as he pulled on his
. He looked over at her and smiled. It wasn't all there, not quite reaching his eyes, but it was warm.

"I'm leaving a cell phone on the table
my number is programmed into it. Call me if you need anything."

Alison followed him down the stairs, a smile twisting her lips. "What if I need a

She trailed his chuckling form as he grabbed his keys off the side table. He turned so suddenly, snatching her hard against his body, plastering her to his body like paint. "Then I guess I'll just have to give you one now." Alison
as his mouth caught her
. He held her tight, his
her mouth, tongues dueling and caressing.

Alison pulled back, gasping for breath.
on't tease me. Not when you have to go."

A dark growl and then his mouth
on hers again, his hands clasping her bottom and squeezing the flesh in pulses. Arousal flooded her, dampening her panties, making her heart thump hard.

He pulled away and her lips followed. He chuckled at her flushed face. "I'll be back." And then he was out the door.

Son of a bitch, she thought
. Her stupid grin wouldn’t go, even after his
pulled away.


* * *



Alison sighed then dunked her head one last time under the hot sudsy water. Her muscles
were loose and her skin warm. She felt
better than she had in a long time.
the plug with her toe, the water preceded to drain in slow
pulls. Alison walked wet footed to the towel rack and dried off. Grabbing her rounded
she set to styling her bangs and hair.

Dressing, she
went downstairs
ready to spend the next five hours relaxing and watching movies until Rome returned.
He promised her he'd make dinner tonight and she was a little excited to see what he'd cook up.
Grilled cheese,
Giggling, she just put in the first movie when the cell phone Rome left her trilled from the coffee table.

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