Dark Desires After Dusk (26 page)

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Authors: Kresley Cole

I'm not quite human.

“Got you thinking about it, didn't I?”
So smug.

“You know full well that you can't do it in three minutes. You're just saying that to initiate the contact and seduce me to do more.”

“Then bet me. What do you want to win? Risk the touching. Get the reward.”

Reward? Coincidentally, she needed something very badly. She hesitated, then said, “You let me refill my meds.”

“Holly, you don't still want the pills—”

“And you have to go a week without cursing. Those are my terms. Take them or leave them.”

“Fine. And when you lose, you have to go a week without panties. And you have to use your hands on me till I come, too.”

The thought of fondling him till his big body shuddered and his semen released made her shiver.

No, that's not why she would do this—she would do it for her medicine. With a swallow, she said, “Would I have to be naked?”

He leaned in over her, surrounding her with his heat. “Not completely. Just enough that I could suckle your breasts and get my hand between your legs.”

His mere words excited her. “I'll take the bet.”
Wait . . .
“How will we know how much time has passed?”

He removed his dive watch. “It's got an alarm.” He fiddled with it. “There. It's set to count down. You can start it,” he said, handing it to her. “But we don't start counting till I have you in position.”


Without warning, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed, following her down.

“Lie back,” he murmured as he lay beside her. Just his nearness on the bed was already arousing her—so she hit the timer.

Taking the watch from her, he tossed it to the bedside table. Then he grasped her wrists.


“I'm going to hold your hands behind your back.” He pinned them there.


“So you don't worry about hurting me. Try to get free.”

Feeling a jolt of panic, she did, using all her strength to break his hold.

And she didn't gain an inch. She might as well have been held by steel.

“You can't overpower me. You can't hurt me.”

Then this wouldn't be like the other times. He was an immortal warrior—not a human freshman. Holly found herself relaxing in his grip.

As soon as he felt her go soft, his free hand tugged her skirt up past the tops of her stockings until her panties were exposed. She started to tremble as he eased them down to her knees.

“Part those pretty thighs for me.”

As she hesitantly did, he drew her sweater and bra up, completely exposing her breasts.

“Wait . . . I think I've changed my—Oh!” she cried when he fastened his lips around one of her nipples.

He sucked the peak inside his mouth, licking it there, making her moan, “
Oh, my lord.

She thought he might make her climax just from his insistent suckling. She was still reeling from the delicious
heat of his mouth when he ran his fingertip along her sex. She gasped a shocked breath.

“So hot and slick.” His voice sounded pained. “Even more than I imagined.” Using her own moisture, he began to rub his forefinger over her sensitive clitoris.

Holly had never been touched like this, had never imagined . . .

She struggled to hold on, to think of other things, but she yearned for release, getting closer with each clever caress of his finger and firm tug on her nipple. She dimly realized her hips were arching wantonly to his finger, but she couldn't stop them.

“Spread your legs more.”

Every second of every day in the past, she'd fought not to think about the needs of her body. Now it seemed there was no fight, there
be no fight.

Her knees fell open wide.

He groaned around her swollen nipple. “That's it.”

Losing control . . . those impulses arose.

Yet she was helpless to act on them. He'd seen to that.
“Cadeon . . .”

Faster, faster, he rubbed his finger over her now throbbing clitoris, dipping it to her sex to rewet it. “I'm going to put it inside you, okay?” he said against her breast, beginning to delve that finger.

With a moan, she accepted defeat. This was too delicious, too overwhelming for her to resist. “Don't stop . . .”

Inch by inch, he filled her until it was all the way in. At the same time he stirred that finger deep inside her, he began slowly circling his thumb over her clitoris. He rasped, “Does that feel good, baby?”

Mindless, she thrashed her head on the pillow.
“Yes, yes!”
He was going to do it, would make her climax. The first man ever to. “Just don't stop, please . . .”

“Not until you've come for me.”

“Oh, God,”
she cried. “Oh, yes!”

“That's it, Holly. I've wanted to see this for so long . . . .”

Her climax overtook her. Her eyes flashed open in shock at the almost frightening intensity—stronger than anything she'd ever felt before. Wet, clenching, going on and on, until she arched her back and screamed with pleasure . . . .

*   *   *

Seeing her coming was the hottest thing he'd ever witnessed, making him so hard he feared he'd join her before he even got his cock out.

As he wrung every ounce of pleasure from her, her tight sheath squeezed his finger, milking it so hungrily over and over again.

Lightning flared outside, the thunder shaking the room.

Finally, she whimpered, “No more,” and pushed his hand away—just as his watch alarm went off.

Leaning up over her, he snatched it from the bedside table, crushing it in his fist to silence it.

When he turned back to her, he saw that she hadn't rushed to cover herself as he'd expected. Her hair had come loose. Her sweater, skirt, and panties remained where he'd left them.

She was beyond caring. This was how he'd always wanted to see her—unlaced, drugged with passion until her prim façade shattered. She was panting with heavy-lidded eyes, her swollen nipples wetted from his mouth.

Those blond curls between her legs were damp from
her orgasm, and his cock strained for them. He ran the heel of his palm along his shaft, asking, “Will you ease me, Holly?” His voice was hoarse.

When she bit her lip and nodded, he yanked open the button fly of his jeans, shoving them to his knees. His cock sprang free, pulsing between them.

Eyes riveted, she sat up, murmuring, “But I don't know how. I don't want to hurt you.”

“You can't hurt me more than I do right now. Just touch it.”

Holly tentatively raised her hands to his shaft. At the first contract, he hissed in a breath, and involuntarily bucked. All he could think over and over was,
My female has her hands on my cock.

She began to run her soft, soft hands over his heated flesh. When his cockhead grew slick like it had last night, he groaned in bliss. Using her forefinger, she daubed the moisture, spreading it in circles on the crown. “That's so good, baby,” he rasped. “Now, just stroke it for me.”

She didn't, instead continuing to explore with whispery touches when he needed fast friction. When she dipped her other hand to cup him, hefting the weight of his ballocks, he yelled out in fresh agony, hips rocking uncontrollably.

“Wrap your fingers around it! I'll do the rest.” He attempted to calm his tone. “If you understood the pain . . .”

Taking her hand, he had her grip his shaft. “Ah!
Better . . .
” he groaned once he could grind into her fist for relief.

He reached down to rub her tight little clitoris. With his other hand, he kneaded her breasts, one then the other.

She ran her face against his torso, moaning as she kissed him there. She had the sexiest moans—short, sharp, each one laden with need, making him crazed to sate her.

I could take her . . .
He could be fucking her in seconds.
She'd let me.
Though he desperately wanted inside her, he couldn't do it. He would change, going fully demonic.

And then he would know for certain that she was his.

So he bucked harder, reaching farther down to cup her sex, fondling her with his whole hand. She squeezed his shaft, beginning to pump it until his hips stilled, and she took over.

Stroking his female while being stroked.
Nothing has ever been this good . . . .

Her eyes slid shut as she started coming again, giving him more of those maddening moans.

His demon instinct recognized her as his own, roaring within him to claim her. As she quivered on his palm, he began to turn but fought it.

“Holly, you're going to make me come so hard . . . keep going.” His breaths heaved, his body tightening like a coil. “Keep—ah, fuck!”

Release . . .
He roared to the ceiling in a blinding surge of pleasure. Though he didn't ejaculate, the orgasm continued on and on, relentless, until he had to shudder away from her grip. Falling back on the bed beside her, he stared at the ceiling in amazement. For nine hundred years, he'd been waiting to pleasure his female.

And then to be the first to show her this . . . ? He felt a pure masculine thrill recalling how her silvered eyes had gone wide with surprise right before she'd gone over the edge.

At last, to have this shared experience between them—it felt destined, momentous.

When he faced her, she said, “Cadeon, you didn't . . . ?”

“Rage demons don't ejaculate, not until we claim our fated female.”

“So that's what you meant by how you would know.” When he nodded, she said, “I didn't do anything wrong?”

“No, love.” He leaned over to nuzzle her ear. Even after his mind-numbing release, her scent had him stiffening again, his cock distending against her pale thigh. “Of course not.”

“Very good, then.” She pulled her clothes into place, then rose with a firm nod. “That was pleasant, Cadeon.” She might as well have dusted off her hands. “I'll just freshen up, and then we can get on the road.”

As she sauntered into the bathroom, all he could do was blink in disbelief, lying on the bed with his damned pants at his knees. He felt . . . used, finally understanding how he'd made nine hundred years' worth of females feel before.

This feeling sucks.
He snatched his jeans up. Hell, he
been used. And worse, he'd gained no overall ground with her, which angered him.

When she returned, he tossed her back to the bed.

“What are you— Stop this!” she cried.

“Looks like I won the bet, poppet.” Taking her slaps, he shoved up her skirt, then yanked off her panties, stuffing them into his pocket. “I'll be taking my prize.”


an't get my mind off earlier,” Cadeon murmured, his knuckles white on the steering wheel.

No kidding,
she thought. For the last two hours, she'd kept reliving the things he'd made her feel—and made her do.


And she kept seeing the pained look on his beautiful face before he came and the way his thick flesh had pulsed as she'd stroked him. His brutal yell had given her shivers.

Going without her panties wasn't helping. Knowing they were in the demon's pocket was surprisingly erotic to her. “Well, you're going to have to try harder.”

Just as she would. If only she weren't so
of him. She definitely had hypersensitivity. His scent was mouthwatering to her, lulling her to get closer to him whenever they sat near each other, which incidentally was every minute in the car.

Like a man's voice, a man's scent had never been particularly noticeable to her, unless, of course, it was unpleasant.

But Cadeon's scent made her claws curl for him, for his body heavy and hot atop hers.

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