Read Dark Memories (The DARK Files Book 1) Online

Authors: Susan Vaughan

Tags: #government officer, #Romantic Suspense, #reunion romance, #series, #Romance, #military hero, #Susan Vaughan, #Suspense, #stalker, #Dark Files, #Maine

Dark Memories (The DARK Files Book 1) (17 page)

“You don’t understand. There’s too much pain. There’s ….” Shaking her head, she dashed to the bedroom.

Letting her go hurt him, but he ought to give her time to think.

For him, their loving meant more than the emotion of the moment. Sex could never be simple between them. Gentle and kind, courageous and vulnerable, she never backed down. She challenged him to be the man he’d made himself, not the bitter biker with a chip on his shoulder as big as a Humvee.

Or was he only kidding himself? Maybe she wanted no more from him than a
wham bam thank you ma’am
. Did she need him only so long as she was in danger? To her was he still a Harley hoodlum? Doubt’s long stinger pierced his chest.
Rubbing his chest, he shuffled to the couch and spread the covers. He might as well rest, but he wouldn’t sleep. More turmoil spun in his mind.

A son. David. They’d made a son.

His chest ached. He felt like Prometheus who stole fire from the gods. Cole had dared to steal love, another heavenly fire. Having his guts chewed over and over by a vulture was the Greek’s punishment. Grieving for his lost son chewed Cole to shreds. The loss would gnaw at him every day from now on.

Laura had suffered that torture for the last ten years. She’d nurtured their child within her, loved him and wanted him. The accident that took him from her almost killed her. After the brake line sabotage caused another accident, she clutched her belly and murmured. Her disjointed, mumbled words coalesced in his mind.

My baby … my baby

Thank God she’d survived. She’d overcome death over and over. He had to keep her safe this time. His hands trembled.
So she was right to reject him. Sex between them would complicate matters too much. Complicate and maybe compromise protecting her and finding the scumbag hit man Janus.

He clicked off the light. His first decision had been the right one. Stuff his hormones and his emotions in his Harley saddlebags and do the job.


Dawn crept in with a cool, misty summer rain that veiled the world and kept most vacationers indoors.

Laura would teach no sailing or tennis that day. The sailing-race celebration would have to wait, so she stowed the brownies in the refrigerator. Puttering about, cleaning and straightening, she worked around Cole, who tapped away on his laptop at the table. Instead of using the landline, he set up a miniature satellite receiver. He said ordinary wireless would be too easily compromised.

Using a torn T-shirt, she dusted the small tables around the couch, the funny little one made from a power company spool and the other low one of bamboo-like plastic. She smiled. Until a few months ago, she would have turned up her nose at such tacky furniture. Now she counted herself lucky to have a roof over her head.

At his mumbled curse, she glanced up. He was utterly focused on the screen, his back to her.

Being cooped up with him in her cabin had her grinding her teeth. After their lovemaking last night, her every molecule was tuned to his frequency. He sat quietly working, but didn’t merely occupy space. He controlled it. He dominated the entire room.
The scent of his soap and shampoo seemed to follow her. His wide back looked too sexy and touchable. She longed to run her hands across his shoulders, down the ridge of bone covered with thick muscle that shifted and flexed with his every movement. Even the tapping sound of his fingers on the keys aroused her senses.

Yes, she had a memory to tuck away for later, a memory of heated passion and emotions on overload, but at this moment the memory tormented her with the desire for more.

More would be a disaster.

In their frenzy to possess each other, she’d forgotten her other scar, the surgical one on her abdomen. Since she’d remained partially clothed, he didn’t notice. She made sure of that afterward.
She would conceal her sad secret if she could, but she wouldn’t lie to him. If she succumbed again, he would see the scar and surely ask. And she would have to answer. Seeing rejection in his eyes was what she expected, but pity or sympathy would tear her apart. So she needed to resist temptation.

Finished with the dusting, she wandered to the kitchen, sidling past him at the table. Over his shoulder, she glimpsed the name Marisol in an e-mail.

Just what she needed to quell her libido. And ignite her temper.

After making love with her, how dare he exchange notes with another woman! She slammed the neglected brownie pan to soak into the sink and twisted on the faucet full force. She attacked the baked-on cake bits with steel wool.

“You find Alexei Markos in that sink? Or something else grinding your gears?”

Her hand fluttered to her collar, then to her burning cheek. She had no right to be jealous. Hadn’t she told herself a hundred times they had no future? Add to that she’d been snooping.

How to explain the fit of uncharacteristic temper? “Sorry. It’s just being cooped up.”
With you.
“I’m used to being active, to being outdoors.” She rinsed the pan and deposited it in the dish drainer.

Drying her hands, she turned and shrugged. “I enjoy cooking, but I’ve discovered that I hate cleaning. I’d rather scrape paint off a boat hull or pick up seventy-five tennis balls or catalog the cross-references for third-century Aegean pottery than clean house.”

He tilted the chair back on its rear legs and folded his arms. “The domestic type you’re not. The maternal type is more like it. You’re damn good with those kids.” His eyes softened, and he held out his right hand.

She wanted to accept it, to let him fold her into his arms, to tell him she loved him. But she couldn’t. If she did, she’d have to tell him the rest.
Heart thumping painfully, she skirted the table and sat opposite him.

The laptop lid suited her as a wall. “Are there any reports on Markos?”

His canted chair clacked down to four on the floor. “He seems to have vanished again. The operatives tracking him must have their heads up their asses.” He scratched his jaw and frowned. “I’ve been going through the background checks on guests and employees.”


“And zip.” He slapped the laptop closed. At least the table remained between them. “Everybody’s cleaner than that pan you reamed out. Nobody who could be Janus, but some folks who need money. Who doesn’t? Even Stan. Look at the employee cabins and the furnishings. This resort is in hock to the bank for the next forty years.”

She clucked her tongue. “You can’t suspect Stan Hart!”

“Wouldn’t have confided in him if DARK wasn’t sure of him. Just making a point.”

“Anyone else?”

He tapped a pencil on his computer lid as he ticked them off. “The Van Tassel sisters are living on a small pension. Rudy Damon is soliciting funds to buy into a Broadway play. Martin Rhodes’s dental practice is mortgaged to a casino in Connecticut. How’s that for boring, solid citizens?”

She chuckled. “I’ll remember not to go to Dr. Rhodes for any fillings. But you don’t suspect any of them?”

“Except for our boy Burt. There’s too much that doesn’t fit.”

“What do you mean?”

“Whoever has arranged some of your
has been damned clumsy. The brake line tampering might have worked. But the boat switch wasn’t surefire. Not professional.”

“I see what you mean. So if Markos hasn’t found me, hasn’t sent this Janus here, who
been trying to kill me?”

“That’s the million-dollar question.” He reached across the table, palm up, an invitation she should resist. When she kept her hands in her lap, he scowled and withdrew his hand. “My money’s on Burt for the boat switch. Who else would have known about the damaged boat or known what to do?”

“But why?” She shoved her chair back and crossed to the window beside the door. She gazed out at the drizzle. Rejecting him stabbed her, but she had to keep distance between them. “Why would Burt want to harm me? He seems to like me.”

“He likes expensive toys. His outboard. A windsurfer. Remember that Harley he’s saving for? Same reason he might’ve done the burglaries.” The scrape of his chair told her he’d stood up.

She sensed his body heat at her back and breathed in his scent. This cabin was way too confining. How could she resist him if he persisted in pursuing her?

Then his words sank in. “You said something once about selling me out. Is that what you think? That Janus or Markos paid Burt or someone else here to—” She couldn’t bring herself to utter the words.

“To off you?” He curled his big hands around her shoulders. One hand fingered her hair where she’d fastened it at her nape. “It’s possible. But the kid? He’d pilfer cameras and CDs. Maybe he did the boat sabotage, had his boat ready, thinking he’d zip to your rescue and impress you. But murder? I doubt it. And I’ve even checked and eliminated my DARK team.”

She suppressed a shiver of awareness at his touch. “Um, what about fingerprints on the remaining boat?”

He flipped her hair aside and began rubbing her neck. “Nothing. Clean as a brand-new set of porker pipes. If Burt’s prints were there, it would prove nothing. He was in the boat shed yesterday, remember? They didn’t touch the skiff in there. The switch could’ve happened before that.”

With the gentle rotation of his massaging hand, the tension melted from her shoulders, and a different tension invaded. Her skin heated, and her knees grew weak. She could focus only on his touch and the rumble of his voice, not on what he was saying. If she turned to face him, he’d kiss her. And that would lead…

A vision formed in the dappled droplets on the window-pane — the two of them tangled in the sheets on her iron-framed bed.
A rainy day and nowhere to go. Except to Cole.

She was in big trouble.


Chapter 18

COLE BREATHED DEEPLY to ease the tight band of fear for her in his chest. The fragility of the bones and warm flesh beneath his hands underscored her vulnerability.
Being so near to her kept him in a constant state of semi-arousal that their lovemaking last night had only increased.

He cared for her again, more than he’d realized. More than he should. They had their past — and a lost baby — in common. They’d now rediscovered the friendship and understanding that had once bound them.
And sex. Past and present fused with the joining of their bodies and souls to sear away pain and brand them only with ecstasy.

But was it enough in the face of so much remembered pain?

She’d learned to survive on the street. She gave up luxury and a closet full of designer clothes. She was tough and smart, but still too classy, too generous, too everything for him. She needed him now because he could protect her, but as soon as she was safe, she’d go back to her high-society life. She wouldn’t need him then.

Outta your league, boy.

He had to remember that. Last night’s revelations and passionate aftermath had inflated his hopes. Rather than let passion blind him to the facts, he’d better back off.

He dropped his hands from her shoulders and stepped aside. He cleared his throat. “It’s too wet for a walk, but how about a drive? The Tundra hasn’t been on the road for a few days.”

What he took for relief whooshed from her like air from a punctured tire. Laura snatched her windbreaker from the hook by the door. “Let’s go.”

Cole called Isaacs and Byrne to alert them to their plan.

“The phone surprises me,” she remarked. “You have that little satellite receiver. So why not high-tech communicators?”

He climbed into the SUV’s driver’s seat. “Talking into a lapel would attract more attention than yakking in a phone. Everyone has one of these pressed to their ears. The DARK phones contain security software.”

They made it as far as the inn before Stan waved them down with a request for the resort barbecue.

“Tuesday is the Alderport Founder’s Day celebration.” Laura tucked the grocery list in her jacket pocket as they drove away. “In the village, there’s a parade with floats, high school bands and craft sales, followed by fireworks. Tuesday I’ll have to help with the cooking for the barbecue that the Harts provide guests and employees on Wednesday.”

“That ought to put you out of harm’s way for a while.” And out of temptation’s reach.

The brief curve of her lips suggested she welcomed the same relief.

He wished to God DARK would roll up Markos or that Byrne would spot someone suspicious or the others would ID Janus — so this fiasco could end. He wished his time with Laura would end.

That was a crock. He wished his time with Laura would never end.



Out of harm’s way, Laura mused as she put away the tennis ball machine on Monday afternoon. When would it end? When would Markos be caught and her life return to normal? She was so used to looking over her shoulder that it seemed the norm.

Yesterday’s outing to town and the supermarket had refocused her on different priorities, but didn’t solve her dilemma about Cole. From being cooped up in the cabin, they went to a closed, moving vehicle. The sheer domesticity of grocery shopping threw in her face the future she’d never have. And their outing showed her a new side of Cole.

He shook his head at the bountiful produce heaped into tempting displays as he described the deprivation in the resurgence of the Taliban. What open-air markets they didn’t destroy offered only overripe fruit and nuts and a few elderly, stringy goats. Barefoot children scavenged in the ruins and begged in the streets. Along with ferreting out plots, Cole and his fellow intelligence officers had directed food and medicine drops.

Compassion and charity in the midst of danger and destruction. Love edged aside resolve and burrowed deeper into her heart. Beside the empty part.

When he met her after she left the tennis court, seeing him gave her pulse such a kick that she bit her tongue. If she missed him this much after two hours, how would she cope with the next decade?

Emitting small rumbles of satisfaction, he surrounded her with his arms and held her. Longer than was necessary to demonstrate their lover status. But objecting wasn’t in her.
The evening loomed ahead. No performance of
to occupy them. Only the long night. In the small cabin.

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