Dark Secret (22 page)

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Authors: Christine Feehan

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction

“What did Ben say?” Paul took off his hat and raked a hand through his hair.

“I called him, of course, and he should be arriving any minute. The Everetts are coming for a riding lesson too.” When Paul snickered, Colby glared at him. “I expect you to be on your best behavior. This means a lot to Ginny, she wants a friend. We both forget how hard it is for her. You can visit your friends, but she’s stuck out here.”

Paul kicked at a rock. “Yeah, I have so many chances to visit friends, Colby. I work from sunup to sundown.”

“I know you do.” Colby looked away from him, struggling not to cry. She couldn’t remember a single day in her life for the last five years that she hadn’t worked from sunup until sundown and often through the night as well. “What did the vet say about the horses?”

“You did a fantastic job. You and De La Cruz. Watch them carefully for infection, and mainly the scars will be emotional, not physical. They’re traumatized and will need work.” He looked at her. “Your job, Colby, you’re the one good with horses. Did you notice how they reacted to De La Cruz? They were calm around him and he seemed to really know what he was doing. His lawyer called, by the way.” His voice had turned very casual. He tried not to notice how Colby stiffened. “He drew up papers for a loan and is sending them by way of Sean Everett for us to look over. De La Cruz will be here later this evening.”

“He’s probably out entertaining the tall blonde he likes to play with,” Colby said. She needed to keep her perspective with Rafael. He was a ladies’ man. Just because he made her feel things she’d never felt before, just because he whispered
beautiful things in the night didn’t mean he wasn’t saying and doing the same things to other women. Colby was fairly certain she was going to wake up one morning soon with a head full of gray hair just worrying about everything.

You certainly have strange ideas.

Colby’s fingers curled around the porch railing at the whisper of intimacy in her mind. She looked around her carefully, feeling he was close. Her body ached. Her breasts were suddenly sore. At the sound of his sinfully sexy voice her blood began to heat.
Go away. I don’t want to talk to you right now.
That was a blatant lie, but she didn’t want to face him, face the night with the memory of his body buried deep within hers. Face the accusations she made in the middle of his helping her or the fact that she was going to take his money to bail out their ranch.

Yes, you do. I am in your mind. Why do you never seek to enter my mind?

Beneath her long lashes Colby glanced guiltily at her brother. She couldn’t help herself. She was drawn to Rafael in spite of every fear she had. In spite of the fact that he was there to take away her family. She had hidden her strange, unique talents for so long and there was always the fear of discovery. There was always an empty place inside of her. There was such loneliness in the middle of the night that sometimes Colby would stare up at the stars and wish she could just disappear. And the work. The endless work. Rafael held her in strong arms. He took charge and directed everyone in a crisis. His strength alone was a seductive lure. And his body . . .

I think whatever is in your mind would scare me. Did you do something to me to make me need so much sleep?
She blushed at the thought of it, of the dark erotic dream she couldn’t seem to stop replaying during the day or while she slept any more than she could stop the way her body ached and needed him in an unfamiliar way.

Rafael’s voice held warmth and laughter, complete male satisfaction. He was nearly purring.
We did a lot of things to make you need to sleep.

She could feel the flush spreading up her neck and into her face. She should have known better than to open the subject
with him. It was humiliating to talk to him or face him, thinking of the things she’d let him do to her, yet when she was alone, she thought of his body and the way he could make her feel continually.

“Aren’t you going to ask me what Mr. De La Cruz said about the terms of the loan?” Paul burst out, unable to contain himself any longer. His sister’s attention seemed far away, she had a peculiar, almost dreamy look on her face. Colby looked startled, as if she’d forgotten he was there. She even blushed. “Well? It could save the ranch, Colby.”

She touched the toe of her boot to the head of a nail on the steps. “We could lose everything, Paul. Rafael De La Cruz came to the United States for one purpose. They might be buying horses and doing business here and there, but they came to bring you and Ginny back to Brazil with them. Men like De La Cruz get what they want one way or the other. You do business with them and you’ll lose every time.” She closed her eyes, feeling his hands moving over her body. She’d allowed him to seduce her. Was she a complete idiot?

You are not being very polite, meu amor.
Rafael sounded more amused than ever, not in the least perturbed by her assessment.

Isn’t it the truth? You’re going to take what you want and no one can stand in your way.
Her chest was suddenly tight.

That is true, querida, and you know exactly what I want.

Did she? Colby didn’t feel as if she knew much of anything.

“So what’s the worst that can happen, Colby?” Paul demanded. “He would get our ranch, right? He’s at least family of sorts. If we let Clinton Daniels take it away from us, we’ll never get it back. You know that. If one of them had to have it, which would be better?”

Her green eyes suddenly, shrewdly, lifted to his face. “Juan or Julio Chevez told you that, didn’t they?”

Paul shrugged, feeling uncomfortable. “Does it matter who thought of it? It’s true.” He looked down the road, to where the border collie was barking furiously. “The Everetts are coming.”

“Did you wonder why your uncles didn’t offer a loan when they have enough money to do it? They’re rich too, Paul,” Colby pointed out. “Why would they let Rafael loan us the money instead of doing it themselves?”
Why didn’t they?

Because they do not dare cross me, pequena. And neither should you.
Rafael spoke the words almost complacently.
They know better than to interfere in my business.

Colby was silent for a moment thinking that through. A shiver had gone down her spine and she resisted a desire to rub warmth into her arms.
I would think this family would be Chevez business, not yours.

Ah, that was so at one time, but then you are my business now.

Rafael was near, she sensed him close by, but she didn’t see him in the truck approaching the yard. Paul stepped off the porch to avoid answering her, heading for the hay fields so he wouldn’t get trapped into giving riding lessons to a greenhorn. Colby watched him go across the yard, her heart heavy just looking at him. He was too young to bear the burden of the ranch, their financial woes, and the knowledge that someone was trying to destroy them.

So are you.
The words shimmered in her mind, warm breath teased the back of her neck, and two strong arms circled her waist possessively from behind her.

Colby nearly jumped out of her skin, but he was holding her close to him, his body protective and aggressive at the same time. The backs of his hands deliberately brushed the underside of her breasts. She could feel the hard thick length of his erection pressed tightly against her. Imprisoned against his hard strength, she inhaled his masculine scent with her heightened senses. He smelled of the mountains, wild, untamed. “We are having company, I see. And I wanted you all to myself.” He whispered the words wickedly against skin. His mouth skimmed over the nape of her neck, found his brand, his teeth teasing and scraping gently.

“Don’t you dare! I look like a teenager as it is. If Paul sees this . . .” Colby turned her head to glare at him. “I have a few things to say to you about your behavior.” Except she couldn’t remember what she wanted to say, terrible words that would drive him away. She wanted the heat and fire of his body, his hands on her, his mouth on her. His body buried deep inside of hers. She found herself blushing, avoiding his gaze.

“Just how old are you?” he asked suddenly. “You look like a teenager to me.” His eyes were devouring her face, black
and intense, with that hunger that only seemed to be present when he looked at her. He smoldered with sensuality, his gaze devouring her. She could almost feel the electricity crackling between them. Hot flames licked at her skin and deep inside, her blood went thick.

Colby should have moved. If she had any sense of self-preservation left, if her brain was working, she would have run. Instead she stayed in his arms, letting his mouth blaze a path of flames along her neck to her collarbone. He touched her forearm gently, brought it up to his mouth. She felt the velvet rasping of his tongue against her skin. Instead of hurting the burns, it felt soothing. “What are you doing?”
Besides setting me on fire. Why do I let you do this to me? Have you hypnotized me?
Part of her felt the familiar despair that she couldn’t control her reaction to him, but another part flared with excitement, in anticipation.

I am healing you, pequena, you have burned yourself. You must wear very dark glasses to protect your eyes when the sun is out. And cover your skin. Try to find a way to stay out of direct sunlight.
Deliberately he used the much more intimate method of communication as his mouth moved over her skin, his healing saliva taking away the pain of her burns. He turned her around and kissed her eyelids, lingering to make certain he had done a thorough job of healing her.

For a moment, Colby allowed herself to melt into the strength and shelter of his body. His voice was chanting in another language, not Portuguese, but something far older, the words beautiful and soothing. She could hear the chant in her mind rather than with her ears. “Why did I burn today in the sun?” He knew. With their minds merged together, she caught shadows and echoes of his thoughts. His memories. None of it made sense to her.
I live on a ranch, I can’t exactly stay out of the sun!

The truck was pulling into the yard and right behind it was Ben’s sheriff’s vehicle, a four-wheel drive needed to travel the roads into the ranches. Colby pulled away from the warmth of Rafael’s body, standing straight to face the visitors. Rafael laughed, his breath stirring tendrils of her hair at the nape of her neck. Deliberately he caught her to him, fastening his mouth to hers, welding them together, so that for a moment
she melted into his body. He took his time, his tongue mating with hers, his hands hot, while little flames licked at their bodies. Her thick hair was crushed in his hand while he kept command of her mouth. Slowly, he lifted his head, his black gaze flaring with a dark intensity that arced like lightning through her body.

Colby blinked hard and tried to recover, then glared at him and stepped away, off the porch, but he moved easily beside her, his hand resting possessively on the small of her back. His palm burned like fire and between her thighs, her body throbbed and pleaded for him. She knew exactly what he was doing, staking a claim on her in front of the people in her world. And he was letting her know there was nothing she could do about it.

Joclyn was watching them, speculation in her gaze. Sean had an open grin on his face, but Ben’s expression looked like a thundercloud as he slammed the door to his Jeep. Colby was very aware of his disapproval while she was talking to Joclyn and her little girl. Rafael didn’t help, talking easily with Sean, discussing the fire, acting as if he belonged. He seemed to take every opportunity to touch her, caressing her hair, sliding his fingers along the nape of her neck until she thought Ben would shoot somebody.

Glaring at Rafael and moving away from him didn’t seem to help much. She could hear his soft mocking laughter in her mind. She was forced to acknowledge him, even when she was determined not to fall into his trap.
Will you stop!
She narrowed her eyes at him in warning.

Rafael looked at her in mock innocence.
I am not doing anything.

Colby turned her attention to Tanya, Joclyn’s daughter, as Ginny came running over and wound her arm around Colby for support. Rafael put his hand on the child’s shoulder with an encouraging smile and Ginny smiled up at him gratefully, obviously mesmerized by him.

I’m going to throw something at you.
Colby tried not to laugh at the situation, but for the first time in her life, she felt like she was sharing something with someone else. Like she belonged. Was a part of someone else. It didn’t seem to matter
that her brain screamed a million warnings at her, she was enjoying his attention. It was a new experience for her.

“I’m on a tight schedule, Colby,” Ben snapped, bringing her attention back to him. “If you can spare me enough time to tell me what’s going on around here.” He sounded accusing.

Rafael immediately circled Ginny’s shoulders with his arm. She looked about to cry. “Go ahead, Colby, report to the official. Ginny and I can handle this, right, Ginny?” His voice was low and intimate, welding them all together as if they were one family. He sounded supremely confident in Ginny. “You know me, Tanya. Ginny and I will start the lesson and when Colby is finished with her business, she will join us. Is that acceptable to you?” He turned on a high-powered smile.

Colby shook her head watching Rafael. He was definitely creating the impression he belonged, he was a part of their family. Ben caught her arm rather roughly, dragging her attention back to him. She glanced up at him, startled, like someone waking up, coming out of a dream.

A low warning growl shimmered in the air, so that the horses stirred restlessly and the adults looked around carefully. They all heard it; most of them thought it might have been Ginny’s dog, who was sitting regarding them all with an inquiring eye at the sudden attention. Colby knew better. She tucked her hair behind her ear and surreptitiously glanced in warning at Rafael. “Come up to the porch, Ben. Can I get you some coffee?”

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