Dark Universe & Forbidden Love (35 page)

Read Dark Universe & Forbidden Love Online

Authors: Hao Yang

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Chapter 98


Before talking with his father,
Klaycon was on the way to the main square in Glycan living zone in response to
an emergency assembly drill. Now he was still in shock and looked around at
Zier, Didian and Nissen in panic. He knew they were the only family he had
right now. Zier, Didian and Nissen gazed at Klaycon in confusion. Other Glycan
trainees passed by them and headed to the main square.

“What is
going on, man? You look like you forget your dick somewhere.” Didian joked.

on! We gotta go. It’s emergency assembly. You don’t want to be late on this
one.” Zier said seriously.

Zier is right, we have to move.” Nissen said nicely.

right.” Klaycon nodded. But he suddenly stopped after several steps. His
friends came at him. Zier lost patience and said, “What is it now?”

“We just
had an emergency drill several days ago.” Klaycon murmured.

what. You never know what those officers think. Come on, move!” Zier said

with me! You guys need to know something.” Klaycon said seriously.

and scared, Didian, Nissen and Zier looked at each other.

“What is
going on?” Zier asked.

with me. Now!” Klaycon shouted.

went into an empty classroom. Klaycon told them what his father Kalan said, and
then he asked them to call their families. None of them could reach their
parents. Now they were all frightened.

“This is
wrong. This is very wrong.” Zier said desperately.

family! My family!” Didian cried.

are we going to do, Klaycon?” Nissen asked in a worried tone.

Bang! Bang!” Gunshots came from the distance.

was the gunfire. The main square?” Zier asked.

That was a trap. They just want to gather us together.” Klaycon said calmly.

“This is
real. This is real.” Didian said in panic.

we need to get our robots. There is no way we can leave the training center
like this.” Klaycon said.

then?” Zier asked.

“Then we
will see from there.” Klaycon said quickly.

They got
out of the classroom and headed to the weapon depot. Once they got there, they
quickly got into combat robots and geared up. The gunfire was getting closer
and closer.

are coming.” Zier said uneasily.

spread out.” Klaycon said quickly.

Just at
this moment, the door opened. Gloria, Carila and two other girls rushed in.

your fire!’ Klaycon shouted.

girls stood there in panic, their eyes filled with fear, their bodies

“Get in
your robots.” Klaycon shouted.

Clank! Clank! Clank!” Heavy footsteps were closing in.

cover!” Klaycon shouted.

When the
girls ran for cover, several old combat robots emerged at the doorway.

Klaycon yelled.

Rains of
bullets and lasers were pouring into the doorway. Those old robots quickly took
cover and one of them threw a smoke grenade into the weapon depot.

they got those old robots?” Nissen asked.

the door!” Klaycon said as he ran to a nearby door. He pried it open, hurried
in and carried out a missile.  He set the missile on the floor and said, “This
is our way out.”

The four
girls got into their robots and joined Klaycon, blasting at the door.

many are there?” Klaycon asked.

“A lot.”
Carila wheezed.

20.” Gloria said confidently.

old robots quickly organized counterattack and focused all their firepower at
the doorway.

is no way we can get away.” Zier sighed.

up!” Klaycon snarled.

up. Follow my lead. Now, all of you take cover.” Klaycon said hastily. He
lifted the missile and threw it at the doorway. Hundreds of bullets landed it
and it exploded.

The explosion busted through two walls and tore the doorway apart. The
shockwave knocked everyone down.

go! Move!” Klaycon shouted as he got up. They darted into the nearby room
through the broken walls, followed closely by dozens of old robots. Klaycon and
others gunned down lots of them, but reinforcement kept coming. Their armors
also sustained severe damages, riddled with holes and dents. They tried to
blast their way to the hangar, but had to give up at half way. Right now they
were holding back attackers in a narrow corridor that was only wide enough for
two robots. Bullets and lasers were flying all over the place, illuminating the
dark corridor.

“We have
to dump our robots.” Gloria said hastily as she blasted her guns.

do we go? They control the hangar.” Niseen shouted.

“We go
to the second species zone and find a vessel there.” Gloria said calmly.

agree. Our robots are pretty much done. Let’s do it.” Klaycon said firmly.

Carila, Zier and another girl jumped out of their robots and ran into the

and Didian, your turn!” Klaycon shouted.

you and Gloria go first!” Didian yelled as he fired cannons at the incoming


As soon
as Klaycon and Gloria backed off, the attackers quickly gained ground,
approaching Didian and the other girl.

use your emergency pod to escape.” Klaycon said to his badge as he and Gloria
jumped out of their robots.

run!” Didian shouted.

Just at
this moment, both Didian and the girl ran out of ammo. The old robots dashed
forward while raining bullets on them. Didian and the girl blocked them in the
narrow corridor, but their robots were falling apart under the heavy
bombardment. As the old robots pushed them back, one stabbed a dagger into the
girl’s chest armor, punching through the robot.

Didian screamed.

Just at
this moment, a dagger busted through Didian’s cockpit and cut into Dian’s body.
Dian felt the sharp pain on his belly and he was bleeding badly. He hit the
emergency launch button just before the next stab. His emergency pod blasted
off the robot and bounced between walls several times. Then it flew far into
the corridor.

Klaycon and Gloria joined others, Klaycon asked them to leave first. He
couldn’t left Didian behind. When he saw a dagger punch through the girl’s
robot, he knew she was gone. Then he saw an old robot stab Didian’s robot and
then Didian’s emergency pod fly out. He ran to the emergency pod, opened the
gate and dragged Didian out. He carried Didian on his back and rushed into a
small door. The old robots caught up with them, but they couldn’t get through
the small door and when they finally broke through the wall, Klaycon and Didian
were long gone.

Chapter 99


Jason was asleep when Gloria
called him. Gloria told him to come to the movie theater right away and bring a
first aid kit. When he got there, he saw Gloria and several Glycans crouching
near a Glycan boy who was lying on blood-smeared floor. He ran to Gloria and
gave her the kit. Gloria quickly took out several tools, trying to stop the
bleeding. Jason knew it was too late. The poor Glycan boy was throwing up blood
and his right abdomen was cut through, purple blood spewing out like fountains.
Jason didn’t stop Gloria. He looked around and noticed Klaycon was among all
these Glycans and he was holding the boy’s head.

slowly opened his eyes. He smiled at everyone and asked, “We are safe?”

“Yea, we
are. You saved us.” Klaycon said emotionally, holding back his tears.

“Am I
alright? I think I am hit.” Didian joked.

“You are
fine. You are fine. Just lost some blood. We stop the bleeding. You will be
fine.” Klaycon smiled reluctantly.

I…I am cold.” Didian said listlessly.

swiftly took off his uniform, but before he could put it on Didian, Didian’s
eyes went dark.

Noooooo!” Klaycon screamed and busted into tears.

Didian!” Nissen cried desperately.

“This is
not happening. This is not happening.” Zier sobbed.

wiped tears with the back of her hand and shut Didian’s eyes. Everyone was
crying except Jason. He walked away quietly and looked at those Glycans in the
distance. He honestly didn’t know how to face them under this condition. Even
though he didn’t like those Glycans except Gloria, he could feel the pain. It
was the same pain he went through when he lost his grandmother-in-law.

stood up angrily and ran towards the exit. Nissen, Carila and Zier caught up
with him and stopped him.

“I know
where you are going, but kill them won’t bring back Didian!” Carila shouted.

we want to kill them as bad as you do. We don’t stand a chance.” Zier said

up!” Klaycon snarled and pushed Zier away.

to me, Klaycon. We need you.” Carila said sincerely, tears rolling down her

we need you.” Nissen said sadly.

lost steam and slumped on the floor, covering his face in arms.

walked to Gloria and held her in his arms. He kissed her forehead and asked,
“What happened?”

thought it was an emergency assembly drill and we gathered in the square. Then
hundreds of robots showed up and asked us to surrender. We didn’t and they
attacked us.” Gloria said sadly.

“I see.
I can hide you in my dorm. You will be safe.” Jason said caringly.

about them?”

“I can’t
hide all of them.”

“We need
a vessel to leave here as soon as possible.”

“I can
find one, but Gloria, you stay with me. Leaving with them will get you nowhere.
Whoever carried out an attack like this must have an army.” Jason said

“I know.
But I can’t just leave, even if they are not my friends.” Gloria said slowly.

“If I
were you, I won’t leave either.” Jason sighed.

looked at Jason gratefully and kissed him. Then they held each other’s hand and
walked to other Glycans. Klaycon was not in the mood for another fight. He and
others simply pretended they didn’t see Jason.

will get a vessel. Then we can leave here.” Gloria said happily.

rolled her eyes at Gloria and said, “We don’t need some second species to help
us! Fuck...”

punched Carila before she could finish the sentence. It happened so fast that
nobody was able to stop him. Carila fell back on the floor, purple blood
bursting out of her nose.

again, I will kill your.” Jason said in a hard voice and then looked around at
other Glycans.

Nissen and Zier stared at Jason and tightened their fists.

the other girl, ran to Carila and helped her stand up.

to me carefully. I help you guys because of Gloria. All of you keep that in
minds.” Jason said coldly. He hated Klaycon in the guts and he also remembered
Zier, the one who tortured him.

didn’t trust Jason, but he knew they didn’t have many options at their
disposal. They certainly couldn’t go back to Glycan’s area. Other first class
species could only help them if they had something to offer.

“If any
of you change your mind, it is not too late!” Jason shouted as he glanced

let out a short sigh. Nissen and Zier casted his eyes down. Carila stared at
Jason in anger. Etoe cried silently.

called Erikon and asked him to go to the hangar and get one vessel ready. Then
they carried Didian’s body and headed to the hangar.

Chapter 100


In the training center on Eva-1,
Mark, Salmon and some 1000 Human soldiers were piloting those old robots they
got from planet Satulous. Salmon and Mark were in charge of those soldiers.

soldier just briefed Mark that they finished checking the second class species
living zone and didn’t find any Glycan. Mark ordered them to check the hangar.
He didn’t expect things would work out like this. When they surrounded those
Glycan trainees in the main square, those Glycans didn’t surrender. Instead
they fought and some of them managed to get away.

Salmon jumped out of his robot and walked to Mark. On his way, he shot dead
several dying Glycans. He stopped right in front of Mark’s robot and motioned
him to get out.

jumped out of the robot and walked to Salmon.

kids are tough, huh?” Salmon said ironically as he threw a pocket wine bottle
at Mark.

took a sip and said, “They did put on a good fight.”

“I don’t
know how to explain this to Lreque. He did tell us to catch them alive.” Salmon
said carelessly.

happens.” Mark said easily.

Just at
this moment, a soldier ran to Salmon and said, “Some Glycans escaped to other
first species’ areas. Should we pursue?”

them be. We don’t want to irritate other first species even if they think we
are Glycans. What about those in the second species living zone?” Salmon said
easily as he glanced over at Mark.

didn’t find any, but I will go to take a look just to make sure.” Mark said

You want to see your son, right?” Salmon joked.

on. Give me a break.” Mark chuckled, and then threw the pocket bottle back to

and Mark, if you saw Glycans, try to catch those alive. OK?”

who is talking. By the way, tell Aron to track every vessel leaving Eva-1.”
Mark said as he put on a face transformer.

“I tried
to catch them alive. You know.” Salmon said innocently.

Mark and Salmon laughed loudly.

Mark walked into the second class species zone as a Glycan, sentries didn’t
even question him. He quickly went to Jason’s dorm but only found an empty
room. While Mark was wondering what Jason was doing this late in the night, a
soldier reported that they saw three Human trainees in one of the hangars. Mark
had a feeling that Jason might be there, so he ran to the hangar right away.

When he
got into the hangar, he saw Jason and two other Humans sneaking towards a cargo
vessel. Mark was so happy to see Jason that he almost ran to Jason. But he
realized Jason couldn’t recognize him. He just looked at Jason in the distance
until Jason got into the cargo vessel with the other two Humans.

In the
bridge of the cargo vessel, Jason, Erikon and Lucis were preparing the takeoff.

what’s this about? Where are you going?” Lucis asked as he initiated the

don’t want to get into this!” Jason said seriously.

on, man. Remember how we saved Gloria? We can handle it.” Erikon said

time is different!” Jason said firmly. 

Lucis asked.

are hunting down Glycans. I will get Gloria and her friends out of here.” Jason
said in a low voice.

“Who are
they?” Erikon asked.

“I don’t

“That is
what I thought. I figured that was why they searched our area.” Lucis said.

“Man, I
am totally in.” Erikon said excitedly.

smiled reluctantly. He winked at Lucis, and then suddenly took a swipe at
Erikon’s head, knocking Erikon out. Lucis caught Erikon before he fell from the

“I kind
of feel you will do this. Jason, this is not like the last time.” Lucis said

know!’ Jason said in a heavy tone.

can’t be always that lucky.” Lucis said.

“I guess
we'll find out. Tell Erikon I am sorry. Take him with you.” Jason said hastily,
and then called Gloria.

carried Erikon on the back and walked out of the vessel.

minutes later, Gloria, Klaycon and the other four Glycans got to the hangar
through the ventilation shafts and boarded the cargo vessel. When they stepped
into the bridge, Jason pulled Gloria aside and whispered, “Gloria, let them
take the vessel. You stay with me in the training center.”

“I don’t
think they know how to fly this. I know I can’t fly this.” Gloria said

know where to go?” Jason asked.

“I have
no idea.”

looked around at Klaycon and others. They were standing there quietly. Jason
walked to them and asked, “You know how to fly this?”

They all
shook their heads like three year old kid.

know where to go?” Jason asked Klaycon.

father will call me and let me know. Right now, I don’t know. But we need to
leave training center first.” Klaycon said weakly.

looked at Gloria and let out a sigh.

they were all seated. The hangar door slowly opened and the cargo vessel flew
out in a blink.

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