Darkness Before Dawn (33 page)

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Authors: J. A. London

He draws away, but I keep my eyes closed. He gently turns my head, exposing my neck, and plunges his fangs into my skin.

I gasp as they penetrate. It hurts. Tears spring to my eyes, not from the pain, but from the relief, the satisfaction. I’ve offered him the essence of my body and he’s taking it. I expected to feel guilty, to see images of my parents and their sacrifice, or the Agency and everything I’m supposed to stand for. But I don’t see anything. I just feel Victor’s warmth as he drinks my blood. I feel his hand steady against the back of my head, his fingers laced through my hair. He brings me in closer.

“It’s okay,” I whisper, softer than before.

His other hand wraps me close so I can’t escape, even if I wanted to. But I don’t. I want to be here forever.

“It’s…” I try to tell him it’s okay. But I’m losing focus. Losing life.

The world’s getting dark. His hands tighten, squeezing me until it hurts, clamping my head until I want to break free.

He’s strong again. But he can’t stop. He told me this would happen. And my last thought, just before everything goes away, is that maybe he was right.

Victor, you are a monster.

And soon I’ll be one, too.

Dying to know what happens next?
Read on for a sneak peek of

Chapter 1

eath isn’t what I thought it would be. It’s an acute awareness, a consciousness. A chill that seeps deep into my bones. Most surprising of all, though, is that it’s not ethereal. It’s solid, substantial—hard stone, narrow ledges, steep drops.

The black sky is laced with stars. A high moon visible over the snow-capped peaks cloaks everything in cascading blues and grays.

I’ve been wandering aimlessly through this mountainous maze for what seems like forever.

Ever since Victor killed me.

Victor Valentine. Vampire. How could I have fallen for him—knowing what he was?

How could I have willingly given him my blood—knowing it would mean my death as a human?

How could I have accepted becoming a monster—knowing it was a life I would detest?

He warned me: Once he tasted my blood, he wouldn’t be able to stop. He would drain me. I would die. So here I am, waiting for him to bring me back as a creature of the night like him.

Did he change his mind? Did he decide that I would hate him too much if he turned me? Or is the metamorphosis from human to vampire a slow process that seems to take an eternity?

I begin to hear a soft lyrical sound. Almost as if this place is singing to me. A voice suddenly echoes from within the stone.

“Find me.”

“Victor?” I rasp, desperate to be with him again, but it’s not his voice summoning me.

“Find me.”

I don’t want to answer. I don’t want to search. I’m suddenly afraid. More afraid than I’ve ever been.

“Find me!”

Air fills my lungs and I feel as though a cord is attached to my spine, yanking me backward....

My eyes spring open to stark, white surroundings. Where am I?

“Someone, get Dr. Icarus! She’s awake!”

Through a dense fog of confusion, I watch as a petite woman in light blue scrubs comes over and begins adjusting dials, checking a bag that is dripping fluid into my arm. Then she leans over and smiles at me. “Hello, sweetie. Welcome back.”

Does she know I was in the land of the dead?

“Where’s Victor?” I croak. I can hear the beeps on the heart monitor going faster. “Why isn’t he here?”

“Easy, sweetie. The only Victor I know is the new Lord Valentine, and you sure wouldn’t want him to be in this room.”

He’s alive! Thank God. I was afraid my blood hadn’t been enough. But if it was, then why am I here? Why didn’t he kill me? Turn me? I had accepted that I would become a vampire when I offered him my blood. I had felt a sense of relief that the battle was behind me, that the differences between us would no longer separate us.

If I wasn’t in the land of the dead, then where was I? I have to find Victor, discover exactly what happened. Why am I in this cold room and not in his warm arms? I try to sit up, and she gently pushes me back down.

“Relax, you’re not going anywhere in your condition.”

I force my breathing to even out, my muscles to go limp. She’s not the one with the answers. But who is?

A door creaks open. She steps away, and another face hovers over me. It’s not as kind. It looks to be all business. Maybe that’s the reason his hair deserted him. He wasn’t any fun.

“Miss Montgomery? Miss Montgomery, can you hear me? I’m Dr. Icarus. You’re at Mercy Hospital. Do you know why you’re here?”

Should I know? I give my head a slight shake and pain ricochets through it.

Everything is so fuzzy, so distant. Their voices echo along with my own. I feel like I’m in a dream. Before—that strange world in the mountains—seems more real. Now it’s like all my memories are running away, heading toward the dark corners of my mind, and I can’t snag the one I need. I don’t know how I got here.

“I was…” I start, but instinct keeps me from finishing. I was with Victor in a crumbling apartment building. He was dying. He fought my brother—Brady. Oh, God, Brady. A sharp pain pierces my chest as though a stake was thrust into my heart. All these years I thought he was dead. I thought vampires had killed him—but they chose a worse fate for him. They turned him. No, not they. Sin. Sin, who attended our school. Sin, who dated my best friend, Tegan Romano. Sin, who earned our trust and then betrayed us all. He stood alone as a new breed of vampire—a Daywalker. How could we have known he thirsted for our blood? By the time he showed his fangs, it was far, far too late.

He sent Brady to kill Victor. He almost succeeded, but my love for Victor was stronger than Sin could ever comprehend. I rub my neck, remembering the pain of Victor’s fangs sinking into my flesh, but I can’t feel any healing wound or scars.

“It’s strange,” the doctor says, observing my movements, “you arrived a few heartbeats away from death with deep puncture wounds in your neck. I’ve never seen anything like that. Most vampire bites take days to mend and scar tissue develops. Even your tattoo is completely intact.”

I have a crucifix inked on either side of my neck. Even though they don’t ward off vampires. My brother had them as well, which was the reason I had the ink work done. In honor of him—when I thought vampires killed him.

“How did I get here?” I ask.

“A week ago some guy dropped you off in the ER and took off once he saw us tending to you.”

Victor couldn’t risk exposing himself as a vampire, or what he had done to me. If anyone thought he’d attacked the city’s delegate, he’d have a difficult time convincing people he wasn’t like his father, Murdoch Valentine. Murdoch was Denver’s overlord until Victor overthrew him.

“We gave you blood transfusions, but you went into a mild coma,” the doctor continues, interrupting my thoughts. “No doubt it was your body’s defense mechanism kicking in so you could recover from the ordeal. It’s a miracle you’re alive. Can you tell me what happened?”

“Strangest dream,” I say.

“You want to tell me about it?” the doctor asks, turning to his charts.

“I don’t really remember anything. Just that it seemed … real. I mean, right now, this all seems like the dream.”

“But you don’t remember anything from it?”

It was so vivid while I was in it, but trying to recall the images now … it’s like my mind is fighting me. “My head hurts.”

“I’ll get you something for that, but I can’t medicate you too much; we need to make sure your body is stabilized.”

The door opens. My guardian, Rachel Goodwin, enters. She is always put-together in dark blue suits, with her brown hair clipped up neatly. But right now she’s wearing jeans and one of my fading T-shirts. She looks as though she hasn’t touched a brush or makeup in a week. As soon as our eyes meet, she drops whatever she’s carrying, hurries across the room, and hugs me hard.

“Oh my God,” she says. “I go out for a few seconds to grab a bag of chips from the vending machine, and you wake up.”

I squeeze back, so very glad to see her. Like me, she works for the Agency—which is responsible for protecting the city—serving as my mentor, guiding me in my role as the city’s delegate to our vampire overlord.

“Tegan,” I whisper hoarsely, tears stinging my eyes. “Do you know what happened to Tegan?” She’s been my best friend forever, and the last time I saw her she was in a crumpled heap on the floor after Sin plunged his fangs into her neck. Did he kill her? Did he turn her?

“She’s fine,” Rachel assures me. Releasing her hold on me, she tucks my hair behind my ears.

“What about Sin? Did we get him? Tell me he’s dead.”

Sadly she shakes her head. “Not yet.”

“Do we have any leads? What are we doing to find him?”

“Shh. You don’t need to be worrying about that yet.”

How can I not worry about it? Sin may be Victor’s half brother, but they’re nothing alike. Victor sees a future with humans and vampires together, while Sin sees… I haven’t a clue. His plans are still unfolding, which makes him all the more dangerous, especially to those who know him.

Like Tegan. Poor Tegan. She loved him. “I need to see Tegan, Rachel. I need to see her.”

“I know, I know. I’ll call her.” She pulls out her cell phone.

“She’s not ready for visitors yet,” the doctor explains, but Rachel just holds up a warning finger to cut him off and then dials anyway.

Half an hour later, the doctor and nurse have left and I’m surrounded by some of the most important people in my life. Even with all these blankets over me, I feel exposed. I’ve never much enjoyed being the center of attention. Right now I feel like Dorothy awakening after her trip to Oz. Only I didn’t follow the yellow brick road. Victor took me down a rabbit hole into the darkness of the vampire world.

Rachel gives me another hug that almost strangles me. Jeff gently pulls her away.

“I’m glad you’re awake, kiddo.” He pats my shoulder. He’s a bodyguard, watching over Rachel and me when we move about the city on official Agency business. Although lately he has been hanging around even when we had no business, and I’m pretty sure his relationship with Rachel has moved beyond simply professional.

“We all are,” Clive Anderson says, his voice weary but still commanding authority.

He’s the director of the Agency. My boss. I already know that my report to Clive will leave out a lot of details—mainly those that involve Victor and how much I’ve come to care for him.

“The Night Watchmen that Sin turned—at least tell me that you got them.”

The Night Watchmen are the most respected group in the city, dealing with any vampires who breach our wall. Somehow Sin infiltrated them and did the unthinkable: he turned some of them into vampires. He corrupted the incorruptible.

“We called a special meeting of the Night Watchmen,” Clive says. He explains that they locked the doors, and brought out buckets of blood. The Daywalkers couldn’t stop their fangs from dropping and those who hadn’t been turned staked them. It was quite a carnage. “We’re confident we got them all. We haven’t had a Daywalker attack since.”

“But that’s just the Night Watchmen. What if there are others Sin turned?”

“Then we’ll be facing an absolute nightmare come to life. We’ll be at war all over again. Only this time, the enemy can walk in the sun.”

“But you shouldn’t concern yourself with that right now,” Rachel says, knowing that I could discuss this issue with Clive for hours. “We weren’t able to contain the news that a Daywalker exists. Too many kids at the party saw Sin at school. But at this point, we have no proof that the turned Night Watchmen were in fact Daywalkers. Still, we’ve increased the guards on patrol, the Night Watchmen are working day shifts. We’re doing what we can. You just need to get well.”

I look past her to Tegan. She’s petite with short blond hair that frames her pixie face and makes her startling green eyes stand out. They used to be so vibrant and bright. Now they’re dull, and it’s all Sin’s fault. She’s studying the floor as though she’s searching for a crack she can slip through.

“Can I have a moment alone with Tegan?” I ask.

“Sure,” Rachel says, squeezing my hand before ushering out Jeff and Clive. When the door snaps closed in their wake, Tegan gives a startled jump.


Finally, she looks at me. Tears are welling in her eyes.

“I could really use a hug,” I say, knowing she needs one a lot more than I do.

She rushes across the room and wraps her arms around me.

“I didn’t know Sin was a vampire,” she whispers brokenly near my ear. “Oh, God, I’m so sorry.”

I hold her close, rocking her slightly, like she’s the patient instead of me. She has a set of small, neat stitches on her neck. Why don’t I? What if Victor did turn me? What if I am a vampire? They heal quickly; they don’t scar.

“No one knew what he was,” I reassure her. I hate what he did to her. I need to get out of here, find him, and make him pay.

“I should have known,” she insists.

“There was no way to know.”

“I loved him, Dawn, I loved him, and now I hate him.”

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