Dating Delaney (13 page)

Read Dating Delaney Online

Authors: K. Larsen,Wep Romance,Wep Fiction

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romantic Comedy



She whispered it so quietly that I’m not sure I really heard
it. I call her name but if she’s awake she doesn't let on. I pull her
impossibly closer to me instead of saying it back because I’m gutless. It was
clear from the look in her eyes as we made love that she felt it, but to hear
her say it threw me off. She settles into my embrace as her breathing slows.
The moonlight streaming through the crack in the curtain barely lights up her
face. She’s beautiful. Her mouth forms a perfect pouty “o” while she sleeps.
Stray pieces of silky hair frame her face, making her look so innocent as her
warm body presses into mine. I stare at her perfect sleeping figure tangled around
me and my chest tightens and swells. I’m surrounded and captured by the armies
of her heart.



A warm hand slides across my stomach
as soft lips press into mine.
My sleep-heavy eyes open slowly.

“Morning,” she murmurs between kisses. I wrap my arms around
her, crushing her to my chest.

“Mmmm, morning.”

She throws a leg over my lap and looks up at me through long
black lashes.


My hand drifts to her hips, helping her shift onto my lap.
Her nails drag down my torso and I’m instantly awake and hard. She slips me
into her easily and sets a slow grinding pace. My fingers dig into her hips,
moving her a little faster. Her full breasts sway and bounce. I angle my hips
up to get deeper, making her whimper. The sounds she makes are so hot. Need drives
me. I sit up, never breaking our connection and scoot to us to the edge of the
bed. I secure her to me, stand up, turn, and set her back on the bed. Grabbing
her calves, I place them on my shoulders and kiss her ankle before I pull out
to tip and drive back in. She gasps and her hips buck wildly. I lean forward,
hoping that she’s flexible enough to fold this much and pin her wrists above
her head. I thrust in and out, gaining momentum. “Shit, Jake!” she gasps as I
speed up. Her eyes never leave mine. Her body trembles under me and I can feel
her clench around my cock. Her eyes though, her eyes tell me everything I need
to know. I have her completely pinned. This isn't sweet and slow, it’s
aggressive and almost rough but her eyes tell me she trusts me. That she’ll let
me take her however I want.


I stand, pulling her wrists up as I go. She wraps her arms
around my neck as I grab her ass and pick her up. She’s bouncing up and down
hard on me as I stumble three steps and slam her back against the wall. “Don't
stop. Please don't stop,” she begs as I continue to pound into her. My fingers
are digging into her ass and her fingernails bite into my shoulders. Her thighs
squeeze my hips and shake as her head slams back against the wall and she
screams my name. It sounds so good coming from her. I love watching the way her
lips move when she says it. I drive into her twice more before a grunt escapes
me and I come.

I lean into her, pressed against the wall, forehead on her
chest, panting. She pulls my head up and kisses me with such passion that my
cock throbs and jerks inside her and her breath hitches. I carry her back to
bed where we lay silently and her fingers explore my body lightly and lazily.
“You drive me wild,” she says quietly as the tips of her fingers trail over the
ridges of my abdomen.

“I know the feeling,” I say as I tilt her chin up so I can
see her face. Her eyes are heated and I want nothing more than to spend an
entire week in bed with her learning all the things that will make her scream
my name.

“I can hear people up, we should probably go join them,” she

“Do we have too?” I tease. She brushes a whisper of a kiss
on me, leaving a trail of fire on my lips before she rolls off the bed and digs
in her bag for something to wear.



“Well good morning, nymphos,” Molly giggles at us as we
emerge at the top of the stairs together.

“Food,” Jake mumbles, causing everyone to laugh.

The smell of bacon, eggs, and home fries makes my stomach
growl. Ellie is manning the stove and everyone's getting ready to feast on
breakfast. I plop down into a chair and sigh. Jake moves beside me, setting a
mug of coffee in front of me and sits. I can't help it. I grin like a fool at
the mug. He blew my mind in the bedroom and now he’s made me a cup of coffee to
boot. Sometimes, it’s the little things in life.

“Thanks,” I tell him. He throws an arm around me in

“Gag!” Ginny feigns disgust at Jake and me. I chuckle at

“Don't hate, Ginny,” I laugh.

“Yeah, yeah...” she relents.

“So what’s the plan today?” Ryan asks.

“Sun, sun, and swimming!” Molly excites.


We all eat Ellie’s delicious breakfast together before
taking turns showering for the day. It’s another gorgeous day out and I’m all
smiles. I tan, I swim, I read, and all the while Jake stays happily at my side
enjoying the day with me, touching and kissing me like he can't get enough. By
the time late afternoon rolls around, we’re all packing up and piling in our
cars to head home. I give hugs and thanks to the girls before hopping in the truck.
Jake closes my door and climbs into his seat. Before I can buckle, a strong arm
reaches across my lap and slides me left.

“Sit with me.” He grins at me. I buckle the middle belt
around me and snuggle into the comfort of his right side. He puts on the radio,
selecting a country station, and we goofily sing together. The short drive home
flies by and as we pull into the driveway I’m consumed by the feeling of loss
again. I tilt my head up to watch Jake as he parks the truck. When he looks to
me, heat flares low in my belly. I feel like an addict. “You probably have to
get home, huh?” I say quietly. He holds my gaze for a moment.

“I start a new job early tomorrow but I can come in for a
bit if you want.”

“I want.” I jump at the chance to have a little more time
with him. He chuckles and amusement dances in his eyes.

“What will we do though?” he asks.

“We can move my bed into my room and use it,” I say as
seriously as I can muster.

We don't end up moving my bed to the newly finished room but
we do christen my living room and then snuggle on the couch together and watch
movie. It’s nearing midnight by the time he forces himself to leave.

“I don't pick up Claire for another four days,” I inform

“I’ll call you when I’m done for the day then,” he grins.

“Okay.” I sound breathless and lustful. It’s ridiculous. I’m
a grown woman for Christ’s sake.

“Night, Laney.”


He bends down and brushes a kiss on my lips that leaves me
desperate for more. I watch from the window as he folds into the truck and
pulls out the drive.



Sighing I shoot a quick text to my sister.:



I’m so fucked.


Why? What's up


Jakes stolen the heart right out of my chest


You did it?!!!


Yup. But what’s that got to do with my heart?


Everything! You never do it unless your hearts involved.


I guess.


Shut up you sissy and enjoy it.

* * * * *

I can’t resist checking in with Laney so I type out a quick
text message to her.



Hey babe, on my way home.



Available to play?






Yup. Come over.


Leaving now.


Ha ha



“What have you done to me? You’re like crack,” she laughs.
We’re both tangled in each other’s arms, spent from screwing. I love her laugh.
Her eyes sparkle.

“Me?” I ask. She smacks my chest playfully.

“Yeah you.” We lay together, enjoying the moment for a bit.

“Can I ask you a question?” she asks.

“Of course,” I tell her. She props herself up on her elbows
to face me, opens her mouth, then closes it, hesitating.

“Where do we stand? I mean, is this casual or, well, see, I
don't introduce Claire to people I date unless it’s serious, but I get that’s
all assbackwards with us because you’ve already met her, but I don't want you
to spend time with us together if you aren't…well, I mean I have a child and
can't have people coming and goi....”

“Laney!” I cut her off. She looks down, biting her bottom
lip. She’s the most adorable rambler I’ve ever met. “I know we’ve only been on
a few dates, but it’s not casual. We’ve seen each other almost daily for a
month now.” The tension in her shoulders releases with her breath.

“Yeah?” she smirks. She’s so damn sexy. “I’m mean, you’re
sure? Because I mean I know a kid in the mix can totally scare a guy off.”

“Laney, please.” I brush her hair away from her face. “I’m
thirty-six. I can handle the idea of a child...especially if said child comes
with a MILF like you.”

She busts out laughing at me. I’d be a fool to let her get
away from me. She’s everything I’ve been looking for: sweet, kind, funny,
adorable, sexy, generous, and totally goofy. I crunch up and take her mouth.
Every time, her lips are so soft and warm and full and I want them whenever I
see them.


We eventually get up and find our way to the kitchen. Laney
makes the most amazing casserole for dinner. I ask her to stay the night with
me. I know she’s not a morning person and I leave early for work but it really
didn't take much convincing to get her agree to stay. We don't get much sleep.
We’re both too busy exploring each other’s bodies. Last I looked at the clock
it was one in the morning.


The alarm startles me awake and I’m tempted to slap it into
submission, permanently silencing it. Laney is soft and warm molded against me
and I need another four hours of sleep at least to feel rested. I maneuver out
of bed, careful not to wake her. I pad to the kitchen, start the coffee maker,
and hop in the shower. By the time I’m ready to leave, Laney is still fast
asleep in my bed and watching her I realize that I like the sight of her there,
in my bed, mine. I shake the thought from my head, write a quick note, place it
on the nightstand next to her, and head to work.



I wake up and glance at the clock. Nine thirty-seven. Jake
must have left hours ago. I roll over and toss my legs over the side of his
bed. A note sits on the nightstand. I reach out and grab it, smiling stupidly.




Didn't want to wake you.

Make yourself at home.

I like seeing you in my bed.




He’s just so damned thoughtful and charming and open and
honest and Jesus the list is never ending. I’m not prepared to be swept off my
feet but at this point I don't have much choice in the matter.


I take my time showering and getting ready. The house smells
like him, musky and masculine. I wander around a bit looking at the few
pictures he has around. Mostly him and Owen or him and his Uncle. He’s really
quite neat and orderly. My usual nagging inner voice is warning me that all
that glitters isn't gold. It’s always trying to protect my heart to make me
doubt my feelings and keep a part of myself closed off, one foot out the door
so to speak, in preparation for heartbreak. If I don't give them all of my
heart, they can't really break it and I don't have to endure the crushing grief
I felt once before ever again. I shove the voice way down, vowing that Jake
worth it and I will go balls-to-the-wall this time. I will allow myself to be
reckless with my heart this time.



As I walk through the door I shoot Jake a message to let him
know I’m home finally.




It’s eleven !




Just jealous you got to sleep




Har har


I can let you sleep tonight


Hell no.


My place or yours?



My birthday is today! I am an avid birthday lover. I don't
give a crap that I’m a year older, all I give a crap about is that I get to
celebrate me. This morning started off perfectly. Jake and Claire let me sleep
in late and then made me breakfast in bed and it was delicious! Following a
lazy morning together, we decided to go see a kid-friendly matinee. I’ve been
in seventh heaven so far.

“Open it, Mom!” Claire squeals at me. I take the wrapped
gift from her little hands and start tearing the paper open.

“Oh babe it’s perfect!” I exclaim as I hold up the hand
painted beaded necklace she made me. “I love it.”

She beams at me with pride adorably. Next, Jake hands me a
small bag. “This one’s from us,” he says. My heart swoons that he and Claire
got me something from the both of them. I pull the tissue paper out of the bag
and reach in.

“This is too much,” I breathe. The “two” of them got me a
full day at a local spa inclusive of lunch. The corners of Jake’s eyes crinkle
when he smiles at me. “Do you like it?” he asks.

“I love it! I can't wait to use it!” I exclaim and pull them
both in for a hug. Lastly Jake presents me with an envelope. “What’s this?” I
ask curiously.

“Your present from me,” he winks.

I tear the envelope open and find a voucher for a sunset hot
air balloon ride...tonight.

“Wait…are we really doing this?!” I ask, hopeful. He nods
his head at me and I think my smile might split my face in two. “I’ve always
wanted to go up in one! This is awesome!” I squeal. Jumping out of my seat and
into Jake’s lap, I kiss him with all I’ve got.

“Ewww, Mom. GROSS!” Claire cries with disgust. I hop off his
lap and straighten my shirt a little. “I was just thanking him.” Jake and
Claire burst out laughing at me.



Everything’s been arranged already. Mom and Dad are watching
Claire while Jake and I go for this hot air balloon ride. As we wait for the
pilot, Jake pulls me to him and kisses me deeply. “Happy Birthday, Laney.”

I stare up into his gorgeous face and try to think of a
better birthday. I can't. Today has been monumentally perfect on all counts. My
heart swells and I push up on my toes to kiss him again.


The view from up here is stunning. Glorious. Amazing. I
don't even have words to describe it.

“Jake, it’s breathtaking,” I murmur.

“Just like you,” he says softly. He stands behind me with an
arm circled around my middle, taking in the view with me. Every so often he
plants a soft kiss on my neck or just behind my ear. When we reach the middle
of the height of the sunset he pops open a bottle of champagne, pours us both a
glass, and toasts to me. The ocean reflecting the rich colors of the sunset, my
divine boyfriend toasting me, and the rest of today has me feeling like I am
the most adored woman on the planet.

“Do you like it?” he asks.

“I love it! This is the most amazing thing, really. You’re
so thoughtful. I just…thank you,” I stutter over my words, feeling helpless to
convey how much it all really means.

He picks up my hand and kisses my knuckles one by one. “The
fun stuff happens when we get home.” His brows waggle and I fall into a fit of
giggles. Never in my life have I felt so pampered.

* * * * *

Jake might be the most amazing man I’ve ever met. He
definitely has earned both of his nicknames but it’s more than that. Over the
last few months he’s embedded himself into my and Claire’s lives. He cooks for
us. He plays with Claire. He cleans up after himself.


My favorite thing though is when he sneaks up behind me and
wraps his arms around me. Sometimes, if music is going, he’ll sway us to the
music. Sometimes he just holds me for a moment and kisses me behind the ear. He
brings me flowers once a week. Always a beautiful unusual arrangement and I
always love them. He leaves cute notes for me on the mornings he doesn't want
to wake me when he leaves. He even suffers through romantic comedies and chick
flicks with me without complaining. I feel like I’ve entered a parallel
universe where the average girl gets the extraordinary, sex-on-a-stick guy.


Each day that goes by I wonder at least once when it will
end. When Jake will wake up and see that I’m just a run-of-the-mill
thirty-something single mom. On weekends when Claire visits her dad, Jake plans
at least one romantic date for us. We’ve had some amazing picnics overlooking
the water, a sunset cruise on a sailboat, and a night of slow dancing, all of
course followed by hot, passionate sex.


God, the bedroom. He is amazing. Just thinking about the
things he makes me want to do turns me on. Knowing those things will actually
happen gets me wet. I’m always ready and willing and he takes full advantage of
it. His smell, his taste, his muscles, I’m an addict and I can't get enough. I
never want to be able to get enough. The way he loves me is straight out of a
romance novel and I’m soaking up every moment I can. I feel pulled to him,
connected to his soul. I need him to function. It takes me a while but I finally
feel okay letting myself believe that maybe, just maybe, I do deserve him.

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