For the first time since he’d seen her lying in the hospital bed, her smile reached her eyes. “You’ve heard the extent of my ideas. From here on out, we’ll have to wing it.”

He’d been told he could wing it with the best of them but it had never mattered more. “You’re sure? What about your ribs?”

“Maybe we’ll need to be inventive?”

He turned and strode to the door.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“I’m getting that nurse and we’re getting the hell out of here.”

Once he was safely in the hallway, he took a minute to compose himself. Then he called Sawyer.

“How’s Carmen?” his friend asked.

“She’s going to be okay,” Robert said.

There was a pause on the other end. “How are you doing?”

He forced himself to chuckle. “I’m okay. You know, if not for the circumstances, I bet you’d be laughing your ass off. Robert Hanson has himself plumb undone over a woman or some other equally nutty Southern saying.”

“Plumb undone,” Sawyer repeated. “Naw. Smitten. More excited than a hen in a frying pan. Now, that’s Southern.”

“I’m a little freaked out.”

“Of course you are. You’re going to be even more freaked out when I tell you that there was a puddle of brake fluid found in the parking lot.”

Robert gripped his cell phone. “Sage?”

“I don’t think so, buddy. I found him at home, sitting in his easy chair, drinking a beer. I got in his face pretty good until he produced a receipt from his doctor’s office. Guess he had to stop in and have some blood work done after work. I was able to verify the time he left his work and when he arrived and left his doctor’s office. He wouldn’t have had time to disable Carmen’s car. I think it was someone else.”

“Maybe he paid someone else to do it?” Robert said, unable to forget the animosity he’d seen in Sage’s eyes.

“Maybe. But then he’s a pretty good actor. I got the feeling he didn’t have a clue why I was so interested in his day. I really think it might have been someone else.”

That meant that someone else had deliberately tried to hurt Carmen. Why? Who?

He was going to have to tell her. He would.


Chapter Fourteen

It was forty long minutes before an aide came with a wheelchair to escort her out of the emergency room. When they got to the door, Carmen stood up and felt wonderful. She was taking charge of her life.

“How long will it take to get there?” she asked, once she’d gotten settled in his car.

“Fifteen minutes,” he said. His jaw was tight.

“Traffic seems pretty light,” she said.

He nodded.

“Looks like it might snow again. The nurses were talking about a possibility of four inches.”

He didn’t answer.

“Is everything okay, Robert?”

“Yes,” he said without looking at her.

He was definitely acting odd. “Are you sorry we’re doing this?” she asked.

He turned to look at her. “Hell, no.”

She smiled. “You seem preoccupied.”

“Thoughtful,” he said.

Was it possible that she’d put the sexy, confident Robert Hanson off his stride? That was, quite frankly, rather empowering. Exhilarating, really.

But she was going to need a lot more than that to get her through the next couple of hours. “There’s something you should probably know,” she said.

She didn’t hear him sigh, but his chest went up and down in silent anticipation or perhaps, apprehension.

Both might be in order.

“I...uh...haven’t had sex for some time.”

He nodded and kept his eyes on the road.

“Quite some time, actually,” she said.

He turned to look at her. “I don’t need details, Carmen.”

“Yeah, well, maybe they might be helpful. You see, it’s been about thirteen years.”

The car jumped forward in a burst of speed. “Sorry,” he mumbled.

Sorry I’m a bad driver or sorry I ever agreed to this?

“I guess I just wanted you to know in case I’m not very good at this.”

He glanced in his rearview mirror, cut across a lane of traffic and made a sharp left. Then he took a quick right into an underground parking structure. It was dark, and Carmen was grateful for that. Could this get any more embarrassing?

“I’ll do my best,” she said. She was babbling. Knew it. Couldn’t seem to stop. She was so nervous.

“Carmen,” he said, his tone kind. “Shut up. Please.”

He drove to an empty parking space and pulled in. He shut the car off and opened his door. She sat.

“You can still change your mind,” he said, his voice sounding hoarse.

She reached out and opened her door. When he got out, she followed him, staying just a half step behind as he strode into the building. He got into the elevator and punched 34.

He hadn’t said another word.

His apartment was at the end of the hallway. He opened the door with a key and motioned her in. The door shut behind him with a final-sounding thud. Across the room, the drapes were open on the big windows and there was a half-moon hanging over the frozen lake. Ice caps sparkled against an expanse of darkness.

She walked across the room and looked down. Lake Shore Drive was lit up and there was still enough evening traffic to make it look interesting.

He walked into the kitchen and flipped on a light above the stove. It was lots of stainless steel and granite counters. There were bar stools with leather seats and lots of art on the walls. There was more leather in the living room and glass tables with nothing on them.

It was beautiful. So different from her apartment with the old furniture, the sagging couch, the sheet music lying everywhere.

What the hell had she been thinking? They couldn’t be any more different. He was a handsome, single guy living an upscale kind of life in an upscale kind of place. She was a tired counselor, raising her fifteen-year-old brother and over the years had adopted his attitude that they were cool if they put tomato and bacon on their grilled cheese sandwiches.


He put his finger to her lip, silently shushing her. “Would you like something to drink?” he asked. “Some wine, perhaps?”

She shook her head. He wasn’t going to get a chance to shush her a third time.

He smiled. “Would you like to see the rest of the apartment?”

This time she nodded.

He motioned for her to precede him down the short hallway. There was a bathroom that looked as if no one had ever used it. The soap was new and the towels were fresh.

Next, there was a room that looked part office, part workout room. There was a treadmill and a rowing machine and some hand weights. There was also a desk and glory be, there were actually a few files on it and a rogue stapler had found its way out of a drawer.

There was only one door left. It was partially closed. He reached over her shoulder to open it. It faced the lake, as the living room had. And here the drapes were also pulled open, letting in moonlight and the reflection of city lights.

It was a large room, yet still the bed took up a great deal of it. It had to be a king, and the padded headboard added to its overall mass. She was pretty sure that if she sat on it, her feet might not touch the ground.

It was a far cry from the little double bed in her twelve-by-twelve bedroom.

The bed was made. It had a thick gray duvet. Several gray and purple pillows were tossed on a big leather chair in the corner of the room. It made her want to smile. He was neat enough to make his bed but he wasn’t going to mess with pillows.

They’d probably been a gift from some girlfriend.

And he didn’t want to hurt her feelings so he likely tossed them back on the bed every time she visited.

She wasn’t going to kid herself that she was the first woman who’d spent a few hours here. She wouldn’t even be the last.

But tonight she was the woman who was going to lie on the gray duvet with a man who made her literally crazy with need. That was enough. She was going to celebrate life. Celebrate the ability to touch and feel.

Robert walked across the room to a door in the far corner. He flipped on a light and she could tell that it was another bath. He closed the door most of the way, allowing just a little of the light to come into the room.

“Is this okay?”

She shrugged.

He raised one dark eyebrow but didn’t say anything. He took off his coat and gloves and tossed them over the pillows in the chair.

“May I take your coat?” he asked.

She slowly peeled her gloves off and put them in the pockets of her blue cape. Then she took off her scarf, then the cape. She tossed them all to him.

He caught them, walked over to the chair, and more carefully laid them on top of his own outerwear. He walked back to the bed and sat on it. He was facing the window.

She continued to stand near the door.

He patted the bed next to him. “Care to have a seat?”

She walked over to the bed and sat down, making sure there was a good foot between them. She was right. Her feet didn’t touch the floor. She clasped her hands together and rested them in her lap.

He didn’t say anything for a minute. Finally, he turned to her. “I’m sorry I told you to shut up.”

“I was babbling,” she said, accepting his apology. She’d wanted to tell herself to shut up.

“You were nervous,” he said. He reached out a big hand and covered her clasped hands.

“Am nervous,” she clarified.

“I am, too,” he said, smiling at her.

She rolled her eyes. “Oh, please. I don’t think it’s been thirteen years since you had a woman stay over.”

With his thumb, he stroked her wrist. “That’s true,” he said. “And if I tell you that this is different, you’re probably not going to believe me.” He hesitated. “So I’m not going there. But what I want you to know is that I want you so much that I’m scared to death that I’m going to blow this. That I’m going to move too fast or do something that you don’t like and you’re going to be sorry that you ever came here.”

His voice cracked at the end. That, and the look in his eyes, gave her the courage to reach out, to stroke the side of his face with the palm of her hand. “I want to be here. With you.”

“Why?” he asked, staring in her eyes. “You’ve waited a long time. Why now? Why me?”

Because I think I love you. Maybe ever since you poured the M&M’S in my popcorn and said we had to get married.
“I could have died today. I didn’t want to die without this.”

“I guess I’m glad I could be of assistance,” he said, sounding a little irritated.

She let it go. Better he think that he was a convenient hookup. Otherwise, he’d probably be scared enough to take a leap out of the thirty-fourth-floor window.

“Would you kiss me now?” she asked.

He leaned in. His mouth was warm and heavy and she could feel her cold bones start to melt. He pushed his tongue in her mouth and when she sucked on it, he groaned.

And then he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gently pulled her down onto the pretty gray duvet that covered the big soft bed.

He kissed her for a very long time and she could feel other parts of her body come out of hibernation and begin to beg for attention. Her skin felt warm and extra sensitive. Her breasts, heavy.

She reached up to unbutton his shirt. He stilled her hands. “Not quite yet,” he said softly.

He slipped his hand under her shirt and traced her ribs gently with the pad of his thumb. “You’re sure you’re not too sore?” he asked.

“Sure,” she said and settled back into his kisses.

His hand traveled upward and when he encountered only skin, he lifted his head.

She smiled. “My bra is in my purse. I didn’t put it back on at the hospital.”

She heard a low growl and reveled in the feel of his broad hand holding her breast, caressing it. He gently pinched her nipple and sparks shot through her.

Her body had moved from anticipation to full-blown engagement. She pressed against him. He was hard. Sinfully hard.

Another growl and this time he lightly bit at her bottom lip. “You’re not playing fair,” he said.

“I’ve waited a long time,” she said.

“And you’ll have to wait just a few minutes longer. You’re a fine wine, Carmen. Meant to be sipped, savored, enjoyed.”

And he did just that. Her shirt came off, then her slacks and panties, and there wasn’t a part of her that wasn’t kissed, stroked, sucked or loved. When he spread her legs and touched her with his tongue, she responded with an explosive orgasm that left her panting and a little embarrassed that she might have squeezed his poor head with her thighs.

“Did I hurt you?” she asked.

He lifted his head. “You were perfect,” he said.

“Even if that’s all there is,” she said, “it’s the best sex I ever had.”

“That’s not all there is,” he said. Then he rolled her underneath him and proceeded to prove his point not once, but twice.

* * *

mattress shift and in one quick movement, Carmen slipped from the bed. He could have stopped her but he knew it was time for her to go home.

Damn. He wanted her to stay. Had loved having her in his bed, in his arms, under his body.


He loved Carmen Jimenez. But was she ready to hear that?

He watched her pull on her clothes. She’d turned, giving him her back. He was grateful for the moon. It gave enough light that he could see the delicate ridge of her spine, the sexy muscles in her upper back, her gently rounded shoulders.

Her skin had been so soft, smelled so good.

Now her pants, shirt.

“I’ll drive you,” he said, throwing off the covers.

“I can catch a cab,” she said, pulling on her sweater.

He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Her long hair brushed against his chest. He gathered it up in his fist and pulled it to the side. He kissed the back of her neck. She stilled.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he murmured, moving his lips close to her ear. “Thank you,” he added. He could feel his body reacting to their closeness, wanting her again.

“You’re welcome,” she said, amusement in her tone. She moved away. “I really do need to get home.”

Resigned, he started pulling on his own clothes. When he got to his pants, the ring in his pocket felt heavy against his thigh.

Should he ask her?

What if she said no? The night had been perfect. One that he would remember forever. Could he take the chance of ruining it?

It wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have when she was hurrying to get home. Maybe this weekend. That might be nice. He pulled on his coat and less than five minutes later, they were in his cold car, driving toward her apartment. It had started to snow and the streets were slick. She was quiet and spent the time looking out her window.

Did she regret the past two hours?

That caused a sharp pain to slice across his chest. “What are you thinking?” he asked, even though he wasn’t sure he was strong enough to hear the answer.

“I wish I knew more about cars.”

Well, that wasn’t what he’d expected. “Why?”

“I’m going to need to buy a new one. It would save me some time if I had some idea of what I wanted. Or what I could afford,” she added.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said.

“I’ve got a little money saved,” she said. “I guess I’ll just have to wait until I hear from the insurance company.”

He could hear the worry in her voice and it made him so angry. This was a woman who already had her share of worries. She didn’t need another one. “Carmen, it doesn’t matter what your insurance pays. Whatever extra you need, I’ll give it to you.”

She didn’t say anything for two long blocks. Finally, she turned in her seat. “As payment?” she asked, her tone hard.

He almost wrecked his damn car. “I don’t even know how you could suggest that.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, looking down at her gloved hands. “I don’t know where that came from. I guess I’m still not sure why a guy like you would want to be with a woman like me. I’m not your type, Robert.”

There was no place to pull over the car but there was no traffic either, so he simply slowed down. Moving at a snail’s pace, he drove with one hand and reached for her with his other. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close.

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