Deadly Addition (Hardy Brothers Security Book 9) (9 page)


Finn’s arms were full of food and flowers when he let himself into Emma’s apartment. It was quiet – too quiet. He was nervous. What if she hadn’t come home? He’d been bolstering himself all afternoon. He knew what had to be done. More importantly, he knew what he wanted to do. Now he just needed the woman he loved to feel safe.

He was ready.


The apartment remained quiet.

Her car had been in the parking lot. Finn was relatively sure she was here. Wherever she was, she was hiding. And, if Ally was to be believed, she was sad. Finn didn’t want her sad. The only thing he wanted in this world was to make her smile.


She appeared in the hallway, exiting the bathroom in her standard bedroom fare – fuzzy sleep pants and a tank top – and fixing him with a piteous look. “What are you doing here?”

Finn faltered. “What do you mean?”

“I figured you’d be at your apartment tonight.”

Finn set the food and flowers down on the small dinette table. “Why did you think that?”

Emma’s face, devoid of makeup, was pale and drawn. “We don’t have to do this.”

“What don’t we have to do?”

“I know what you’re here to say,” Emma said, moving down the hallway and brushing past him as she headed toward the kitchen. “I don’t need to hear you say it.”

“I think you do.”

Emma blew out a sigh. “Okay, then I’ll say it for you,” she said. “You’re here to tell me that you’re going to take care of us. You’re here to say that you’ll love the baby, and you’ll be a good father. You’re here to say that you care about me, but you don’t think that forever is in the cards for us. You want me to know that you’ll give me money for the baby, and we’ll work something out regarding custody. You really want me to know that you won’t abandon the baby. I get it. You can go now.”

Finn’s heart jumped. “Is that what you really think?”

“It’s the truth, isn’t it?”

Finn took a step toward her, cringing when he saw her take a step back. “Some of it is the truth,” Finn said, forcing himself to remain still. “The rest of it is total bullshit.”

Emma lifted her head. “What’s bullshit?”

“Everything you’re scared of is bullshit,” Finn said, tugging on the courage he’d been storing up all afternoon. “You’re scared I don’t love you.”

“You don’t.”

“I’ve loved you since the beginning,” Finn said. “I’ve loved you since … I’ve loved you since I saw you.”

“Don’t, Finn.”

“It’s the truth,” he said. “I saw you in that stupid bikini, and I fell in love with your body. I saw the mistrustful look you shot in my direction, and I fell in love with your face. I heard the angry things you said to me, and I fell in love with your mind. I’ve loved you from that first day, Emma.”

Emma pursed her lips.

“Don’t you dare speak,” Finn warned. “I’m nowhere near done.”

Emma crossed her arms over her chest, inching her chin up as she regarded him. She was waiting now. This was his chance.

“I was scared to tell you,” Finn said. “I wanted to say it that first night we were together. I thought you would run, so I didn’t. You know, my brothers have always been the macho ones. When James started telling Mandy he loved her I was … stunned. I always knew I was meant to love one woman, but I never thought I could while my brothers clung to their … ways.

“Before Mandy, James didn’t give a shit about women,” Finn continued. “He’d romance them for a night, and then walk away. When Mandy came into the picture, he was … different. Right from the start. I never believed in love at first sight, but he loved her the minute he saw her.

“I pushed it out of my mind,” he said. “I figured it was a fluke. I thought Mandy was magic, and she’d somehow managed to cast a spell over James. I didn’t believe in forever. Then Grady met Sophie. He definitely wasn’t a forever guy. As soon as he met her, though, he was done.

“Did I ever tell you about the first time they were together?” Finn asked.

Emma shook her head.

“Someone sent her a threatening email, and she was worried,” Finn said. “Grady wasn’t at the office that day. I went back to her house with her. When Grady showed up, he was all about … marking his territory. He thought I was interested in her. I saw him that day and knew.”

“What did you know?”

“That she was his forever,” Finn said. “After that, watching James and Mandy … and Grady and Sophie … was like torture for me. I was always the one who wanted someone to love, and yet I was alone. Then I found you, and everything fit together. Everything clicked. I wanted you the second I saw you.

“I was mean to you,” Emma said, her voice small.

“Your words were mean, but your heart was so fragile I wanted to wrap myself around it and protect it forever,” Finn said. “I knew you were different, and I knew you had more love to give than I could ever deserve. I’ve always loved you, Emma.”

“You never told me you loved me,” she said. “You’re only saying it now because of the baby.”

“I’m not going to pretend that the baby didn’t surprise me,” Finn said. “I’ve always wanted a family. I’ve always wanted a family with my soul mate. You’re my soul mate, Emma. Sure, we’re getting a family a little sooner than I expected, but that doesn’t change anything. I loved you then, and I love you now.”

Emma’s face contorted. “I want to believe you, but you … you can’t possibly love me.”

“You don’t love yourself, Emma,” Finn said. “I can’t fix that if you don’t give me a chance. I’m a coward, and I can’t mend the harm I’ve done. We can only move forward.”

Finn took a step in her direction.

“You don’t want a baby,” Emma said, although she didn’t move away. “You’ve never mentioned having kids.”

“We’ve never talked about anything serious,” Finn countered. “Not like this. I’m scared to talk about serious things with you because I’m terrified it will bring up memories of your past. That’s another coward trait, I’m afraid. I decided to just let things ride out of fear of upsetting you. I’m not going to do that again.”

“What if you decide you don’t like me?”

“It’s too late for that,” Finn said. “I love you. Nothing will ever change that. Nothing ever could. I know you’re going to have doubts, and I know you’re going to need me to constantly reinforce that love. I understand I’ve created this situation. I’m ready to be the man you need me to be.”

“You’ve always been the man I needed,” Emma said, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I’ve never known love like I feel when I’m with you.”

Finn’s shoulders relaxed, relief washing over him. “Say it again.”

“I love you,” Emma said. “I fought so hard not to love you, but I do. I can’t … I can’t imagine my life without you.”

“You don’t have to,” Finn said, closing the gap between them. “There is no you without me, and vice versa. We’re an us, and we’re starting a family. It’s you, me … and … baby.”

Emma sank into his arms, letting Finn hold her close. He rubbed the back of her head as he kissed her temple. “I love you, Emma. Never doubt that. Never.”

“I love you, too.”

Finn’s mouth found hers, home and family welcoming him into happiness. He cupped the back of her head, supporting her body as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. It had been too long. Between his doubts, her mood swings, and her mother’s sudden arrival, Finn and Emma hadn’t basked in each other in almost two weeks.

Tonight was a new beginning.

“I love you, Emma,” he repeated, Ally’s words taking hold. “I love you.”

“Make love to me,” Emma said. “I … I need to feel you.”

Finn nodded, lifting her in his arms. “Feel me, sweetheart, because I love you, and I need you to feel it.”

Emma wrapped her legs around Finn’s waist, resting her weight on him as he carried her to the bedroom. Dinner and flowers were forgotten on the tabletop. Something else was on the menu tonight. What Emma needed now was reinforcement, and Finn was up to the task.

He lowered her onto the mattress, pulling her shirt off and kissing her tender neck. “I love you, Emma.” He was going to say it until he drilled it into her beautiful head. He fumbled with her bra, relieved when it sprang free. Now that he was looking at her body, even in dim light, he was surprised he hadn’t noticed the changes. Her breasts already seemed fuller – and they were impressive to begin with. Her body was softer, and with the building passion between them, he couldn’t stop running his hands over the welcoming flesh. “I love you, Emma.”

Finn lowered his mouth to her rigid nipple, sucking the bud into his mouth and rolling his tongue over the excited flesh. Her moan of appreciation was more than enough to spur him on.

“Oh,” Emma groaned. “That feels … wow … my nipples are so sensitive.”

Finn smiled, continuing his ministrations. He pressed her breasts together, allowing himself easier access so he could switch between them at will. Emma’s back arched as the tactile sensation overwhelmed her.

“Oh, seriously, I …  wow.”

Pregnancy might be fun after all, Finn mused. He increased his efforts, sucking hard one second and releasing the pressure the next. Emma was writhing beneath him. “Oh, make love to me. Oh.”

Finn pulled away long enough to yank his shirt over his head and shed his pants and boxer shorts. He tugged Emma’s pajama bottoms down, relieved to find that she was bare underneath them.

Even now, even a year later, seeing Emma naked was a revelation. “You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he said. “I love you, Emma.”

Tears were leaking out of the corners of Emma’s brown eyes. “I love you,” she sobbed.

Finn spread her thighs with his hands, massaging the tight flesh with his thumbs. He exhaled heavily, blowing her moist mound to stimulate her. He was enjoying every moan, reveling in every tremble, loving with every caress. This was his woman. This was his life. This was his future. This was his forever.

He lowered his mouth, licking her with a flattened tongue and earnest hunger. She even tasted different now. She was always sweet, but now she was divine. He could never get enough of her. Never. This was only the beginning.

Finn attacked her enthusiastically, her hands tangling in his hair as her thighs spread wider.

“Oh, I’ve never felt anything like this,” Emma said. “I … my whole body is tingling.”

When Emma came a few seconds later, it was like an eruption. Her shoulders leaped up from the mattress, and her guttural cries were like a symphony. Finn refused to move his mouth until her tremors subsided.

When she was done, he climbed up her body. He captured her mouth again, sliding inside of her with one swift movement. He needed her as much as she needed him. They were becoming one tonight, and they would never separate.

“Oh, God,” Emma moaned, her fingers digging into the flesh across Finn’s strong back. “Oh … oh … oh … oh.”

Finn gained his rhythm. He was just as excited as she was. Her joy was spurring him onward. “I love you.” He thrust hard. “I love you.” He thrust harder. “I love you.” He filled her completely.

When Finn exploded, Emma convulsed around him at the same time. Their cries intermixed, and euphoria lit up the dim room.

Finn collapsed on top of her, his breath ragged. “I love you, Emma,” he murmured, burying his face in the hollow between her neck and her shoulder. “I love you forever.”

“I love you,” Emma whispered, tears running down her cheeks. “I love you forever.”


When Finn woke the next morning, Emma was naked and snuggled in his arms. He took the opportunity to look her over in the morning light as it wafted through the bedroom window shades. She looked better. Rest had erased the dark hollows beneath her eyes, and emotional release had returned the glow to her cheeks.

As if she sensed him looking at her, Emma stirred. “Morning,” she mumbled.

“Good morning, sweetie,” Finn said, kissing her forehead.

“What time is it?”

“Almost ten.”

Emma stiffened. “It’s so late. I never sleep this late.” She moved to pull away, but Finn held her tight.

“Stay here with me this morning,” Finn said. “I want to … be with you for a little while.”

“What about work?”

“James isn’t expecting me today.”

“He’s not?” Emma seemed surprised.

“He knew we needed some time,” Finn said. “I plan on taking that time. It’s just you and me today – and we’re not getting out of bed.”

Emma smiled. “What if I have stuff that needs to be taken care of?”

“You’ll survive,” Finn replied. Emma pressed her lips to his bare chest, and Finn could see her mind working as she considered his suggestion. “I still love you, Emma.”

Emma exhaled heavily. “Am I that transparent?”

“I think we’ve had an emotional couple of days,” he said. “If you need to hear it again, I’m happy to tell you again.” He kissed her, lingering over her lips for an extended stay. “And again. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Emma said, tightening her arms around his waist as she fought off tears.

“Please tell me you’re just crying because you’re hormonal.”

“I am.”

“Good,” Finn said. “It’s going to take me a while to figure out what’s what, but I don’t want you crying because you’re upset.”

Emma sniffled. “Okay.”

Finn fought the urge to smile. Finding delight in a woman’s tears shouldn’t be allowed, but it was hard to keep from grinning. She was so cute.

“Okay, waterworks,” he said, keeping his arms around her as he rolled onto his back and situated her on his chest. “We need to start making some plans.”

“What kind of plans?”

“Well, first off, we need a new place to live,” he said. “My apartment is smaller than this one, and this one is definitely too small for a baby.”

“You want to us to move in together?” Emma’s voice was squeaky.

“We’re already living together, Emma,” Finn said. “We’ve been living together since the first night we slept together. We haven’t been apart since.”

“But … .”

“We’re officially moving in together,” Finn said. “I’m not asking, I’m telling. We’re together. We’re having a family. We’re living under the same roof.”

“You’re kind of bossy,” Emma said.

“Only when it’s necessary.”

“I … well, okay. Where are we going to move?”

“That is the question, isn’t it,” Finn said, rubbing lazy circles across Emma’s bare shoulders. “Do you want to stay out in this area?”

“Can’t we just stay in this complex?”

“I wasn’t happy about this complex when Mandy was living here,” Finn said. “I didn’t like it that you were here either, but since I was always staying here with you, I let it go. I don’t want a baby here. There’s not a playground, and those ponds are deep enough for a child to drown in.”

“Wow, look at you,” Emma teased, resting her chin on his chest.

“I’d like a house,” Finn said. “I’ve been saving up. I’d like to wait until I have enough for a bigger down payment, though. We couldn’t get much of a house for what I have.”

“You want to buy a house now?” Emma’s eyebrows shot up her forehead.

“Kids need a yard to play in,” Finn said. “Thankfully, we have a few years before we have to worry about that. We should be able to get a nice house by then.”

“I don’t even know what to say.”

“Then don’t say anything,” Finn said. “You know what we need to do? We need to make a list. We need to get organized.”

Emma pursed her lips. “About what?”

“Well, for starters, you need to plan a last day of work.”


“No offense, sweetie, but you’re only going to fit in one of those tiny bikinis for another month. Two at the most. Then you’re either going to have to start modeling maternity wear, or your career as a model is over.”

“Omigod,” Emma said, running a hand through her hair as she pulled herself up to a sitting position. “I hadn’t even thought about that. What am I going to do?”

“What do you mean?” Finn was confused.

“That’s how I make money,” Emma said. “How am I going to swing my half of the rent if I don’t have a job? I’m still six months away from graduation. The baby will be born right away after that. How am I supposed to get a job as a teacher that quickly?”

Finn propped himself up on his elbows as he regarded her. “You don’t have to swing half of the rent,” he said. “We’re moving in together. How about we just pool our resources and not worry about splitting everything down the middle?”

“That doesn’t seem fair.”

Finn was at a loss. “Emma, I can’t decide if you’re being purposely obtuse or if you really don’t get it.”

Emma’s eyes filled with tears.

“Oh, sweetie, don’t do that,” Finn said, sitting up and running his hand down her back. “I keep forgetting that you’re sensitive right now. I’m sorry. I just meant that we’re a family. No one is paying half of anything. We’re building a life together. We’re working together, so let’s not panic.”

Emma sucked in a steadying breath. “There’s so much to do. Where do we start?”

“Well, my lease runs out next month,” he said. “Yours is good for two months, so we have that time to decide where we’re going to live. I can put stuff in storage at the security office until we make a final decision.

“We need to get your health in order first and foremost,” Finn said.

“I’m fine.”

“That’s not what your doctor said,” Finn countered. “I may have been in shock, but I heard that. So, you need to start eating more. I put up with your eating habits before, but they worried me. You’re going to start eating more, sweetie, and I don’t want to hear you argue about it. The baby needs a healthy mommy, and I want a big, healthy baby, so you’re eating.”

Emma swallowed hard, nodding.

“We need to start looking at baby stuff,” Finn said.

“Baby stuff?”

“Cribs. High chairs. Monitors. Those things you cover light sockets with so they don’t electrocute themselves.”

“I don’t think we have to worry about that stuff right away,” Emma hedged.

“No, but we should start looking,” Finn said. “Only the best for my baby.”

Emma smirked, something suddenly occurring to her. “Do you want a boy or a girl?”

Finn shrugged. “I don’t care,” he said. “I just want a healthy baby. What do you want?”

“They both come with their own set of hardships.”

“What hardships?”

“Boys are harder to potty train,” Emma said.

“I’m sure we’ll manage.”

“Girls are more verbal, and they have more feelings.”

“I know that,” Finn said, kissing Emma’s forehead to bolster her. “Girls are also sweet, and they carry around dolls, and they want you to drink tea.”

“Did Ally have tea parties when she was little?”

“Yes, and attendance was mandatory,” Finn said, smiling at the memory. “We all had to dress up, too.”

“Did she like dolls?”

“Don’t all girls like dolls?” Finn asked.

“I don’t know,” Emma replied. “I never had a doll.”

Finn frowned. He kept forgetting how rotten her childhood was. “Well, if we have a girl, she’s getting as many dolls as she wants.”

“And we’ll make Ally come to all of her tea parties,” Emma said, giggling.

“See, now you’re thinking,” Finn said. “Do you know what else we have to do?”


“We have to tell my parents,” Finn said. “They’re going to be pretty excited about having a grandchild.”

“They won’t be disappointed?”

“Why would they be disappointed?”

“Because … well … we weren’t exactly planning for this,” Emma said. “Won’t they think I’m irresponsible?”

“Emma, my mother has been begging for a grandchild for years,” Finn said. “She doesn’t care how she gets it. Although, if you know what’s good for you, you’re going to find a way to deliver her a girl right off the bat. She’s not going to have nearly as much fun dressing up a boy.”

Emma rubbed the back of her neck thoughtfully. Finn couldn’t read her mind, but he had a feeling he knew where it had travelled. He reached over and pushed her hand away so he could massage the knot.

“That feels good,” Emma murmured.

“I’m thinking we should probably set up weekly massages for you, too,” Finn said.

“That’s expensive.”

“I don’t care,” Finn said. “Only the best for my family.” Finn dug his fingers into Emma’s back, causing her to moan. “Do you want to tell your mom?”

Emma stilled. “She’s probably already left town.”

“We can find out,” Finn said.

“I … I don’t know.”

“Well, you just think on it,” Finn said. “You don’t have to make any decisions today. The only thing you have to decide right now is what you want for breakfast.”

“Oh, I’m not really hungry,” Emma said. “I’ll just have half a grapefruit.”

“Try again.”

“I don’t eat a lot in the morning.”

“Well, you do now,” Finn said. He leaned forward and kissed the back of her neck. “How about we change our plans today?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“I’m going to take you out for a big, greasy breakfast,” Finn said. “Don’t you dare argue. You’re going, and you’re eating.”

Emma sighed, resigned.

“And then we’re going to go and look at baby stuff for ideas.”

Emma’s eyes brightened. “We are?”

“We can’t buy anything until we know if we’re having a boy or a girl,” he cautioned. “I don’t want a bunch of unisex stuff. If it’s a girl, I want a big pink room – and no son of mine is living in a pink room.”

Emma snorted.

“It will be fun,” Finn said. “I promise.”

“Okay.” Emma’s smile was bordering on giddy. “I’m a little excited.”

“Do you know what, sweetheart? I’m a little excited, too. Now get your fine ass in that shower. I have a quick call to make, and then I’ll be in there to wash your back.”

“Who are you calling?”

“I just want James to know that I’m not coming in today,” Finn said. “I’m sure he doesn’t expect me, but I just want to tell him that everything is okay.”

Finn also had a favor to ask of his brother, but he wasn’t ready to tell Emma about it just yet.


why are we the ones doing this?” Mandy asked, moving off the elevator and scanning the plaque on the wall. “It’s down here.”

“Finn doesn’t want Emma unnecessarily upset,” James said, following her down the hotel hallway. “He wants us to feel out the mother. After all Emma has been through over the past few weeks, I think we can handle … this.”

“I’m not promising I won’t rip this woman’s hair out,” Mandy warned. “I don’t care if she is Emma’s mother. I don’t believe she didn’t know what was happening to her daughter.”

“I can’t promise I won’t hold her down while you make her bald,” James said. “Let’s just get this over with. I’ll take you out to a nice dinner – if you’re good – after.”

“Do I get to pick where?”

James narrowed his eyes. “What did you have in mind?”

“I’ll tell you after we’re done with this … woman,” Mandy said. “I might need a really big and expensive dinner. Here it is.”

Mandy knocked on the door. The woman who opened it was an older version of Emma, without the same light and sense of warmth. Time had worn Sheila Archibald down. Sometimes karma did catch up with people.

“Can I help you?” Sheila asked.

“I’m James Hardy. Finn Hardy is my brother.”

“The same Finn who is shacking up with my daughter?” Sheila asked.

“That would be the one,” Mandy said.

“And who are you?” Sheila asked, looking Mandy up and down.

“This is my wife,” James said. “Can we come in?”

“That depends, what do you want?”

“We want to talk to you,” James said.

Sheila didn’t look convinced, but she opened the door and ushered the couple into the room. “Let me guess, you’re here to warn me away from my daughter?”

“We haven’t decided yet,” James said.

“I have,” Mandy grumbled.

James rubbed the back of her neck to contain her. “We’re here to find out what you want.”

“What makes you think I want anything?” Sheila asked, sitting down at the small table on the far side of the room.

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