Deadly Attraction (6 page)

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Authors: Calista Fox

“I can’t explain it, other than to surmise it’s some sort of
internal checks and balance system. As though my ability to fix my body in an
abnormally short amount of time is offset by the agony of the injury. As if
it’s a penalty for possessing such a gift. The pain is sometimes unbearable,
but if I can rise above it, the wounds heal.”

“Do they really?” he questioned in a dark tone.

Jade wiped tears from her cheeks. “I suffer from an acute
reaction to pain, yes. But I survive it.”

“That explains so much. I understood the toll your parents’
deaths took on you. But the heartache you felt with your friend, Michael. It
was tortuous. You were so young to feel that emotionally devastated. It
was…horrific to experience.”

“That’ll teach you to head-hop.”


She’d meant the comment as a flip remark, but he clearly
took it seriously. And a step further.

“Tonight, when you’re alone in your cottage, you’ll think of
Jinx. Won’t you?”

Jade swallowed down a lump of emotion. “Of course.”

“And it’ll be excruciating for you.”

She stared up at Darien. His expression was a compelling
one, but also a beleaguered one.

“What does it matter to you?” she asked in a soft voice.
“You’re the king. I’m a commoner. A mere mortal. My people have been besieged
by fear and famine and fatality, as much in the pre-war years as in the
post-war ones. Your kind doesn’t suffer the same trials and tribulations as

His teeth ground together for a moment before he said, “We
have our own crosses to bear. Demon life isn’t all roses and sunshine.”

The hard edge of his tone caused Jade to take his word on

“At any rate,” she said, getting back to the issue at hand
rather than drowning in his glowing amber irises, “the gifts I showed you today
are the ones I’ve always had. Nothing new here, other than a heightened sense
of knowing when someone’s stalking me.”

Darien frowned. “This is definitely a new power I’m sensing.
And it’s incredibly strong. But you’re right,” he contended. “I’m not getting
that signal now.”

They both seemed to draw the same conclusion in the next

“Damn it,” the king said as he pounded a fist on the desk.
“I sense the power around you, but it’s not
from you. It’s
someone else who watches you, someone else who stays close to you. Someone I
haven’t detected.”

Fear slithered down her spine. “If it’s not just you keeping
tabs on me, then who?”

“A very determined demon. But what does he want from

Chapter Four


Darien’s mind raced. Why would a demon stalk Jade? And was
it one from his kingdom?

Their allegiance never faltered. Granted, the
vampire who’d allowed Jinx to experiment on him had stepped beyond a reasonable
boundary, but the accord had been made by mutual consent. Jinx had willingly
taken the risk.

Something much bigger was at play when it came to Jade. And
he had to find out what it was. If neither he nor Morgan had discovered what
followed her, but had sensed the evil around her, that would likely make the
stalker another wraith.

He raked a hand through his hair. Poltergeists were the
hardest demons to track. One of the reasons Morgan made such a brilliant
general and military strategist. Although Darien did not lack tactical skills

“You’ll be safest at the castle while I search for the demon
hunting you.”

She shook her head, panic clearly gripping her again. “The
slayers would never stand for it. Nor would I willingly put myself in that sort
of compromising position. You have vampires in your alliance, after all.”

“Who do not prey on humans,” he said between clenched teeth.

“Regardless, I wouldn’t feel the least bit comfortable
there. Or safe.”

He fought the anger that welled within him over the fact she
actually thought he’d let someone harm her. His gaze narrowed on her. “Have I
not given you a good enough idea of my feelings for you?”

Her cheeks flushed. “What happened last night…that was only
a dream.”


She moved away from the fireplace, as though the heat were
suddenly unbearable. “I can’t explain why it was so powerful.”

“Are you going to conveniently say I manipulated your

She spun back to face him, looking indignant. “Of course
not. That would suggest I have absolutely no control over my own thoughts or
body. I assure you, I do.”

Although the admission contradicted her point about it only
being a dream that had transpired between them.

His brow jerked. “You didn’t exactly demand I leave your bed
or your body after I’d mentally removed Michael from both.”

The flush spread down her neck. “This really isn’t something
we should discuss.”

“Hard to deny how we responded to each other.”

“I can’t explain it,” she repeated. “I’m sure you can’t

“Yes, actually, I can.” Despite his better judgment, he
reached for her and gently coaxed her toward him. His head dipped and his lips
brushed over hers. A whisper of a kiss that made her gasp. And that caused his
cock to immediately swell in the crotch of his leather pants. “What bothers you
most?” he asked as she tensed in his loose embrace. “The fact I pulled you into
my arms or that you willingly came?”

She stared up at him, myriad emotions swirling in her bright
blue eyes. “I don’t know,” she said, breathless. “I don’t understand what
happened last night. How…
…it felt.”

“Perhaps that was because we both wanted it. We wanted each

“But I didn’t even know you at the time. I’d never seen you

“And yet I commanded your passion in a way Michael never
has. Am I correct?”

Her eyelids fluttered closed. Likely so he couldn’t see the
flicker of lust in them—an easy assumption to make because her body relaxed
against him and she let out a long sigh.

His lips grazed her temple, and he muttered, “I can’t have
you in reality. That dream was the only intimate connection I can ever make
with you.” A notion that disturbed him greatly, especially as his gut twisted
and his groin tightened. But he couldn’t give in to the desire she so easily

Rather, he released her and stepped away.

Her eyes opened and she stared up at him. “You won’t invade
my mind again, will you? Not with another fantasy?” Disappointment tinged her
provocative voice.

“No.” He found it a torturous confirmation to make, so he
changed the subject. “If you won’t allow the protection of the castle walls,
then I’ll have Morgan, the general of my army, escort you to your cottage. I
only ask one thing of you. Stay there until we’ve discovered your hunter.”

She opened her mouth, to protest no doubt, but he silenced
her with a stern look.

“It won’t take long, I promise you, now that we have an idea
of what we’re up against. Just stay put, Jade. Can you do that?” He was certain
his expression was a compelling one.

Taking him aback, she reached out a hand and swept her thumb
over the dip between his brows, which he’d felt crease with his consternation
and concern for her well-being.

“You want to help
? A human?”

“Yes,” he said in a low tone, his body tightening further at
her delicate touch. “If you’ll let me.”

Her hand fell away. With another sigh, she told him, “I will
do as you ask. But only for a few days. I work with Michael at the tavern and I
don’t want to leave him stranded for long.”

“Very well. We’ll make sure we’re expeditious in our
pursuit.” He moved away from her and retrieved the cloak. Handing it over, he
said, “You’ll need this on the way back to the meeting hall. It’s snowing again.”

She gazed out the window and then at the garment. With a
slight shake of her head, she said, “That’s much too personal and people will
take note.” Squaring her shoulders, she added, “You are the Demon King, after
all. Try not to forget it.” She winked at him, despite the tension that had
lingered between them.

He liked how her impulsive jest lightened the mood. “Nice to
see you have a sense of humor.”

“It’s not all doom and gloom being a human. We have roses
and sunshine from time to time too. Just like you.”

Pulling open the door of the library, he gestured for her to
precede him. He trailed behind her on the sidewalk, wondering how he’d go back
to maintaining his distance when it came to this woman. Their mental encounter
had felt remarkably real to him as well, and now that he’d spoken with Jade and
had kissed her lips in reality, he was more captivated by her than before.

Truly an inconceivable and reckless predicament to find
himself in. Yet here he was, swearing protection, willing to take on any demon
fathomable in order to keep her safe.

A human. A mortal. A woman he could never have. Except for
that one time in the fantasy they’d shared. And holy hell had his climax been
an explosive one as he’d reveled in her heat and her tight, wet depths. He
could recall every sensation his mind had conjured, even now. Her soft skin
against his. Their arms and legs entwined. Her sexy moans and the way she’d
moved with him and had arched her back to keep their bodies sealed.

A low grunt fell from his lips.

Glancing over her shoulder, she asked, “Something wrong?”

“No.” He rolled his eyes. “Yes. But…no.”

She gave him a look that made him believe she knew exactly
what he was thinking. Then she returned her attention to the lightly populated
walkway. The sideways glances they received from the villagers were of sheer
relief. The Demon King had not harmed the human.
He was a monster
in everyone’s eyes.

Though, perhaps not in Jade’s…?

* * * * *

Michael, Lisette and the slayers awaited her return—with
mounting anxiety if the stressful looks on their faces were any indication.
Jade entered the community hall and Michael rushed toward her. She warned him
off with a discreet lifting of her hand and he stopped in his tracks. Sparking
conflict between both her former and her phantom lovers would not bode well for
any of them.

Darien announced, “We’ve deduced it’s a rogue demon hunting
Jade, not one from my kingdom. My general and I will see that whatever stalks
her is tracked and removed from the village. I’ve asked her to remain in her
cottage and I suggest no one visits her, lest either of you,” he said to
Michael and Lisette, “find yourselves in jeopardy. I’m sure Jade would have
difficulty reconciling any tragedy brought on by this unfortunate incident.”

She nodded.

Walker said, “Tanner and I will come by the cottage on a
regular basis.”

“Very good,” Darien told them. “Morgan and I will cover the
woods surrounding her house and the riverbank. You ought to keep a close eye on
the village itself. I’ll restrict my demons from crossing the perimeter, so if
you see anything suspicious, you’ll know it won’t be from my alliance and you
have my permission to take action.”

The gravity of the situation made Jade’s stomach coil. She
spared another glance at Darien, whose face was a mask of hard angles,
revealing nothing.

Heavy footsteps on the stone floor drew her attention. A
tall, blond-haired man strode toward them.

Darien explained, “This is my general. He’ll see that Jade
makes it home safely.”

The newcomer nodded at her and she said, “Thank you. I
appreciate the help.”

Michael looked agitated and opened his mouth to speak, but
she quickly assured him, “It’ll be fine. They’ll find their demon and that’ll
put everyone’s minds at ease.”

“But why is it stalking
” he asked.

Jade couldn’t help but smile, wanting to alleviate some of
the pressure, even if her own nerves wouldn’t settle. “I’m sure the king and
his general will discover that quickly enough. Don’t worry about me. I have
castle and slayer protection. I’m probably the most guarded human in
thirty-five years.”

Lisette said, “Then do as they say. You tend to have a
stubborn side. This isn’t one of those times it should prevail.”

“I understand.” She gave her friend a hug. A thought
suddenly occurred to her and she added, “Damn, Lisette. I made a small mess at
your library and didn’t get a chance to clean it up.”

She’d bled on the floor. Not something she wanted to say in
front of everyone.

“I’ll take care of it.”

“Don’t make anything of it,” Jade was quick to warn her. “I’m
obviously fully intact.”

This caused the older woman’s brow to dip and caught the
interest of the others as well.

Darien intervened before anyone could question her. “We
should be going.”

He turned abruptly and she followed, with Morgan and the
slayers bringing up the rear.

She learned the general wasn’t a man of many words. He
uttered not a one on the way to her cottage.

As she slid off the bare back of his cinnamon-colored horse,
she said, “I’ll stay inside and wait for someone to tell me the danger has

He gave a sharp nod of his head. Clearly, something about
her disturbed him. Likely the fact she was a mere mortal he had to look after.

“Well. Again, thank you for…everything.” She headed toward
the front door, but Morgan finally spoke, making her draw up short.

“He might be immortal, but he’d still put his own existence
on the line for you.”

She whirled around. “Excuse me?”


She knew whom he’d meant. “Why?”

“Because,” he said in a measured tone, “not all demons are

Then he signaled to his horse and they took off in a flash,
leaving snow flying in their wake.

Jade stared after them, the breath leaving her body on a
hard rush of air.

Not all humans are good. Not all demons are evil.

Her mother’s motto. She had no time to consider the
unexpected reiteration as a chill forced her thoughts back to the situation at
hand—and the perilous predicament she’d inadvertently found herself in. She
rushed inside the cottage, securing the door behind her.

Captivity didn’t suit her well, but she had so much to mull
over that two days passed as though in a few hours. Jade didn’t sleep a lot,
her mind too preoccupied with the bizarre events of late. On occasion, she
found it tempting to nap, just to see if Darien would keep his word about
staying out of her dreams. Unfortunately, she found it depressing that he made
good on his promise.

Her life had never been particularly full and satisfying
since her parents’ deaths, but somehow, being in Darien’s presence—whether in
real life or by way of a fantasy—she’d felt the hollow cracks and crevices
seal. Being alone in her cottage, however, tore them wide open again.

Loneliness was not a foreign feeling for Jade. She’d lived
in the small house by herself since she was eleven. There was no child
protective legal system or orphanage in the post-war days, so no one had
whisked her away to a different shelter against her will.

Yes, the adults of the village had urged her to stay with
them and their families. But she’d had no desire to leave her home and all the
memories she’d collected in her childhood. She felt closer to her parents here
and she cherished the quaint cottage.

Above all else, she found a degree of strength in knowing
she’d practically raised herself and possessed the spirit and determination to
be accountable for her own actions and needs. Well, most of them, anyway. One
elusive longing could not be sated by anyone other than the Demon King.

She sighed as she tossed another log on the fire, which had
dimmed as she’d pondered her life. Admittedly, she enjoyed her friendships and
she loved reading about civilization before the wars. But she’d always felt
something was missing. Several somethings, actually. Her place in the new
world. A significant connection to someone.

As much as she adored Michael, she couldn’t deny he was not
the man for her. Not after the fantasy she’d shared with Darien.

Yet the demon wasn’t a viable option for a companion either,
and he proved he felt the same way by steering clear of her. It was the slayers
who checked on her and gave status reports. Not the king. Not even his general.

Darien’s glowing eyes and supreme physique—not to mention
his scorching-hot kisses and deep, soul-stirring thrusts into her body—would
not leave her mind, though. A truly disconcerting scenario to find herself in.

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