Deadly Captive (24 page)

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Authors: Bianca Sommerland

Tags: #BDSM, #vampires, #paranormal, #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #amnesia, #exhibitionism, #Horror, #Abduction, #forced seduction, #torture, #imprisonment, #assassins

Not sure I had been scared before, I knew I was now. What if he was right? What if my conditioning since I'd first awakened made it so I needed that edge of control, enforced by another. The creature that I was now, the powers that came with it, the hunger, had already proved to be more than I could handle alone. What if I needed someone to help me manage it? I didn't want to hurt anybody, anybody innocent that is. Wouldn't it be better to accept Daederich, whom I knew I could trust, than seek out another in desperation? I knew well enough that I would rather give over some of my free will than have the blood of a child, a child like Daederich's son, on my hands.

The other possible repercussions nagged at me, but I pushed them aside. That didn't matter much now. No one would die if I found out I'd been conditioned to feel nothing without some pain and force.

Right now, what I needed to know was what Daederich had in mind. "So what do you want from me?"

To my utter shock, Daederich dropped to one knee. He took my hand and looked up at me. My breath seized in my throat. "I want to ask you . . . ." There was a glitter of mischief in his eyes. "Will you kill people with me?"

I opened my mouth and watched him stand. Then, I shook my head and laughed out loud. "You want me to work with you?"

His lips quivered. "What else did you think I wanted? Good gods, Lydia, you didn't seriously think I'd propose did you? Eternity is an awful long time to wear those particular shackles. You'll eventually want to test out the waters . . . ."

"I do." The words came out in a happy bubble. I didn't realize how he would interpret them.

He frowned. "You want to test out the waters? Already?"

I shook my head and giggled. "No. I want to work with you. I want to stop fighting and make this work."

The smile on my face and the broad grin on his would have been far better suited to a proposal being offered and accepted. Instead, it was for something that suited us both far more. We already had a tangible connection far more binding than marriage vows. A partnership, equal for the most part, was the most practical, and most pleasurable, relationship we could have.

Something occurred to me. "We couldn't have gone to a church anyway."

Daederich's lip curved. "Really? I don't know about that." He took my hand, pulled something from his pocket, and pressed it to my palm.

I jumped even though it didn't hurt. I'd expected it to. The legends, I was sure, all said the same thing. Holy artifacts should burn my flesh.

The little gold cross simply gleamed in the light against my pale flesh.

My brow furrowed. "So, no coffins, no aversion to crosses, and, for me, no problems with the sun." I shook my head. "Are we even immortal?"

Daederich shrugged. "I'll tell you in a few years, if we live that long."

The grim words didn't change his light humor. Strangely enough, I got it. We were alive now. That was all that mattered. We had survived through the worst kind of hell, and now we would embrace life to its fullest, pushing to the limits, balancing on the edge.

"So, where to first?" I went over to grab my bag, sure we wouldn't be staying.

Daederich took it from me. "First, we're going to a shooting range. I need to see how good you are with a gun. I know you can outfight most, but we won't be getting that close to most of our targets."

"Sounds good." I grinned, feeling ridiculously happy about the thought of having him teach me how to pick off the bad guys. "So, when do we start?"

As though he just couldn't get enough of me, Daederich pulled me in for another hug. "Tomorrow night, my bloodthirsty little minx. We've got two weeks before the first hit in New York. We're taking the rest of the night off."

I made a face. "Why?" I was restless and ready to get started. "Can't we head to the shooting range now?"

Daederich seemed to find my eagerness amusing. "Because I need a break even if you don't. Besides"—his hands moved down to my ass—"I can think of a few other things to do if you're bored."

I didn't answer. I didn't need to. With Daederich's mouth pressing down hard on mine, no words were needed. All that was needed was pure response.

Daederich lifted my arms over my head and pulled off my shirt. The deep kiss was broken for barely a breath before he had returned to me, attacking my mouth with wild passion. I worked his shirt off, necessitating another break of the violent play of our lips. He took off my bra and moved to my neck, slowing a little as he moved me back to the bed. Kissing down my body, he slid off my jeans and held me against him as he explored my breast.

One nipple in his mouth, he curved his hand between my thighs. Something was wrong, and I knew exactly what it was when he went still. As turned on as I was, my body was dry. I groaned in frustration. I wanted him. I did. Still my body wouldn't respond.

I sobbed and arched up, hoping he would understand that I wanted him to do it anyway. My body would eventually catch up.

"Shh." Daederich breathed out into my hair. "It's okay. I know what you need."

About to protest that I didn't need anything special, I gasped when he pressed roughly against me and bit into my throat. His fangs tore into my flesh and I cried out, arching against him. The pain was a warped pleasure, but pleasure nonetheless. One hand in my hair, holding me in place roughly he dug the fingers of the other into my side.

I groaned, responding to the rough treatment as I hadn't to the tenderness before.

Daederich released my throat, letting me bleed onto the sheets, gazing down at me, blood dripping from his lips. "Suck my dick, Lydia. Do it, and I'll return the pleasure. If you don't, then I promise you, you'll regret it."

He rolled away from me and lay on his back, head on his folded hands. I hesitated, not sure I liked where this was going.

Daederich reached over and grabbed a handful of my hair. He pulled me over him. "You want me to hurt you?"

I shook my head, but I almost said "yes." It was then I knew what he was doing.

The dampness between my thighs told me this was exactly what I needed. A bit of dominance, a bit of pain. A little messed up, but it was working.

I undid his jeans and pulled out his rock hard dick, eager to get it in my mouth.

He held me back. "I'm in the mood for a bit of TLC. Be gentle. It will make me happy."

I nodded and hid my smile against his crotch. Now, more than ever, I knew I could trust him. He was going to do his best to give me pleasure, as I needed it, without being too rough. In this way, I might eventually manage to do without the commands at all. If not, it mattered little. All that mattered was here, now.

Lips parted, I took his dick in my mouth, enveloping only the head. I could tell he was excited already in the taste of precum at the very tip. I licked it off and moved down, pulling the flesh tight with just a bit of suction. He growled and rested back, fist clenched at his side as I moved down, very slow, then slid back up.

This was for me. I knew it, and it made me all the more wet and ready. He would have been perfectly happy fucking my mouth hard. Instead, he was making us both take it slow. If I wasn't already in love with him, I would be now. My body had been trained to expect rough treatment. I was being forced to accept something gentler. The force my body understood, the care my mind reveled in.

Up and down, so languorous it was a type of torture. So much time had passed, so much motion that my lips were growing numb. I knew Daederich was close. I could feel his thighs tense under my hands. He was holding back for me.

Control lost abruptly, he jerked me off him and slammed me down face first on the bed. He laid over me, then stopped, breathing hard. He wanted to fuck me, and I wanted him to. Still he paused, gaining control of himself. Carefully, he eased one hand between us, touching my pussy, so wet and ready. He slipped one finger inside and stirred it around.

"I'm gonna put my dick in you," he told me calmly. "You aren't going to move, and you aren't going to come. Not until I say you can."

I nodded, shifting against him, disobeying already. "I'll do whatever you say."

With a gruff sound, he lifted from me. "Can't you follow the simplest commands? I said don't move."

I held still, afraid he would deny me now.

He worked another finger in. "That's my girl. I know you want me to fuck you.

But this is about what I want. Isn't it?"

Tensing helplessly against his finger, I bowed my head, pressing my face against the slick cotton sheets. "Yes. Whatever you want, I'm sorry."

He chuckled and removed his hand, shifting his dick so it pressed against my tight opening. "Don't be sorry. Just do as I say."

I nodded again. "I will."

He pushed in, spreading me, just a little. "Good. Now, don't move."

Every inch of him pushed into me, so slowly I was sure I would die from the rapture he was pulling me to. Just having him fully imbedded inside me was almost enough to throw me over the edge, but I recalled his words. I wouldn't climax without his command. The denial piqued every sensation as far as it would go.

The movement began, but it could hardly be called that. He drew out, slow enough so I could feel his flesh inside me, growing taut. Then he pushed in. I was so wet I could feel the fluid spill over his balls. I ached for him to slam them against me. I gritted my teeth to fight the willful urge to buck up.

The words spilled from my mouth. "Please, Daederich. Please just fuck me hard.

I want you pounding into me."

Lifting himself so only his groin touched mine, Daederich responded through clenched teeth. "I want you to be able to enjoy it, Lydia, even when it's not rough."

I pressed my face into the sheets. "I know. But later. Right now, I want . . . ." I bit my lip. "I need . . . ."

Daederich nodded against the back of my head. He slammed in hard. "Okay.

Since you asked so nicely."

Balls slamming into me, he fucked me hard. It was painful, but gloriously so. I still didn't move. I was still nervously following his commands.

"Daederich, can I—" My fangs gouged my lips. I tasted blood. It was sweet as honey.

"Yes." He moaned and jerked into me. "Fuck, yes. Lift those hips so I can get in deeper."

I lifted my hips to meet his violent thrust. His dick plowed deep within, ramming against the tender parts only his long, hard cock could reach. The thorough pounding tossed me out into one orgasm, then another. I wasn't sure I could take more.

He proved I could.

Dragging me up to my hands and knees, he took hold of my hair and forced my head back. Pressed fully against me, he fucked me until I couldn't breathe, his free hand moving just above our joining to my swollen clit, teasing it gently into play. I clenched against him, cried out, and fell forward. Daederich hooked an arm around my waist and lifted my hips for one, last thrust. I could feel his pulse between my thighs, long after he had stopped moving.

Rolling to his side, still holding me to him, Daederich breathed hard against my throat. "You're still bleeding."

I groaned and writhed as he bit me, sucking hard, throwing me into yet another climax. My body went limp. I was exhausted. It was wonderful.

Daederich was still breathing hard when he finally pulled away. He smiled and pulled me against him with my head nestled on his shoulder and my chest pressed to his. "You know, this little handicap you have. I don't think it'll be a problem."

I laughed. "Not to you. But how will it be when I take other lovers?"

Daederich looked down at me. "Do you object to fucking dead men?"

Smiling up at him, I nodded. "Yeah. I'd say so."

He kissed my forehead. "Then you've got nothing to worry about. Any man that touched you without my permission would suffer a horrible death." He gazed down at me. "Why? Are you anxious to have two guys slamming into you?"

I gave him a contented smile. "Not yet. But it bears consideration."

He chuckled. "Well, then, I guess I'd better find a man that I can tolerate."

Making a contented sound, I snuggled against him. "Not too soon. You've got me all to yourself for a while."

Daederich liked that. I could tell by the way he held me. Granted, it would get to the point that he would share me, and I'd share him. But not yet. Now, we were more than enough for one another. I liked knowing that. Enough for now, but it wasn't a restriction. It was a choice. Different choices would come. Later.

Chapter Twenty

Daederich's breath teased the hair around my ear. "Why are you shaking? You have to hold it steady."

I closed my eyes and shifted against him. "I know. It's just hard to concentrate with you so close. You're hard as a fucking rock."

He ground his erection against my ass. "What do you want? Even dressed like a boy, you're hot."

I bent back, leaning my head on his shoulder. "It's comfortable."

Moaning, he put one hand on my hip. "That shirt is so tight I can see every curve of your tits. The pants show your tight little ass real nice. I want to pull them down and stick my dick in so bad it hurts."

Shifting my hips, I looked at him over my shoulder. "Go ahead."

Daederich frowned at me. "You're supposed to be learning how to shoot."

Grinning, I moved one hand from the gun and reached down behind me, taking hold of his dick through his pant. "I like it better when you shoot."

He moved his dick in my hand and rested his head on my shoulder. "You're too fucking distracted." He ground his teeth. "How about this? You get the center of the target, and I'll fuck you. Right here, right now."

Nodding, I lifted my hand from his crotch and put it back on the shotgun. I was so horny I doubted I could shoot straight. He'd given me excellent incentive to try.

"It's a good thing we've got the place to ourselves." I tried to focus my sights.

He stepped back. "Good to have the money to bribe the owners."

I could tell in his tone that he'd cut himself off from me. I knew his job meant a lot to him. He only took cases that appealed to him. The one in New York was our first against another of our kind. He wanted to make sure I was ready.

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