Read Deadly Obsession Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Deadly Obsession (11 page)

He growled, easing his hands down her side, gently stroking the curve of her hip. He’d kill the man. Rip his dick off his body and shove it up his ass. Then he’d get nasty. No one touched his wife, but him. And sure as hell not against her will. Even he hadn’t done that. Been a bit too rough, maybe, but he would’ve stopped if she’d insisted.

She trembled as he caressed her hipbone, rubbing it in small circles. Damn, he loved touching her. Feeling her skin beneath his fingers, so soft and smooth he wanted nothing more than to rub every inch of his against hers. She moaned as he grazed across the soft hollow of her stomach. She was thinner than he remembered, but just as sexy. He moved up, tracing her ribcage, stopping below the firm mound of her breast.


“Brook.” Damn was that his voice? It was so raw and hungry he barely recognised it. He looked down at her. Her eyes had
her lips slightly apart. She looked ready for whatever he had in mind. He tensed his jaw, determined to stop, when she touched her fingers to his jaw, drawing him towards her. He couldn’t help but moan as she pressed her lips to his, softly stroking his tongue into her mouth.

He pulled her closer, curling his tongue around hers. Her lips were cool, like her skin, and he felt the sudden need to strip off her gown. Warm her body against his. He needed to know she was all right. Touch every part of her before he’d be satisfied the bastard hadn’t hurt her. She leaned into him, resting more of her weight on him. He knew she was far too weak for what they both wanted to happen, but he wasn’t about to deny her, or himself, the brief moment of intimacy that had suddenly enveloped them. She was scared, and reaching out for the only security she knew.

He shifted on the bed, easing her over on her side, careful to keep his hands away from her back as he rolled with her, pressing her curves into his body, moaning in need as he ran his fingers along her ribs and down her hip, stopping at the edge of her buttocks. He wanted to drape her leg across his thighs, ease his fingers between her silky lips, and stroke her clit until she screamed out her release. But she just felt so damn weak in his arms. He eased back, knowing he should pull away when she licked the shell of his ear, and grazed her outer leg along his thigh.

He growled, hooking his finger under her knee, balancing it across his hip. A soft whimper feathered across his neck as he slipped a single finger down her thigh, trailing it through her narrow slit.

He groaned, feeling her feminine juices coat his skin as she tilted her hips ever so slightly. He made another pass, gathering more of her cream onto his finger, knowing he’d have to lick it clean. Brooklyn’s eyes met his as he brought the digit to his lips, sucking off every drop. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lips, and he pulled her closer, moulding their bodies together as he slanted his mouth over hers again.

“You’re so beautiful,” he breathed, finally breaking the kiss. “You taste so sweet, darling.” He kissed her again, softly this time, just brushing his tongue across her lips.

“More,” was all she whispered, as her eyes fluttered

He smiled, knowing she was fading, but unable to deny her request. He’d spent too many nights dreaming of touching her again, and he wasn’t about to pass up any opportunity.

“Relax, baby,” he breathed, dropping his hand again, following the soft line of her hip until he reached her mound. Her breath hitched and her grip tightened as he slowly lowered his finger, dipping it through her delicate folds until he could slip just the tip inside her.

hummed in his ear, trying to deepen the penetration, but he kept it light, just teasing her with the soft press of his hand on her clit as he gently moved his finger back and forth through her channel. He didn’t know how long she’d last, or if she’d even come before exhaustion claimed her, but he couldn’t rush his movements, secretly wondering if this was his last chance to feel her against him…hear her breathy little mumbles as he brought her to a gentle orgasm. She nipped at his lobe when he pulled back, and he heard his chuckle rumble through her chest.

“Okay, baby. Just rest against me, and I’ll ease your ache.”

She snuggled closer, notching her head into his shoulder and resting the weight of her leg completely on his hip. He smiled against her hair, tracing his finger up her slit and softly circling her clit. A hushed gasp breathed across his chest, her body rolling gently against his. He kept his motion slow, wanting her to come, but afraid she’d hurt herself if she moved to quickly. He shifted his free hand down to her hip, holding her tight as he increased his pace, rubbing her clit with firm strokes.

pressed her head against him, straining to move her hips when he felt her body tense. She gasped once,
moaned, arching her head back as her climax washed over her, drenching his hand with the evidence of her release.

Gage growled, gathering as much juice as he could on his fingers before lifting them to his mouth, savouring her sweet flavour. Brooklyn watched him from behind lowered lids, her eyes glassy and dazed. He smiled as the tension eased from her body, a soft sigh trembling from her lips. He leant forward, taking her mouth with his, knowing she’d be able to taste her cream on his tongue.

whispered his name, straining to deepen the kiss. She inched closer, brushing her tongue against his when her grip in his hair loosened. He smiled. Despite the arousal still coursing through her body, the desire he’d seen in her eyes and felt in her touch, she was drifting back towards sleep.

“It’s okay, darling. Sleep. We’ll talk later.” He wanted to say he’d love her later, but the words wouldn’t form on his tongue right.

“Please don’t go.”

Her words were slurred, but there was no mistaking the neediness in her voice. “I’m not going anywhere. Just sleep.” He gathered her back in his arms, draping her body across his again. “I won’t let him hurt you.
Never again.”

“I love you.”

He smiled at her soft words, so faint they’d been more like a wish than a statement.
“Me too.
Now sleep.”


* * * *


sat in the bed, her back cushioned against some pillows. She’d only been awake for an hour, but already her limbs felt heavy. She cursed, hating the weakness creeping through her body. It wasn’t like her to just sit around, and the waiting was driving her crazy.

Sam had returned as promised, a couple of sandwiches tucked inside his jacket. Both he and Gage had insisted she eat one, and had sat there watching until she’d gulped down the last bit. Now they were huddled on the couch, talking in hushed whispers, as Sam flipped back and forth through his notepad. It was almost as if they’d forgotten she was there.

“Are you two finished gossiping yet?” she asked.

Sam looked up at her, closing the pad. “Was there something else you wanted us to do?”

“Not particularly. It’s
your constant whispering is annoying. Either
so I can hear you, or don’t bother talking at all.” She could hear the agitation in her voice, but she didn’t care.

Gage smiled and crossed over to the bed. “We’re not trying to keep secrets. You just looked tired. We thought you might drift off to sleep again if we were quiet enough.” He picked up her hand and began stroking her fingers.

“Gage…” She couldn’t finish her thought as he cupped her other hand and repeated the sensual caress. Damn. Why did she respond so easily to him?

The dream

That must be it. Just after Sam had left she’d drifted back to sleep and dreamt Gage had kissed her. That he’d trailed his fingers down her body, caressing her skin, stroking his tongue against hers. She remembered arching into him, laying her leg across his thighs, silently asking him to touch her. He’d chuckled and moved his finger through her slit, circling her clit until a gentle orgasm had washed through her. He’d lulled her back to sleep then, his arms holding her tight, whispered words of love following her into the darkness. It’d been so real. But then she’d woken later in the same position she’d gone to sleep in, and had realised it’d just been her fantasy taking over again.

“All I do is sleep.”

“You’ve lost nearly half your blood volume in a matter of days. You’re lucky you’re conscious enough to sleep.” He settled on the edge of the bed. “Would you rather talk?”

She tensed. She’d known it’d only be a matter of time before he asked about the abduction.
“About what?”

Gage brushed his fingers along her jaw. “It’s okay, darling. If you don’t want to talk about it yet, we’ll understand. Sam and I can wait until you’re ready.”

He was being too patient, too understanding, and just too damn considerate. And the combination only made her want to help him. “I don’t remember too much. I think he gave me something to try and knock me out.”

“It was in the syringe and the cream,” said Sam, stepping over to the bed. “The lab tested them. Both substances were loaded with a form of
. It affects the body similarly to an aesthetic.”

“That explains why I had trouble moving,” she replied.

“Luckily for us, your wound didn’t allow it to enter your blood stream fast enough to completely immobilise you.” Sam smiled at her. “You put up quite a struggle in the parking lot.”

“He was going to put me in the trunk!” she spat out, pulling her hands away from Gage before wrapping them around her chest. “I know better than to allow that to happen.
At least not without a fight.”

“You did great,” said Gage. “Sam was just trying to point that out.” He scooted closer. “We’re not trying to criticise your tactics. We just want to know what you remember.”

She nodded, leaning back against the bed.
“Sorry, Sam.”

“It’s okay. Under the circumstances, you’re allowed the occasional outbreak.” He shot Gage a quick glance. “Would you feel more comfortable if I left?”

“You don’t have to leave. That’s not what this is about.” She lowered her gaze. “He wants me,” she whispered.

“Do you know why?” asked Sam.

“He thinks he’s saving me.
That I love him.
He wants us to be…lovers.” She flinched at Gage’s curse

“Did he touch you?” growled Gage.

She bit her bottom lip as she nodded her reply.

“God damn.”
Gage got up and stalked across the floor, slamming his fists against the couch. He turned back towards her, physically restraining his anger. “Did he hurt you?”

His voice was dark and the look in his eyes was nothing short of barbaric. “It hurt the most when he grabbed my neck.” She grazed her fingers across the marks.

Gage lunged to the bed, taking her in his arms. “I’m so sorry.”

She felt the tears gather as he stroked her hair. “There’s more.”

Gage pulled back. “What?”

“He called me, Sarah.”


* * * *


sighed, still sitting on the bed an hour later, while Gage and Sam scrutinised their notes. She was exhausted, and wanted nothing more than to drift off to sleep. But she couldn’t. She needed a shower. She could still feel the bastard’s hands on her body. Smell the scent of his skin on her arms. And she wouldn’t rest until she’d washed the memory away.


Gage looked up. He’d hounded her for information. Made her repeat every word she could remember. He’d even wanted her to tell them how the guy had touched her, but she’d refused.
“Something wrong?”

I’m tired, cranky and in desperate need of a shower.” She flicked her hand at them. “You guys have been at this for an hour. Do you think you could pause long enough to help me shuffle over to the bathroom?”

Gage smiled as he walked over to the bed. “Why don’t you rest first? I’ll help you with the shower when you’re a bit stronger.”

“No. Shower first!”

“You’re not strong enough to stand up, let alone spend five minutes in a shower.” He patted her arm. “Don’t be so stubborn. Sleep for a while and we’ll see about a sponge bath when you wake up.”

“I don’t want a fucking sponge bath! I want a shower! Now either help me over to the washroom or get out of my way so I can do it myself!”

She was yelling. She could hear her voice echoing off the walls, but she didn’t care. The pain in her back was escalating again, and she wanted to clean the bastard’s handprints off before she passed out. She watched as Gage drew a deep breath, levelling a quick look at Sam.

“Okay, Brooklyn. You need a shower. Just let Sam go get the doctor so he can tape a waterproof dressing over your back first. We don’t want to damage anything back there.”

“Fine!” she huffed.
“But no funny business and no meds until I’m done.
I wouldn’t put it past you two to bribe the man to sedate me.”

“Do you honestly think we’d trick you like that?” asked Gage.

“Of course you would if you thought it was in my best interest. Don’t pretend like I don’t see the look on your faces. You think I’ve suddenly lost it.”

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