Read Deadly Obsession Online

Authors: Kris Norris

Deadly Obsession (38 page)

“Hungry?” she teased, drawing a single finger down the edge of his thighs.

“Starving,” he countered, ravaging her with his eyes. He reached out his hand. “Come here.”

inched closer, but placed her hand against his chest when he tried to pull her down. “Tonight’s my night,” she whispered, circling his nipple with the tip of her finger. She smiled at the low hiss that erupted from his chest. “I have something special planned.”

Gage raised an eyebrow. “Care to enlighten me?”

“Not yet. Now be a good boy and roll over on your stomach for me. I want to relieve all that tension I see in your shoulders.”

Gage gave her a quizzical look, his eyebrow still raised in question, before he moved to the centre of the bed. Brooklyn hummed in delight as she watched his muscular frame settle on the bed, his broad shoulders tapering into a narrow waist. She climbed onto the bed and crawled over to him, accentuating the rock of her hips as he watched her through half-lidded eyes. He moaned as she straddled his thighs, pressing her moist lips against his skin.

“You know, if you kill me, all the fun will be over,” he teased.

laughed. “I have no intentions of killing you. But I am going to pleasure you.”

She smiled at his hum of approval as her hands dropped to his shoulders, firmly rubbing the bands of muscle in slow circles. He was exciting to touch.
All hard planes and angles.
It was like pushing her fingers against liquid steel. Every inch of his back spoke of strength and virility, and she could feel the moisture pool between her thighs as she roved her hands over his body, rediscovering every inch.

“You’re the most incredible male specimen I’ve ever seen. God, I love touching you. Feeling your skin heat and twitch beneath my fingers. Knowing it’s me who makes you hard with desire. Don’t doubt for a second I don’t know exactly how lucky I am.”

She skimmed her fingers lower, grazing over the mounds of his ass. His muscles flexed at her touch, and she couldn’t stop the needy whimper from feathering across her lips. She drew one finger between his cheeks, gently stroking his tight pucker. “Do you know what I love most about your ass?” There was a long pause as Brooklyn listened to Gage fight to draw a deep breath.


She nearly climaxed at the raw sound of his voice. It was primitive and hungry, and she knew he was close to teetering over the edge. “I love how it feels in my hands when you’re making love to me. When you’re so far inside me I can’t tell where you end and I begin. The way you flex and squeeze as you pump with your hips…”

Her last few words translated into a surprised gasp as Gage pushed up on his hands and knees, and tipped her over on the bed. Her body bounced once before he straddled her, his arms pinning her wrists to the bed. His blue eyes gleamed like two raging suns, the lust so intense she had to fight to hold his gaze.

“Playtime is over,” he said, in a voice so husky she knew she’d pushed him past his limits.

“Then by all means, let’s get started. There’s just one rule. No crying foul when I state the nature of the game.”

Gage lowered his body down until his chest rubbed against the front of the lacy fabric, rasping her nipples until she moaned in pleasure at the delicious sensation. “I don’t scare that easily, darling. You should know that by know.”

“So you promise not to back down?”

“Oh, I won’t back down. As a matter of fact, I already know what you have in mind.”

smiled at him, knowing he’d found the mock handcuffs she’d hidden under the pillow to distract him from her true intentions.
Though she did plan on using them later.
“Good. Then it’s a promise.”

He merely smiled and slipped his hand beneath the pillow, smugly removing the velvet cuffs. “I see you took Sue’s story to heart,” he teased, twirling them around his finger.

“I couldn’t resist. The purple velvet looked so pretty. But that’s not what I have planned.” She watched as he caught the spinning cuff in mid air and stared down at her, his brows furrowed in question. “Oh, I have every intention of tying you up later, and having you
me pleasure myself until you’re so hot you beg me to release you. But first, there’s another fantasy I want you to bring to life.” She arched against his groin, rubbing her aching clit across his erection, loving how he closed his eyes as her juices spilled along its length. “I bought you something,” she whispered.

Gage opened his eyes and smiled, stroking the small strap of purple lace on her shoulder. “It’s very pretty. You’re stunningly beautiful.”

shook her head. “Not the negligee. Reach between my legs.”

He tensed as he shifted his weight to his left elbow, and slowly eased his right hand between their bodies until it brushed over the base of the plug. He stilled, a sharp intake of breath marking his surprise. His head snapped down to met her gaze as he traced the outline with his fingers.

“I can’t wait any longer. I want you to show me how beautiful it can be, so I can show you how much I trust you.” She moaned as he made another circle. “Please, baby.”


Gage stared into her eyes, humbled by the immensity of her love. He’d been dreaming of loving her that way since she’d let him back into her life. But then Drake’s actions had scared him to the point he never wanted her to know pain again.

Especially not from him.

He tugged gently on the plug, removing it slightly before pushing it back in. Brooklyn gasped and thrust her hips against him, moaning in pure delight. Fire raced down his spine and into his groin. He knew what she was doing. This was about more than just that night so many months ago. It was about their future as well. And he had every intention on proving just how deep his love ran.

He moved his lips over to hers, keeping them suspended just out of her reach. “You’re truly a siren, and I’ve been under your spell since you first walked into my life.” He poked out his tongue and ran a light lick along her lower lip. “Make no mistake, darling. You’re mine, and you always will be.
In body and soul.
After tonight, you’ll never doubt who truly possesses you.”

With that he rose onto his hands and knees, keeping her body trapped between his legs. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing one inch of contact with her, needing the flow of heat burning between them. “Roll over for me.”

flashed him a sensuous smile, palming her hands up his chest before twisting sideways until her stomach brushed the sheets.

“Damn, you’ve got a beautiful ass. Firm, but with just the right amount of give to cushion me when I thrust inside you.” He drew his hands down each curve, tracing the backs of her thighs until he reached her knees. “Your skin is so soft back here. Like fine silk.” He heard Brooklyn moan as he made tiny circles with his fingers. “I could touch you forever.”

“I’m not in a rush,” she teased.

Gage chuckled. “You might not be, but if I wait too much longer, I just might explode.”

glanced over her shoulder, her eyes widening as she lowered her gaze to his groin. He knew what she was seeing. His cock, hard, thick and long, throbbing against his stomach, the first drop of pre-come dotted on the thin slit, giving the pulsing head a shiny appearance in the soft light.

“I could help you out with that,” she tempted, running her tongue slowly along her upper lip.

Gage groaned, feeling the head tighten further. “Oh don’t worry, my little sex goddess. You’re going to get all of me and more.” He hooked his fingers under her hips. “Tuck your knees underneath you, darling, and let me get a closer look at my present.”

pulled her knees under her hips as Gage lifted gently from above. He loved how he could smell the sweet scent of her arousal, as she pushed her hips into the air. He brushed his fingers through her narrow slit, moaning at the wetness that coated them.

“Excited?” he asked.

“I’ve been fighting not to come since I put the plug in,” she breathed, crying out as he plunged one broad finger inside. “Please. I’m so close.”

“I can tell,” he said, thrusting again, revelling in her wail of ecstasy. “God, I love it when you scream. But we’re only beginning. Better save some strength for the main event.” He pulled his finger free and swirled the juice around her clit, smiling at the way she nearly jumped off the bed. “You are close,” he taunted, repeating his caress. “But before I put you over the edge, I want to see what you bought for me.”

Gage kept one hand stroking her lips as the other sought out the end of the plug. The base was lodged against her skin, keeping her tight muscles parted around the toy. He wrapped his fingers around the end and pulled, gently easing the plug from her grasp. Brooklyn moaned louder, making his cock jump, as he continued pulling until just the tip was still inside. He groaned in delight as he watched the plug slide back in, her ass separating to accommodate the width. He could see her muscles clench and release with each inch that pressed inside her, and he couldn’t wait to feel them spasm on his cock.

“Do you have any idea how erotic it is to see you take the plug? It’s by far, my best present.” He pushed the base back in place and returned to her vagina, quickly thrusting in two fingers while massaging her nub.


Her voice was a hiss of pleasure as she pushed against him, deepening his penetration. Gage wrapped one arm around her waist, wanting to feel her climax with every part of his body. He loved how she fit perfectly against him, her ass hugging his groin, her back pressed into his chest. He could feel every inhalation, every exhalation. He palmed her stomach, inching his hand up until it cupped one heavy breast. It swelled at his touch, tightening her nipple into a small hard bud as her skin puckered around it. She was ready to explode.

“Oh God.

As much as he wanted to prolong her pleasure, he knew she’d crossed over the edge. He released her chest and plunged his fingers inside her weeping channel as the other hand attacked her clit. She clenched around him, locking him within her, as she skyrocketed into a climax.

Gage groaned in need, her release dripping past his hand, filling the air with the heady scent of her arousal. God, how he wanted to drink the cream spilling from her body, but there’d be time for that later. He withdrew his fingers, licking the moisture clean, as he grabbed the base of the plug. Brooklyn cried out, arching into him as he slowly removed the toy, and tossed it on the bed. Her ass was slick and wet, as much from the juices leaking from her pussy as from the lubrication. He smiled, running a solitary finger through the cleft of her buttocks.


Oh God, yes.”

“Then relax for me, darling.”

Gage felt her muscles release slightly, and took that as his signal to begin. He moved both hands to her cheeks, gently parting them until her pucker eased apart. It was small and tight, and for a moment he wondered if perhaps he should stop. But then he slipped one finger past the outer ring of muscles, and heard Brooklyn’s moan of approval as her body clenched around him.

And all doubts and reservations faded into the past.

Gage moved, kneeing her thighs further apart as he placed the head of his cock at her ass. He could see the opening fluttering as he brushed the hole with the crown, gathering some of the lubrication onto the head. More than anything else, he needed to please her. Show her how much her gift meant to him. That meant moving slow and easy until she was fully impaled.

“Easy,” he whispered, pushing his thick shaft against her ass, watching in stunned fascination as the tip of his cock sank slightly inside.

cried out beneath him, pressing back against his invasion, her body thrashing on the bed.

Gage grabbed her hips, stilling her movements. “Just stay still. I don’t want to hurt you. We need to go slowly.”

“Please. You’re killing me. I need it too badly. Please, just please take me.”

A grunt tore from his throat as Brooklyn levered back, sinking the flared head inside her. He bared his teeth, his head thrown back, as he braced her hips and thrust forward, taking her anal channel in one deep stroke.

“Damnation!” He curled over her, savouring the tight feel of her ass holding his throbbing cock like a silken glove. He could feel every inch of her hot channel clenching around him, her muscles keeping him buried deep within her. God, it was even better than he remembered, his pleasure heightened by the love coursing through his veins. Never before had he felt such connection, such bonding, as he did with her right now. He knew he’d never love another woman as long as he lived.

He stretched forward, rasping the soft spot behind her ear with his tongue, loving the way her breath rushed out of her lungs in one strong sigh.
I’ll love you forever. Now take a deep breath, and let yourself go.”

Gage moved, strong and sure, taking her ass in steady strokes. He started slowly, pulling out until just the head clung within the ring before pushing firmly back inside, driving deep until his balls slapped against her moist inner lips.
“So hot, darling.
So hot and tight, it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before.” He retreated and thrust again, watching her back arch against the assault. “Are you okay?”

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